NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of the Richville NOTICE OF SELECTION Under Sections 2275 and 2276, U, S. Revised Statutes, as Amend ed by Act of Congress, February School. District, No. 10, Apache;2,8; 1891 (Paragraph 9 et seq., County, Arizona, that an election will be held on Saturday the 29th day of September, 1917, in said district at the School house for purpose of voting whether or not bonds shall be issued by said dis trict for the purpose of building a School House. The following named judges will conduct the election: Judges, Frederick Niel son, Mrs. John W. Sherwood ; In spector, Laurence P. Sherwood; Clerk, Dan J. Sherwood; Mar shall, John W. Sherwood, and the Polls will be open from 8 a. m. until 4 p. m. The. bonds as proposed to be is sued shall be in denomination of $500.00 to the amount of $1,500 with interest at the rate of 6 for a period of five years but are redeemable at any time after three year,s from date of issue. Dated at St.. Johns, this the 4th day of Sept., 1917. Trustees School District No. 11, . Thomas R. Irwin, John W. Sherwood, - Dan J. Sherwood. 9-69-20-1917. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ? " Lucas County, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. .T. Cheney & Co., doing business in the-City of 'lo ledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of OXE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HA MVS CATARRH GURfi. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Sth day of December, a: 35. 1886. (Seal) 4. W. GLEASON' Notary Pubnc. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally r.nd acts directly upon the blood and nni cous surfaces of the system. Send foi testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO . Toledo, O. Sol by all Druggists. 7." Take Hall's Fami.y Pills lor constlpntlon NOTICE OF SELECTION Under -Sections 2275 ad 2276, U. S. Revised Statutes, as Amended by Act of Congress, February-28, 1891 (Paragraph 9 et seq.. Rules Approved April 25, 1907) as extended to the State of Arizona by Act of Congress Approved June 20, 1910. ' United States Land Office, at Phoenix. Arizona. State of Arizona TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the State of Arizona has filed in this office its School Indemnity Land Selection, List Nos. 903, 904, 905, 906," 907 and 908. Serial Nos. 036100, 036101, 036102, 036103, 036104, 036105, applying to select as indemnity, the following de scribed lands, towit: List No. 903, Serial No. 036100: In T. 18 N.,R. 30 E. : SW& Sec tion 12. T. 19 N., R. 30 E., NWiSEJ; Sec. 22. List No. 904, Serial No. 036101: -InT- 9N., R. 28 E.: Lots 1, 2, 3 4. 5, 6, 7, Sec. 6. T. 9 N. R. 30 E. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Sec. 19. Lots 1, 2. 3, Sec. 30.' T. 9 N. R. 29 E. NWiSEiSec. 29. List No. 905, Serial No. 036102: In T.9N.. R. 28 E. : SEJNE; NE SEJ Sec. 5. SW i NE I; SEiNWl: EiSWi: W?SEi Sec. 6. T. 9 N. R. 30 E. Nf SE Sec- 21 i NEf; ENWt; Sec. 30. List No. 906, Serial No. 036103: In T. 9N., R.30E.: WiSec. 20. List No. 907, Serial No. 036104: In T. 9 N., R. 80 E.: EA; EJWiSec. 19. List No. 908, Serial No. 036105: In T. 9 N., R. 30 E. All Sec. 17. (All in G. &S. R. M.) During the five weeks period of publication of this notice, or any time thereafter, and before final approval and certification, this office will receive protests or con tests as to any of the tracts ap plied for and transmit the same to the General Land Office. Dated at Phoenix, Arizona, Aug. 27, 1917. J. L. IRVIN, Register. JOHN J. BIRDNO, Receiver. Date of first publication Sept. 6, 1917. Rules Approved April 25, 1907) as Extended to the State of Ari zona by Act of Congress, Ap proved June 20, 1910. United States Land Office, at Phoenix, Arizona, State of Arizona. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the State of Arizona has filed in this office its School Indemnity Land Selections, Lists Nos. 817, 818, 819, 820, 821, 822, 823, 824. 825, 826 and 828, Serial Nos. 035812, 035813, 035814, 035815, 035816, 035817, 035818, 035819, 035820, 035821 and 035823, res pectively, applying to select as indemnity the following described lands, to-wit: List No. 817, Serial No. 035812: In T. ION., R. 30 E., Lots 1, 2; SiNEI; SEi; Section 4: SE-NE; SEi; Section 8. List No. 818, Serial No. 035813: In T. 10 N., R. 30 E., Lots 3, 4; Sh NWi; SW; Section 5. In T. UN.. R.. 30 E., Lots 1. 2. 3. 4: EhWh; Section 31. List No. 819, Serial No. 035814: In T. 10 N., R. 30 E., Wi; Sec tion 8: In T. 11 N.. R. 30 E., Eh Section 31. List No. 820, Serial No. 035815: -In T. 10 N., R. 30 E., All Sec tion 9. List No. 821, Serial No. 035816: -In T. UN., R. 30 E., All Sec tion 33. List No. 822, Serial No. 035817: -In T. 12 N., R. 29 E.Ni; SWJ; N SEi: Section 25. , List No. 823, Serial No. 035818: T. 12 N., R. 29 E., All Sec tion 35. List No. 824, Serial No. 035819: InT 12 N., R..30E. Ni; Sec tion 8; S Sectipn 17. List No. S25, Serial No. 035820: In T. 12 N., R..30E., Wi; Sec tion 9; SNi; Section 17; NAN Section 20. List No. 826, Serial No. 035821: Tr T 19W R QA T? C1MTP1. SEiNWI; Lots 2, 3, 4; EJ SWi; SEi Sec. 18; NNEi;.NEJNWi; Lot If'Section 19 List No., 828. Serial No 035823: In T. 12 N., R. 28 E., A-1 Sec tion 24. (All in G. & S: R. M.J During the five weeks' period of publication of this notice or any time thereafter and before final approval and certification, this office will receive protests or con tests as to any of the , tracts ap plied for and transmit the same to the General Land Office. Dated at Phoenix, Arizona, July 30. 