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■ 1 ■ SPECIAL BAHGA-INSi iAdin'ltd Children'* Shots, Gentlemen’s Gloves, Huts or Furnishings, go to B. F. Johnson, Sons & Co, HEADQUARTERS for the best line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE In the. City, * . « «•• / . IwraWr >i giving away a GRBND FIVE OCTAVE ORGAN | f —•* «haiiot with each dollar in cash. f f I. yi. gniisslsaal GstSb. na- CXt AS. H. JONES, . _ rXTMCUH * BURGEON, fyi»« . ... - -v Arizona OfwitH«la«XDM a Oill Block. Office Hour* —t Mil. Sto A sat TtoSp. m. || M. GILBERT, If. D. vkiuicikX k BURGEON Or#r Zenos Co*Od Store. i f 1 * >- JJ J. JJ»»Ur, DENTIST. - All work WMpgedJaad prioes very Vhovoix, Arizona. J-Jr. O. r. FITCH DENTIST. Parasaaently located in Mesa OzFfOffi—Maedonsld Street, Oppoa ; te Livery Stable. M«i|, » • Ariaooa- McCabe ATTQpLNETSAT-LAW Special attention given to land, vtter and mining eases, fiaetioe in all the courts, nCMFg :: ARIZ. *; HOLBROOK, BURGEON DENTIST. an vnk (unateed end prieea reuoneble. §tm it— l oad S, Porter Bnildiof. Phoenix. Ari*on». TRIPPEL & SON A&ox, Tvorab, Mining: Engineer end MoUlttrgUt. , ttum L TliPrats Civil Engineer Deputy Coun lf Surveyor iyipyuty U, S, Lon*l Surveyor. Do all kinds of Architectural, Mining and Giuil Engineering, Contracts taken for buildings and es timate* for a 1 ! workHy- Omn, Penj»r»y Rtaqp -j£ C l **- K. 1; ARTHUR, T V*. *\. fLFICf jjui ID'i * 1 DEALER Ilf tad Hub, Country produco ' taken and highest market price allowed. HOJKETI'S OLD STAND, 4 j . :»I 4 Veoi Mesa Free Press. F. T - POMEEOY - Notary Public & Conyeyakcer. Lernl papers Carefully Drawn, Opposite Hakes Uuuse. MEBA CITY, - - - - ARIZONA LAWRENCE WOODRUFF, HOMCEOPATHIST, Graduate of Hahoajaan Medical Collesr*, Phi la delphia, Class I*B2. Office and Residence Rooms 11, IS and Id, Cotton Block, Piuskix. Office Honrs—/ to 9 a m., 1 to S and # to 8 p. at. f£l H. SABIN, M. D. # ? - \ PHYSICIAN & SURGEON- Office —Two Door* East of Postoffice Residence—Robson Street, First Door South of Main. Mesa - -*• Arizona JJR. H, LONGMORE, Main Street, Mesa, Ariz. Three doors east of postoffi Office Hours.- oa. ui to 5 . na. W. A BURTON, CONTRACTOR -and- BUILDER. Estimates Furnished on Short Notice. MESA, - - Arise Ordinance no. n. The Cunmon Council of the Village cf Mesa do ordain as follows: Thrt Bee. Sos Art. I of Ordinance No. 7 be amended to read as follows; Sac. B.—Any minor, except when ia the pur suit of neoeesary business, who shall visit hang around, or loiter in and about any bawdy house billiard or drinking saloon, bar or other place > where intoxicating liquors are kept and sold, or who shall loiter ah ut any street, street corner, alley fit other public highway, or who shall prowl about or ent Mr anv public building or private budding without permission of the owner thereof on Sundays or other days not legal or local holidays, or wh o shall loiter or hang about on the outside of any public nail, church or other public buildiug when occupied, shall be deemed guilty oi a misdemeanor, All ordinances or parts of ordinances in con flict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its publicat’on and approval. Passed th a 7th day of September A. D. 1893, Approved,this Bth day of September A. D -1898, W. J. LbBARON, Attest, Mayor. R. H. Surra, Village Recorder, MESA, ARIZONA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1893. km Co-Op. The Finest Line Ever Opened in Mesa can be Seen in Our Dry Goods Dep’fc, » ► ». •« 4 Which contains new, neat and fashionable dress goods, flannels, ladies’ and gents’ furnishing goods and everything usually found in a well furnished establishment. Our Hard wart and Grocery Dep’ts are stocked with the choic est goods. Wo are Agents for the Celebrated Myers Pumps, the Famous F*.atherbona Buggy Whips and the Unexcelled Canton Clipper Plows. Our lines are of the best and our prices as low as the lowest. Special orders given prompt attention. cm AND SEE US. ASSIGNEE’S SHE!! Tin© Whole Stoclc of Patterson & Srundage Bros, Will be sold at greatly Reduced Prices. A Tremendous Cut Will be mad*- in the prices of HATS, BOOTS, SHOES and Fan cy Dry Goods. Rememlter the place,, Patton A Brundage Bros. MESA CITY, Ariz. GEO. PASSEY, Assignee ST. LOUIS Peer |Ja,ll —o — TALBLATZ’ LAGER BEER ICE COLD, ON DRAUGHT. F***o““ Schooners, 6 Oents. MESA, - - Ariz Passey & Sons, —Dealers iu— FRUITS, NUTS, AND FRESH CANDIES •fall kindik —o- ICE-COLD SOOA, LEMONADE, etc. Ice in Quantities to Suit • ICE CREAM every Afteraewn, Returning Prospe ity. The revival of trade goes on. B’i’om every part of the cunntry comes the encou>aging news that suspended works are in operation! that money is’ becoming plentiful, that.the scare ia over;and thit the general feeling in the danger line i s passed and security is assured. The p .