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ST. JOHNS HERALD AND APACHE NEWS WAITE BROS., Publishers. Geo. E. Waite - Business Manager J. W. Waite, Assistant " " Entered in the Post Office at St. Johns, Arizona, as Second Class Mail Matter. Issued every Thursday. Subscription price one dollar a vear, in advance ADVERTISING RATES Display Adv., per inch per issue 20c. Locals, per line per issue - - 10c. Readers, per inch, per issue - 45c. Display ads, plate form per inch - 15c. Readers, plate form, per inch - 40c. Legal ads. per inch at legal rates The above rates are the rates per issue. OFFICIAL PAPER OF APACHE COUNTY September 2D, 1917. (Special to the St. .Johns Herald) By G. M. Sparkes All plans looking to the holding of the biggest and best fair in Northern Arizona are now well underway. Dirt is now flying at the grounds, preparatory to the erection of the new $2,000 build ing in which will be housed prin cipally the mining exhibits of the Northern counties. Improve ments are being made in all of the buildings and the interior re modeled, so as to enable the ex hibitor to display his goods to a much better advantage, thereby adding to the attractiveness of the exhibits. All of the five Northern coun ties will be represented at the Fifth Annual Northern Arizona Fair. In the agricultural depart ment will come beautiful exhibits from Apache, Coconino, Navajo, and Yavapai counties; in the min eral department, wonderful dis plays of the ores of Mohave and Yavapai, counties will be shown; while in the Livestock, Educa cational, Poultry, Home Econom ics and Art departments all five counties will be represented. The exhibit from Apache county will be in charge of Mrs. E. J. Udall; Coconino, Wm. Beeson; Mohave, A. A. McDuffee; Navajo, P. A. Larson; Yavapai, John Bianconi. The Chloride Chamber of Com merce is now planning to install a special mining exhibit from that section. $3,500.00 in cash prizes will be awarded as premiums in the min ing, livestock, agricultural and horticultural, poultry, education al, art and woman's departments. $2,000.00 will be hung up in purses for the sports features. A twenty-piece brass band will be on hand at the grounds during the fair and on the plaza, both morning and evening of the three days' festival. Dancing: each evening of the Fair will prove one of the features or the evening en tertainments. Plenty of sports will be offered the children and younger boys and girls. The Northern Arizona Better Babies Contest is again proving one of the centers of attraction. and mothers are requested to write immediately for informa tion under this bead, Low excur sion rates will be in effect from points. Thrilling features will be introduced at the fair grounds, including balloon ascensions; the Aerial Utes; high diving and many other spectacular events. Premium lists will be mailed upon application to the Secretary. A famous carnival, with guaranteed shows and clean attractions, one of the largest which has ever been shown in the southwest will olav during the Northern Arizona Fair atPrescott, Oct. 18-19-20th. Great Faith in Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. "Chamberlain's Colic and Diar rhoea Remedy was used by my father about a year ago when he had diarrhoea. Ic relieved him immediately and by taking three doses he was absolutely cured. He has great faith in this reme dy." writes Mrs. W.H. Williams, Stanley, N. Y. Adv NOTICE OF SELECTION Under Act of Sections 2275 and 2276, U. S. Revised Statutes, as Amended by Act of Congress, February 28, 1891 (Paragraph 9 et seq., Rules Approved April 25, 1907) as Extended to the State of Arizona by Act of Congress, Approved June 20, 1910. United States Land Office, AT PHOENIX, ARIZONA State of Arizona .TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the State of Arizona has filed in this office its School Indemnity Land Selections, Lists Nos. 912, 913, 914. 915, 916, 917, 918, 919, 920, 92 L, 922, 923, 924, 925, 926, 927, 928, 929, 930, 931, 932, 933, 934, 935, 936, 937, 938, 939, 940, Ser ial Nos, 036161, 036162, 036163, 026164, 036165, 136166, 036167, 036168, 036172, 036169, 036173, 036177, 036181, 036185, 036170, 036174, 036178, 036182. 036186, 036171, 036175, 036179, 036183, 036176, 036180, 036184, 036187, 036188, 036189, respectfully,- ap plying to select as indemnity the following described lands, to-wit: List No. 912, Serial No. 036161: InT. 9N.,R. 27 E.: All Sec. 21. List No. 913, Serial No. 036162: -In T. 9 N., R. 27 E.; Nfc; SE Sec. 22; EhWh Sec. 27. List No. 914, Serial No. 036163: In T. 9N.,R. 27 E-: NE Sec. 27; T. 9 N., R. 29 E.. NWJSEi Sec. 28; T. 13 N., R. 24 E.. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 Sec. 18 & 30. List No. 915, Serial No. 036164: In T. 13 N.,R. 24 E., All Sec. 8. List No. 916, Serial No. 036165: In T. 13N.,R. 24 E., All Sec. 10. List No. 917, Serial No. 036166: -In T. 13 N.,R. 24 E., Al) Sec. 12. List No. 918, Serial No. 036167: In T. 13 N.,R. 24 E., All Sec 14. List No. 919, Serial No. 036168: In T. 13 N., R. 24E., Eh; EhWh Sec. 18; EJWA Sec. 30. List No. 920, Serial No. 036169: -In T. 13N..R. 24 E., All Sec. 20. List No. 921, Serial No. 036170: InT. -13 N.,R 24 E. : All Sec. 22. List No. 922Serial No. 036171: In T. 13 N. , R. 24 E. : All Sec. 28. List No. 923, Serial No. 036172: InT. 13 N.,R. 24 E.: Eh Sec 30; T. 13 N.,R. 25 E., W Section 20. List No. 924, Serial No. 036173: In T. 13 N. , R 25 E. : All Sec. 28. List No. 925, Serial No. 036174: In T. 13N.,R. 25 E. : All Sec 34. List No. 926, Serial No. 036175: InT. 13N..R.25E.: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, -Sec. 30; T. 14N.,R. 30 E., Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 Sec. 4; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Sec. 6. List No. 927, Serial No. 036176: In T. 13 N., R. 25 E. : EJ; EW Sec. 30; T. 14 N., R. 30 E., SINi Sec. 4. List No. 928, Serial No. 036177: In T. 14 N., R. 30 E.: Si Sec. 4; SE; EiSWi; SiNEJ Sec. 6. List No. 929, Serial No, 036178: - In T. 14 N. , R. 30 E. : SEN W Sec. 6; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 Sees. 18 & 30. T. 14 N., R. 31 E., Lotsl, 2, 3, 4 Sec. 10. List No. 930, Serial No. 036179: -In T. 14 N.,R. 30 E., All Sec. 8. List No. 931, Serial No. 036180: In T. 14 N.,R. 30 E.. Eh;EhWh Sec. 18; EhWh Sec 30. " List No. 932, Serial No. 036181: In T. 14 N.,R. 30 E., All Sec. 20. List No. 933, Serial No 036182; In T. 14N..R. 30 E., All Sec. 28. List No. 934, Serial No. 036183: In T. 14 N..R. 30 E. ; All Sec. 34. List No. 935, Serial No. 036184: In T. 14N.,R. 30 E.,ESec. 30. List No. 936, Serial No. 036185: InT. 15N..R. 30 E., All Sec. 4. List No, 937, Serial No. 036186: In T. 15 N., R. 31 E., Lots 1. 2, 3, 4 Sees. 4, 10, 22 & 34. j List No. 938, Serial No. 036187: -InT. 15 N., R. 31 E., SNi; Sh Sec. 4. List No. 939, Serial No. 036188; In T. 15 N ,R. 31 E.,A11 Sec. 6. List No. 940, Serial No. 036189: In T. 15 N.,R. 31 E.,A11 Sec. 8. (All in G. & S. R. M.) During the five weeks' period of publication of this notice or anytime thereafter, and before final approval and certification, this office will receive protests or contests as to any of the tracts applied for and transmit the same to the General Land Office. Dated at Phoenix, Arizona, Aug ust 31, 1917. " J. L. IRVIN, Register. JOHN J. BIRDNO, Receiver. Date of first publication Sentem- berl3; 1917. STATE OF ARIZONA OFFICE OFTHE Arizona Cop oration Commission UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OP ARIZONA. ss The Arizona Corporation Com mission does hereby certify that the annexed is a true and com plete transcript of the ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION of ROUND VALLEY WATER STORAGE AND DITCH COMPANY which were filed in the office of said Arizona Corporation Com mission on the 21st day of Aug ust A. D. 1917, at 3:00 o'clock p, m.. as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, The Arizona Corporation Commission, by its Chairman, has hereunto set its hand and affixed its Official Seal. Done at the City of Phoe nix, the Capitol, this 21st day of August A. D., 1917. ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMIS SION. F. A. Jones, Chairman Attest: Sam W. Proctor, Secretary. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Know ail men by these presents: That we, the undersigned, having associated ourselves for the pur pose of forming a corporation un der the laws of Arizona, do here by adopt the following Articles of Incorporation. ARTICLE I. The incorporators are: Joseph Udall, Eagar, Apache County, Arizona; Edmond Nelson; Eagar, Apache County. Arizona; Rufus Hulsey, Springer ville, Apache County, Arizona; Jacob Hamblin, Eagar, Apache County, Arizona; and Barthold Wahl of Springer ville, Apache County, Arizona, and the name of the corporation shall be the Round Valley Water Storage and Ditch Company. Its principal place of business within Arizona shall be Eagar, Apache County, Arizona, but other offices may be established and maintain ed within or outside of Arizona at such places as the Board of Directors may designate, where meetings of stockholders -and di rectors may be held and any and all corporate business