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r!ihiiiiiiit h 1 ; j MORPHINE Always Bwfc PERDNA j Mrs. Ii. A. Patterson, 1399 Kentucky St, 2!emphis, Tennessee, writes: "I have been a friend of Peruna for many years. I have used it off and on for catarrhal complaints and found Ht a very excellent remedy. I have a small family of children. Times are hard with us, but I can scarcely afford to do without Peru na, especially during the season of the year when coughs and colds are prevalent. "We always recom mend Peruna to our neighbors, for the benefit it has been to us." TO MAKE A MERRY CHRISTMAS. No $2.00 that you can spend in Christmas-present giving -will go further than a subscription for The Youth's Companion. Look over your long list and see how i ew 'things on it are certain to be as eagerly treasured during every orie-of the fifty-two weeks of 1918. Acquaintance with it soon ripens into lasting f reindship, for it has that rare and priceless quality among periodicals, character, and the character of The Youth's Companion has made fast friends for it all around- the world. The Companion alone is $2.00 but the publishers make an Ex traordinary Double Offer The Youth's Companion and McCall's Magazine :ogether for $2.25 Our two-at-one-piece offer in cludes: 1 The Youth's Companion 52 issues of 1918. 2 All remaining issuesof 1917. 3 he-Companion Home Calen dar for,. 1918. '. 4 "McCall's lOgazine12 fash ion numbers of 1918. All for only $2.25. r THE YOUTHS COMPANION, Commonwealth Ave., Boston Mass.- New Subscription ' Received at this Office. - Millions of women and children in Europe our allies can be -saved from hitter hunger if you will eat one slice less of wheat bread each day. If you think it better to whip Germany in Europe, rather than fight her here, help feed our allies and keep them in the fight. Sign up as a member of the Food Ad ministration. -,Germany.-is striving to fasten her system on Europe and the world, through starvation. You can help thwart Germany's am bi ion o ro ling as an active member .. i. e Food Administra tion. Don't be partners of the P: i s-ans. CALLED HER FAMILY TO HER Jiz Years Ago, Tfimldng She Might Die, Says Texas Lady, But Now Shells & Weil, Strong Woman and Praises Cardai For Her Recovery. .. Royse City, Tex Mrs. Mary KI1--man, of this place, says; "Alter the fclrth of my little girl... my side com--joenced to hart me. I had to -go' back to bed. Wo called the doctor. He treated m...but I got no better. I . gofc.'worse and worse "until the 'misery was unbearable. 7. 1 vas In Ted for "thre months andjSttffered Buchagony that'I -was just-'draTrii;np" In ainolr: I told my husband if he would get me a bottle of Cardul I would try it. . . I commenced taking, it, however, that evening I called my ' family about' m&?.: for I knew I could -not Jast MBEDj. d7B raless. E Sffig a ffcasgsi tor For Coughs mm and Colds in Home? Recommend It to Our Neighbors. Those who object to liquid medi cines can procure Peruna-Tablets. A PROCLAMATION By the Governor of Arizona Executive Department State of Arizona TO THE PEOPLE OF ARIZONA: In the midst of war and prepar ation for war, while we are all intensely interested in Red Cross; Y. M.'C. A: army work, the pur chase of Liberty Bonds and other activities, looking to the success ful termination of this War, it is an equally important duty to "Protect the home base" by see ing to it that we do not make the mistake made in the beginning of this great conflict by other na tions in failing to remember the children and youth at home. The future of our State and ation depends'in largest meas ure on the training of our boys and girls along moral lines and no force in the State exerts a moi e lasting influence for good upon the lives of our youth than the Sunday Schools, which are dis tinctly the Religious Educational Institutions' of Arizona. NOW, THEREFORE, I, THOMAS E. CAMPBELL, by the power-in ime reposed and in hsr mony with other governors and the program of the Internatibr al Go To Sunday School Dayy -do-hereby set apart Sunday, Novem ber fourth, nineteen seventeen, as "GO TO SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY" for the State of Ari zona; and I would urge all pesor s to attend the church or: the n day School of their choice on at day, thus proving their allegiance to the best and most wholesome influence which .surrounds the youth of our beloved State. ' IN WITNESS WHERE '1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great seal of the State of Arizona to be affixed. Done at Phoenix, e (seal) Capital this 26th day f October, 1917. (Signed) THOMAS E. CHMPBELL, ' rest: Gove nor. (Signed) SIDNEY P OSBORN, Secretary of State . jthe better. That was six years ago .'and I am still here and am a well, , strong' woman, and I owe iny life to Cardui.-' I had only - taken halt- th bottle when I began 'to- feel better; The misery in my side got "less... I continued right on taking the Cardul untiM had taken: three bottles -and I 'did not need anymore'for I waswell and never 'felt better in my life... I ihave neverhad any trouble from "that ? day to this." Do you suffer from headache back ache, pains in sides, 'cr- other' discbm 'forts, each month? Or do you feel weak, rnervous 'and fagged-out?- If bo, gltfe Cardai, the .woman's tonic, trill, . jj. Ui BEDSIDE Mc'Kanna Three Day Liquor Cure No loss of time. No suffering. Strictly private. Dr. McKanna. the originator of the Three Day Cure, in Charge Thirty Years' Success- in the Treatment of Liquor and Drug Habits Credential on Request Located in the Healthiest City in the Mountain Ifislnct DR. J. J. McKANNA Box 157 Telephone 96 MAGDALENA, NEW MEXICO There is more" Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last r few years vs' supposed to ;be incurable.' For a great many years doctors "pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local reme dies, and by constantly failing to cure with: local'' treatnient,' pronduncedit incur able. ' Science has- proven Catarrh: to be 6. constitutional disease, and therefore re quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney. & Co., Toledo, Ohio,-' Is the 'only Con8titutloriaJ Xwre on the marfcet. It is taken Internally. It 'acts directly-' on the' blood and mucous surfaces of She system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails rto. cure. Send, for circulars and - testimonials: " Address. P. J- CHENEY, & CO.. Toledo. O. Sol by Druggists'. 75c. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. NOTICE OF SELECTION Under Sections 2275 and 2276, U. S. Revised Statutes, as Amend ed by Act of Congress, February 28, 1891, (Paragraph 9 et seq., Rules approved April 25, 1907) as Extended to the State of Ari zona by Act of Congress, Ap proved June 20, 1910. United States Land Office, at Phoenix-, Arizona. State of Arizona. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ! - Notice1 is hereby that the State of Arizona has filed 'in this office its School Indemnity Land Selec tions. Lists Nos. 972. 973. 974. ,975, 976, 977. 978, ,979.. .980, .981, 982. 983, 9E4 985. 99U; '991, and 998. Serial nos. 036380. 03&381. 036382; 036383, 036384, 036385, J36386, 036387, Ucb38, U3bby, J36390. 036391, 0i6392, 03&393, ;)Rfi398: 036399. and 036406. re spectively applying to select, as . v. mi-' - n j :i indemnity, xne jouuwing ueacnu id lands; to-wit: List No. 972, Serial No. 036380: -In T. 14N..R. 30E. : All Sec. 10. List No. 973, Serial No, 036381: -InTV14N.,R. 3QK: All Sec. 12. List No. 974, Serial No. 036382: In T. 14 N,,R, 30E, : All Sec. 14. List No. 975, Serial No. 036383; -In T. 14 .,R. 30E. : All See. 22. Listed, 976, Serial No. 036384: -InT. 14N..R. 30E.:AllSec. 