-.ia has be< n largely an eff ct of the opposite feeling. There has been in u-o of it in feeling than in fact. Alarmist*- are largely re sponsible for it. Among them are many of th** bankers of the country. They . commenced to pinch up, refuse credits, call in loans, stop overdrafts by even indisputably sound business houses, and to pro voke the runs that nearly led to their ruin. The alarm spread to every circle of society, increasing in wildness as it traveled till it became a veritable cyclone, spread ing consternation and destruction. It is over, thank heaven, and though confidence may not be fully restored, it is reviving, and the re sumption of business by banks and mills and various trades tells th*- story of returning prosperity. Now let everybody try to put away the spirit of complaining and of fear and go about their business as though they meant business and not its restriction. As soon as the banks become a little more free in their transactions with their cus tomers, a freer feeling will prevail in all commercial and trad** circles It will be a token of a turn of the tide and will hejp them as much as anybody else. Deposits will come back, money will circulate, n* ss will bn brisk, and all branches of industry will be encouraged and re v i ved. —Gaze t te. * O 4—* Phoenix is ever on the forward march and no sooner floes she 8-cure one great improvement than she seeks to get another. A few short years ago big freight teams were camping in the main streets of the town as they passed to and from the Southern Pacific road with freight for our merchants, and the streets were without lights at night except that supplied by nature. When first the gas w*s turned on and from the street cor ners a s’ckly lamp was thrown, tin people thought, grand things in the way of civilized improvements had been accomplished. But later, when the railroad was completed, the. electric lights came to brighten things a little, and then the march of civilization was mere brisk. Big, handsome, brick block and public buildings were built and other improvements had along with the telephone exchange, one of the best on the coast, and a magnificent sewer system that will rival those of larger cities. Last, but not least, the electric street railway, and Washington street property selling at a thousand dollars a front foot. No wonder they say this is the most prosperous city on the coast. No wonder people are coming here by the hundreds, fill ing every available room and house in this beautiful city.,—Gazette. The financial journals report in creasing deposits in almost every city and practically no currency premium remaining. Increasing deposits, resuming banks and fac tories, rising stocks and bonds, in creasing investments and the rapid ly disappearing premium on currency, tell that the crisi* of ’93 is over.—Star, A meinb rof the boundary sur vey who made the trip from No gales to Dig Springs N. M. t ’uformed an Enterprise reporter that cattle all along the line are iu splendid condition At San Pedro, San Bernardino Springs and Lang’s ranch fat steers by the hundreds could be seen on all sides us a consequence of the copious rains which have permitted the grass and pastures to grow almost to the size of former years before the drouths and overstocking of the ranges ruined business. At Liang’s rauch in the Aniin-s valley and the Whitewater region plenty of fat big antelopes were seen and quite a number killed. At Nogales however, the feed did not mate rialize until after the survey had left and it wis necessary to chase the sows out of camp at all hours with big sticks, as they would come and steal the hay *f the nuules.— Enterprise. Sioux Live S’ock Journal says: Farmers and stock growers have felt the present depression less than those engaged iu any other branch of business, and this is al ways the case. Os oourse this does not necessarily apply t,o those who are badly in debt for their stock or for other purposes, for where debts h;tve to be paid everything has to be sacrificed. One great advan tage is that nearly everything the farmer or stockman raises can al ways be sold for cash with which to pay debts, which is not the case in. most branches of business. Profit may be cut off and even some loss may be entailed, but nothing when compared with other things. The university of Arizoua starts out with an increased attendance for the fall and winter term and this promises to become a very suc cessful year for that excellent in stitution. About forty students will be in attendance, and this number will likely be considerably increased later in the season. Dr. Theo. B. Comstock has devoted the vacation months to labors connected with the success of the university that will bear fruits in the coming years. It is an institution that should be fostered by all progressive citizens, as its worth is not easily estimated in commercial figures.