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yVOL. 1. V TONEY. HONEY. J> V y l * Wholesale and Eetail —at— B. F. Johnson, Sons & Co . r DEALERS IN Q-en.era.l >i »ffi»»» .Carda. JjR- CHAB. H. JONES, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, .... Arizona Olln %t I«lmbud A GUI Block. OBo* Hoars _4 |g)|, m., S to 4 tad T to 8 p. **>• * So .. - Mm. gilbert, m. d. . , • .. PHYSICIAN a burgeon V ■ s Office —Over Zenos Co-Op Store. ‘4r r Mesa City, A. T. '* i # IT J. JESttUr, r 4 dentist. I ” ". rJ V AU work warranted'and prices very reasonable. Offcb —Porter Block. 1 Phoenix, Arizona. O. P. FITCH DENTIBT. Permanently located in Mesa Office —Macdonald Street, Oppos ; te Livery Stable. -MESA, - - Arizona. t ; A ATTORNEYS-AT-L^W. ’ Special attention Riven to land, * water and mining cases, Practice in all the courts, TEMPE ARIZ. E. HOLBROOK, SURGEON DENTIST. Pr All work c«orontood and prieos reasonable. ;oHS—Nos. 1 and 8, Porter Building. £• ■. Phoenix. Arisona. TRIPPEL 4c SON. 'in, TxirrzL, Mining Engineer and Metallurgist. Amn L TsirPßL, Civil Engineer Deputy Coun *tj Surveyor end Deputy U, 8, Lend Surveyor. Do all kinds of Architectural, Mining and Civil Engineering. Contracts taken for buildings and es timates famished for a f l work. Hy draulic and Canal work a specialty. _ Omci, Pomeroy Block MEBA CITY, ff ■ IW. ARTHUR, DEALER IN * General Hub, Country produce taken gnd highest market price allowed. A d HO JKETi’d OLD STAND, 0 Vie and Mackonald Street*, MESA a'* $ Mesa Free Press. Jjl T. POMEROY, Notary Public A Conveyancer. Legal papers Carefully Drawn. Opposite Hakes House. MESA OITY, ' - - - - ARIZONA yy LAWRENCE W OODRUFF, HOMCEOPATHIST, Graduate of Hahnoman Medical College, Phi la delphia. Class 1882. Oflce and Residence Rooms 11, 18 and 16. Cetton Block, Ph<xnix. Office Honrs— l to 0 a m., 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 p. m. fjl H. SABIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON- Office —Two Doors East of Postoffice Residence —Robson Street, First Door South of Main. Mesa - - Arizona JjR. H. LONGMORE, Main Street, Mesa, Ariz. , Three doors east of postoffi Omen Hera*. -9a. m to 6 .m. W. A. BURTON, CONTRACTOR -and- B UILDER. Estimates Furnished on Short Notice. MESA, - - - Ariz CONTEST NOTI<3 t S, Lin i Office, Tucson, Arizona. .une 28,1893 Complaint having been entered at this offi by William H Code against George D Spooner sos failure to comply with the law as to Desert Laud entry No 1643 dated May 12th 7890 upon the whole of Section 29 Township 2 S Range 5 E. in Maricopa county Arizona with a view to the oaneeliatiou of said entry. Contestant alleg ing that Contestee did not reclaim said tract by eonduotiug water thereon during the statutory period, endiug May 12,1893, and has not taken any steps toward the reclamation of said land, or giving any notioe of intention to take advan . tage of the act of March 3rd 1891. But has wholly abandoned said tract. The Contestant having filed affidavit in this office May 13th 1893 setting forth the fact that \fterusing due dilligence he is unable to get < I personal service upou the contestee and asks that service may be had by publicatiou in the Mesa Fuzz Press paper published at Mesa Ari zona. The same Is hereby granted, and the said Parties ore hereby summoned tc appear at the office es the Clerk of the Distriot Court Phoenix Arizona on thoj29, day of August 1898 at 10 o clock.a. m., to respond and furnish testimony ooncerning said alleged failure: Hearing before Register and Receiver U S Land Office, Tucson. Arisona en the 6th day of Septemj jr 1898 at 2 o’clock p. m. HERBERT BROWN, Register, 1 MESA, ARIZONA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1893. ZenosCo-Op. *- 1e , The Finest Line Ever Opened in Mesa can be Seen in Our Dry Goods Dep’t, -#4 -v#- ■ —■■■ Which contains new, neat and fashionable dress goods, flannels, ladies’ and gents’ furnishing goods and everything usually found in a well furnished establishment. Our Hardware and Grocery Dep’ts are stocked with the choic est goods. We are Agents for the Celebrated Myers Pumps, the Famous Ftatherbone Buggy Whips and the Unexcelled Canton Clipper Plows. Our lines are of the best and our prices as low as the lowest. Special orders given prompt attention. CALL AND SEE US. A CBANGE OFTEXT ROOKS And Forty per cent. Saved per Annnm. In The Purchase of Hooks. Territorial Diplomas. New Rate on tbe subject or Corporal FunlsL ment. Governor’s Office, July 29,1893. The Territorial Board of Education met at 10 o’clock, a. m. at the above office on this day, pnrsuant to the following call of the Secretary: Office of