St. Johns is having a hsalthy substantial growth. Lands are cheap but rapidly increasing in value. Best climate on earth.
NO. 5
Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors, Apache County,
(continued fro m last week)
The county treasurer was ordered to transfer from the Gener
al county fund to the Salary fund the sum of $5000.00.
The report of Joe Burgess, county treasurer and tax collector,
for the month of August was checked and approved, said report
shows the following: (
Balance on hand August 1st. $89,346.82
Receipts for month of August 2,580,56
Total $91,927.38
Less disbursements for August 11.014.41
Balance on hand September 1st $80,912.97
The monthly reports of the various county and precinct officers
were checked, found correct and approved.
It appearing to the board that the Barrett estate., through over
sight had escaped being placed upon the 1917 assessment roll, it
was therefore ordered that the property belonging to said estate
be placed upon the roll by the clerk.
.Pay Roll demands for the salaries of .county and precinct offi
cers for the month of August was allowed and ordered paid as fol
lows, to-wit:
Name Position 1st half mo. 2nd half
HeberJarvis, Chairman B. of S. 50.00 $50.00
John C. Hall, Member B. of S. 41.66 41.67
W.A.Saunders, " " 41.66 41.67
Levi S. Udall, Clerk " 62.50 62.50
Dr. T. J. Bouldin, Supt. of health 50.00 50.00
E. W. Grimes, Sheriff 100.00 100.00
H. C. Johnson deputy sheriff and jailor 1 50.00 50.00
John R. Coleman, deputy sheriff 37.50 37.50
F. V. Barber, deputy ranger 31.25 31.25
Thomas Perez, " sheriff 17.50 17.50
John H: Udall, Clerk Superior Court 41.66- 41.67
Greg Garcia, Court reporter 50.00 50.00
G. E. Greer, County Attorney 100.00 . 100.00
Joe Burgess, Treasurer 91.66 91.67
Anella S. Lytle, Recorder 83.33 83.34
George H. Crosby Jr.. Judge 62.50 62.50
J. A. Mineer, Assessor 100.00 100.00
Sylvester Peralta, Court Interpreter 30.00
Leah S. Udall', Deputy cl'k Sup. C't 30.00
Alejandro Pena, Janitor 25.00
August Mineer, Justice Peace St Johns precinct 35.00
H. J. Jones, Constable " " " " 15.00
Jos K. Udall, Justice Peace Springerville " 35.00
Spencer L. Wiltbank, Constable Springerville " 15.00
A. B. Candelaria, Justice Peace Concho " 12.00
Chas F Gillespie, Constable " " 12.00
TRLee Justice Peace;Nutrioso " 12.x00
EW Thompson, Constable " " 12.00
Chester B Campbell, Justice Peace Adamana , 12.00
Chas L Day, " ' St Michaels . ' ' 8.00
The following claims were approved and warrants
sued from the Court House Bond Fund:
H. C. Overson, inspector for August
N. P. Oleson Const. Co.. payment on contract
General Road Fund:
Bences Griego, labor
A & B Schuster Co., assng. claims and supplies
Anderson Merc Co., assng. road claim
Becker Trans. Garage, gas and oil
Ariz. Lumber & Timber Co., bridge lumber Pinta
Isaac Barth Inc., assng. claim and hotel bill G Becker
W D Kencher, road survey expense
J Smith Gibbons " " " '
Antonio Leal, road labor
T J Neal, road labor, carpenter
H L Marble, road viewer expense
Jos S Jarvis, Survey expense and road labor
Albert Jarvis, road labor
Geo A Brown " :
Julius Cropas, " "
Joe Burgess, Treasurer, clerk B. of S: cask orders
Becker Merc. Co., mdse & assng. claims
Expense Fund:
C Scheels, Stamps and post cards
M H Michelson, lettering corner stone and etc.
Levi S Udall, deputy hire and telephone bill
Columbia Carbon. Ribbon Co., carbon paper
Nosifor Garcia, jury bailiff
Isaac Barth Inc., jail supplies
J R Overson, rent Co. Atty office July and August .
Central Bank, assng. claim Ariz, State Press
J W Waite, printing contract Aug;.
The Observer, printing notices
Chas Jarvis, typewriter ribbons
Crane & Co., supplies
E W Grimes, car hire sheriffs expense.