transacted. ARTICLE-II. The general nature of the busi ness proposed to be'transacted, is to-wit: To acquire by location, use and appropriation, under the laws of the United States and the state of Arizona, and by purchase, water and water rights; to con struct ditches, canals, dams and reservoirs for the impounding, storing, and conserving of water, and to do all things legally re quired to obtained, title to the same; to engage in the irrigation of lands, and in any and all kinds and classes of agricultural pur suits; to impound the surplus or flood waters of the Little Colora do River or its tributaries in res ervoirs, and to divert the surplus or flood waters of said stream, or the impounded waters of reser voirs turned into said stream, by a ditch or ditches and to convey said water upon lands in what is known as Round Valley in Apache County, Arizona, and to distribute said waters to the stockholders of this corporation; to use, buy, sell, and dispose of water and water rights, for ipilling, manu facturing, stock', irrigation, agri cultural, eiectrical, domestic, and any and all other useful and ben eficial purposes; to acquire by purchase or otherwise, and to own, noia, ouy, sen, convey, lease, mortgage or encumber, real estate and other property, person al or mixed; to buy, sell, raise, trade and deal in cattle, horses; sheep, mules, goats, hogs, and any and all kinds and classes of live stock; to build, buy, sell, pur chase, or otherwise acquire flour mills and to operate the same; to buy, sell, or trade . in wheat or grain of any kind, flour, bran, and any and all other flour-milling products, and to manufacture the same; to buy, sell, locate, ac quire through the Department of Agriculture of the. United States, or by purchase or otherwise, power sites or power projects, for the. developing of power or electricity; to buy, sell, locate, construct, purchase, 6r otherwise acquire power houses, dynamos, turbines, conduits, canals, ditches, dams, reservoirs, fore-bays, transmission lines, and any and all other -necessary 'and useful parts of ;a powjer--projecfc, and to do all things legally required to obtain title or franchise to such power project; to operate such power project, to buy, sell, or dis pose of electricity or power for lights, power, or other beneficial or useful purposes, and to do any and all things necessary for the conducting of a business in gen erating, transmitting, buying or selling of electricity or power; to borrow .money and to issue bonds, notes, debentures and other evi dences of indebtedness and secure the payment of the same by mort gage deed of trust, or otherwise; to make such by-laws for the prudent regulation of this cor poration and the officers thereof, not inconsistant with law as the Board of Directors or stockhold ers may adopt; and in general to do and perform such acts and things and transact such business, not inconsistant with law, in any part of the world, as the board of directors may deem to the ad vantage of the corporation. ARTICLE III. The capital stock of the corpor ation shall be Thirty Thousand Dollars, ($30,000.00). divided in to thirty thousand shares of the par value of one Dollar each, which shall all be paid in at the time of the commencement of this corporation. ARTICLE IV. The commencement of the cor poration shall be the date of the issuance to it of a certificate of incorporation by theArizana Cor poration Commission, and it shall endure for the full term of twen-! ty-five years thereafter, with privilege of perpetual succession as provided by statute. ARTICLE V. The affairs of 'the corporation shall be conducted by a board of directors and such officers as the said board may elect or appoint. The number of the directors shall be designated by the by-laws and shall be elected from among the stockholders at their annual meet ing to be held on the third Mon day in January of each year. Un til the first annual meeting of the stockholders and until their suc cessor have been elected and have qualified, the following named persons shall be the officers and directors: Joseph Udall, Edmond Nelson, Rufus Hulsey, Jacob Hamblin and Barthold Wahl. ARTICLE VI. The directors shall have power to adopt, amend and recind by laws, to fill vacancies occurring in the board from any cause, and to appoint from their own number an executive committee and vest said committe with all the powers granted the directors by these articles: and also to appoint from their own number a president, and a vice-president and a secretary and a treasurer who may or may not