ST. JOHNS HERALD Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Phoenix, Arizona. December 9 1922. 037156-051468 Notice is hereby given that Henry L. Marble, of Vernon, Arizona, who, on 11-23-17 & 6-24-21, made Homestead Entry No. 03715S-05146B, for SW$NEJ NWJSEJ, Section 38, Township 10-N., Range 25-E., G. S. & R. B. & Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Three Year Proof,-to establish claim to the land above described, before George E. Waite, Clerk of the Superor Court, at St. Johns, Arizona, on the 13th day J of January, 1923. Claimant namss as witnesses: John W. Hoi den, H Jesse Marble, Alexander B. Nicoll, John Rothlisber ger, all of Vernon, 'Arizona. JOHN R. TOWLES, 12-14-22-1-11 '23. LAUGH AT MUNICIPAL ORDERS TO USE CORN AS FUEL Using corn as fuel had a tempor ary vogue some years ago as a scheme to tide the farmer over a dull market It is now being taken more seriously in the Middle West in view of tlfe high cost of coal. A clay products company in Tovva is using it to fire brick kilns and will con tinue to do so as long as it pays. Two tons of corn equal a ton of coal for heating. Seattle Post Intelligencer. c 1 i It is true that many contract severe colds and recover from them without taking any precau tion or treatment, and a know ledge of this fact leads others to take chances instead of giving: their colds the needed attention. It should be borne in mind that every cold weakens the lungs, lowers , the vitality, makes the system less able to withstand each succeeding attack and paves the way for the more serious diseases. Can you afford to take stach - drapexsieabancS when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,' famous for its cures of bad colds may be had for a trifle? Men and Women "of Zurich, Switzer land, Refuse to Recognize Sep arate Bathing Divisions. An attempt by the municipality of Zurich to prevent mixed bathing has failed, according to the Geneva correspondent of the London Daily Express. They built a swimming bath on the edge of the lake and erectad a. dividing screen of boards six feet high down the middle one division for women, the other for men. - Fathers and mothers refused to be separated, and as the men could reach the women's division by swim ming under the screen they bathed together. The officials protested and there were daily scenes. The police were called in, but found it difficult to arrest a man in deep waiter. Uni forms were splashed, women became hysterical and were rescued splut tering. The scandal reached the ears of the municipality and the bath was closed. After an official meeting, at which petitions from parents who wished to teach their offspring how to swim were considered, the municipal au thorities have removed the objection able dividing screen. CONGRATULATIONS KEEPING AHEAD OF THE CROWD "Do you claim to be a leader of the people?" "Not exactly," replied Senator Sorghum. "I only try to be a good guesser as to which way the people are going next." The Tire Sensation W. D. RENCHER Civil Engineer Speciality Irrigation Engineering 3t. Johns, Arizona Flora This is my Venty-second birthday. Aren't you going to con gratulate me? , Fauna Indeed I am. You don't look a year older than when you were first twenty-two. . y BOULDIN & HEYWOOD Physicians and Surgeons County Superintendent of Health St. Johns, Arionza Those who are in a "run down" con dition will notice that Catarrh bothe' s them much more than when they In good health. This fact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, it Is greatly influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is a Tonic and Blood Puri fier, and acts through' the blood upon the mucous surfaces of the body, thus reducing the inflammation and restor ing normal conditions All druggists. Circulars free. F. J Cheney & Co;., Toledo, Ohio. The Phaeton Mechanical perfection in Lincoln con' struction assures a higher degree of safety, a greater realisation of comfort, than can be obtained from other motor cars regardless of price or claims. Without qualification, the Lincoln is the finest automobile that superior manufac turing skill can develop. RQ.B. PEXROO Ten Body Types 7 -3 vm 30X3 1-2 CORDS S12.50 EACH We pay the war tax Built by Mr. F. A. Seiberling founder and for 23 years president of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Now producing: under his own name the greatest tire of his career, an'unmatcbed value for all cars Before you buy investigate this tire and let us tell you of satisfied users here in St. Johns there are many. JOY B. PATTERSON CO. ST. JOHNS. ARIZONA Winter Underwear For Men, Women and Children Only- desirable, dependable merchandise, made with j care and precision, full and roomy not a skimped j piece in the lot, and when, you have seen the nrices vou'll decide, as we did. that it is hieh time to replenish underwear supplies and .prepare for cold. 4 weather to corne. I An Early Selection is-Advisable -A. St. Johns, Arizona -- fr- -- '4 ; J I. . - Flour Graham Cracked corn Corn meal Bran -v ST. JOHNS, ARIZONA Come in and see what a low price we have on these goods. 4 --W $1.50 brings The TO YOU ONE YEAR