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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
ST. JOHNS HERALD AND APACHE NEWS WAITE BROS., Publishers. Geo. E. Waite - Business Manager J. W. Waite, Assistant Ehtered in the Post Office at St. Johns, Arizona, as Second Class Mall Matter. Ipaued every Thura'lav. Subscript ioi P'ice one dollar a vear, in advance ADVERTISING RATES Display Adv., per inch per isane 20c. Locals per line per jspue - - 10c. Eaders, per inch, pnr issue - 4nc Display ads, plate form pei inch - 15c. Readers, plate form, per iiu li - 40c. Legal ads. per inch at legal rates THe above rates ar the rates periesne. OFFICIAL PAPER OF APACHE COUNTY : fv - December 13, 1917. Supervisors Proceedings. (from first page) Bonds of said School district in the sum of Fifteen 'hundred ($1500 00) DOLLARS for the purpose of purchasing erounds and the build ing and furnishing of a school house within and for said district; and . WHEREAS, it appears that th. law has been fully complied with by the Trustees of said District in the calling of the Election. the posting and publishing of the proper notices, and the holding of the Election and the canvassing of ; he vote; which canvass shows shat a majority of the votes cast were in favor of the creating of this, indebtedness. WHEREAS, the amount of the said Bonds in the aggregate in cluding iheexistingindebtedness, will not exceed four per cent of the value of the taxable property in said School District, as ascer tained by the last assessment .of State and County Taxes. NOW THEREFORE it appear ing that the board of supervisors is authorized to issue Bonds of Said School District No. 10 of said County to the number and amount provided herein, for the purpose of purchasing grounds and building a School House with in and for said School Discrict No. 10 of Apache County, Arizo na, by issuing the negotiable Bonds of the District in the ag gregate amount of Fifteen hun , dred Dollars ($1500), consisting of Three Bonds in denominations of . Five Hundred Dollars each, to bear the date of the 1st day of January, 1918, the principal sum of said bonds to be absolutely due and payable Five years from date of issue, and redeemable Three years after date thereof, and drawing interest at the rate of six per cent per anum, pay able semi-annually on the 1st day of January and the 1st day of July each year, both-principal and interest being payable in lawful money of the Uuited States of America at the Office of the County Treasurer of ' Apache County, which said indebtedness shall be a binding and obligatory upon said School District for the use of which said Loan shall be made. Said Bonds shall be numbered in regular consecutive order commencing with number one, and shall be redeemable in the order of their number, and shall be signed by the Chairman of the board of Supervisors and attested by the clerk of said Board, under the seal thereof, and countersign ed by the County Treasurer. And each of said Bonds shall have at tached thereto 10 coupons, num bered from one to ten inclusive, securing the payment of the in terest thereon as it -falls due; each coupon shall bear the en- gra ed fac-simile signatures the Chairman of the Board oi Supervisors, the Clek of the board of supervisors and theCoun ty Treasurer, and said coupons when issued as aforesaid, as part said BGnds shall be the lawful of promises and obligations of said School District securing the pay ment of said Interest as it be comes due in the hands of all persons to whom they may law fully come. Said Bonds and the coupons thereto attached shall be in sub stantially the following form: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ARIZONA COUNTY OF APACHE SCHOOL DISTRICT No 10. No. $500.00 School Bond . School District No 1 in the County of Apache and State of . . rizona, for value received, here h acknowledges itself indebted i! d promises to pay to the bear- hereof out of the Building Fund of such District the sum ot ive Hundred Dollars ($500.00) i t lawful money of the United States of America, on the 1st. lay of January A. D, 1923, with Interest thereon at the rate of - x per cent per anum (6), pay jl le semi-annually on the first days of July and January in each ear, as evidenced by the inter est coupons hereto attached, both j.rincipal and interest payable at the office of the County Treasurer of Apache County in St. Johns, Arizona on presentation of this Bond or said coupons respectively. The District . reserces the right however to pay this Bond at any time after the 1st day of January A.D. 1921. This Bond is issued by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Apache and State of Arizona, for School District No.10 i said County, for the purpose o raising money for purchasing school lots, building and furnish ing a school house within and for said district, by virtue of and in full conformity with the provis ions of an act of the Second Special Session of the First Leg islature of the State of Arizona, entitled, "An 'Act to provide for the establishment and mainten ance of a General and Uniform Public School System, approved, April 8th, 1913, and all acts amendatory thereof and supple mental thereto and in pursuance of an order of said Board of Su pervisors of the said County, duly and in due time, form and man ner adopted and entered upon the minutes prior to the issuance of this Bond and by virtue of the Authority of the Proceedings of the Board of Trustees of said School District No. 10 certified to this Board. It is hereby certified, recited and warranted that all the re quirements of law have beeh ful ly complied with by the proper Officers issuing this Bond, and that the total bonded indebted ness of said District, including that of this Bond, does not ex ceed the limit prescribed by the Constitution or laws of the State of Arizona, and that the issuance of this Bond has been duly au thorized by a vote of the majority of the duly qualified Electors of said District, voting on the Ques tion at an election duly held in said District on the 29th day of September, A. D. 1917. The faith and credit of said School District No. 10 in the County of Apache and State of Arizona, are hereby pledged for the punctual payment of t h e principal of and the interest upon this Bond. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Board of Supervisors of Apii (continued on page 3) FOR SALE-1C0 acres of pa tented land with water at Ei Tule' below the Lyman reservoir Old homestead of Theodort Chavez. For further particulars call or write Esperidiona Chavez St. Johns Arizona. WANTED-One Sub-Agent in each leading Arizona town to sell the best all round, low priced auto on the market. Attractive Proposition to right party. Ad dress, Metz Agency, Crown King, Arizona. NOTICE Calling for bids on Sale of school District No. t13 bonds, Apache County Arizona. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors of Apa che County, Arizona, will receive sealed bids for the purchase o $2000.00 School J:stricf No. 13 (Hunt) Bonds, at its Office in St. Johns. Bids will be received up until 10 A. M. Tuesday January 7th. 1918. The date fixed for the opening of said bids shall be January 7th. 1918 at 10 A. M. All bids to be considered shall be marked sealed bids for "Hunt School District Bonds" and ad dressed to the Board of Supervis ors of Apache County, Arizona, and each bid must be accompan- iedby a certified check for 5 of the total amount of such bid, said check to be made payable to the Treasurer of Apache Countv The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Levi S. Udall Clerk Board of Supervisors. (Nov. 29th to December 27th. inclusive)- Stomach Trouble and Constipation. Those who are afflicted with stomach trouble and constipation should read the following: have never found anything so good for stomach trouble and con stipation as Chamberlain's Tab lets, I have used them off and on now for the past two years. They not only regulate the action of the bowels but stimulate the liver and keep one's body in a healthy condition," writes Mrs. Benjamin Hooper, Auburn, N. Y. Adv. Goat Milk The IncomparaLle Baby Food H The Perfect Food fcr Invalids cch m 1 orkd wonders in restoring health to those Vf euiit'nii; with tuberculosis or otomccn ")&. Jroi I le. Positively tiolven the problem 'if- "t ' iuuotile malnutrition A, AT LEADING DRUGGISTS ut UF m H-oz. Tina ... WIDEMANNpGOATeMILK CD. Physician's Big. '-XCSx'-n f"r rc ifct o CL How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Pol son from the Blood and healing the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine, for a short time you will see a great improvement in your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid' of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. ORPHINE McKanna Three Day Liquor Cure No loss of time. No suffering. Strictly private. Dr. McKanna, the originator of the I hree Day Cure, in Charge Thirty Years' Success in the Treatment of Liquor and Drug Habits Credential on Request Located in the Healthiest City in the Mountain District DR. J. J. McKANNA Box 157 Telephone 96 MAGDALENA, NEW MEXICO. eeeoeoeoeGseoeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoe e - 9 SO e f 9 e . -a 38 9 oe j j i9 30 3 8 a 3 39 3Q 99 3 o 39 SO 3 t0 3 88 e a -a 99 99 . 20 SO 33 & 39 99 99 $ SO o 30 ' jj reason that 80 per cent of the Studebabers produced yearly are bought by men who have pre viously owned other cars may be explained as the recognition of the in-built quality and the cer tainty of service that have won Studebaker Cars pre-eminence in all parts of the world! ea e ee o 99 99 99 99 GO ee es e ee ee o 99 99 99 9& 90 99 99 ea eo 99 oe ee ee ee ee ee eo ee e ee ee ee e eo ee ee St oe 3 9 eo eo oe 9 a xLsissrHiSiLs asraisrasra'aErEL ee 9i 9) eo eo se ee $ 99 c e it 99 99 8 99 oe ee oe eo eo ee ee eo ee ee 99 eo ee oe 99 iSecker's Transcontinental Garage , i Company. , Springerville, Arizona. t 9 fi e? e 1 , ; eecoeoeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeGeoeseeeeeeoeee-' I The Bank of the People Efficiency, Courtesy and Strength. Past Business appreciated, new Business Solicited We, take care of your interests. 3 4 43 : 43 4-' ST. JOHNS STATE BANK St. Johns, Arizona - k. ' 1 J g E - i- M.9 CALL'S .nct; If END in yoar cash renewal to our paper now and you . can have your choice of any of these splendid maAazine your -"t it 1 T as-. il prices shown below. id end new subscribers. If you Jb ti. Pi?"! Club A. Our Pancr . . . 11.00 McCall's ftfagaziae Today's Hooseivtf e Club C Oar Paper . . $1.00 ) . .0 Womans World . .50 5i Farm & Fireside . .25 ) Club E. Oar Paper . .31.00 ) .cr. Today's Honseivile .75 Y 100 Club G. Our Paper . . $1.00 ) A4eo People's Dome tanal .75 V VjOO Womans World . .50 ) 1 - of these magazines, your sub- year from date of expiration. Club B. Oar Paper . . $1.00") je0 Today's Housewife .75 ! 50 Womans World. . .50 J 1 ClnbD. Oar Paper . . $1.00 Today's Hbasewile .75 Home Life .... .35 Club F. Oar Paper . . $1.00 Womans World . .50 Home life .... .35 Club H. 0or Paper . . $1.00 McCall's Magazine tarm & Fireside Home Life $188 $146 . . $1.00 . gazine .75 f $-175 aide . ;25 f v . . . . J5 ) PROMPT ACTION NECESSARY We may be compelled to withdraw this offer in the near future. Magazine prices are fcoing higher. Send in your crJar NOW and be safe. GOOD LITERATURE IS ESSENTIAL IN EVERY HOME mmm r