the Superintendent of 'i Public Instruction, > Mesa, May 26, 1893. ) Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Territorial Board of Education will be held in office of the Governor, Phoenix, en Saturday, July 29, 1893, for the p.urpose of selecting and adopting a series of text books for use in the public schools of Arizona. F. J. Netherton, Secretary Territorial Board of Education. There were present at the meeting: Governor L. C. Hughes president, F. J. Netherton secretary, Edgar L Storment member. It appearing that the notce re quired by law had been given to all the county superintendents and the other requirements of the law com plied with, the board proceeded to an examination of the various text books submitted for inspection and adoption, after which the report of the advisory committee of teachers, which- had been convened July 15th, to examine the various books offered, was opened and read. The report was as fol lows: The Honorable the Board of Education, Phoenix, Arizona Territory, Gentlemen: The committee of te&chors chosen bv you to advise in the matter o k change of text books for use in the public schools of the territory, mit as per call at the Governor’s office Satur day July 15,1893. Present: Dr T. B. Comstock Tueson, Hon. •F. J. Netherton Mesa, Prof. A. H. Fulton Tempe, Miss Mamie Garlick Phoenix Mrs. Alice C. Varnum Mesa. Prof. C. O. Case Mesa, Prof. W, S. Varnum Bisbee. ggOn motion T. B, Comstock, was elected chairman of the cimmittee and V. S, Varnum secretary, After discussion and carefui examination of text books submitted and a dii'cussion of their merits by each member of the committee and on motion, the followin'! were unanimously reeom nr,ended to honorable hody ai being in our judgment the moat suitable tpxt Ipnks for use in the public schools, vis: New Franklin Readers IfQijg’s Language Wessons, Noe. 1 and 2. Reeds and Kellogg’s Graded Lesson* in Eng lish. Reeds and Kellogg’s Higher Lessons in Eng lish. Wentworth’s Primary Arithmetic. Wentworth’s Grammar School Arithmetic. Wenthworth and Hill’s High School Arithmetic. Wentworth’s Algebra Wont worth, s Geometry Montgomery’* Leading Facts in American History. Montgomery's Beginner's American History. The committee further recommended a*> su pie men tary reading the adoption of the following: Seaside and Wayside Series 4 No*. Nature’s Stories for You g Readers; The American citizen Riverside Literature Series. Pratt’s Historv Stories Stickney’s Readers Harper’s Readers We recommend the use of the above in tbe order named, and especially com mend 1 and 2, 3 and 6 to the use of the teachers. We further recommend that the school board purchase all supplementary reading on the advice of the principal in charge. The following were recommended by major ities of from three to five: Gage’s introduction to Physical Science Eclectic Physical Geography Reed’s word Lesson Lincoln’s Hygienic Physiology Brand’s Lessons on the Human Body Swinton’s Word Analysis Ray’s, Bai toy’s or Stoddard’s Mental Arithmitic* We furthergive it as our judgment that the efficient teacher can profit by dispensing with the use of copy hooks, mental arithmetic or spellers in the hands of the pupils* Respectfully, W. S. Varnum, Secretary. After the consideration of the re port of the committee by the board, the following resolution was adopted: Rbb lvbd, that it is the judgment of this board that the educational inrereste of tbe Territory of Arizona demand tlat a partial change in the present text books be made, The board then proceeded to an examination of the sample text books submitted to them by the various publishing companies, and by a unan imous vote resolved that the following books now in use be continued: Appleton’s readers, 1.2, 3,4, intro ductory 4,5, Appleton’s Geographies, Elementary and Higher. Steel’s Hy gienic Physiology, the Model Copy Books. After some discussion, the subject of grammars was laid on the table to be taken up and considered at the afternoon meeting of the board. The following new books were adjudged by the board to have sufficient merit to justify their adoption in lieu of those books of similar kind and grades now in use: Long’s Language Lessons, 1 and 2. Wentworth’s Primary Arithmetic. Wentworth’s Grammar School Arith metic. Wentworth’s High School Arithmetic. Montgomery’s Beginners’ History. Montgomery’* American History. Lincon’s Physiology. Macey’s Our Government. Augßbury’s Drawing Simplified, 2 books- Brand’s Health Lessons on the Human Body. Modern Spellers. Stoddard’s Intellect Hal Arithmetic. New Franklin, 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 readers, supplementary