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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
.ST. JOHNS HERALD AND APACHE NEWS WAITE BROS., Publishers. Geo. E. Waite . - Business Manager J. W. Waite, Assistant Entered in thePostOffice at St. Johns, Arizona, as Second Matter. Tpsued every Thursday. Subscription price one dollar a vear. in advance ADVERTISING RATES DiBplay Adv., per inch per issue 20c. Locals, per line per iteue - - 10c. Readers, per inch, per issue - 45c. Display ads, plate form per inch - 15c. Readers, plate form, per inch - 40c. Legal ads. per inch at legal rates The above rates are the rates per issue. OFFICIAL PAPER OF APACHE COUNTY, January 10, 1918. Don't help the kaiser out of his hole. Rebuild France with , Ger man indemnities. Wonder what the kaiser pays'Lenine? No matter what it is, it isn't enough. In war many reputations are made. Also many inflated bladders are punctured. Of course everything is high but our wives and sweet hearts, how could they be dearer? West Virginia authorities have seized an automobile with its radiator filled with whiskey. They got a whiff of its breath. What will the coming year bring to St. Johns? ' It's up to us,- and depends on whether or not we pull together for everything we need and want. When the Chinese join the allies on the western front it will keep the Germans busy stopping the chinks on the Hindenbnrg line. Los Angeles papers point with considerable pride to the fact that over eight thousand marriage licenses were issued in that city during 'the past year. 'Umph! Good - many slackers in the city of the angels. General' Pershing has sent the American people a mes sage that contains a volume in a sentence in three clauses. He says, "Germany can be beaten, Germany must be beaten, and Germany will be beaten." To every word of which every red-blooded American will shout "Amen." Russia was the millstone about the neck of the allies, and she is well apt to be a torch in themidst of the wood en houses of the war lords of Germany. Russia is running amuck, and she will bite her owner and friend as quickly as she will bite the stranger and the enemy in her path. Therefore, let us not feel too badly over the kaiser's grad ual dominion over the Slay. Bisbee Review. THE DEVILS ABDICATION. .The devil sat in His' council room, Lost in a reverie. When opened the door, admitting the din Of a busy day in the region of sin And a page in the livery of hell burst in, "With news for his majesty. The devil yawned and stretched himself, Weariness on his face; For business was organized smoothly in hell: Each imp did the task he was known to do well; And with no more exertion than punching a bell. He listlessly ran the place "What brings you thus." the devil drawled, And the page to the devil swore; "We have brought you a soul-ill-used and thin Who demands that we waive his , record of sin Till he can see you and' tell you what's Going on in the world-at-war." "Tis a curious thing," the devil replied, "Since Wilh'elm started that fight Our business has grown by hardly a soul Yet, vars 'always brought us a right merry toil. Admit him may hap' he can tell us the whole x Or why the results are so slight." Thus spake the wretch, when they ushered him in, Burning with hatred's fire; Damn those Hinglish, your ma jesty! They have guarded the Heavens and blocked the sea, Till even our souls are held from . thee. We crave assistance, oh, sire!" The devil then heard the Prussian tell ' Of truly of satanic deed; Of seeding the children, stealing the men, And pepp'ring the earth with Hun germs when They raped the women of God and then Laughed as they watched them bleed. The souls tale grew in baseness . till The devil was in despair, He nervously reached for his pa per and pen And wrote out an order to all of his men To appear at the throne in an hour, and when Hell's every tenant was there: "My imps." quoth he, "I've seen a new light On how to torture and rob. Throw out the guest and bury the key: Pack up the goods and scenery; For hell moves at once to Ger many! The kaiser has got my job!" T. 0. Warfield. Prefers Chamberlain's. "In the course of a conversa tion with Chamberlains Medicine Co.'s representative today, we had occasion to discuss in a gen eral way the merits of their dif ferent preparations. At- his sug gestion I take pleasure in express ing my estimation of Chamber lain's Cough Eemedy. I have a family of six children and have used this remedy in my home for years. I consider it the ONLY cough remedy on the market, as I have tried nearly all kinds." Earl C. Ross, Publisher Hamilton County Republican-News, Syra cuse, Kas. Adv. by Valuation of Sheep Raised Commission. At a meeting of the State As sessors and the State Tax Com mission held at Phoenix recently, it was voted to increase the as sessed valuation on sheep from $6.00 to $7.50 per head and re duce the valuation on cattle from $29 to $27. This action is meet ing with unanimous oppoisition from the sheep men of the state. Stomach Trouble. If you have trouble with your stomach you should try Chamber lain's Tablets. So many have been restored to health by the use of these tablets and their cost is so little, 25 cents, that it is worth while to give them a