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Hera St. Johns is having a healthy substantial growth. Lands arjs cheap but rapidly increasing in value. Best climate on earth. VOLUME 34 ST. JOHNS, APACHE COUNTY, ARIZONA, NOVEMBER 1, 1917 NO. 10 The St. Johns d LOCAL MENTION The deer hunting season closes todays For Sale Bicycle. Call at the Herald office. Lee Rencher of Holbrook was In town yesterday. Jim Culleh a prosperous cattle of Blanco is in the city today. Mrs. Isaac Thomas is spending a few weeks in Alpine with friends. Art Lyen had a good hunting trip in the White mountains but did not bag any game. Hubert Day of Eagar was down at the county seat Monday and Tuesday. FOR RENT Room with or with out board. Meals served. . Mary W. Wilkins,- St. Johns, Az. S. B. Booth the telephone doc tor, was doing business here in -our city this week. Win. Speck one of Springerville's enterprising merchants was in town Monday evening. J. C, White ef Vernon w? s business visitor here for a couple of days this week. Prof.' Lawrence Sherwood of Richville spent Saturday . and Sunday in the city. Mrs. H. A. dotting bas return ed from Pringerville where she spent a few days visiting among Mends. Miss Joyce Udall, popular daughter of bishop Udall of Eagar is in the city visiting with Miss Lael Berry. Gustav Becker of the mountain city and one-of Springerville's and Apache County's main men was at the county seat Sunday. J. P. LeSueur proprietor of the Saffell Hotel at Springesville was a business visitor here Mon day night. . Prof. M. 0. Poulson and A. M. McFate were out on a hunt Sat urday and Sunday and were suc cessful in killing a couple of horned deer. GfODge Wilhelm and sons of Vernon came in Sunday evening and are spending a few days in town trying to enjoy city life once more. Mrs. Wiltbank and daughter of Greer are in the city to attend the wedding their son and broth er, Marion Haws, to Miss Lael Berry today. At the Apache Theatre last Saturday night "In The Struggle" was presented and we must say that it was sure some play and one worthy of example. The Arizona and New Mexico soldier boys who were stationed at Camp Funston, Kansas, have been transferred to Camp Kear ney, California, and passed thru . Holbrook Monday morning. WANTED One Sub-Agent in each leading Arizona town to sell the best all round, low priced : -;auto 6b the market. Attractive Proposition to- right party. Ad dress. Metz Agency, Crown King, . Arizona. Mrs. Joseph Udall of Eagar is in the city today. She came to be present at the wedding of Miss Lael Berry to Marion Haws. , The married people's dance at the Apiche. Theater last' night was well attended and an enjoy able time spent. If you missed it you sure lost one privilege that will not return. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Greer accompanied by Byron and Den nis Heap left today for California where they will visit their broth er, Parley Heap, who is serving in the U. S. Army. President David K. Udall left Sunday evening for Holbrook to see the soldier boys. He had re cieved word from his son David saying they would pass through Holbrook Monday morning. . C. H. Sharp was a business visitor in the city from Nutrioso Sunday. Hank is one of the old lands marks of Apache county, but we have known him for a long time and he is the same old boy. Mrs. Joseph 0. Stradling, Jr., and her four children left last Saturday for Blue water, N. M. co join her husband who is run ning, the lime kilns there. We thought that they were going to make St. Johns their home -Joe-said Bo. "The -girls -dance iast Friday nTght was the 'best ever' as girls' doings always are. The academy auditorium was beauti fully decorated with black cats and owls. The lights were covered with some orange collor ed paper whi;h. cast a feeling of spookyness. Ed Rothlisberger and daughter Elda were, in from Vernon last, Friday and Saturday attending to some business matters., Ed says that you can raise good gar d ens at Vernon without water. He raised cubumbers, melons and 3 or 4 thousand pounds , of bean this year. Dr. Bouldin returned Monday from Fort Huachuca, Arizona, where he took the examination required for admittance as a practitioner to the medical re serve corps o f the army. In all probability St. Johns will soon be called on to part with Dr. Bouldin as he was successful in passing the