to the regular series. Reed and Kellegg’s Graded Lessons in English. Reed and Kellogg’s Higher Lessons in Englsh. After some discussion, the board decided to postpone action on the high school and library books until the meeting of the board to be held the second Thursday in October. The following resolution was also unanimously adopted: Rksolvbo, that the seoretary of the board is hereby authorized t-> sign all instruments noccssary to carry into effect any change of text books this day authorized by the board of education, and to approve all bonds necessary to the same. A recess was then taken until 2 o’clock p. m. The Board reconvened at the stated time in open session, and proceeded to open and consider the bids. In ad dition to the members of the board there were present. Mr. Wedgewood representing the American Book com pany, C. P. Barnes representing Ginn & company, R. H. Pemberton repre senting D. 0. Heath Sf company, and 1. N. Hunt representing P- Sheldon & . oorapanv; also Professor Ohas. H. Tully, A H. Fulton, Richard Stuart. * Bids from ttye following companies, • were opened and read: A Lovell & Company, Maynard, Merrill & con&- • pany, Western Publishing House, American Book company, Ginn & company, John E- Potter and com pano, Porter Coats, Leac'U, Shewell & Sanborn, Houghton, Mifflin & com pany, Sheldon & company. After reading and considering the bid?, merits and prices of the various text books offered, the following res olution was unanimously adopted by ; the board. Rkbolvkd, th it in accordance with the power vested in the Territorial Board of Education by law, and in consideration of the stipulations of the publishers now on file in the office es the secretary of the board, the following school text books are hereby adopted for the term of four years in lieu of other books of similar grade now In use, tbe prices and terms not to exceed those herein recorded, introductory, exchange and retail prices as follows: Modern Speller $ .20 .10 8 -26 Lintr’s Language Lessons No. 1 .15 .10 .20 Long’s Language Lessons No. 2 .20 .10 .26 Reed and Kellogg’s Graded Listons in English 50 .10 .40 Reed and Kellogg’s Higher Lessons in English 50 .20 .65 Wentworth’s Primary Arith metic .80 .29 .80 Wentworth’s Grammar School “ Arithmetic 65 .46 .66 Wentworth’s High School Arithmetic 1.00 .80 1.10 Stoddard’s Intellectual Arith □metic , .5g Montgomery’s Beginner’s His tory 60 .50 .70 Montgomery’s American His tory 1.00 .76 1.15 Brand’s Health Lessons on tbe. Hum in Body .86 Lincoln’s Physiology 80 ,85 .90 Maaey’s Our Government 75 .69 ,Br> Franklin’s Readers beiug supplementary to the regular series, Fir*t f 20 ,10 8 .26 Second 80 .15 .40 Third 40 .20 .65 Fourth *6O .26 .66 Fifth 70 .86 .90 Augsbury’s Drawing Simplified, 2 hooks. The following resolution was then unanimously adopted. Rmolvkd, that a copy of each text book herein adopted or hereefter to be adopted and such as are retained in use in th* public schools In the Territory of Arizona, shall be kept on file in the 1 territorial library, as samples; of books agreed ( and contracted to be furnished. The following resolution was also adopted unanimously. Rksolvkd, that ni consideration of the stip ulations and agreements endorsed upon the proposals of the American Book eompany, by its \ representative, Mr: Wedgewood, the following books now ln use are continued, but not re- 1 adopted, at prioes and to rms not to exceed th* ' following. ..Appleton’s Readers- Old. New. First 8 .80 f .20 Second 50 .35 Third *6O .45 Fourth 76 .66 lutroductory Fourth 76 .66 Fifth 1.25 1.00 Appleton’s Elementary Geography :75 ,60 Appleton’s Higher Geography I*6o 1.40 Steele’s Physiology 1.60 ITO Model Copy Books (regular) 15 .10 Model Copy Books (small) 10 *lO The following resolution was then presented and unanimously adopted. Resolved, that rule 1 of the Rules and Regulations for the government of the public schools of Arizona Ter ritory, adopted by the Territorial Board of Education, be amended by adding the following words. *‘ln case of repeated failure to observe the re quirements herein specified, it shall become the duty of the principal of the school so notify the trustees of the same.” The following resolution was pre sented and after a lengthy discussion was adopted by the following vote. Ayes—Governor Hughes and Prof. F. J. Netherton. Nos—Prof. C. L. i Storment, Resolved, that instructions to teachers be amended by adding the following rule. “Any teacher before , inflictiug corporal punishment upon a pupil, must first notify the parents and guardians and one member of the i board of trustees, of his or her in i tention at least