trial. - . Adv. List 3-4204. RESTORATION TO ENTRY OF Lands in National Forest. Notice is hereby given that the lands de scribed below, embracing 20 acres, within the Apache National For est, Arizona, will be subject to settlement and entry under the provisions of the homestead laws of the United States and the act of June 11, 1906 (34 Stat, 233), at the United States land office at Phoenix, Arizona, on February 16, 1918. Any settler who was actually and in good faith claim ing any of said lands for agricul tural purposes prior to January 1, 1906, and has not abandoned same, has a preference right to make a homestead entry for the lands ac tually occupied . Said lands were listed upon the applications of the persons mentioned below, who have a preference right subject to the prior right of any such set tler, provided such settler or ap plicant is qualified to make home stead entry and the preference right is exercised prior to Febru ary 16, 1918, on which date the lands will be subject to settlement and entry by any qualified per son. The W SW NE Sec. 13, T. 5 N., R. 30 E., G. & S. R. M., 20 acres, application of Erastus Skousen of Alpine, Arizona; List 3-4204. December 3, 1917. C. M. BRUCE, Assistant Commissioner of the General Land Office. o 2 e 00 O CO e 09 OO O O 00 (30 00 00 00 09 O0 0O 09 00 0U 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 Oet 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 0O OO oo 9OaffiG3SOOO0CSOG03C 000090909000000900 YOUR forefathers' confidence in the name STUDEBAKER ' two generations and more ago rested upon the same unwavering integ rity, and ideals that have won your confidence in this generation and made Studebaker the world's largest producer of fine cars. . . , 2 0 List 3-4150. RESTORATION TO ENTRY OF Lands in National Forest. Notice is hereby given that the lands de scribed below, embracing 60 acres within "the Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona, will be subject to settlement and entry under the provisions of the homestead laws of the United States and the act of June 11, 1906 (3fStat. 233), at United States land office at Phoe nix, Arizona, on February 16. 1918. Any settler who was actu ally and in good faith claiming any of said lands for agricultural purposes prior to January 1, 1906, and has not abandoned same, has a preterence right to make a homestead entry for the lands ac tually occupied. Sai.d lands were listed upon the application of the persons mentioned below, who have a preference right subject to the prior right of any such set tler, provided such settler or ap plicant is qualified to make home stead entry and the preference right is exercised prior to Febru ary 16, 1918, on which date the lands will be subject to settle ment and entry by any qualified person. The Si of Lot 1 (20 acres) SENE 3ec. 4, T. 9 N., R. 25 E., G. & S. R. M., 60 acres, application of E. L. Gillespie, of Vernon, Arizona; List 3-4150. November30, 1917, C. M. BRUCE Assistant Commissioner of the General Land Office. 0 80 90 OS OS 90 99 03 O 0 O o CO o &9 0 63 OO Q GO 0O 09 90 Becker's Transcontinental Garage Springerville, Arizona. 0999 6099 99999069 9O90 9099 9900909900900999 9999 99O0 9999 3 3 3 The Bank of the People Efficiency, Courtesy and 43 Past Business appreciated, new K. ir o i 1 . 3 2 Business Solicited If We take care of your interests. " 1 ST. JOHNS STATE BANK I 45 St. Johns, Arizona 3 h MORPHINE McKanna Three. Day Liquor Cure No loss of time. No suffering Strictly private. Dr. McKanna, the originator f the Three Day Cure, in Charse Thirty Years' Success in the Treatment of Liquor and Drug Habits Credential on Request Located in the Healthiest City Mountain District the J. DR. J. Box 57 MAGDALENA, McKANNA Telephone 96 NEW MEXICO M9CALL tioutauift Magazine Club Bargains SEND in your cash renewal to our paper now and you can have your choice of any of these splendid magazine dabs at the special prices shown below. This offer is open to both old and new subscribers. If you are already a subscriber to any of these ma&azines, your sub scription will be extended one year from date of expiration. Club A. Onr Paper. . . $1.00 BScCall's Magazine .73 Today's Housewife .75 Club C Oar Paper . . $1.00 Wemafls World . .SO Farsa & Fireside . .25 Club E. Our Paper . . $1.00 Today's Housewife taraa ft fireside . . $1.00) .KR ewlle .75 V 130 ide. 2i) 1 wife5!?!! Id.. .59j 1 is'twktl'M I $160 . ... .35 ) 1 Club 23. Onr Paper Today's Housewife woaaas World Club D. Oar Paper . . $1.00 Today's Housewife Essie me Clab F. Oar Paper . . $1.0 ) Wokibs World . 38 leae Life .... JZi J Clab H. Obt Paper . . tiM HcCairsEfsgaztae .75 ( 475 Farm ft fireside . .35 f Bern life .... .35 J Club Q. Car Paper . , $1.00 ) Pwpls'i hose Jamil .75 WooaM World . .50) PS01CPT ACTION RECESSAKY We mav be eomnelli in mthAtHtrir Vi!c nfPmm t .v. j A HIV liC.t future. Maftaxine prices are fcoin& higher. Send in your oraer wuw ana be sate. GOOD LITERATURE IS ESSENTIAL IN EVERY HOME GO 00 99 te OS OO 00 s 00 00 90 0, 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 09 00 90 09 00 90 00 00 00 60 00 99 09 60 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 09 00 99 90 99 96 99 99 00 00 90 09 0O O 99 O 00 09 0 GO OO 90 eo 09 go GO O0 90 99 90 09 09 96 99 90