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0 ST. JOHNS HERALD AND APACHE NEWS WAITE BROS., Publishers. Geo.'ELWaite - Business Manager J. W. Waite, Assistant " " Entered in the Post Office at St. Johns, Arizona, as Second CIai Mail Matter. All Worn Out laued every Thursday. Subscription J price one dollar a vear, in advance ADVERTISING RATES Display Adv., per inch per issue 20c. -Locals, per line per issue - - 10c. Headers, per inch, per issue - 45c. Display adp, plate form per inch - 15c. Headers, plate form, per inch - 40c. Legal ads. per inch at legal rates The above rates are the rates per issue. OFFICIAL PAPER OF APACHE COUNTY January 3, 1918. Costly Fires in Salt River Valley. There have been several very -destructive incendiary fires in the Salt River Valley during the past few weeks, in which large quan tities of hay and grain have been destroyed. It is supposed to be the work of alien enemies or dis loyal citizens. Rewards have been offered for the apprehension of the. guilty, and' even Attorney General Wiley Jones has aroused sufficiently to hand down a legal opinion that according to Sec 30 . ,of the penal code, the criminals I are guilty of treason by giving' aid and comfort to the enemy, and i suggests that it is justifiable hom icide to" clean up the country of such fellows if caught in the act or resist arrest. Winslow Mail. Does the morning find you with a lame, stiff and aching back? Are you tired all the time find work a burden? Have you suspected your kidneys? Globe people en dorse Doan's Kidney Pills. You can surely rely on their state ments. Mrs. Anna Rowe, Devereux & Apache Sts., Box No. 444, Globe, Ariz., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills are a family remedy in our home and it is seldom that we are with out Lhem.- Sonietimes when I catch cold, it settles on my kid neys and I suffer with backache. When I get these attacks I feel so tired out and listless I can hard ly go. Dizzy spells come over me and black -spots float before my eyes, blurring my sight. A few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills have always quickly removed this trouble so I can again go about my housework, feeling like my self." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Rowe uses. Foster Milburn Go., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. ' Adv. 20,000 Graduate Nurses Required in Hospitals. With the continuance of the war, in the next year at least 20, 000 nurses will be needed in army hospitals at home and abroad. Of the 80,000 graduate nurses of the country only 3,500 have so far been assigned to dnty in army service, and of this number 1,500 are in France, An army nurse must be a grad uate of a training school for nurses and must have served for two years in a hospital. They are assigned to, duty in the United States or abroad, and preferences are granted whsn conditions per mit Nurses who prefer not to have service abroad will have their preferences respected. . Prefers Chamberlain's. "In the course of a conversa tion with Chamberlains Medicine Co.'s representative today, we had occasion to discuss in a gen eral way the merits of their dif ferent preparations. 'At his sug gestion I take pleasure in express ing my estimation of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. I have a family of six children and have iused this remedy in my home for years. I consider it the only cough remedy on the market, as I have tried nearly all kinds." Earl C. Ross, Publisher Hamilton County Republican-News, Syra cuse, Kas. Adv. Farmers Doin Their Bit. Phoenix, Arizona, December 27. That the farmers of Arizona have patriotically responded to the Nation's call for an, increased acreage of winter wheat, is shown by the crop report issued at Phoe nix recently. Reports made to the Bureau of Crop Estimates December 1 indicates that 44.C00 acres were planted in the State this year, which compares with 37,000 acres last year. In some counties the drouth made it diffi cult to fully carry out the plant ing program. The condition of the crop Dec ember 1 was below the average, due to the' dry weather. The condition is reported at 87, the six-year average. Railroad Facts and Figures. There are in the United States about 260,000 miles of lines, which is about four-ninths of the total railway mileage of the en tire world. American railroads have 65,000 locomotives, 60,000 passenger cars and 2,500,000 freight cars. Gross earning of the railroads for the first six months of 1917 were $200,000,000 greater than for the corresponding period of 1916, while the net earnings were $19,000,000 less this year than last The total operating revenues of all railroads for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1917. were $3, 824,000,000; total operating ex penses were $2,501,000,000; total , net income $1,069, 000, 000. Coco nino Sun. Are Your ewers Clogged? The bowels are the sewerage of the body, You can well imagine ihe 'result when they are stopped up as is the case in constipation. As a purgative you .will find Chamberlain's Tablets excellent. They are mild and gentle in their action. They also improve the digestion . Adv. Soon Over His Cold. Everyone speaks well of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy after having used it. Mrs. George Lewis. Pittsfield, N. Y., has this to say regarding it: ''Last winter my little hoy, five years old, was sick with a cold for two or three weeks. I doctored him and used various cough medicines but noth ing did him much good until I began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He then improved rap idly and in a few days was over his cold." Adv. New Mexico Sues Interior Department. The State of New Mexico has commenced an action against the Interior Department to restrain the Secretary of the Interior from cancelling school land selections. The lands in dispute