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id St. Johns is having a healthy substantial growth. Lands are cheap but rapidly increasing in value. Best climate on earth. Volume 34 ST. JOHNS, APACHE COUNTY, ARIZONA, JUNE 20 ,1918 NO. 43 Fourth of July Celebration at SpringeirviHe The Herald, St. Johns, Arizona. Springerville has engaged the colored troop L of 10th Cavalry to come over from Fort Apache and help us in our entertainment on the Fourth of July. They will give us exhibitions in monkey drills, cossack riding, horse back fencing, hurdle rising, etc. We would very much appreciate it if all our good St. Johns friends could find it convenient to be our guests on that day. There will be no charges madefor this entertaiment. Very truly yours, PEOPLE OF SPRINGERVILLE. Office of the Board of Supervisors of Apache County, Arizona. of the County Board of Equalization. . St. Johns, Arizona, June 1st, 1918. In compliance with law the Board of Supervisors met on this date as a County Board of Equalization, there being- present Chairman Heber Jarvis and Member W. A. Saunders, Clerk LiVi S. Udall. Awaiting the arrival of Member John C Hall, the board adjourned until Mon day June 3rd, at 9 a. m. The Board reconvened as a board of equalization on Monday June 3rd, all members and clerk being present, as was also the County Assessor, J. A. Mineer. The board at once pro ceeded to review, examine and equalize the Assessments as shown by the 1918 Tax Roll & As sessment lists complied by Assessor J. A. Mineer. The Board continued to sit as a board of equalization from Monday June 3, at 9 a.m. until Trsday June 6th, at 6 p. m. at which time the business of equalization was completed. Being advised as to the parties hereinafter named, and believing the assesments as return ed by said parties to be too low, the following proposed raises were ordered made and entered upon the minutes of this meeting-. The clerk being instructed to notify the individuals named by letter as well as published Notice. Namely: NAME Description & Assessed Valuation Proposed raise to: Ascarate, Zuiri Added Assessment: 3000 sheep $22,500 A. C. M. I., St. Johns... Imp. on lot 1 and 5 B. 53 $2000.00 Improvements 3,000 Mdse. $14,888.00 Mdse 17,000 Almandez. Gregorio. . . . 3300 sheep $24,750.00 3700 sheep 27,750 Becker Merc. Co Imp on lot 28 Springerville $4000 Improvements 5,000 Beny. W. W added assessment: . 60 two yr. old steers 2,100 Bee lit r, J. W....;.....rnafeGatUeJ872 54 rge.cattle,-. 1.458 Baca, J. J added assessment. 1 Ford car 450 Baca, Eutemio " 60 range cattle 1,620 Burk, A. E SW1 NE Sec. 33 T. 9 R.. 29 40 acres $2000 40 acres 2,100 Baca, Gregorio 2300 sheep $17,250 2500 sheep " 18.750 Butier, Frank Lot in SWJ Sec. 4 T. 8 R. 29 3 acres $150. Imp. $150. 3 acres $200, Imp $200 Boice, Gates Johnson Cattle Co. 473 range cattle $12,771. 600 range cattle 16,200 Benj. Brown, Sr Lot in Eagar in Sec. 9 T. 8 R. 29 2 acres $40 Imp. $25 2 acres 150, Imp 75 Colter, Fred T 225 range cattle $6,750. 375 range cattle 11 800 Gross Bar Cattle Co 1500 .ange cattle $40,500. 1900 4 4 44 51300 Candelaria, A. B. EA SE Sec. 6 T. 8 R. 27 70 acres 15 acres ' '375 $210. 55 acres 165 Candelaria, Juan 7000 sheep $52,500. 8200 sheep 61 500 Gandelaria, M. A 2800 sheep $21,000. 5000 44 37500 Salter, Bert J. 150 range-cattle $4050. 200 range cattle 5', 400 Crosby, B. B : added assessment: . ' 4000 sheep x 30 000 Clerow Lcuis & Co " 44 . 4000 sheep - 30000 Chambers, E. R ' 44 4500 sheep 33,' 750 60 bucks '600 Campbell, J. T.- NEJ NE Sec. 19 T. 8 R. 28 20 acres farming land $600. 20 acres 25 acres F. L. 750 grazing land $60. 15 ' 4 Q. L. 45 Dannebaum, M... ; added assessment: Cash 6 000 Double Circle Cattle Co. " 44 2500 range cattle : 67,'500 80 bulls 4,000 140 saddle horses 7 000 Eagar, W. B Imp. on lot at Eagar $250. 7 Improvements '550 Hall M. L 20 range cattle S540. 40 range cattle 1 080 Hoffman, Ferdinand SW SW Sec. 12 T. .8 R. 28 40 3 acres-$120, 30 acres $111, ' acres $120. 