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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
y mT7h iiw iihihm The United States Go -ueiit Food Iministrator ikrss- . "Baking Powder Breads of corn and other coarse flours are recommended" CREAM : BAKING POWDER ; Makes delicious muffins, cakes and. coarse flour breads CORN MEAL MUFFINS ?i cup corn meal 1 cups flour 'z teaspoon salt 4 level teaspoons Br. Prico'o Sakinij Powder 2 tablespoons sugar . -. , v 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons shortening Hlx thoroughly dry ingredients; add milk and melted shortening and beat well. Bake in greased muffin tns in hot oven about 20 minutes. NUT BREAD 3 cups graham flour 5 level teaspoons Sr. Price's Baking Powder 1 teaspoons salt 1 cups milk and water 4 cup sugar or corn syrup 1 cup chopped nuts (not too fine) or 1 cup raisins, washed and floured Mbc together flour, baking powder and salt; add milk and water, sugar or corn syrup and nutxneats or raisins. Put into greased loaf pan, allow to stand 30 minutes in warm place. Bake in moderate oven 40 to 45 minutes. Our red, white and blue booklet, "Best War Time Recipes" containing additional simitar recipes, sent free on request. Address Dcpt H, 1001 Independence Boulevard, Chicago ST. JOHNS HERALD AND APACHE NEWS WAITE BROS., Publishers. Geo. E. Waite - Business Manager J. W. Waite, Assistant " i " Entered in the Post Office at St. Johns, Arizona, as SecondClassMail Matter. l-sued every Thursday. Subscription ) ice one dollat a vear. in advance ADVERTISING RATES ). splay Adv., per inch per -issue 20c. 1 ocals, per line per ispue 1 - - 10c. 1 waders, per inch, per ipsue - 45c. 1 Milay ads, plate, form per inch -'15c. Headers, plate, form, per int h -. 40c. ) egal ads. pe inch at. legal rates T 'ie above rate? are the rates-per issue. C FICIAL PAPER OF APACHE COUNTY KOVJM ER 1, 1917. Down in Tennessee in each c f the 98 counties, all the newspapers are getting put a National Defense edition. St. Louis has opened a nor mal school for lessons in food conservation with twenty eight branches one in each of the city wards. Even these schools proved not sufficient and lately fifty-three more were opened, each giving six day intensive courses. In Michigan the Food Con servation idea has a practical phase in the opening of town markets, where women from the rural sections bring in fruits, vegetables and other 'produce including canned fruits, for sale to each other and to the women of the city. "Sign the Pledge and Can the Kaiser." This was one of the most striking legands carried in the Liberty Day parade at Doug las and and that has large importance in the food con serv ation idea. A very Jarge part of the food which will 'be sent abroad will be tinned and let us trust after the way that the small" boy has; with the yellow dog, that the food con tainers thereafter may be at tached to the Kaiser - in . the home-run that our sturdy lads expect-to-make to Berlin.-, s. .. Irithe National Council cf Defense, the naturalization section has evolved a new slogan: "Every "foreigner in the United States should speak English." Every branch, of the government is contri buting toward this, in one way or another especially the officers Havmg to deal with the foreign-ianguage press which hereafter will have to run a good part of its editor ial matter in straight United States. .In the annual report of pre sident D: F. Heard of the Couucil of Defense, occurs the following paragraph, something deemed most per tinent for the personal study of the people of the State: . "We have now come to a time when we jnust look' the facts squarely in the face and realize that with Russia inef fective and the continued success of the submarine, the task of winning this war for democracy is beiug steadily shifted onto the shoulders of this nation. Our men and munitions are not only need ed, but vast and steadily in creasing quantities ofi food and money, and the faster we furnish these supplies, the bet ter will we safeguard the lives of our boys who are offering their all to the country. No Reason For It. There can be no reason why any reader of this who suffers the tortures af an aching" back, the annoyance of urinary disorders, the pains and dangers of kidnay ill s will fail to heed the word of a resident of this locality who has found relief. Ths following is convincing p-iof of merit. Rev. Paul Figueroa, 454 S. Stone Ave., Tucson Ariz., 'says: "About eight years ago my kid neys were, bothering me arid it seemed as thougb the '-pains in my back would never stop. My kidneys did not act; regularly. I usually felt languid and tired and. I suffered with frsquent head aches. ? I used four boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills '-andi. they completely and-permaeentlycured me. Pricer6Qci all-dealers. Don't timply-'ask? for afciflneyreraedy get Doan's KidrieyrPills the same that cured Rev Figueroa Foster sMilburn G6"v Prop- 'fiu'ff a- loV'.Y. ' :'?.' FOR SALE Two' horse" colts,; years old, will weigh 1500 'or more when grown. For