(continued on second page)
ordered is-
$ 40.00
2 50
13 55
1 25
19 05
263 15
16 00
219 37
93 00
2 50
4 00
12 00
140 25
5 50
33 75
16 50
665 37
141 59
26 80
22 75
27 80
3 00
6 00
12 65
20 00
2 88
88 30
2 60
1 50
7 72
4 80
A petition is being circulated j
for the purpose of having Guy
Dunning pardoned from serving
a sentenced imposed on him for
bootlegging so that he can an
swer roll-call October 3, for ser
vice in the U, S. army.
For the benefit of the public or
for those who are thinking of go
ing to Salt Lake City, to attend
the general conference of the L.
D. S. church, Oct. 6th and 7th,
we herewith publish the reduced
rates. Tickets will be on sale
Sept. 30, and' Oct, 1st and 2nd.
Round trip is $43.85, good for 60
days, with stop over privileges
on return trip.
Some sun-of-a-gun, or sons-of-a
gun, is or are going around dur
ing tho hours meant for slumber,
and robbing not hen-roosts just
now but fruit trees. If the D
cape-goat or goats or nanny
goat or goats should receive
load of salt in the back part of
their person it would perhaps be
what they deserve.
The following are ordered to
appear for Military Service, Oct.
2, 1917:
Rulon Lesueur, Simplicio Mar-
quez. William H. Eubank, Jose
Lucero, Jesus Zamora, Berry Jol-
y, Gerald W. Berry, Doroteo S.
Carrillo, Moroni F. Richey, Ar
thur L. Blanco Jacob H. Tenney,
Sidney N. Boardsman, Thomas J
Morgan. Elmer L. Berry, Mat L.
Stewart, Leopofdo Garcia, Thos.
B. Baca, Guy Richey, Lorenzo
Burgess, Roland Hamblin. Trin-
quilino Padilla, William E. Reed
Following are alternates:
Noble Rogers, Dellie C. Penrod,
John L. Narey, Harry E. Colter,
Floyd P. Ward, Ernest Gillespie,
Dexter L. McCray,
Local Board for Apache Coun
ty, State of Arizona, St. Johns,
owners who
baker cars:
Some people are so crooked they
would put off dying just for a
chance to cheat the undertaker
out of a job.
Navajo County Items.
Snowtlake Herald.
Owen Clark Gardner of Linden
and Miss Martha Alice Willis of
Taylor were married Thursday
night at Taylor. A big dance was
given after the wedding, several
couples from Snowflake attending
The newly weds are among those
prominent in our social life and
the Herald extends best wishes.
A committee of among the live
wires of Holbrook are after the
McGaffey saw mill and treating
plant. A tract of land suitable
for the proposed site is the pro
perty of H. H. Scorse, which is
valued at $12,000, and Mr. Scorse
offers it to the town as a site for
the McGaffey enterprise for $8,
000. Mrs. W. H. Clark died Tuesday
morning after a lingering illness
of several months. She was one
of the pioneers of Holbrook and
was widely known, especially to
the traveling public. Mr. and
Mrs. Clark were engaged in the
hotel business for a great many
years where Mrs. Clark made an
enviable reputation as hostess.
The poor health of Mrs. Clark
caused their retirement from the
hotel business a few years ago.
Since that time Mrs. Clark had
visited several health resorts in
hope of improvement, but with
little benefit.
is a partial list of satisfied:
are well convinced of the
value offered in Stude-
icl Love
H. Marley
Miss Locie Becker
Sam Milliard
Any Studebaker owner will tell you why he never
wants to change from Studebaker.
Becker's Transcontinental Garage Co.
Springerville, Arizona.
Thursday, Oct. 18,Friday,Oct. 19, Saturday, Oct. 20, 1917
$3500.00 in cash awards for Mineral, Livestock, Agricultur
al, Poultry, Educational, Art and Home Economics
$2000.00 in prizes for SPORTS FEATURES ALONE.
Thrilling entertainment features; band concerts; Wortham's
famous carnival; dancing; races; cowboy races; and a good
time for everybody.
WONDERFUL ART EXHIBITION of famous paintings,
under the auspices of the American Federation' of Art.
Write, Sec'y, Northern Arizona Fair Association, Prescott,
for copy of program and prize lists in all departments
REDUCED RAILROAD RATES, from all points.
Fifth Annual Northern Arizona Fair
Prescott, Arizona, October 18-19-20, 1917.
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St Johns, Arizona