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By Don Marius A rose by any other name would Imell as sweet. Bryanism, Hearstism or Billy flundayism smells neither worse or better. The real menace of an ism is buaged by the amount of ignor- mce behind it. Only the ignorant can consti tute a mob. The more ignorant the more dangerous the mob. The Russian mob led by Lenine and Trotsky has a corner on the world's ignorance. All the errors of the past cen turies it carries in stock and hordes. The leaders of this mob are finely educated men, tho scheming, grasping and vindictive. They keep the mob at fever heat while they gather in the rubles for themselves. Every mob must have a leader. The shrewder, the more cunning, the more tactful the leader, the more invincible the mob. Red handed anarchy reigns in Russia today, and, Oh, the pity of it. For the ignorant Russian millions facing want, starvation, famine, revolution, anarchy, chaos are to be pitied. Who is or was responsible? Russian Auto cracy sowed the wind. Today she reaps the whirlwind. A government that needs must hold its subjects in ignorance to hold them in subjugation is only add ing fire to an inferno. Sooner or later the eruption will come, must come. Under the law of evolution, the great struggle of humanity to rise to a higher plane is as in evitable as the movement of the planets. The 'poor Russian peasant is not to blame. The worm has fin ally turned, that is an. mat a crowned head has lallen and a few royal throats cut in the turn ing was to be expected. There is a lesson in this little bit of tragic history. Just as man is persecuted will it be visited back to his persecu tors. This is not a threat but simply the application of the law of re Man would have no need of reason if it was intended he should forever grovel in the dust. Some forms of government de lay his advance. You may dam a river and change its course but you cannot stop its flow. Bolshevism is the result of a condition . A half starved mangy horse will breed lice. Certain diseased conditions whether economic, politic or both are propitious for the generation of parasites. One need not hunt for a cure. Just relieve the con dition. The government of the future that will stand must educate the masses. An ignorant man is al ways a menace to society. Every man should have an equal opportunity . There should be no color line, no hyphenates. Every adult should be a citizen and every citizen 100 American. No man shall be exploited be cause he is poor or otherwise un fortunate. Every man shall re ceive the full value of his pro duction . No more, no less. This is the beginning of democracy and nothing less will satisfy the earnest student of history. A good crop of pure democracy will soon choke out the weeds of Bolshevism. Big Cash Sale at The Cash Store beginning February 3. Don't forget it. Spend Large Sums on Roads About $300,000,000 will be put intc road building this year, ac cording to estimates by experts of the Department of Agricul ture, submitted to the Division of Public Works and Construction Development of Labor. It is es timated that about half of this amount will go to labor, The $300,000,000 of construc tion estimated will not be suffi cient to make up deferred war construction, it is believed, for normally the amount spent on roads in the United States is not far below $300,000,000, and dur ing war times road building came almost to a stop in many localities. Estimates prepared for the fol lowing States are considered ac curate within 1 or 2 per cent, ac cording to officials of the Depart ment of Agriculture. Maine, $1,5000,000; Rhode Island, $90, 000; Conneticut, $4,000,000; New York, $12,000,000; New Hamp shre. $175,000 Kentucky, $1,500, 000; Alabama, $l,00C,000;Illinois, $9,000,000; Iowa, $15,574,000; West Virginia, $16,000,000; Louis iana, $4,674,000; Texas, $20,000, 000; Nebraska, $1,657,089.07; North Dakota, $3,000,000; Wyo ming $653,000; Colorado, $3,000, 000; California, $20,000,COO; Ari zona, $900,000; Nevada,. Sl,148, 849.80; Idaho $1,000,000. New Jersey, Maryland, and Montana are expected to make considerable expenditures o n roads this year. Luke's Parents to France News dispatches tell of the de cision of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luke, the parents of Frank Luke, Jr,, Ameriea's noted Ace, to go, to Europe next summer and en deavor to locate the grave of their son. No official information concern ing the manner of Luke's death nor the location of his grave has ever been received; by his family and it is in the hope of learning these particulars that the parents will go. The Germans called Luke "the greatest American ace, Luke." Something Doing Every Minute In the house of representatives of the Arizona state legislature Mrs. Rosa McKay, author of the present minimum wage law for women, has offered an amend ment increasing the wage from $12 to $20 a week. Other bills introduced were: Fixing a min imum wage for teachers at $100 a mon h and providing for twelve months contracts; a bill providing a burial fund of $150 for indigent soldiers and sailors, burial not to take place in a part of a ceme tery set aside for paupers. Co conino Sun. To Make Canyon National Park The senate bill to make the Grand Canyon a national park was passed Monday by ihe house and sent to conference. In the area set aside are 996 square miles of public land, now parts of two national forests and a game refuge. The proposal has been before congress for 33 years. Coconino Sun. 2500 