24. List No. 977, Serial No. 03.6385: -In T. 14N:.R. 3CE.: All Sec. 26. List No. 978, Serial No. 036386: - InT. 15 N.'.R; 30E.: All Sec. 8. List No. 979, Serial No. 036387: In T. 15 N..R. 30E. : All Sec. 12. List Nb. 980, Serial No. 036386: -In T. 15 N.,R. 30 E. : Al Sec. 24 List No. 981. Serial No. 0363S9: -In T. 15 N..R, 30E : All Sec. 26. List No. 982, Serial No . 03639i : In T. 15N..R; 30$. : All Sec. 80. List No. 983, Serial No. 036391: -InT. 15N.,R. 31E.: All Sefc. 20. List No. 984. Serial No. 036392: In T. 15 N:,R. 3U1 : All Sec. 28. List No. 985, Serial No. 036393: -InT. 15 N., R. 31 E.: Lots 1, 2. 3. 4: E Wi: NEi: Ni SE: 3W SEi Sec. 30. List No: 990, Serial No. 036398: In T. 20 N., R. 26 E.: All Sec tion .18. List No. 991. Serial No. 036399: In T.; 20 N:, R. 26 E.: All Sec tion 30. List No. 998. Serial No. 036406: -In T. 20 N , R. 21E.: SEi SEi Sec. 30. In T. 16 N., R. 19 E.: Si Sri Sec. 6. In T. 20 N.. R. 21 E. : SEi SEi Sec. 18. In T. 15 N., R. 31E.:SEt SHii bee. 3U. in T. 16 N., R. 19 E. : Si SEi Sec. 4. (All in G. & 53. K. M.) Dnrine- the five weeks' nefiod of .publication of this notice or any" time thereafter and before final approval and certification, this Ulilvc win reucivc putcsia m v;uu- tests as to any of the tracts ap plied for and transmit the' same toJtheTPeheralLantf Office": Dated at Phoenix, Arizona; Sept. 24, 1917. J. L. IRVIN,! Register, JOHN J. BIRDNO,; Reteiver, Date of first publication Oct. 11, 1911 : WKmT . . Separating a Man from his Money, it can be done all right ask Doc. But separating a man from his money for poor Building Material is a different proposition.., . When you see some of the stuff that masquerades under the guise of Lumber and "Building Material we really wonder how some 'people can be separated from their money so easily. . It's all very well to think; of your dollars when buying Lumber and Building Material,, but it is also mighty good judgement to consider the quality in relation to the price. ' When we sell you Lumber and Building Material we first look to Quality then to price and finally to the best and quickest way of giving both. 1 A. & B; SCHUSTER CO. f St. Johns, Arizona vm Ptiblic Information cdficeniing Government land v ; contests-conducted, 1 plats rurmshed, scnooriariqj leases procured, Forest-Re3erve matters adjusted; mineral lands patented, water, reservoir and rights of way applications prepared. 1 j. Ten years With General Land- m Office, Washington, I): G. and five years rcelVef t3: S; HAMPTON Noll PhoeniX. I Nelson dm Son MANIJFAGTTJRERS OP; All kinds of building matenals,' rough' and finished lumber, lath, shingles, moldingsrQr anything in the lumber line. ORDERS PROMPTLY lIiLED Parties wishing anything in7our lirie will do" . well to call on us or write to R NELSON, Manager Greer, - - - Arizona FRANK'S SHOP ALEX. SHREEVE, Prop. A good place to bring your cripples. For the -present will be at shop on Saturday only. Quality, Service, Cash Commercial' Street. First door .JVestof A C. M. I. St. Johns,. - - - Arizona i. Sr. if. ft Land ARNOLD, building, , Arizona. fllDEHJUWS Pure" ' IIMCWFFTPNm EVAPORATED - Goat Milk if i . he innnmnarabie'tiaDY rooa I llie Perfect Food" for Invalids Works wonder in restoring health to thoMi r r.fuSering with tubcrculou or nomacas- trotjble. roitiTelyJleinerooieia ox iniuuienuiDuuiuun AT LEADING DRUGGISTS Put un in. 11-ox. Tins Physician Big. Jfa;g nV'Smn ft CL y?. D. RENCHER Givil Engineer .Speciality , Irrigation Engineering St.JoWs, Arizona pi