examination and will likely soon be called to service Next' Sunday in the parent's class of the St. Johns Sunday School the subject "Conservation of the Child Through Atheletics" will be considered. This is a sub ject of vital importance to the parent of every child, it would be well for you to be in attendance, not just next Sunday, but every Sunday as subjects are constant ly being taught and discussed in class that you (parents) should become acquainted with. Come out next Sunday. We note by the Albuquerque Herald that Fred Howard and Miss Myrtle Heath both of Mc Kinley county took out licenses to wed in that city on Saturday. Miss Heath is a Zuni Mountain young' woman, while Howard is a jrancher residing near Fort. Wingate, N. M. He is a widow er with three children. Gallup ndependent. married This morning at 8:00 o'clock Eulalia Berry tand Marion Haws were married; at the home of the bride's parents, President David Tr TTJ-ii .sfi.i Numerous friends and relatiyes were present to witness the tying of the matrimonial knot and wish the happy cquple a safe journey over the sea pf wedded bliss. After the ceremony which was sweet and impressive those as sembled sat (Jown to the wedding breakfast after an all night fast the cooks were led. to believe that they haj excelled themselves because of . t h e quantities of goodies that disappeared. The bride is one our most pop ular and beautiful young ladies rand 'a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, I Tir TTT T Oil 1 1 w. w. .Berry, one is wiaeiy ana well known its a highly educated young woman. Her sunny dis position hag won her friends in , every part jjf the globe that she has visited. The groofpr-everybody knows Marion is one of Apache coun ty's pro perpus sheepmen and a son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Haws, Marion's acquaintances are his friends. After the. festivities were over Mr. and Mrs. Hawswent to Greer to spend a' day with Marion's mother. TJiey will spend their honeymoon in the .Salt River val- ley. rf ' The Herald extends congratu lations and wishes them peace and prosperity thru life. A BLOSSOM SLUMBER I had a dream; it was the cream, I think of dream creations. I saw Kaiser Bill &o forth to spill his reign ov'r all the nations. And the Belgian hares, like grizz ly bears, stood bravely up, to block him; while folks of France threw shoes and pants and every thing to knock him. The Cossack braves, in tidal waves, came charging on to meet him; and in his face thrust lance and mace 'twas thus, that they did greet him. The British reds leaped out of their beds to pelt him on the noodle. But Kaiser Bill got not his nil not from this whole caboodle. So he leaned beyond tHe briny pond and peered among the Yanks, then slapped their chins and kicked their shins and gouyed them in the flanks. The Yanks got mad, and holy gad -twin sister hurricanes! The sky was thick as it would stick with Yankee aeroplanes. The air was full dense as the wool on Kaiser Willie's goat of shot and shell that downward fell and Kaiser Willie smote, prayed and begged and prayed, "Uncultured heath ens, stop it! Keep der rest of dot stuff mit you abuff for heav en's sake don't drop it! Ve Ger man guys are civilize; ve can't stand human killing. If you will cease, ve'll give you peace give itdingbusted villing." The Yanks replied with Yankee pride, "For peace, the world is aching; we'll secure it tight then take to flight, a-bringing home the bacon." As this they said, my visiohs fled; ho bomb-shells had been dropping. But peace, you bet, the ' Yanks will get, ere they start homeward flopping. Warren Coppock in Graham Guardian. SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice of Sale of Real Estate on Foreclosure of Mortgage. Babbitt Brothers, a Co-partner ship, Plaintiffs, D. B. Baca and wife Mary Baca, Jose J. Baca, C. E. Wiltbank, and Joseph K. Udall, Defendants. Under and by virtue of an ex ecutive and order of a sale, and decree of foreclosure and sale, issued out of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of Apache, on the 26th day of October, 1917, in the above entitled action, wherein Babbitt Brothers, a Co-partner ship, the above named plaintiff, obtained a judgement and decree of foreclosure and sale against D. B. Baca and his wife Mary Baca, on the third day of October, 1917, for the sum of Fifteen