one day before such f punishment is to be inflicted, stating i the day and the hour at which the r punishment will be inflicted and ex tending an invitation to such parent » or guardian or trustee to be present. The punishment must not be inflicted I in the presence of the school.” ( The following resolutions were adopted. [ 1 Whereas, numerous complaint** I have been made to this lvvw l to the effect that a number of life and edu ’ cational diplomas have been issued in i violation of the law, made and pro . vided for issuing the same, and I Whereas, the board finds >t difficult to discover all such illegal diplomas or 1 to decide which hare been issued • legally or illegally and finding it iiee . essary to protect those teachers who i are honorably entitled to be recogniz d ’ as qualified under the law and to the | 1 rights and privileges granted to - holders Qf such diplomas, Therefore, be it resolved that the Superintendent ot Public Instruction is hereby directed to require all teach* ers in the territory of Arizona, holding life or educational diplomas under the law of 1887, to sh*»w cause on or be fore the meeting of the board to bf held on the second Thursday in Oct ober why their diplomas should not be revoked. 2. Resolved, that an affidavit from a teacher, administered by an officer qualified to administer an oath under the law of the territory, to the effect that he or she had complied with the requirements of the law and bad taught the statutory time, stating the post office address aud the name of the clerk of the board of trustees of the district in which he or she had been engaged in teaching each year, or during the specified time, will be con sidered satisfactory evidence why his or her diploma should not be revoked, 3. Resolved, that all teachers who knowingly hold diplomas that have been illegally granted, are hereby re quested to return the same to the Superintendent of Public Instruction. 4 Resolved, that the names of all teachers whose diplomas may be found upon examination by the board to have been legally issued, shall be published is some paper of general circulation for thirty days, to the end that the trustees of the various dis tricts may be informed of teachers legally qualified to receive employ* ment under such diplomas. 5. Resolved, that the secretary of this board is hereby iustructed to publish these aesolutians lor & per iod of thirty days and forward to each teacher holding a diploma issued under the saw of 1887, v copy thereof Resolved, thst any communication touching this subject must be mailed to the Superintendent of Public In* struction. Upon the recommendation of the Territorial Board of Examiners, ter ritorial diplomas were granted to J, W. Brown, St. Johns, Apache county, and Alfred Frost, Snowflake. Apache county There being no further business, the meeting adjourned to meet agsin the second Tuesday in October. F J. Netherton. Sec*y Territorial Board of Educat’n. The Western Plowman very truly remarks. Now that ladies are so generally employed as stenogra phers, type-setters, and typewriter operators, the columns of newspa pers are burdened with coarse at tempts at humor, in which the pretty amanuensis and her alleged flirtations with the business man are the inspiring theme. Perhaps these jokes, on account of their in sipidity, are harmless, aud do not deserve the dignity of a remon strance, but nevertheless, we enter our protest against any attempt to place in a ridiculous or improper light the honest and worthy occu pation of a woman. All honor to the girl who has the energy and pluck and determination to qual ify herself to be self-sustaining and make herself useful in the great world of business, and blighting, withering, blasting shame be his portion who would place the slight est straw in her way. There are enough actual follies, weaknesses and foibles of men to laugh about without making innocent women the subject of ridicule by making them figure in incidents entirely the product of an .impure ination. The shafts of ridicule should be aimed only at those who deserve punishment, and there are enough of this class, God knows; and wit and humor lose their charm when indulged in at the expense of anything that is good and useful, A woman’s reputation is too del icate to be roughly handled, and any light treatment of her ocoupa * timi injures Her who is identified with it, A rumor has reached Washington that the arbitrators in the Behring Sea controversy between the Unit ed States and Great Britain, who ! have been in session in Paris since March last arguing in the case, had I decided in favor of the United States. No. 49.