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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
ST. JOHNS HERALD AND APACHE NEWS WAITE BROS., Publishers. Geo. E. Waite - Business Manager J. W. Waite, Assistant Entered in the Post Office at St. Johns, Arizona, as Second Class Mail Matter. Fstied every Thursday. Subscription price one dollar a vear, in advance ADVERTISING RATES Display Adv., per inch per issue 20c. Locals, per line per issue - - 10c. Readers, per inch, per issue - 45c. Display ads, plate form per inch - 15c. Readers, plate form, per inch - 40c. Legal ads. per inch at legal rates The above rates are the rates per issue. SCHOOL FAIRS OFFICIAL PAPER. . OF APACHE COUNTY October 11, 1917. Lessons in community and Na tional life will be issued in the form of circulars of the Bureau of Education. The first will ap pear on October 1st, and others will follow on the 1st of each month up to and including May 1. The lesson will consist o' read ing material in form to be put di rectly into the hands of pupils. There will be three grades of lessons, one designed for pupils in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades; one for pupils in grades seven and eight and in the first year of high school; one for stud ents in the three upper years of high school. There will be 32 pages of each grade of lessons each month. The first circular will deal with types of social organization. About one-fourth of each of the sections of this circular will util ize the experience of the war to show how interdependent are the members of a modern social group. These "war lessons" will take up in the concrete such topics as the following: What the war has used up; what the war prevents men from producing; new needs which grow out of the war and are met by invention. The section for the seventh and eighth grades and the first year of high school will describe the life of a colonial family as an ex ample of a fairly independent economic unit. The teachers of the different grades will kindly send names of pupils to the county school super intendent. Respectfully J. W. BROWN, County Supt. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR APACHE CO. JUVENILE DIVISION. In The Matter of the General Welfare of Juveniles. CURFEW ORDER. It being known to the Court that a large number of the Juven ile offenses in this County are brought on by the offenders be ing out at unreasonable hours of night. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered and decreed that all Juveniles of Apache County, State of Arizona, who are found on the streets or highways, in ice cream parlors or other places of business after the hour of ten o'clock p. m. shall be considered guilty of delinquency in this Court and be punishable by the penalties of the Juvenile division of this Court. And an exception is that Juven iles may attend and go directly home from parties or shows which shall not be conducted after the hour of twelve o'clock midnight and any proprietor, manager or guest giving a party who allows Juveniles to remain in said parties or shows after the hour of twelve o'clock midnight shall be deemed guilty of contributory delin quency and punishable with the penalties of this Court, Done in. Chambers this 29th day of September; A. D... 1917. (Signed) GEORGE H CROSBY, Jr., Judge. This order shall be in effect on and after the 15th day of Octo ber, 1917. Springerville-Eagar October 3, 117 People present 185 Dr. 0. C. Bartlett, Miss Hazel Zimmerman, Supt. J. W. Brown and C- Fillerup Judging commit tee. Prize winners: Squash 1 Nellie Slade 2 Lula Udall 3 Manso Nelson Pumkins 1 Shirley Winsor Bak. Squash 1 Alta Udall Potatoes 1 Ernest Rothlisberger 2-3 Eddie Slade Carrots 1 Ardith Matice 2 John Rencher 3 Lula Udall Turnips 1 Tenney McFate 2 E. Wiltbank 3 Eddie Slade Table Beets 1 Lula Udall 2 Roscoe Hamblin 3 Mollie Hall Cucumbers 1 Ardith Matice Cabbage-1 Alta Udall 2 Tenney McFate Cauliflower-4 Ardi .h McF ite Field corn 1 John Rencaer 2 Edward Ma cwell 3 Alta Udall Sweet corn 1-2 Alta Udall Popcorn 1 Oscar Hall 2 Irwin Hall Toma'toes 1 Ed Maxwell 2 Leila Eagar 3 Jay Maxwell Onions 1 Lula Udall 2 John Rencher Stock beets 1 John Rencher 2 Andrew Woods Apples 1 Clara Woods ' 2 Alta Udall 3 Lula Udall Pears 1 Lula Udall 2 Lucy Lytle 3 Clara Woods Peaches 1 Annie Wiltbank 2 Alta Udall Strawberries 1 Lucy Lytle Beans 1 Delma Hamblin 2 Vaughn Wiltbank 3 Lula Udall Canned Goods Apples 1 Lula Udall 2 Mary Eagar Pears 1 Erma Maxwell 2 Alta Udall 3 Mary Eagar Peaches 1 Mary Eagar 2 Lula Udall Currants 1 Isabel Maxwell 2 Mary Crosby 3 Zella Slade Plums 1 Loie Hale 2 Mary Eagar Raspberries Erma Maxwell Plum preserves 1 Erma Maxwell 2 Mary Eagar Cherries 1 Freda Crosby 2 Lula Udall Jelley 1 Alta Udall 2 Fern Udall Peach Syrup 1 Lula Udall Apple Cets 1 Alta Udall Apple Jam 1 Freda Crosby Succatosh 1 Mary Crosby -. 