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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
Local Items -o-o- See the ad. of the Apache Ga rage elsewhere in this issue. Fred Neilson and family of Richville spent Sunday in the city. Deputy Sheriff, John Coleman, of Springerville, was a business visitor here Monday. Marcos Sanchez of the moun tain city spent a few days here the first part of the week. A number of our townspeople spent Sunday in the mountain streams fishing. Season opened June 1. Tommy Isaacson is now wield ing the knife at the City Meat Market. E. Dawson sold his in terests there to Mr. Isaacson. A big baby girl arrived this this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Long have only resided with us for a short time. ' Albert S. Waite left Monday for Eagar where he will spend the next two or three weeks lay ing adobes on an addition to the A. C. M. I. at Eagar. Henry J. Piatt, the enterpris ing proprietor of the Hotel Arizo na, at Springerville, spent Sun day, and Monday with his family here in St. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Richey of Richville, spent Sunday in town. Their bady was christened Sunday at the L. D. S. chapel, receiving the name of Melba. Harry Reynold, of Luna, N. M. one of Uncle Sam's soldier boys and who has- been here on a fur lough, passed through town Mon day returning to Camp Kearney. Mrs. Peralta, of Concho, moth er of ex-sheriff Sylvester Peralta, has been very ill for the past two weeks. Dr, Brown and Father Derichmont left Monday to attend at her beside. Grandma Wilson is again at home. She has been at the Pine Spring ranch, northeast of town, for the past month visiting with .Mr. and Mrs. Vera Block. Miss Jlazel Noble, who has been teaching school at Sedonia during the past winter was a visitor at her sisters' home, Mrs. J. S. Gib bons, for a few days before going to her home at Alpine. Mrs. Junius Gibbons of Phoenix is here for a short visit with rela tives She was on her way to visit her parents in Oklahoma and stopped here to get acquaint ed with her husbands' relatives. un tne otn day 01 Mav i win have 50 head of yearling Hereford bulls at my place at Hunt. Good growth and good flesh. Will sell at $90.00 per head or will trade . for steers. H. J, Knight. Hunt, Arizona. J. J. Harris has sold his home here in St. Johns and is home steading at Vernon. Mr. Harris moved his family to Vernon this week. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs, Harris and family, but we trust that he will be benefited by the change. P. T. Coleman, the well-known cattleman, left last evening for Hermosillo, Mex., where he and some other capitalists are com pleting the purchase of a large ranch property. For the present Mr. Coleman will retain his cattle interests in this" county and also his farm at Woodruff. The Cole man residence has been rented to Senator S. G. Mayfield, who will move his family here from Den mark, S. C, in a short time. Mrs. Coleman and children have gone to the Coleman farm at Woodruff for the summer. Holbrook News W. W, Sherwood of Hunt spent Tuesday in the city. J. A. Mineer has sold his Ford to A. E. Mineer and Arza Greer. Joy B. Patterson spent the past few days at his ranch on the Blanco. The Apache Garage is a safe place to get your auto repairing done. Satisfactory work guaranteed at the Apache Garage. Davis & Piatt, proprietors. A complete line of accessories always on hand at the Apache Garage. Mrs. Lyman S. Hamblin, of Eagar, is visiting with her daugh ter, Mrs. James S. Shreeve. Mrs. Homer Bushman of Snow- flake is in our city visiting with her sisters, Mrs. Heber Jar vis and Mrs. Wm. D. Rencher. The foliowing babies were christened at the L. D. S. church last Sunday: Brigham Y. Pet- Lterson, Jr., Melba Richey, Sibil Anderson and Shreeve. The best photo play ever pro duced in St. Johns was given by A. E. Johnson at. the Apache Theater last Tuesday night. The play was "Intolerance" two scenes being run, showing intol erance both ancient and modern. H. J. Jones and A. E. Thurber of the A. C. M. I. force, left early Sunday morning for the head waters of the Little Colorado riv er to try their luck at fishing. They returned the same day, hav ing caught all the law allowed them.' o-o - For Co. School Superintendent. To the Voters of Apache Co. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the nomination of County School Superintendent for Apache county, subject to the action of the Democratic party at the primary election, Sept. 10, 1918. Nancy L. Gibbons, St. Johns, Arizona. For Supervisor To the Voters: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of a member of the Board of Sup ervisors of Apache county from District No. 1, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic party at the primary election . September 10, 1918. Wm. H. Gibbons, St. Johns, Ariz. Lame Back Relieved. For a lame back apply Cham berlain's Linament twice a 'day and massage the muscles of the back over the seat of pain thor oughly at each application. Adv Subscribe to your home paper first but if you wish the largest and best metropolitan daily, pub lished in the Southwest, subscribe to the El Paso Morning Times. It is the only southwestern daily, published every day in the year, that prints the full Asso ciated Press Service. It has it's own paid correspondents in all towns of importance, publishes a comic and magazine section, has an excellent sport page and more market news than any other paper in this section of the country. Efficiency, Courtesy and Dtreng business a Business The Bank of the People A 41 4 S3 2 4 ' 4 new !icita take care of your interests. I T. JOHNS STATE BANK I St. Johns, Arizona i'Tfwrr a fin"1-""3 0 O 99 fifi e o 9 so d e nr. M Kr an J rf SO so OS Newest Car, the CO 69 99 ee e fid 90 99 ee B 1 if3 H TP H it J$ ill J? li G & 99 99 99 o ee. ffiO a Mrs. M. P. Peterson is at Chi- oatrn with hpr lirf lp son I Innn m I who is being treated for some af fliction. She was accompanied by her son Wiley. They will visit Camp Funston on their return and visit with Mrs. Peterson's brother, Gerald, and other Apa che county boys. To Prevent Belching. Make a regular habit of eating slowly, masticate your food thor oughly, and you may have no fur ther trouble. If you should, take one of Chamberlain's Tablets im mediately after supper. Adv jj About k hMj Many thousands of fk I II tms women sunenng irom es Elmer Mineer, wife and baby, and ArzaL. Greer, wife and baby left Tuesday morning for Salt Lake City. They are making the trip in a Ford, going by Gallup, Monticello, and Durango. They will return via the California route. They are going for the purpose of entering the L. D. S. temple for sealing ordinances in accordance with L. D. S. faith. Mr. Mineer and Mr. Greer are in the draft age and no doubt will soon be called to the colors. Many thousands of women suffering from womanly trouble, have been benefited by the use of Cardui, the woman's tonic, according to letters we receive, similar to this one from Mrs. Z. V. Spell, ofHayne.N.C. "I could not stand on my feet, and just suffered terribly," she says. "As my.suf fering was so great, and he had tried other reme dies, Dr. had us get Cardui. . -. I began improving, and it cured me. I know, and my doctor knows, what Car dui did for me, for my nerves and health were abcut gone." TAKE o !H SOME OF THE FEATURES- Unly o urease cups. ee ee 99 09 QB 99 14- Timken Bearings. . . New Axle. Same as used in America's three finest el cars. Long, Semi-Elliptic Springs, front and rear. Bottle Neck Frame. Allows short turning radius. Ball & Eall Carburetor Economy and Power. Thermoid Coupling and Spicer Universal Joints. Transmission Amidships. Clutch Brake. Very Easy Gearshift. Liberty Lens. Small, Powerful, Economical Motor. Leatherette Top with Plate Glass, regular equip ment. Becker's Transcontinental Garage 99 o 8 SQ Of ? 60 99 a 99 90 O 99 83 O o Chronic Constipation. Perhaps you have never thought of itz but this disorder is due to a lack of moisture in the residual matter of the food. If you will drink an ahundanceof water, eat raw fruits and take lots of out door exercise, you may be able eventually to overcome it entirely In the meantime use the most mild and gentle laxatives. Strong and harsh cathartics take too much water out of the system and make a bad matter worse. Cham berlain's Tablets are easy and pleasant to take, and most agree able in effect. Give them a trial. Adv me w omans She writes further: " I am in splendid health . . . can do my work. I feel I owe it to Cardui, for I was in dreadful condition." If you are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer from headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardui. Thousands of women praise this medi cine for the good it has done them, and many physicians who have used Cardui successfully with their women patients, for years, endorse this medi cine. Think what it means to be in splendid health, like Mrs. Spell. Give Cardui a trial. any. Springerville, Arizona. 99 GO ee eo GO ee (BO ee ee etd GO GO eo ee Qa800(i3G COS 0SQOO69QQS9OOeSeOeSCOe 8603 f 1VX. V lUIUI ' Hauimxft Hub rargams SEND in your cash renewal to our paper now and you can have yonr cjioicc of any of these splendid magazine clubs &t tha special prices shown below. This cfTsr is open to both old and new subscribers. If you are already a subscriber to any of these magazines, your sub scription wiii be extended one year from date of expiration. Club A. r Psoer . . . S1.C0 To.'iy's Eaasewiie Club C Oer ?ape: Fsm Worii" 142 i Fireside . .25 ) Clafo E. OMO UFO a! FXnvisFmEsiDE j mmm Clcb G. Our Paper . . 1.90) a.cq ?mWs UoaJraaI .75 V lQo Wcmaas World . .50 B Club E. Oar Paper . .Sl.CO") .RQ Today's Houseisife .75 2S Wemans World . . .50 J Clnb D. Oar Paper . . 1.00 Today's Hottsewile Home Life .... Club F. Oer Paper Wemans World Home Life Club H. Oar Paper . . SI. 00 McCslTs Magazine .75 Farm & Fireside . .25 Home Life .... .35 51 tp :Id .$I.50 $146 $J75 PSOMPT ACTION NECESSARY We may be compelled to withdraw this offer in the near future. Magazine prices are oin& higher. Send in your order rJUW and be sate. -An ii it i