St Johns is having a healthy substantial growth. Lands are cheap but rapidly increasing in value. Best climate on earth.
NO. 16
The stores are beginning to
look as though Christmas was
Eugene Waite and Miss Ara
Eudd were united in marriage at
Eagar last Saturday night, Bishop
XJdall officiating.
Jas Shreeve wishes to announce
to the public that his barber shop
will be open Wednesday evening
and Saturdays until Christmas.
A dance will be given at the
Armijo Hall tomorrow night, hot
tamales, etc., will be served and
the proceeds will go to the red
Owing to. the "kidnapping" of
the editor and his note book we
are publishing the proceeding of
the Board of Supervisors in lieu
local riews items.
To those who are owners of the
3 Literty Bonds and wish to
exchange them for the late 4
issue and will bring them to us
between this and the 20th we will
gladly have the exchange made
for you.
I have for sale at my place in
Vernon, Ariz. Registered Here
ford Bulls. Will sell from one to
Carload. Big boned with quality
and breeding. Call early and
get J-our choice of this fancy
John W. Anderson
The new addition to the Mer
chants & Stockgrowers bank is
practically completed and will
be placed in use in a few days
The audition contains a large
vault for safe deposit boxes, a
lavatory and a cozy waiting alcove
for customers. Underneath the
addition is a large basement for
a furna. e and the storage of coal.
Judge Thomas, cashier of the
bank, planned the improvements,
and he is satisfied that he now
has the kind of banking quarters
he has wanted for some time.
Holbrook News.
S. J. S. A. Meets With S. S. A.
Why Suffer So?
Why tuffer from a bad back,
from Fharp, shooting twings,
headaches, dizziness and distress
ing urinary ills? Globe people
recommend Doan's Kidney Pills.
Could you ask for stronger proof
of merit?
J. E. McNeil, prop. Globe
Racket Store, 254 Broad St.,
Globe, Ariz., says: "I suffered
with kidney trouble for a long
time. My back was always ach
ing and when I tried to pick up
anything, knifelike pains shot
through my back. My kidneys
acted irregularly and their weak
ness caused me a great deal of
annoyance. My muscles were
lame and stiff, especially across
my back and I felt all run down.
Knowing Doan's Kidney Pills
were highly recommended, I
gave them a trial. Doan's help
ed me right from the start and
it wasn't long before they had
completely cured me of the
trouble. Doan's Kidney Pills
cannot be equaled."
60c, at all dealers. Foster-
Milburi Co.; Mfgrs, Buffalo,
N. Y.
Ada Lyen
Friday morning, December 7,
at 8 o'clock, fifty-four students
and the faculty of the St. Johns
Academy left for Snowflake with
their colors floating defiantly on
the breeze. Our big auto truck
and eight cars took them over.
In reality this was a long, dusty
and chilly ride, but to these anx
ious anticipators of victory it
seemed but a short distance.
Upon reaching the Snowflake
Academy they were heartily wel
comed and each was presented
with a buff and red badge, thus
showing the spirit of friendliness
which exists between the two
schools. The Snowflake band
next greeted them with a volume
of harmony. In response to this,
our band played a few airs, the
students sang a school song and
then gave them some zipping
yells. Immediately the students
of the two schools formed into
single file, with St. Johns in the
lead, and marched through the
streets of Snowflake, with their
bands playing at intervals. The
march came to a halt in the mid
dle of main street and Professor
Atkins, in a short speech, tender
ed them a cordial reception. Then
the St. Johns students Were taken
to the various homes of their
friencte, where they enjoyed
scrumptiously prepared "beeds."
Tle contests began Friday
evening at 8 o'clock. First came
the orations. Snowflake was re
presented in this by Lorenzo Jen
nings, and St. Johns by Myrtle
Thompson. Both these young
people delivered their orations in
a startling manner, exhibiting
deep thought and much feeling.
Although the decision of the
judges was in Mr Jennings favor
it was hard for them to decide,
and only by a narrow margin did
he win; it was so very close that
we could hardly think of it as a
defeat. Miss Thompson, we feel
sure, will not let this discouracre
her, she is a very brilliant young
lady and has a promising future
before her.
Next came the story telling,
Carherine Decker representing
S. S. A. and Geneireve uibbons
S. J. A. This contest was also
2lose but the victory was given
Miss Decker, and Miss beneireve
took her defeat nobly.
After this came the game in
which we are all so interested,
Volley Ball. First the faculty of
the two schoolB played. You have
all seen hew the St Johns faculty
play well, they played just like
that Friday night. They took
both erames. and never even grave
Snbwflake time to turn around.
