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ST. JOHNS HERALD AND APACHE NEWS WAITE BROS., Publishers. Qeo. E. Waitc - Business Manager J. W. Waitc, Assistant Entered in the Post Office at St. Johns, Arizona, as Second Glass Mail Matter. i (Failed every Thursday. Subscription D'iee one dollar a veur, in 'adva'mxi ADVERTISING RATES ' Dipplay Adv., per inch per issue 2(V. Locale, per line, per issue - - 10c. Headers, pe'r inch, per issue - 45c. Display adp, plate form per inch - 15c. Readera, plate form, per inch - 40c. Legal ads. per inch at legal rates The above rates. are the rates per issue. OFFICIAL PAPER OF APACHE COUNTY December 27, 1917. Nothing Left To Be Saved. Writing to James .H. Stewart, state commissioner of Agricul ture, Mrs. Jemima Brown, of Summers county, a farmer's wife, declares that she has received during the summer "not less than five hundred pounds of paper, all appealing to the housewife, with an under-current indicting her for waste" and she intimated that she was getting tired of it. "Propagandists have been here, always coming to the house with literature for the 'woman," she said "until my husband has come to believe that I am wasteful, though I have turned out the can ary bird oyer a year ago and the cat actually starved to death this spring. "Two young men riding in'a polished six-cylinder automobile drove up to our place,, each -smoking a ten-cent cigar, and asked me to sign a pledge to save. Why, I couldn't save another mouthful unless I began to trim doyn the pancakes fed to those young so licitors, but they do seem so hun gry. Mrs. Brown then made some economy suggestions for the men, the first of which was, "send those big automobiles to France for service. The price of those cigars will furnish the gasoline to run the automobiles? The total would mean millions. Send the solicitors to the front as soldiers. It will leave more food producers on the farm." Mrs. Brown declared "we farm women know there -is a war and what it means -and what to do. Our mothers didn't need this ad vice during our Civil war. We know what they went through. We are just as loyal as our moth ers were, and we will send our last son and our last dollar away with a smile. We can read, we can think, we know and we .can make ourselves heard occassion ally, depending on the courtesy extended to us by the press." Ex. How to Prevent Croup In a child that is subject to at tacks of croup, the first indica tion of the disease is hoarseness. Give Chamberlain's Cough Rem? edy as soon as the child becomes hoarse and the attack may be warded off and ail danger and anxiety avoided. -Adv. APPLICATION FOR GRAZING PERMITS. NOTICE is hereby given that all applications for permits to graze cattle, horses, , hogs, sheep and goats within the APACHE NATIONAL FOREST during the season of 1918 must be filed in my office at Springerville, Arizona, on or before January 15, 198. Full information in regard to the crazing fees to be charged and blank forms to be used in making applications will be furnished up on request. FREDERIC, WINN, .Supervisor. An exchange says: We are learning to do without so many things during the war that when peace comes we are not likely to resume the use of many. And that will be a distinct gain in more ways than one. NO REASON FOR IT You Are Shown a Way Out. There can be no reason why any reader of this who suffers the tortures of an aching Joack, the annoyance of urinary disorders', pains and dangers of kidney ills will fail to heed the word of a resident of this locality who has found relief. The following is convincing proof of merit. Rev. Paul Figueroa, 452 S. Stone Ave: Tucson, Ariz,, says: "Abouteight years ago my kidneys were both ering me and it seemed as though the pains in my back would never stop. My kidneys did not act re gularly. I usually felt languid and tired and. I suffered with fre quent headaches. I used four boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills and they completely and permanently cured me." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that cured Rev. Figueroa. Foster-Milburn Co., Props.; Buf falo, N. Y. NOTICE Calling for bids on Sale of school District No. 13 bonds, Apache County Arizona. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors of Apa che County, Arizona, will receive sealed bids for the purchase of $2000.00 School District No. 13 (Hunt) Bonds, at its Office in St. Johns. Bids will be received up until 10 A. M. -Tuesday January 7th. 1918. The date fixed for the opening of said bids shall be January 7th. 1918 at 10 A. M. All bids to be . considered shall be marked sealed bids for "Hunt School District Bonds" and ad dressed to the Board of Supervis ors of Apache County, Arizona, and each bid must ibe accompan iedby a certifie'd check for 5 of the total amount of such bid, said check to be made payable to the Treasurer of Apache County. