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St. Johns is having a healthy substantial growth. Lands are cheap but rapidly increasing in value. Best climate on, earth. VOLUME 34 ST. JOHNS, APACHE COUNTY, ARIZONA, .DECEMBER 27, 1917 NO. 18 y At 4k: $ 10 memr- ia gait mxr vlUfanns $ far gmtr ntang afrmrs, aiti pifelj gait i r 'fa fe a: fern JfflWrn 3nras. mxh m(( firm. flF 7 -,-7 V ) t 7 msss ana masixenm tar me ixteni MOTHER SHIPTQN'S PROPHECY. -o-o- came. IT vsrvso'it. vv rsw re-sr sr" srw i-rrc ems -o-o- ACADEMY NOTES. S. J. A.. Closes With a Bis Day Hyrum J.'Knight and fami ly of Hunt spent Xmas in our city. , Mi, and Mrs. Daniel Pulsipher of Vernon were Christmas visit ors here. 1 W. W. Sherwood anfl family "were up from Hunt and spent the Xmas day with W. W's. mother. David K. Udall was married at Camp Kearney Dec. .23, to a Salt Lake City girl whom he met last summer while visit ing there. A younger brother of Messrs. ' W.W. and J.T. Berry is visiting ; in the city. A family gathering was held at the J. T. Berry home. last night and the relatives pres ent were not few. A beautiful calendar for 1918, compliments of t h e Anderson Mercantile Company adorns most of the homes in our city. They also have given a fine Christmsa gift to their customers. A kitch en cleaver. Wm. Rencher and George E. sWaite, assisted by Vern Plumb have completed the survey of the lands under the St. Johns Irriga tion svstem and a tabulated list of owners under each ditch and amount of land will soon be in the hands ot Judge x'erkms as per his request. Geo W. P. Hunt, democrat, first governor of Arizona, is again chief executive of the state by a decision handed down in the supreme court Dec. 22. Precinct No. 1 of Douglas, was given to Gov. Hunt, consisting of 42 votes The cost of the contest ..amounts to $55,000 and each party must pay the costs.- No i appeal will be made. ' Supervisor W. A. Saunders was pretty badly bruised up last Tuesday evening by the overturning of a Ford car which he was driving: down ' on the Milky. The cause of the turning was a bent wish bone. He was accompanied by his nephew who escaped without iniury. Mr. Saund ers is under the care of Dr Brown but we are glad to note that there is no serious injuries. Friday. Friday, December 21, at eleven o'clock; the Academy hall was crowded and a program of rare ability rendered. Christmas prelude, - by the Band Invocation - Thomas Isaacson Music - ' - "Orchestra S. J. A. Song . - School Poem, Christmas Supplication, Ada Lyen Peace on Earth Good Will to Men Burke Hamblin Christ Spirit, Nellie Bloomfield Christmas - Carl Anderson This Christmas - Guv Lund Story, When Philip Enlisted,, by Almeda Richey Story, What Christmas Brings, Erm a. Maxwell Oration, United we Stand, Di vided we Fall, Thos. Isaacson Oration, The Soldiers Christmas, Myrtle Thompson Oration, Christmas Spirit, John Hamblin Presentation of complete set of French Romances, by Judge Crosby. Given to the School by Messrs. Pete Peterson, Levi S. Udall, Judge Crosby, Anella S.' Lytle. Presentation of efficiency prize, by Prof. H. N. Blazzard Arizona - Congregation Benediction - Carl Anderson March - - Band Immediately after the program the Cross Country run began. The competitors were: Guy Lund, Wilson Wilkins, Jacob Neal, Gold en Farr, Willie Plumb, George Crosby, Burke Hamblin, Milo Wikbank. The boys were pro nounced in perfect condition by Dr. Brown. Mr. Lund made the run of two miles and a half in about twelv.e minutes. Dr. Brown has offered a Silver Loving cuo for the one that wins the run three years consecutively. The judges decided in .favor of Miss AdaLyen's poem, Mr. Isaac son's oration and Miss Richey 's story. The prizes for the above mentioned will be giyen on honor day in the spring. They were original and showed much talent and work. Miss Ada Lyen was awarded the efficiency prize, which was a j leather bound volume of Moore's Poems. The value of this prize cannot be made estimated in dol- A house of glass shall come to pass, In England, but alas! . War will follow with the work In the land of the Pagan and Turk; And state and state in fierce strife Will seek each other's life. ; But when the North shall divide the South An Eagle shall build in the Lion Mouth,. And accidents fill the world with woe, Primrose Hill in London shall be, And in its center a Bishop's See; Around the world thoughts shall fly .? In the twinkling of an eye, Water shall yet wonders do, . -r-. Now, strange, shall yet be. true; ,,' The world upside down shall be, And gold found at the root of a tree; .Through hills man shall ride, . v. And no horse or ass be by his sjde; . . i . Under water men shall walk, Shall ride, shall sleep, shall talk; in the air men shall be seen, , In white, in black, in green; , ' Iron in water shall float, ; ' , As easy as a wooden boat. , , Goid shall be found and found . In a land that's not now known. . , . Fire and water shall more wonders do, " , England shall at last admit a Jew; 7 , .; The Jevv that was held in scorn , ('"' - " Shall of a Christian be born. : : Three times three will lovely France 4 4 Pe led to dance a bloody dance : i .Before her people shall be free. ' Three tyrant rulers shall she see, . ' Thre times the people rule alone, ' Three times the people's hope is gone. Three rulers in succession see, Each springing from a different dynasty