5 range cattle $135.00 8 range cattle ' 216 Hoctor, Frank 8000 sheep $37,500. 8000 sheep 60 000 Hulsey, Dacia Si NW NEi Sec. 3 T. 8 R. 29 12 acres farming $600. 15 acres farming 750 8 acres grazing $24. 5 acres grazing 15 Johnson & Walker........ added assessment: 12000sheep 90,000 27 burros '135 3 horses - 320 300 buck 3 000 Jacques, Bros added assessment: 10,000 sheep 75,' 000 Lesueur & Royal Imp on i acre lot at Eagar $1500 Improvements 2' 000 Love, b. C 35 range cattle $945 50 range cattle 1 350 Love, David 47 range cattle $1269 W4 of NE 100 range cattle- 2 700 M , . T Sec. 7 T. 6 R. 30 30 acres $750 30 acres 900 ivici?ate, A. M added .assessment: 2 work horses 200 -karris imp on Lot 35 Block 10 500 Murray, Claud " " Imp. Possessory Rights 300 Naegle, C. C 300 range cattle $8, 100. 350 range cattle 9 450 Ortega, David 2500 sheep $18,750 4,000 sheep 30 000 Overson, Mrs Clara WJ of NWi and E NW Sec. 26 & Colter T. 12 R. 26 160 acres $480. 160 acres 800 Peterson, M. P 450 range cattle $12,150. 550 range cattle 14 850 SPl?nlr -? os 225 range cattle $6075. 250 range cattle 6 750 mtt, H. J.i 45 railge cattle $1215. 75 range cattle 2 025 $ Sec. 35 T. 12 R. 28 640 A. $320. Value of $480 44 25 44 " 44 44 640 A. 320. Value of 480 n .... . " 19 " " 44 29 640 A. 320. Value of 480 Kotnlisberger, J. P....... harness and saddle $15. H. and S. ' 60 wagon 20. Wagon 100 . . 14 range horses 280. 20 range horses 400 v 3 milch cows 120. 6 milch cows 300 x added assessments: Flour mill 600 Farm machinery 200 Rencher, P. P Round Valley Bank . 44 Ryan Cattle Co Sandin, D. H " " Sherwood, W. W Ford car Slaughter, Paschal 325 range cattle 10 bulls Slaughter, John 190 range cattle Slaughter, Joe .... 300 range cattle 8 bulls Slaughter Estate 900 range cattle 35 bulls Scott, George added assessment: Sanders Trading Co Mdse. Slade, J. V NEJ NW Sec. 4 T. 8 acres $60. Sarabia, & Aja added assessment: Thompson, Henry 100 range cattle $2700. Williams, Walter D. ...... added assessments:- Wiltbank, W. E Wiltbank, C. E 70 range cattle Wiltbank, M. J added assessment: Wilhelm, B. H 350 range battle Whitenver Land & Cat- ' I tie Co- added assessment: $200. 8,775. 500. 5130. 8100. 400. 24,300. 1750. 2500. R. 29 $1890. 9450. 1 Ford car SCO $27,000 Capital Stock 750.range cattle 20,250 25 saddle horses 1,000 20 bulls 1,000 1 AutomoSile 200 Ford Truck 400 438 range cattle 11,826 13 bulls 650 312 range cattle 8,424 396 range cattle 10,692 12 bulls 600 1554 range cattle 41r958 46 bulls 2,300 10500 sheep 78,750 35 burros - 175 Mdse N 4,000 6 acres 120 4000 sheep 30,000 125 range cattle 3,375 400 range -cattle 10,800 12 bulls 600 7 saddle horses- 350 1 Ford car 400 100 range cattle ' 2,700 40 range cattle . 1,080 400 range cattle 10.8C0 500 range cattle 13,500 30 range horses 750 Farm machinery - 300 Fences 300 Imp P. R. 300 1 stallion 100 4 mules 300 20 bulls 500 The Following Reductions on Assessments as Returned by the Assessor Were Made: Becker Trans. Garage having been burned the $3,000 improvements on Lot 16, & Machinery $600 was ordered cancelled; leaving the assessment standing at $100 the value of Lot 16. Candelaria, Mrs. Mary, in NJ NEi Sec. 29 T.9 R. 29, 35 acres farming landassessed at $2625, ordered reduced to a value of S2100. Assessment of Ashley Hall on NEi of NW I Sec. 10 T. 8 R 29, 20 acres, assessed atf $1000 or dered reduced to a value of $300. Assessment of John C Hall on following farming land: . Description and Assessed Valuation , Ordered' reduced to: NWi NEi Sec. 4 T. 8 R. 29, 20 acres. $1,500 s $1,200 W NW i Sec. 4 T. 8 R. 2S, 15 acres 1,125 , 900 tTIi TvTTTIl Qon KT QP 90 1ft upvps 750 fiftA The assessment of Mrs. S. J. Howell on NE of SEJ Sec 7 T. 8 R 29 E., 25 acres farming- land $1250 was ordered placed as follows: 19 acres farming: land $760, 6 acres grazing- land $18. The following assessment on land assessed to Thomas Phelps for $75 per acre was ordered reduced to $60 per acre, ramely: -WSW of NEi Sec. 32 T. 9 R. 29, 20 acres, $1500 reduced to $1200 NWi of NEi Sec. 32 T. 9 R. 29, 40 acres, 3300 . " 2400 Eh NWi SEi Sec. 29 T. 9 R. 29, 10 acres, 750 600 The assesment of 20 range cattle $450to J. M. Rothlisberger was ordered cancelled. The Automobile assessed to John Slaughter for value of $1000 having been burned up in the Becker fire, the same war ordered stricken from the roll. The following reduction was ordered made in the assessment of Mrs- E. J. Saffell: SEi NEi Sec. 32 T. 9 R. 29, 10 acres $750. reduced to $600. This completing the business of Equalization, upon motion and by unanimous vote the Board stood adjourned until Monday July 1st, 1918, at 9 a. m. Attest: LEVI S. UDALL. Clerk. HEBER JARVIS, Chairman. Arizona Corporation Commission. In the Matter of the Investigation of the Rates, Charges and Service of St Johns Water Works Company. Docket No. 529 Order and Notice of Hearing. IT APPEARING that informal complaint has been made that the rates and charges of the St. Johns Water Works Company are' un just, unreasonable and discriminatory and that Arizona Corporation Commission. In the Matter of the Investigation of the Rates and Service of Nebo Electric Light and Power Company. Docket No. 528 Notice of Hearing. IT APPEARING that Nebo Electric Light and Power Cornpany, a public service corpor ation, granted a certificate of convenience and necessity June Twenty-third, Nineteen Hun- V i k-i v i .uwwii.w..aT 1 , , i -r- i j 1 1 ff. the service and rules relating to measurement area ana r ourieen, to suppiy customers m at. and charges are inequitable and unjust and it! J onns ana vicinity witn electric ngnt ana power FURTHER APPEARING that the Commis- "aa LU leuuei cuiiuhuuik. cum miequaus sion should upon its own initiative enter into an investigation and enquiry into the matter and things therein related, notice is hereby given and IT IS ORDERED that the Commission will hold a hearing at St. Johns at 2 o'clock p. m., June Twenty-fourth, Nineteen Hundred and Eighteen at the Court House and will, at such time, hear any parties i n interest and make such investigation and enquiry as may be necessary and will, pursuant to such investi gation, enter such orders m the premises as service at reasonaoie rates ana cnarges as re quired by law. notice is hereby given and IT IS ORDERED that the Commission will, upon its own initiative investigate the matter of service being rendered and rates charged by Nebo Electric Light and Power Company and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a public hearing will be held at the Court House, St. Johns at 10 o'clock a. m.. June Twenty-fourth; Nineteen Hundred and Eighteen, at which time and place, any parties in interest may ap- ! .1 1 1 J ni'i-mimdfnnow nr. A nnn A i f inn a nnnQOl- f r Uedl clllU UtS IltlcU U. require I ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION, J seal SAM W PROCTOR Secretary seal SAM W. PROCTOR, Secretary. DaTted Phoenix, Arizona this 11th day of iViid nth Hnv nf i June, ivio. June, 1918. In this week's issue of the Herald appears the announcement of Delesa Rencher for county recorder. We are not acquainted with her but we venture a guess that she is well qualified for the office and again we are offer ed a chance to conserve and let a woman take a job that can be filled just as well or better than it could by a man. Attorney J. E. Crosby of Holbrook is in the of Attorny General Jones and his office force. city for a few days. He is the guest of his The judge sees no reason why the money brother, Judge Geo. H. Crosby, Jr., while he should not be paid to the Lyman company by is attending to some business matters. 'tenth of July. Judge Crosby came home Saturday evening- 1 after an absence of nearly three weeks. Half !of the time was spent in Phoenix looking largely after Lyman loan matters: He says the loan is a sure thing-, though the prepara tion of an engineer's reports and various oth- ' er preliminary matters take time. He speaks in high terms of the treatment he received i from Governor Hunt, Secretary Osborn and Treasurer Johnson of the loan board, as well as