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Levi S. Udall , Clerk Board of Supervisors. (Nov. 29th to December 27th. inclusive) Stomach Troubla and Constipation. Those who are afflicted with stomach trouble and constipation should read the following: "I have never found anything so good for stomach trouble and con stipation as Chamberlain's Tab lets, I have used them off and on now for the past two years. They not only regulate the action of the bowels but stimulate the liver and keep one's body in a healthy condition,'-' writes Mrs. Benjamin Hooper, Auburn, N. Y. Adv. Chamberlain's Tablets Chamberlain's Tablets are in tended especially for stomach troubles, biliousness and consti pation, and have met with much success in the treatment of those diseases. People who have suf fered for years with stomach trouble and have been unable to obtain any permanent relief, have been completely cured by the use of these tablets. Cham berlain's Tablets are also of great value for billiousness. Chronic constipation may be permanently cured by taking Chamberlain's Tablets and observing the plain printed directions with each bot tle. Adv. List 3-4204. RESTORATION TO ENTRY OF Lands in National Forest. Notice is hereby given that the lands de scribed below, embracing 20 acres, within the Apache National For est, Arizona, will be subject to settlement and entry under the provisions of the homestead laws of the United States and the act of June 11, 1906 (34 Stat., 233), at the United States land office at Phoenix, Arizona, on February 16, 1918. Any settler who was actually and in good faith claim ing -any of said lands for agricul tural purposes prior to January 1, 1906, and has not abandoned same, has a preference right to make a homestead entry for the lands ac tually occupied . Said lands were listed upon the applications of the persons mentioned below, who have a preference right subject to the prior right of any such set tler, provided such settler or ap plicant is qualified to make home stead entry and the preference right is exercised prior to Febru ary 16, 1918, on which date the lands will be subject to settlement and entry by any qualified per son. The Wh SWi NE Sec. 13, T. 5 N., R. 30 E., G. & S. R. M , 20 acres, application, of Erastus Skousen of Alpine, Arizona; List 3-4204. December 3, 1917. C. M. BRUCE, Assistant Commissioner of the General Land Office. FOR SALE 100 acres of pa tented land with water at El Tule below the Lyman reservoi r Old homestead of Theodore Cnavez. For further particulars call or write Esperidiona 'Chavez St. Johns Arizona. WANTED-One Sub-Agent in each leading Arizona town to sell the best all round) - low v priced auto on the market. Attractive Proposition to right party. Ad dress, Metz Agency, Grown King, Arizona. .List 3-4150. RESTORATION TO ENTRY OF Lands in National Forest. Notice is hereby given that the lands de scribed below, embracing 60 acres within the Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona, will be subject to settlement and entryunder the provisions of the homestead laws of the United States and the act of June 11, 1906 (34 Stat. 233), at United States land office at Phoe nix, Arizona, on February 16. 1918. Any settler who was actu ally and in crood faith claiming any of said lands for agricultural purposes prior to January 1, 1906, and has not abandoned same, has a preference right to make a homestead entry for the lands ac tually occupied. Said lands were listed upon the application of the persons mentioned below, vho have a preference right, subject to the prior right of any such set tler, provided such settler or ap plicant is qualified to make home stead entry , and the preference right is exercised prior to Febru ary 16, 1918, on which date the lands- will be subject to settle ment and entry bv any qualified person. The Sj" of Lot 1 (20 acres) SEJ NEi Sec. 4, T. 9 N-, R. 25 E., G. & S. R. M., 60 acres, application of E. L. Gillespie, of Vernon, Arizona: List 3-4150. November 30, 1917, C. M. BRUCE Assistant Commissioner of the General Land Office. ORPHINE McKanna Three Day Liquor Cure No loss of time. No suffering. Strictly private. Dr. McKanna, the originator of the Three Day Cure, in Charge' Thirty Years' Success in the Treatment of Liquor and Drug Habits Credential on Request Located in the Healthiest City in the Mountain District DR; J. J. McKANNA j ee o e e o ee so (59 OO eo GO 69 9 e e o ee e 89 eeeeee ee ee ee ee 99 99 Q9 Q6 Ki 0 ee 99 99 99 eo eo eo eo eo Si 99 II YOUR forefathers' confidence in the name STUDEBAKER two 11 generations and more ago rested II i upon the same unwavering integ- I! WW rity and ideals . that have won II ii your confidence in this generation II BJk3 and made Studebaker the ee eo ee ee ee ee ii world's largest producer of fine si f V eo oo o eo 00 ee OS a 9 ee e eo eo o CO CO ea eo eo 00 s Q QO ee ee ee- ee, 9C 99 ee ee ee es s: cars. ee ee ee oe 1 OiTSHI?2t si ee ee ee eo eo ee ee 9 Springerville, Arizona. ee ee eo 6 eo er 6 eo 99 ee ee e Ef iciency, Courtesy and gGooo0)O3ooso3Qoeo9ssooeeooc ? : ; r I1 f-1 J ' 3 J , i 43 .HI 4' 3 i u n , ji i e ! 41 Fast . Business appreciated, new ?ussness bol 1 Er H ! ' - care or your interests, t St. Johns, Arizona w I I A. ill I j nuvu:uit I I ItAnM&fJRESJDE B I agazine Club Bargains END in your cosh renewal to our paper now and you can have your choice of any of these splendid mafenzine clubs et the special prices shown below. I This cflbr is open to both old end new subscribers. If you are atready 3 subscnefcr to any of these magazines, your sub scription wili be expended or.e year from date of expiration. I Club A. Club B. OurPepep. . . $U ) Oar Paper . .$1.00' jBeCail's Kctnziae .75 V 12i ( Teitv's Housewife .75 Today's Soasrwife 75 ' I Wonass Werid . . .59. Cioa p. A n on . war rapcr . . 9.9 jn Woaians Werid . .6 kiA X til til U III CZlkUC .3 J Club E. Onr Paper . . $1.00 ) Today's Hoasewile .75 V Hzvm h Fireside . .25 ) Clab G, Oar Paper . . Pwplt'i How Jonraa! IVonaas World 68 Gcb D. dsr Paper . . $1.06 ) a., Today's Hoasevvifc .75 9 1! H&e Life 35 ) 1 Clab F. Oar Paper . . $1.00 VVomaas World . .50 BoHeLMe 35 Club H. Oar Paper . . $1.00 iftcCall's Msaazin J-ana & firesae Ekc LHc $40 . $1.00 ) j . . as ) I PSO:GT ACTION NECESSARY We iaay be compelled to withdraw this offer in the nenr future. . Magazine prices are going higher. Send in your order NOW and be safe. 7 GOOD LITE2ATURE IS ESSENTIAL IN SVERY HOME Box 157' MAGDALENA, Telephone 96 NEW MEXICO