2 Freda Crosby Cauliflower 1 Mary Crosby Peas 1 Lula Udall String Beans 1 Lovina Winsor 2 Alta Udall 3 Erma Maxwell Y. Wax Beans 1 Mary Crosby Tomatoes 1 Mary Eagar Shelled Beans 1 Freda Crosby 2 Mary Eagar 3 Lula Udall Spiced Pickles 1 Mary Eagar Sweett Pickles 1 Waity Butler Carrots 1 Erma Maxwell Tomatoes, Crab Preserves, Jelley, Beets, Pickles: Hazel Maxwell first. Squash 1 Alvin Love 2 Edna Hamblin Beets 1 Esther Burk 2 Leona Wilkins Carrots 1 Leona Wilkins Onions 1 Lee Hamblin 2 Hazel Maxwell Beans 1 Leona Wilkins 2 Orlee Maxwell String Beans 1 Esther Burk 2 . illie Burk Potatoes 1 Dora Maxwell 2 Edna Maxwell Grain 1 Dora Maxwell. tudebaker Owners are Studebaker Boosters ALPINE. October 5, 1917. . ' 56 persons present. Products. Potatoes 1 Hugh Burk 2 W. M. Tenney Turnips 1 H. P. Burk 2 Sarah Hamblin Cabbage 1 W. M. Tenney Carrots 1 John Jepson Z W. Thompson Beets 1 Os?ar Hamblin 2 W. M. Tenney Lettuce 1 W. M. Tenney 2 Sarah Hamblin Onions 1 E Skousen 2 Frederic Hamblin Apples 1 Mrs. Hugh Burk 2 John Jepson Corn 1 Oscar Jepson 2 Mrs. Paterson ' Celery 1 Mrs. Paterson Squash 1 Sarah Hamblin Green peas 1 Frederic Hamblin Oats, black 1 Frederic Hamblin 2W.M. Tenney Oats, white 1 W. M. Tenney 2 A. V. Whitmer Barley 1 A. V. Whitmer 2 E. Skousen Wheat 1 W. M. Tenney Rye 1 A. V.. Whitmer. When Every Move Hurts Lame every morning, achy and stiff all day, worse when its damp or chilly? Suspect your kidneys and try the remedy Arizona peo ple recommend. Mrs. G- A. McCraw, W. Con gress & Boneta Sts., Tucson, Ariz. says: My Kidneys were in oaa condition. They were weak and acted irregularly. My hands and feet became swollen and it seem ed as though there were millions of little black specks floating be fore my eyes. My sight was of Len blurred and I would become dizzy, I was feeling awfully bad when I began using Doan's Kid ney Pills. Two boxes of Doan's soon made me feel like myself again. A few of Doan's Kidney Pills now and then keeps my back strong and my kidneys in good working order. " Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same 'that Mrs. McCraw uses. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buf falo, N. Y. Following is a partial list of satisfied owners who are well convinced of the remarkable value offered in Studebaker cars: Bishop David Love John Lesueur i o JS. JLa Geo. Henderson Miss Lucie Becker A. L. Rencher E. Averett Sam Milliard jgorio oaca Guy Rencher G. Becker ORPHINE NUTRIOSO , October 4, 1917 37 persons present. Dr. O. C. Bartlett, Miss Zimmer man and C. R. Fillerup, Judging committee. Canned Products Pears 1 Alvin Love. Peaches 1 Alvin Love. Beans 1 Leona Wil kins. Peas 1 Leona Wilkins McKanna Three Day Liquor Cure No loss of time. No suffering1. Strictly private. Dr. McKanna, the originator of the Three Day Cure, in Choree Thirty Years' Success in the Treatment of Liquor and Drug Habits Credential on Request Located in the Healthiest City in the Mountain District DR. J. J. McKANNA Box 157 Telephone 96 MAGDALENA, NEW MEXICO. David Ortega Any Studebaker owner will tell you why: he nevjer wants to change from a Studebaker. Becker's Transcontinental Garage Co. Springerville, Arizona. Fifth Annual Northern Arizona Fair x Prescott, Arizona Thursday, Oct 18,Friday,Oct 19, Saturday, Oct. 20, 1917 $3500.00 in cash awards for Mineral, Livestock, Agricultur al, Poultry, Educational, Art and Home Economics; Departments. $2000.00 in prizes for SPORTS FEATURES ALONE. BETTER BABIES CONTEST! Thrillincr entertainment features: band concerts; Wortham's famous carnival; dancing; races; cowboy races; and a good time for everybody. WONDERFUL ART EXHIBITION of famous paintings, under the auspices of the American Federation of Art. Write, Sec'y, Northern Arizona Fair Association, Prescott, for copy of program and prize lists m all departments REDUCED RAILROAD RATES, from all points. Fifth Annual Northern Arizona Fair Prescott. Arizona. October 18-19-20. 1917. 5l 4rj Efficiency, Courtesy and Strength. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that la by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an inflamed condition of the mu cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. "When this tuDe is inflamed you have a rumblins sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out 2nd this tube restored to Its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. 41 Past Business appreciated, new H Business Solicited 41 H We take care of your interests. 3 43 I ST. JOHNS STATE BANK 3 St. Johns, Arizona 2 to. I- - ! 5. & & has three members you should know if you desire to enjoy life. 1. The popular liquid form of Peruna the reliable tonic of the American household, with a long history of success in treating all catarrhal difficulties. 2. The tablet form, which is made after the same formulary and is more convenient for many. 3. Manalih, the ideal laxative, by the regular use of which constipation may be overcome and natural action restored. Manalin has no habit forming drug, but is an aid to nature. Your druggist has all three. So many thousands have received benefit from the xemZ-l-i 1 use of one or both these remedies that they are a recognized part of the equipment of every careful household. THE PERUNA COMPANY CchaLw. OKo