are situated in a national forest, but are al leged to have passed to it prior to the establishment of the forest reserve. The" same condition pre vails in Arizona and any action in respect to the New Mexico case will be final in the matter of school land grants in Arizona. Cocoonino Sun. Stomach Trouble. If you have trouble with your stomach you should try Chamber lain's Tablets. So many have been restored to health by the use of these tablets and their cost is so little, 25 cents, that it is worth while to give them a trial. Adv. An exchange says: Six hun dred thousand Christmas pack ages were sent from New York to soldiers abroad. From this you can get an idea of the size of the army Uncle Sam already has on foreign soil. List 3-4204. RESTORATION TO ENTRY OF Lands in National Forest. Notice is hereby given that the lands de scribed below, embracing 20 acres, within the Apache National For est, Arizona, will be subject to settlement and entry under the provisions of the homestead Jaws of the United States and the act of June 11, 1906 (34 Stat, 233), at the United States land office at Phoenix, Arizona, on February 16, 1918. Any settler who was actually and in good faith claim ing any of said lands for agricul tural purposes prior to January 1, 1906, and hasnot abandoned same, has a preference right to make a homestead entry for the lands ac tually occupied . Said lands were listed upon the applications of the persons mentioned below, who have a preference right subject to the prior right of any such set tler, provided such settler or ap plicant is qualified to make home stead entry and the preference right is exercised prior to Febru ary 16, 1918, on which date the lands will be subject to settlement and entry by any qualified per son. The W- SWi NEi Sec. 13, T. 5 N., R. 30 E., G. & S. R. M., 20 acres, application of Erastus Skousen of Alpine, Arizona; List 3-4204. December 3, 1917. C. M. BRUCE, Assistant Commissioner of the General Land Office. List 3-4150. RESTORATION TO ENTRY OF Lands in National Forest. Notice is hereby given that the lands de scribed below, embracing 60 acres within the Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona, will be subject to settlement and entry under the provisions of the homt-stead laws of the United States and the act of June 11, 1906 (34 Stat. 233), at United States land office at Phoe-1 nix, Arizona, on February 16. 1918. Any settler who was actu ally and in good faith claiming any of said lands for agricultural purposes prior to January 1, 1906, and has not abandoned same, has j a preference right to make a homestead entry for the lands ac tually occupied. Said lands were listed upon the application of the persons mentioned below, who have a preference right subject to the prior right of any such set-') tier, provided such settler or ap plicant is qualified to make home stead entry and the preference right is exercised prior to Febru ary 16, 1915, on which date the lands will be subject to settle ment and entry by any qualified person. The Si of Lot 1 (20 acres) SEJ NE 3ec. 4, T. 9 N-, R. 25 E., G. & S. R. M., 60 acres, application of E. L. Gillespie, of Vernon, Arizona; List 3-4150. November30, 1917, C. M. BRUCE Assistant Commissioner of the General Land Office. ee ee o oe ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee oe ee ee oe oe GO oo ee ov ee ee ee ee ee oo ee ee oe oe 3 e oe e c oo oo eeeeeeeeeeeeooeeeeeeeeseeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee YOUR forefathers' confidence in the name STUDEBAKER two generations and more ago rested upon the same unwavering integ rity and ideals that have won your confidence in this generation and made Studebaker the world's largest producer of fine o , oo qtcj yXL ee o ee oo oo oo oo ee 99 oo ee oo ee eo eo oo oo a oe oo oe ee oo oe ee eo ee eo oo oe ee oo ee Becker's Transcontinental Garag Company, Springerville, Arizona. e gf eeee eooseeoeooeooooeeooeeooeeoeseoeoooeeeoe9seeee Efficiency, Courtesy and Strengi usiness Business new take care of your interests. " I j. f3 St. Johns, Arizona s j 1 MORPHINE McKanna Three Day Liquor Cure No loss of time. No suffering. Strictly private. Dr. McKanna. the originator of the Three Day Cure, in Charge Thirty Years' Success in the Treatment of Liquor and Drug Habits Credential on Request Located in the Healthiest City in the Mountain Bhtricl DR. J. J. McKANNA Box 157 Telephone 96 MAGDALENA, NEW MEXICO M? CALLSjf Magazine Onto Bargains SEND in your cash renewcl to our paper now and you can have your choice of any of these splendid majaane clubs at the special prices shown below. This mTsr is open to both old end new subscribers. If you ore already a subscriber to any of these magazines, your sub scription will be e-tended ore year from date of expiration. HOME LIFE! Club A. Oar Paper . . . 1.30 aicCall's Magazine .75 Today's Housewife .75 ClVLii C. Oar Pancr IVomans World Farra & Fireside uuu v.. . . $1.09) A4(jn rid . .soU142 side . .25 ) Club E. Ocr Pancr . . 81.00 Today's Housewife. Farm & fireside . W Oar Paper mm IVemans Wend , $1.00 mm Club B. Oar Paper . . $1.00") e-RQ Today's Housewife .75 V PJ Womans World . . .50 J Club D. Ocr Paper . . $1.00) A,Rn Today's Boascivife .75 V $19U Home Life . . ; . .35 Club F. Gar Paper . . 51.00 Womans World Home Life . . .50 .35 Onr Paper . . $1.00 HcCaU's Magazine .75 $475 Farm & fireside . .25 f vIr" Home Li!e ... .35 j iBGSlT ACTION- NECESSARY "We may Ks . ccapeWl to withdraw tKis offer in the near future. -5iy3r.irt3 prices are oin& higher. Send in your order NOV :d b. iafe. CCOn L'U i:'Al oVvE IS EiSLNTIAL IN EVERY HOME I 1 1 U.' Mi e ee ee ee ee ee ee e ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee oe ee ee i ee ee ee oe ee ee ee ee ee ee oe ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee oe ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee