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ST. JOHNS HERALD AND APACHE NEWS WAITE BROS., Publishers. Geo. E. Waite Business Manager J W. Waite, Assistant Entered in the Pit Office it 3i. Jin, V-i'n a Secad Class Mai Matter. tpsued every Thursday. Subscription price one dollar a vear. in advance ADVERTISING RATES Display Adv., per inch per issue 20c. Locals, per line per issue - - 10c. Readers, per inch, per issue - 45c. Display ads, plate form per inch - 15c. Readers, plate form, per inch - 40c. Legal ads. per inch at legal rates The above rates are the rates per issue. OFFICIAL PAPER OF APACHE COUNTY June 6, 1918. Freight and Passenger Rates to be Increased An examination of McAdoo's order raising freight rates on a basis of 25 and passenger fares to three cents a mile and abolish ing lower inter-state rates indi cate the average increase will be higher than 25 per cent, owning to the many changes and re-ad justments that will be made. The new passenger rates will go into effect June 10th and the freight rates June 25th. The inter-state commerce commission approved the order without a hearing. Summer vacation rates will be es tablished, but will be on a higher scale. Holbrook News. Lyman Dam Brings Apache Men Here. Judge George H. Crosby, Jr., and County Attorney A. S. Gib bons of Apache county and J. H. Sherman of Denver appeared be fore the state land department yesterday when the department approved the $130,000 loan for the Lyman dam. The project, which will serve to irrigate 15,000 acres of farming land in St. Johns, and is backed by the state,, will be un der way in a short time. It will be practically the same dam that was washed away three years ago by terrific rains but will be an improvement over the original dam in many respects. Judge Crosby and his associates have been here for several days preparing the necessary papers. The loan reads for a period of 15 years and bears interest at 6. Arizona Republican. HAPPY WOMEN. Plenty of Them in St. Johns, and Good Reason For It. Wouldn't any woman be happy. After years of backache suffer ing. Days of misery, nights of un rest, The distress of urinary troubles, When she finds freedom. Many readers will profit by the following. Mrs. Forest Cammack, 127 Adonis Ave., Box No. 126, Miami Ariz., says: "About a year ago I was suffering with awful weak ness in my back. When I sat down in a chair, any length of time, I could hardly get up again. Dizzy, nervous spells were fre quent, and spots and specks float ed before my eyes, blurring my sight. I was all out of sorts and I hope I never again have such an attack. My feet often swell ed and my kidneys didn't act as they should. I used Doan's Kid ney Pills and two boxes cured me of the trouble." 60c, at all dealers, Foster-Mil-burn Co., Mfgrs., N. Y. Saturday, June 8th, there will be an eclipse of the sun. It will be visable in St. Johns and other Arizona points. Siomaen Trouble Mrs. Sophie Bauer, 521 First Ave., North, Faribault, Minnesota, -writes: "I cannot praise your wonderful medicine, Peruna, enough. It has (tone much for me during the past ten years and I keep it in the house continually. I was in such a condi tion that I could eat nothing1 but bread and milk, and even that was too heavy for me at times. Nov, I can eat anything. I will recommend Pe runa. to all my friends." Those who object to liquid medi cinescan procure Peruna Tablets. KAISER PHONES TO HELL The Kaiser called to devil on the telephone one day. And the girl at central listened in to hear what they had to say. "Hello", she heard the kaiser's voice "Is old man Satan home?" Just tell him it is kaiser Bill who, wants him on the phone." The devil said "hello" to Bill and Bill said, "how are you?" I am running here a hell on earth, so tell me what to do." "What can I do?" the devil said, my dear old kaiser bill. If there's a thing that I can do to help you I sure will. " The Kaiser said, "Now listen, and I will try and tell The way that I am running on earth a modern hell, I've planned this war for many years, and started out to kill. It's going to be a modern .job, leave it to kaiser Bill." "My army went thru Belguim shooting babies and- women down. We have torn up all their country and blown up many a town. My Zepps dropped bombs on cities killing both old and young. And any the Zepplins d dn't get 1 bad taken out and hung." "I started out for Paris, with the aid of poisonous gas, And the Belgians, damn them stopped me and wouldn'tlet me pass. I've damned them ever since, and I sure have made them pay, For I've carried off their women, fined them million marks a day. My submarines are devils; why. you should see them fight. They go sneaking thru the sea and sink all ships on sight, I was running things to suit me till a year ago or so, When a man named Woodrow Wilson wrote me to go more slow, He said to. me: Now William, we don't want to make you sore, But be sure and tell your U-boats to sink our ships no more. We have told you for the last time so dear Bill its up to you. For if you insist on doing it, you'll have to fight us too! I wouldn't listen to him, so he's come after me, With two million yankee soldiers from their homes across the sea That's why I called you, Satan, for I want advice from you, For I know that you will tell me just what I ought to do." "My dear Kaiser William, there's not much for me to tell, For the Yankee will make it hot ter than I can for you in hell. I'ye been a mean old devil but I'm not half so mean as you, And the minute that you get here I will give my job to you. I'll be ready for your coming and I'll keep the fires bright. I will have your room all ready, when the Yanks begin to fight, For those Yanks will surely get you, I've nothing more to tell. Hang up the phone and get your hat and meet me here in hell." Ex. caimot Vaise Wonderful "5 meoiGine Fellowship promotes happiness, relieves poverty, helps to prevent sickness, and makes all men brothers. Peruana Enough Professional Cards THOS. R. GREER Attorney - At - Law Holbrook, Arizona W. D. RENCHER Civil Engineer Speciality. Irrigation Engineering St. Johns, Arizona A. S. GIBBONS Attorney and Counselor at Law St. Johns Arizona GENARO ACOSTA Contractor and Btrildei All Carpenter and Painting Work Best Machinery Shop in the town Plans and Estimates Furnished FRANK'S SHOP ALEX. SHREEVE, Prop. A good place to bring your cripples. For the present will be at shop on Saturday only. Quality, Service, Cash Commercial Street. First door West of A. C. M. I. St. Johns, - - Arizona CHAS. JARVIS $ 9 U. S. COMINIISSIONER Q NOTARY PUBLIC $ AGENT FOR THE " STANDARD VISIBLE OLIVER j? TYPEWRITER Aiie rs to Land Filings, ? (? Deeds and Mortgages g ? P A Commercial St,, Opposite Bank. !t. Jolixis, Arizona There Is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years It was sup posed to be incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and hy constantly failing to cure with loccl treatment, pronounced it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly Influenced by constitutional con ditions and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine, manufactured by F J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is a constitutional remedy, is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars re ward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Medicine falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Fills for constipation. 0 &&&iJP&&&iJfo&jP&jPS 0 s lf lt7s Km to An Auto 1 It's Related to Us I - Car expenses can be materially reduced by letting us do your repair work without delay . The longer you wait the bigger the bill will get. A slight de fect today may develop into a bad break tomorrow if you keep on running. Don't delay, but see us at once. We Sell Supplies at LOWEST MARKET PRICES FREE AIR S I bt J ones Garage J . MARTIN & SON, Mgrs. ' l Q"'.5 Don't Get Roped in by Catalog Houses ? T.... -1 . . 1 1 I it isn t a pleasant sensation to sena your gooa a money away for Merchandise, and then find the stuff not as good as you expected to get. Yet scores and scores of people are getting ''roped ( in" that way every day. ( The bait of "cheap prices" seems to warp their ? business judgement, and away goes their money to $ buy stuff sight unseen. Q Your sober common sense should tell you that the ( cost of doing business with millions of expensive J)S catalogs, and thousands of clerks, makes it impossi- & P ble for cataloer house to sell vou as good merchan- f dise tor the same money as your local dealer can, and that they resort to lowering the grade in order j) e to make the price appear cheaper. a St When vou can buv Merchandise here as cheap as 0 away from home, why shouldn't you be loyal to your I home community and its interests, which are also t -i rri 1 . 1 1 -L v ' yoursr l niriK it over, ana, rememper, we can meei q X or beat any catalog house on the same grades. If f A. & B. Schuster Company 5 St. Johns, Arizona. 9. r. Public Land pit Information concerning Government land promptly furnished. Guaranteed scrip for sale, contests conducted, plats furnished, school land leases procured, Forest Reserve matters adjusted, mineral lands patented, water, reservoir a rights of way applications prepared. Ten years With General Land Office, Washington, D. Go and Ive years receiver u. S. ft HAMPTON S- ARNOLD, Noll building, PhoeniA, Arizona. EVERYONE MUST KELP. Wars cannot be fought without money, and upon the Treasury centers every financial demand upon the Nation The rich of this country cannot alone meet the needs of the Nation; the men of the country cannot do it alone; the women of the country cannot do it alone; but all of us, the people of the United States, disre garding partizanship, forgetting selfish Interests, thinking only of the supremacy of right and determining to vindicate the majesty of American Ideals and secure the safety of America and civilization, can do the great and splendid work which God has called upon us to do. W. G. McADOO, Secretary of the Treasury.