Then shall the worser fight be done, . England -and France shall be as one. . No mere mortal, outside the major prophets o'f the scriptures aver made such true and wonderful forecasts as did English dame four hundred years ago. Partnership Ordered Disolved. Judge G. H. Crosby, Jr., judge of the Superior Court of Apache county, is here from St. Johns, Judge Crosby came to hand down the decision jn the case of John G. Ver,kamp vs. Frank Hoctor The decree ordered a dissolution of the partnership, a sale of all assets, and the distribution of the proceeds of sale between the part ners. L. R. Gibbons of Holbrook was appointed trustee and his Bond fixed at $25,000. The Verkamp-Hector is a sheep outfit well known here, Judge Perkins was disqualified from hearing ihe case, so that Judge Crosby was called in. Flagstaff Leader, Dec. 8. Must Have Been Texas. A girl in the East established a record recently by kissing sev eral thousand western soldiers, The boys double-crossed the young lady by doubling back and around the building and joining the procession the second and third time. The leaders of the bunch of "Doughboys" must have baen sons of the old-time Texas cow-men, who in early days had a habit of running cattle around a hill and counting them twice on unsuspecting purchasers. Arizo na Cattleman. Big Engines for Salt Lake Route. Six monster engines, each weighing with tender complete 552,000 pounds and embracing the latest improvements, have been this old f added to the equipment of the Los She predicted steam, the Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad. iron, ship, the automobile, the airsnip, the finding of gold in i the new giants are it it. o in. America (then undiscoved), and the religious wars of Europe and long, carrv 1 tons oi coaianu the union of France and England, enemies since their settlement by barbarians, and also the Great war. Bisbee Review lars and cents. Miss Lyen is the most efficient student both as a scholar and socially in the St. Johns Academy for the first sem ester. At 12:30 Friday night, after a splendid dance and delicious re freshments the orchestra played, "End of the Perfect Day" which was also tthe end of a perfect semester. Appreciate Christmas Presents. Camp Kearney, Calif. . Dec, h, 1917 To the people of Apache County. We certainly appreciate the Christmas gift just received and we thank all of the people, and wish you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. From APACHE COUNTY BOYS at Camp Kearney, Calif. Leo Shreeve, Parley Heap, ! Karl Mineer and Perry Plumb of Camp Kearney, all St. Tohns boys were home for 10,000 gallons of water, ihey cost $50,000 apiece. Their frame are annealed vanadium steel of unusual strength and their indi vidual hauling power equals that of a half dozen ordinary locomo tives. Ex. United States Land Office At Phoenix, Arizona, State of Arizona. According to the New, York American of a recfcnt date, Sears Roebuck & Co. received 201,000 orders for goods, accompanied by cash acroTeEratinsr $1,625,000 in a single day. Sales forUhe year j Christmas. The first three 1916 totaled S146, 838, 000, a gain ! named had a four day paSo of more than thirty per cent. and only had about fewenty Thp tntai-for 1917 is sure to ex- Ifour hours to spend withoar- ceed the figures quoted; probably ! ents and friends, but put in I SiNEJ, not less than $200,000,000, on ! good time at it. Perry Plumb j which volume of business the net j has a ten day furlough and is ' qLc. ,q pnrninffs will be in excess of $20.-1 soendme the time with ms; L-1396, S-037258. In T. 12 N., parents and relatives. Ihe R..29-E: Aiibeci4 oil lnnVmrr waII nnH L-1397, S-037257. . In T. 12 N., wj w --O seem to be enjoying the sol diers life. Parley, Leo and Karl, left Xmas evening for CamD Kearney. Several of To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the State of Arizona has filed in this office its School Indemnity Land Selection. Lists, as follows, apply ing to select as indemnity the lands described, to-wit: L-1392, S-037262. In T. 9 N., R. 27 E: All Sec. 33-. L-1393, S-037263. In T. 10N., R. 29 E: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,- NEL EiWi NiSEi, SWiSEi, Sec. 7. L-1394, S-037260. In T, 10 N., R 29 E: SEJSEi, Sec. 7: In T. 15 N., R. 26 E: Lots .1, 2, 2, 4, ESEJ, Sec. 6. L-1395, S-037259. in T. 15 JN., NEt, NNVVt, EASE,, 000,000. A large road roller recently or dered by the county highway commission was unloaded in Hol brook yesterday. This machine weighs about-24,000 pounds, and is operated by gasoline power. It will be used on the roads aud will supplement some of the road ma chinery now owned by the coun ty. Holbrook News. R 29 E: All Sec. 26, (All in G. & S R. M.J During the five weeks period of publication of this , notice, or any time thereafter and before 1 .v. I nnnnntTn onr Ck-.riri OOtTfl .1 nied therft d far as Holhrook i!"06"?" where they dancea until mid-, tracts Jppiied for and transmit niffht and at 4 a. m. the bovs i the same to the General Lano boarded tne tram tor uamp ; umce. Kearney Frank Allen of Camp Kear- . i Jim SorensenN arrived m ney aiso -came m iu bpeuu the city Monday bight andAmas wim ma &uu . ram i will remain until after the'Eagar. He returned to duty holidays are over. 1 Wednesday. Dated at Phoenix. Arfzona, De-I cember 14, 1917. J. L. IRVIN, Register. N . ' JOHN J. BIRDNO, 1917.