Next came the volley ball games
between the S. S A. and S. J S.
A. students. This was one of
those whirlwind games you have
heard about. Our little boys just
kept that old ball in the air, and
before Snowflake knew it, they
had walked away with both
erames. Once the score looked
rather doubtful, being in Snow-
flake's favor. Then S. J. A. be
gan to work and they slid right
on out to 21 and left Snowflake
just standing there looking for
the ball.
After this exciting game, came
the wrestlincr contests. First was
our little Wilson Wilkins, who had
their Owen Allen down in about
a half a minute, and held him
Then our champion wrestler,
Albert Farr, wrestled with Alvin
Bremer, but due to the superior
weight of his opponent, it re
sulted in a tie.
Next came the vicious wrestlers,
Arthur Savage and Albert Lyen.
After a long tussle, the coach call
ed it a tie, but we are sure that
in a minute more the agility of
the Lyen would have superim
posed him on his adyisary, the
Savage, and pinned him to the
Saturday morning the tennis
games took place. The girls sin
gles were played first, Wilma Fil
lerup representing Si, S. A. and
Emily Patterson S. J. A., Miss
Patterson played a good game,
but by a hairs breadth-the victory
fell to Miss Fillerup.
Then the boys singles were
played, Reginald Flake of S, S A.
and Tom Isaacson of S. J. A.
This resulted in a victory for
' 'Tommy."
Next the double's in tennis were
played by Charles Fillerup and
Curtis Bushman of S. S. A. and
Roy Gibbons and Jack Tenney of
S. J. A. The game was won by
In the afternoon our boys show
ed Snowflake that they knew how
to play basket ball. The first
teams played the ,first game.
When we saw our team come out
on the diamond in their red and
white suits we could see victory
written all over their faces, and
victory it was, even if "Bill" did
have the amnsv. Our forwards
had no trouble in pitching those
little baskets the ball went
thrmnrh them as easily as though
they were wagon tires and with
our centers and guards wide
awake, Snowflake didn't get to
see the ball but about twice, ine
score was 20 to 32.
Last came the second basket
ball gama. This was a fast, ex
citing game, but Sndwf lake suc
ceeded in pitching a few more
baskets than our boys did. ine
score resulted in a defeat for us
by only three points. Retain
your courage boys next time the
"Snowflakes" shall melt ana
St. Johns burst forth in the
"Spring of complete victory'
As a crowning feature to the
davs Pleasures, there was given
a dance in which all reveled.
How to Prevent Croup
In a child that is subject to at
tacks of croup, the first indica
tion of the disease is hoarseness.
Give Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy as soon as the child becomes
hoarse and the 'attack may be
warded off and all danger and
anxiet-. avoided. Adv.
Calling for bids on sale of School
District No. 10 Bonds, Apache
County, Arizona.
Notice is hereby given that the
Board' of Supervisors of Apache
County, Arizona, will receive
sealed bids for the purchase ol
S1500.00 School District No. 10
Richville Bonds, at its Office in St.
Johns. Bids will be received up
until 10 A. M.. Monday, Januaiy
7th, 1918.
The date fixed for the opening
of said bids shall be January 7th,
1918 at 10 A. M.
All bids to be considered shall
be marked sealed bida for "Rich
ville School District Bonds" and
addressed to the Board of Super
visors of Apache County, Arizona,
and each bid must be accompan
ied by a certified check for 5 of
the total amount of such bicLsaid
check to be made payable to the
Treasurer of Apache County.
The Board reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Levi S. Udall
Clerk Board of Supervisors.
(Dec. 13 to Jan. 3rd. inclusive)
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
This is not only one of the best
and most efficient medicine for
coughs, colds and croup, but i?
also pleasant and safe to take,
which is important when medicine
must be givenfto chileren. Many
mothers have given it their un
qualified endorsement. Adv
Proceedings of the Board of
Supervisors of Apache
County, Arizona.
St. Johns, Ariz., Dec. 3, 1917.
The Board of Supervisors con
vened on this date, at the hour of
10 a. m., there being present
Chairman Heber Jarvis, Members
John C. Hall and W. A. Saunders
and Clerk Levi S. Udall, County
Attorney A. S. Gibbons and E.W.
Grimes, sheriff.
Minutes of the previous meet
ing held on Nov. 12th were read
and approved.
Out Door Relief for the month
of December was ordered paid.
TheN. P. Olson Construction
Co., contractors on the Apache
County Court House having ask
ed for an extension of Thirty days
time in which to complete the
building as per the terms of their
contract, giving as their reasons
for this request the fact that
skilled mechanics were not to be
had and materials not delivered
on time. The request was con-1
sidered and granted thus bring-,
ing the date for completion Feb
ruary 18th, 1918.
The Board of Supervisors ac
cepted Fire Insurance Policy on
the new Court House in the sum
of $20,000.00, written by the
Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Joy
B. Patterson, Agent, for a period
of Three years dating from.Dec.
1st, 1917, for which they paid in
advance the sum of $748.00 pre
County Treasurer, Joe Burgess,
was given permission to move his
office to the Stockmen's State
Bank, until such time as the new
Court House is completed and
ready for occupancy.
The Slate Auditor having re
mitted $3003.29 to the County
Treasurer for Apache County's
ortion of Forest Reserve iund
ees, the Treasurer is hereby or-
?red to divide said moneys as
'illows: to the General School
I und $1500.00; to the General
Uoad Fund $1503.29. This divis
: n of the money is made under
le provisions of Paragraph 4655
Revised Statutes ,1913.
The County Treasurer was or
dered to make the following trans
fers: From the General County
Fund to the Salary Fund $7000.00
From the General County Fund
to the Fxpense Fund $5000.00.
The Board of Supervisors enter
ed the following order upon their
minutes: "That the County Treas
urer be requested to deposit be
fore the next meeting of the
board of supervisors the sum of
$166.75, the same being the inter
est figured at 2 on the County
money held by said Treasurer be
tween August 6th and Dec. 1st,
In the matter of the Bond
Election held in Richville School
district (No. 10) on the 29th day
of September. 1917, Supervisor
John C. Hall introduced and
moved the adoption of the follow
ing preamble and resolution to
wit: WHEREAS, in pursuance of
and in conformity with an act of
the Second Special session of the
First Legislature of the State of
Arizona, entitled an act to pro
vide for the establishment and
maintenance of a general and
uniform public school system "ap
proved and adopted April 8th,
1913. The Board of Trustees of
School District No, 10, County of
Apache and State of Arizona, has
certified to the Board of Super
visors all the proceedings had by
said School District pursuant to
said Acts, for the purposp of au
thorizing the issue and sale of the
(continued on page 2)
Chamberlain's Tablets
Chamberlain's Tablets are in
tended especially ior stomach
troubles, biliousness and consti
pation, and have met with much
I success in the treatment ot those
I diseases. People who have suf
fered for years with stomach
trouble and have been unable to
! obtain any permanent relief,
j have been completely cured by
! the use of these tablets. Cham
berlain's Tablets are also of great
lvalue for -billiousness. Chronic
1 constipation may be permanently
cured by taking Chamberlain's
Tablets and observing the plain
printed directions with each bot
tle. Adv.
S A Full Crop or One-Half
S j. m rmi- l 5
lO iwo-AJiiirua ui vriic
T oneta nn mnrc tn raise flfull fXOD than it does tO raise a l4 OT A CTOP.
It takes as much seed, as many hours work, as much wear and tear on horse
flesh and machinery to
raise a small, poorly
graded crop as a large,
high grade one.
The size and qual
ity of your crop de
pend largely upon the
drill you use.
There are scores of
drills that scatter the
seed at various depths
much of it stays on
the surface to be eaten
by the sun. 'Perhaps 50 to 75 of this seed grows. It germinates unevenly
it comes up unevenly it ripens unevenly and does not grade high.
But there is one Drill that is different.
Why not use the one Drill that places every seed where it
should be?
Monitor Double Disc Drills
deposit the seed at the bottom ot a clean, wide
furrow in two rows and cover it uniformly with
moist earth, giving it abundant room 10 bioou
You get a good stand with one-fifth less Beed.
Every good seed grows germinates uniformly
' all comes up at one time ripens evenly and
rades the highest. '
The Agricultural Colleges in various parts of
.e country have mnde exhaustive tests and find
at the Monitor Drill produces crops which are
ijot only laiger but grade higher than those pro
duced by any other.
The Monitor Double Disc Drill is the only
A rii-H! tlvit H-nitt t1 e seed in front of the axle with
jsai th downward turn or the disc, carrying every
grain to the bottom of the furrow this device is covered by patents.
The Monitor Drill will operate successfully in any kind of soil.
Every feature of the Monitor Drill is a strong one. Steel draw bars and
hangers steel levers steel . chets. It is made of the very best materials and
will give excellent service r many oh.?r ,ll!s2rein the scrap heap. Don't
buy a drill until y
Eagar, Arizona