1917. J. L. IRVIN, Register, JOHN J. BIRDNO, Receiver, Date of first publication Aug, 16, 1917. y About.. ! Many thousands of women suffering from womanly trouble, have been benefited by the use of Cardui, the woman's tonic, according to letters we receive, similar to this one from Mrs. Z. V. Spel! ofHayne.N.C. ''I could" not stand on my feet, and' just suffered terribly,"' she says. "As my suf fering was so great, and" he had tried other reme dies, Dr. had us get Cardui. . -. I began improving, and it cured me. I know, and my doctor knows, what Car dui did for me, for my nerves and health were abcut gone." ' TAKE FOR RESULTS S. The Govern m en t n eedsFarm ers as well as Fighters. Two million three hundred thousand acres of Oregon & California Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title revested in United States. To be opened for homestead and sale . , Containing some of best land left in United States. Large Copyrighted Map, showing land by sections and de scription of soils, climate, rain fall, elevation, temperature etc. Postpaid One Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Portland, Oregon. 7-5-9-27 She writes further: " I am in splendid health . . . can do my work. " I feel I 0W2 it to Cardui, for I was in dreadful condition." If you are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer from headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardui. Thousands of women praise this medi cine for the good it has done thern, and many physicians who have used Cardui successfully with their women patients, for years, endorse this medi cine. Think what it means to be in splendid health, like Mrs. Spell. Give Cardui a trial. Iroggists J 72 ritJ-.4! "1 rltHt 5 l DR. J. E. WARD $ Eyesight Specialist will continue to visit St. Johns regularly. Watch for his dates in this paper. Dr. Ward is a recognized authority on troubles of the eyes. If you need glasses, you should see him when he next comes to St. Johns. Examination and Consultation Free. CHAS. JARVIS TJ. S. COMMISSIONER ) c ( G e G I e NOTARY PUBLIC AGENT FOR THE STANDARD VISIBLE OLIVER TYPEWRITER 3 Attends to Land Filings, J Deeds and Mortgages Commercial St,, Opposite Cak. Johns, Arisoraa. Stomach Troubles e ei Hie Best Mr. Wm. W. Everly, 3325 North Hancock Street, Philadelphia, Pa., writes: "I have been, troubled with stomach disorders since childhood, but after taking six bottles of your Peruna, I now enjoy the best of health. I also had catarrh in the head, which prac tically has disappeared, thanks to the Peruna Co. for their good work." Those who object to liquid medi cines can procure Peruna Tablets Separating a Man from his Money, it can be done all right ask Doc. But separating a man from his money for poor Building Material is a different proposition. When 'you see some of the stuff that masquerades under the guise of Lumber and Building Material we really wonder how some people can be separated from their money so easily. It's all very well to think of your dollars when buying Lumber and Building Material, but it is also mighty good judgement to consider the quality in relation to the price. When we sell you Lumber and Building Material we first look to Quality then to priceand finally to the best and quickest way of giving both. St. Johns, Arizona I Public Land Information concerning Government land j promptly furnished. Guaranteed scrip for sale, jjj contests conducted, plats furnished, school land J leases procured, Forest Reserve matters adjusted, ;fJ mineral lands patented, water, reservoir and pj rights of way applications prepared. ft Ten years With General Land J Office, Washington, D. Go and i five years receiver U. S. HAMPTON & ARNOLD, Noll building, PhoeniX, Arizona. iptt! 12-11-16 B Ison 3nc! Sons s finiQriprl liimhpr lath sVnncrlpc; mnlHinor nr 3 MANUFACTURERS OF ' All kinds of building materials, rough and finished lumber, lath, shingles, moldings or anything in the lumber line. ORDERS PROMPTLY PILLED Parties wishing anything in our line will do well to call on us or write to H. NELSON, Manaer Greer, a s FRANK'S SHOP ALEX. SHREEVE, Prop. A good place to bring your cripples. For the present will be at shop on Saturday only. Quality, Service, Cash Commercial Street, First door West of A. C. M. I. 3fc. Johns, - - Arizona WRIGHT'S BARBER SHOP Shampoos and massages. All work satisfactory or no pay. DROP IN EVERY FEW . AUNUTES Located: First door west of Drug Store, Commercial Street CHAS. WRIGHT, Proprietor W. D. RENCHER Civil Engineer Speciality. Irrigation Engineering St. Johns, Arizona.