Men Idle as Mine Closes A.t least 2500 men have been discharged the last week by the Cananea Consolidated Copper company, the Democrata Mining company and other properties operating in the vicinity of Can anea according to arrivals here from the Mexican mining camp. Tombstone Epitaph. Beginning MONDAY, Feb. 3, 1919, continuing T E DAYS 1919 Goods at pre-war prices New attractions each day Underwear 50 off, Muslin & Knit Shoes for everybody Misses Shoes 98c. and up 30 & 35c. Gingham 20 & 25c. per yd. Gents Hats 25 off All kinds of notions, fancy silks, dress goods, laces, embroidery, lawn goods, sleepers, ribbons, Men's shirts, pajamas, night robes. Overalls 50c. off per pair Baby bonnets, Embroidered linens, art goods, etc Make your pennies do what a dime usually does STRICTLY CASH St. Johns, Arizona NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the Office of the Board of Supervisors of Apache County, Arizona, in St. Johns, Arizona, up until 9:30 a. m., Monday, February 3, 1G19, for the Janitorship for the Court House. Specifications as to re quirements of said janitorship can be seen by calling at the of fice of the board of supervisors. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to waive any informalities in any bid. Bids to receive consideration must be sealed and addressed 'Clerk of the Board of Supervis ors, St. Johns, Arizona." and marked "Bids on Janitorship' By order of the Board of Super visors, January 7, 1919- GEORGE E. WAITE, 1-16-19 Clerk. Quick Cure For Croup. Watch for the first symptom, hoarseness and give Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy at once. It is oroirmt and effectual. Adv. NOTICE OF SELECTION Under Act of Congress, Ap proved June 20, 1910. United States Land Office, At Phoenix, Arizona, State of Arizona. To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the State of Arizona has filed in this office its Grant Selection, apply ing to select for the benefit of Agricultural and Mechanical Col leges, the following described lands: 875041010: In T. 14 N.f R. 24 E., N;SE Section 12, (All in G. & S. R. MJ During the five weeks' period of publication of this notice, or any time thereafter and before final approval and certification, this office will receive protests or contests as to any of the tracts applied for and transmit the same to the General Land Office. Dated at Phoenix, Arizona, Dec. 28, 1918. J. L. IRVIN, Register SCOTT WHITE, Receiver. Date of first publication January 16, 1919. SUMMONS. In The Superior Court of Aprche County, STATE OF ARIZONA. Amelia B. Baca, Plaintiff, vs. Flavio Baca, Defendant. Action brought in the Superior Court of Apache County, State of Arizona, and the complaint filed in said County of Apache in the office of the Clerk of said Superior Court. In the Name of the State of Arizona to Flavio Baca, Defend ant, greeting: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMON ED and required to appear in an action brought against you by the above-named plaintiff in the Su perior Court of Apache County, State of Arizona, and answer the Complaint therein filed with the Clerk of this said Court, at St. Johns, in said County, within twenty days after the service up on you of this Summons, if served in this said' County, or in all other cases within thirty days thereaf ter, the times above mentioned being exclusive of the day of ser vice, or judgement by default will be taken against you. Given under my hand and seal of the Superior Court of Apache County, State of Arizona, this 10th day of January, 1919. N JLiHiVl S. UDAJLU SEAlLCjerk of gaid superior Court. 1-16-19 Made Me a Well Man Mr. Louis Young, 205 Merrimac St., Rochester, N. Y., writes: "I suffered for thirty years with chronic bowel troithic, fitom ncli trouble and hemorrhages of the hovrelH. a vv e DOUKnc a doiuo 01 reruna S and I took it faithfully, and I o bepran to tvl better. ? My wife persuaded me to con- 5 tinue, and I took it for some fi time as directed. Nott I am a S well man." Suffered thirty years with stomach trouble and hemorrhages of the bowels. U(cid or Tnblet Form 0 GO OS GO 99 (59 SO OS eo o eo eo o eo CO GO eo eo GO SO OS oo eo DS eo oo eo eo oo 9 OO eo oo eo eo oo o oo eo oo oo oo oo o GO oo oo oo oo oo eo oo oo eo oo oo eo oo oo oo oo o oo eo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo eo oo eo oo eo eo eo oo oo oo oo oo eo oo oo THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ford cars are important servants every where. They help the family enjoy life, bring the pleasures and advantages of the town within reach of the farmer and give practical service every day in country and town. They require a minimum of attention; any one can run the Ford and care for it, but it is better to have repairs and replacements taken care of by those who are familiar with the work and have the tools, the genuine materials, and skilled men to do the work promptly- We pledge Ford owners the reliable Ford service with real Ford parts and standard Ford prices. eo eo oo oo oo eo oo oo CO oo oo oo CO oo o O 13 oo oo G'5 &o c oo e co eo oo oo oo . oo oo oo oo oo CO CO eo 00 OO CO eo eo CO CO GO OQ OO OO GO OO oo CO oo oo oo eo oo oo eo eo eo eo eo eo eo eo oe Oil eo oo o CO Seeker's Transcontinental Garage Springerville, Arizona. CO eo oo ee oo glgeooaoaooocooooeooooooooooooooooeoeoeeeeeoee-- "hi , . l o 3 3 i We take care or your interests. Q 3 The Bank of the People j Efficiency, Courtesy and Strentgli. ppreciaiea, aismess a. Business Solicited new 3 3 3 St. Johns, Arizona 5