more particu lars call or write the St. Johns Herald. NOTICE. You are1 hereby notified that the assessment and tax roll of Apache County for the year 1917 is now in my possession for the collection of taxes levied! One half of the taxes on all personal property secured by real proper ty, and one-half of the taxes on all real property will be due and payable on the first Monday in September and will be delinquent on the first Monday in November next thereafter, at. 5 o'clock, p. m., and unless paid prior thereto 4 will be. added thereto as pen alty and interest from the time of jche i delinquency at the rate "of 10 per annum unti paid. 1 The remaining one-fyalf.of the taxes .onw all personal property se cured by real property , and one half of the taxes on all Teal pro perty, will be due and payable on and after the first Monday in March next and will be delinquent on the first Monday in May next thereafter at 5 o'clock p. m., un less paid prior thereto, 4 will be added thereto as penalty, and in terest from the time of the delin quency at the rate of 10 per annum until paid. All taxes can be paid at the time of the first installment as herein provided. Dated at St. Johns, Sept. 2, 1917. JOE BURGESS, Treasnrer and ex-officio Tax Col lector. Notice. Notice is hereby given that on Monday, November 5th 1917, at the St. Johns Herald office an auction sale will take place, when 'shares belonging Lo the parties whose names appear below will be sold to satisfy their indebted ness to the St. 'Johns, Irrigation Company: C. P. Anderson .... $41.30 Mrs. Maud R. Danley. 46.65 M. Christensen 25.95 L. .R. Gibbons 13.85 David Gibbons.......... .... 4.15 Jacob Hamblin... ....... 6.15 H. C. Johnsort.. ....... 4.55 Allejandro Jaramillb;.....: 2.25 J. A. Mineer.... 19.55 Harold Morgan , .7 '4. 65 D. L. McCray.. 3.50 j; R. Overson 3,75 Perfecto. Pena-..?............. . 2.50, M. H.Peterson 49.25 M. P. Peterson: .?:. .'. . . ..' ; .53". 50 Isaac Isaacson.:'..,....!:...':. -'3.75 Hdriry Raban.. . ! V. 7.- ' 24.30 Maurice Raban.- '7.85 W. D. Rencher, . 5.05 J. B. Richey 4f'..?... . 8.65 James Shreeve . . 10.00 David fif:"Safidin: ,:';.,.:.v; - 4;25 Maifael JTaf 6fIIa':."i i . .1 .v.- '. . 29.-00- Mrs. W: A. Tenney;xi;; ..r;r7t7&. Tithiner Office ..,,:-,.:,,.,.. w- , .9,25. fiij A kid riJii Demonstration 69 eo 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 9 99 99 99 99 O eo 99 91 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 09 OS e 99 oo 99 99 99 99 06 eo oo o o oo o s oo oo o o oo O0 o oo o 09 OS o o O0 69 99 09 09 09 oe 90 09 O0 Let us-show you how It-Conquers Hills 4 The -fact that Studebaker are j ? ' . the lightest cars on the market -1 " in ratio -to their power, tells the, v . t story. - There's no hill so steep that ' they cannot climb it easily, swiftly, and withoutundue shift- , ing of gears. A Studebaker was the first automobile to as cend Pike's Peak. .'.'... Let us show you how a Stude baker conquers hills let us :-- .give you a Studebaker demon- stration today. A Studebaker demonstration has shown many a man where .real motoring comfort actually 4 lies. so Transcontinental Garage Company. Springerville, Arizona. e,9 09 90 00 O0 09 .oe 0O O0O000O909090000OO0000000OAW0S000O0O090000000O0OO O0O909ee000009OO9O0O00O9OOeO90SO0O00O090009O00O0O9 a 4 The ,Bank of .the People Efficiency, Courtesy and Strength. Past Business appreciated, hew Business Solicited I We take care of your interests. ST. JOHNS STATE BANK ' St. Johns, Arizona St.. - & - Reainer jjiing: .il . . ... . . ... v L'sibj For' which we will sell his interest"! in thS ;Diverson Datn of a the St: Irrigation Company's PUdJiwg-' Ditch-: r: iv, -rtntrM' ; St. Johns Irrigati Co., Henry C Overson. Secretary and Treasurer. By order of the Board Oct. 9, '17. Housewife Home Life pXflMsFlRESlDE Magazines af Half Cos! SEND in your cash renewal to our paper now and yon can have your choice of any of these splendid magazine clubs at the special prices shown below. This offer is open to both old and new subscribers. If you are already a subscriber to any of these magazines, your sub scription will be extended one year from date of expiration lc . .25 1 Club A. Oar Paper. . . 11.00 ) a -7C McCalTs Hagazice .75V1l2 Today's Housewife .75 J Club C. Our Paper . , $1.00 WomanslVorM Farm & Fireside r Club E. 4 Our Paper . . $1.00 ) Today's Housewiie .75 v V. Farm & Fireside . -25 ) - - Club G. I-Onr Paper . . $1.00.Rq f'eopK'j Hone Jonrcal .id v ym. iq . . .ju j mm Club 3. Our Paper Today's Housewiie Womans worm Club D. Our Paper . . $1.00 ) a .Kc Today's Housewife . .75 vjOO Home Lile 5 ) 1 Club F. " Our Paper Womans Home Life Club H. Our Paper . . , $1.00 RIcCalT Farm & Home He $.75 ET . . $1.00 J UA World . . JO Wp2 Club H. . aper . . $1.00 , ; I'sMagaime .75 ( $468 & Fireside . .25 f."-l Life .... .35 ) ' Womans World PROMPT ACTION NECESSARY' We may be compelled- to. withdraw this .offer in the near; future. Magazine prices sire oin higher. Send in your, order NOW and be; safd. T"- ' GOOD irrATURE' IS' ESSENTIAL IN EVERY HOME