be a mem ber of said board but must be a stockholder of this corporation. ar: ICE VII. The highest a nount of indebt- ness or liability to which the cor poration may at any one time subject itself is Ten thousand Dollars ($10,000.00). ARTICLE VIII. The private property of the stockholders oi the corporation shall be forever exempt from its debts and obligations. ARTICLE IX. This corporation does hereby appoint Joseph Udall of Eagar, Apache County, Arizona, who has been a bona fide resident of Arizona for at least three years, its lawful ak'ent in and for the State of Arizona for and in be half of said company, to accept and acknowledge service of, and upon whom may be served, all necessary process or processes in any action, suit or proceeding that may be had or brought against the said company in any of the courts of the said State of Arizona, such service of process or notice, or the acceptance there of by said agent endorsed there on, to have the same force and ef fect as if served upon the presid ent and secretary of said company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We hereunto affix our signatures and seals this 1st day of August, A. D., 1917. Joseph Udall, Rufus Hulsey, Edmond Nelson, ' Jacob Hamblin, Barthold L. Wahl, SEAL SEAL seal' SEAL SEAL State of Arizona County of Apache. ss Before me, Joseph K. Notary Public, in and Udall, a for the State and County aforesaid, on this day personally appeared Jos eph Udall, Edmond Nelson, Ru fus Hulsey, Jacob Hamblin and Barthold Wahl, known to me the persons whose names are sub scribed to the foregoing instru ment, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed . Given under my hand and seal of office this 1st day of Aug. 1917., seal Joseph K. Udall, Notary Public. My commission expires 25th day of August A. D., 1917. Filed in the office of the Arizo na Corporation Commission this 21st day of Aug. A. D. 1917 at 3:00 p. m. at request of W. D. Rencher whose postoffice address is St. Johns, Arizona. Arizona Corporation Commission, By F, A. Jones, Chairman. seal Recorded at the request of W.' D. Rencher, Aug. 27, 1917, at 9:15 a. m. and duly recorded at Book No. 1 of A. of Inc.. rjaere 193. Records of Apache Co., Arizona. seal Anella S. Lytle, County Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Sealed bids, for the furnishing- of all materials, labor etc., neces sary in and for the erection and construction of a SCHOOL DIS TRICT, BUILDING, to be erected for SPR1NGERVILLE, ARIZO NA, SCHOOL DISTRICT, will be received by the BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES, of SPRINGER VILLE DISTRICT, or by the ARCHITECTS ERN EST COXHEAD AND J. E. KENNEDY, FLAGSTAFF, ARI ZONA, until 12 o'clock noon, September 20, 1917 when Lhey will be publicly opened and read. Bids must be submitted on forms prepared by the Architects, sealed and addressed to the BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES, SPRING-, ERVILLE, ARIZONA, and each bid must be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of TwO-per-cent of the bid. Drawings and specifications etc. may be obtained by application to the Board of Trustees, or the Architects, in the discretion of the Board or Architects, and on deposit of FIVE dollars, which amount will be refunded on re turn of drawings etc., in good shape. The right i-5 reserved to reject any and all bids. ERNEST COXHEAD AND J. E.. KENNEDY, Architects, Flag staff, Arizona. Board of School Trustees, Springerville, Arizona. Dated August 23, 1917. Experience the Best Teacher. It is generally admitted that experience is the best teacher, but should we not make use of the experience of others, as well, as our own? The experience of a thousands persons is more to be depended upon than that of one individual, Many thousands of persons have used Chamberlain's Gough Remedy for coughs and colds with the best results, which shows it to be a thoroughly relia ble preparation for those diseases Try it. It is prompt and effectu al and pleasant to take. Adv. Movement of cantonment sup plies requires the use of more than 30,000 freight cars. The railroads haye been making good on the job. People Speak Well of Chamber lain's Tablets. "I have been selling Chamber lain's Tablets for about two years and heard such good reports from : my customers that I concluded to give them a trial myself, and can say that I do not believe there is another preparation of the kind . equal to them," writes G. A. Mc Bride, Headford, Ont. If you are troubled with, indigestion or constipation give them ' a trial. They will do you good. Adv