hundred dollars wit. . interest theron from March 1st, 1916, until paid, less $110.62, plus an attorneys fee computed by taking ten per cent of the principal and interest due at date of judgment amounting to $162.69 in money of the United States, I am commanded to sell all that certain piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Apache, State of Arizona, and bounded and de scribed as follows:; Two story building located frr Springerville, Apache County, on the east side of road leading to Eagar and St. Johns, together with stock, of good contained inlaid building; said property being 88-5 feet northwest corner, then east south of road 104-5 feetv north-east corner of this tract, then south 124-9 feet, then west 103-5 feet, Bounded west by public street, North by road, East by land of E. J. affel, South by land now occupied by Catholic Church; Said premises are a part of Lot 37, Block. 44of the town of Springervijle, State of Arizona. Public notice is hereby given that on the 26th day of Novem ber, 1917, at two o'clock P. M. of that day, in front of the Court House door of the County of Apache, Arizona, I will in obedi ence to said order of sale and de cree of foreclosure and sale, sell the above d--scribed property, or so much thereof as may be neces sary to satisfy said judgment, with interest and costs, etc., to the highest and best bidder for cash. Dated this 26th day of October, 3917. E. W. Grimes, Sheriff. 11-1-11-15. NOTICE. To the Taxpayers of Apache Co. The first Installment of the 1717 Taxes goes delinquent at 5 P. M. on Monday, November 5th. 1917, and notice is hereby given that for a period of Ten Days thereafter I will not receive any payments on the 1917 Assessment Roll. All Tax Payers lettiug their taxes go delinquent will be charged 4 penalty and 10 Interest per annum. Joe Burgess, Treasurer of Apache. County. Nov. 1st and 8th. FOR SALE Two horse colts, 3 years old, will weigh 1500 or more when grown. For more particu lars call or write the-. St.' Johns Herald. Mrs. P. O. Stuchell Tells How She Cured Her Son of a Cold "When my son Ellis was sick with a cold last winter I gave him Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It helped him at once and quickly broke up his cold," writes Mrs, P. O. Stuchell, Homer City, Pa. This remedy, has been in use for many years. Its good qualities have been fully proven by many thousands of people. It is pleas ant and safe to take, . Adv. $30,000,000 istheaveragaspent daily by England in war. Ah Old Man's Stomach. As we grow older and less act ive, less and less food is required to meet the demands of our bod ies. If too much is habitually taken, the stomach will rebell. When a man reaches the advanced age of 85 or 90; you will find that he is a light eater. Be as careful as you will, however, you will oc casionally eat more than you should and will feel the need of Chamberlain's Tablets to correct the disorder. These tablets do not contain pepsin, but strengh the stomach and enable it to per form its functions naturally. They also cause a gentle move ment of the bowels. Adv. AmranasamesStandsiHigh on the Shining Scroll of Liberty. Certain Cure for Croup. Mrs. Rose Middleton, of Green ville, 111., has had. experience in the treatment of this disease. She says, "When my children were small my son had croup fre quently. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy always broke up these attacks immediately, and I was never without it in the house. 1 have tuken it myself for coughs and colds with good results." Adv. Ameircan Troops captured their first pi isoner last Saturday night in No Man's Land between the opposing lines. He failed to halt when commanded to and was shot and died a few days later. Valuable paper were found upon him. For a Weak. Stomach. As a general rule all you need to do is to adopt a diet suited to your age and accupation and keep your bowels regular. When you feel that you have eaten too much and feel constipated, take one of Chamberlain's Tablets. Advl The foreign Minister says that separate peace for .uussia is im possible, i Next Sunday is the" day set for "GO TO SUNDAY SCHOOL" Sunday Read the Proclama tion elsewhere in this week's is sue of the Herald.. . Don't forget Helen Holmes i The Railroad Raiders at Apache Theater tonight Why not take advantage of our combination subscription 'offer.