— Enterprise. It is not among the improbabil ities that when a railroad is built to Globe, some time in the future, it will start from Wilcox, and take iis route northward through the Sulphur Spring valley, Aravaipa Canyon, and directly through the San Carlos coal fields. A revival of mining interests is first necessary to warrant this piece of enterprise in railroad building, and with such revival, this route is the one to make business for it.—Stockman. The cattle business of Arizona will today command a net profit of fifteen per cent per year on the in vestment, and it is a low estimate. It is possible that to those who invested ten years ago when stock cattle were at a prmium, this should not he done, but by a reorganiza tion, figuring on what such cattle can be bought for now, it can be done and is being done, and the profits are bound to increase in the future.—Stockman. There were over forty thousand Odd Fellows in line at the Odd Fellows celebration in Chicago on the 26th of September. The Geiersor’s Report. The Arizona Sentinel of Yuma, pay* Governor Hughe* the fol lowing high conipiment: Governor Hughe*’ report to the Secretary of the Interior i* the moat comprehensive, and by all tueatiN the beat, that has ever been made by any governor of Arizona. The important but thread-bare subject of irrigation ie handled in a masterly manner, and one that must commend itself to the Irri gatian Congress, soon to assemble at Los Angeles. The arid land question is one that has had care ful study at the hands of Governor Hughes, snd will command the attention of congress. Statehood for the Territory, is gone into in all of its details, and the results painted by a master’s band. Tim question of improving the Colorado river, and the thorough manner in which he goes into til* matter, shows that the governor has given this most important subject very thorough investigation, aud is fully alive to tbs vital project of its improvement by the national government, the grand results which will accure to it, as well as the vast benefits to be derived by the Ter- ritory, in cheap transportation to more than three-fourths of it* area, the seme to be desired above any otner that can be given us for the same expenditure of money. A good many years ago, in the times when John Quincy Adams was making his wonderful record in tho House of Representatives, a crisis arose in that body in whieh the gaining of time was an object to the whig minority. Mr. Adams secured the floor early in the fight. After he had been speaking three or four days, a Democratic member interrupting him testily inquired how much longer his speech was going to b*. The old man placidly replied that he could not tell pre cisely, but if he was not interrupted too much, he hoped to get through with his opening remarks in the course of the week. Mr. Stewart, of Nevada, in the present silver emergency, seems to be following this example, Late yesterday after having held the floor of the Senate for three days, he gently remarked that he had finished with one of about a half a dozen branches of the silver question and would stop for the time being, but that he would on successive future occasions pay his respects to the other five branches in each instance with equal elabo ration.—Colorado Sun. Senator Stewart, in his proposi tion for the coinage of a silver dollar, current at par in all the countries of the western hemis phere, is following in the lines laid down by Blaine to bring about a commercial union of all +he Ameri* , can Governments Should Senator Stewart’s plan be adopted it would solve the silver question and make the United States the trading center of the American continent. It is a magnificent conception— Florence Tribune. * Real estate in the Salt River > valley is beiug handled here and > there, gradually go ; ng into the hands of the small farmer where it should le. The only trouble is we | need several thousand erf these | small farmers. There is room for i them, an independent living and tome pro6t.,—Herald. No. 5.