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Yol. 2. FOR SPECIAL BARGAINS, IN It 1 AM Children's Show, Guutlmneu's Gloves, H iu or jl & 2 go to mmS S' .r 'f •/. B. F. Johnson, Sons & Co , HEADQUARTERS for the best line of QBNERAL MERCHANDISE * 'in the. City. ■ BmmbOTw* art giving away aGRBXD FIVE OCTAVE ORGAN —* change with each dollar iu cash. 1/ vs 'i' HCTPBWPMMUIfIW »”U J IWWWWM—m mi— JJH OKAS. H. JONES, Igtft,' L••> .. ia ■ Ali2oK^- •Am *t HilMaM a GUI Block. Offic« Hour* »?;.*»■ j r |£ M. GILBERT, M. D. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON JajgJDjfrOp&tw. Mm* City, A. T. *J J. JlßliUr, ' u. t v wM JP*-# , *. / Kl : ,41 V j J DENTIST. AS wwk warranted jand price* very —«■—Port* p Dr. O. P. FITCH , DENTIST. • / P—i**i*tiy located in Mesa Gr&m~ Maedenald Street, Oppos* te A. Livery Stable. „ MSS A, 'i ■ • Arizona. .--- - -1 * ' A McCABE ATft)RNEYg.AT-LAW Spteial attention Riven to land, MWeMdainiM «•*«>, ■ LsstPr MU' g *. HOLBROOK, DENTIST. AM w«rk punilM and prises reasonable, eetss—Moe. 1 aad I, Porter Building. •> Phoenix. Arisena.. TUfIPPEt & SON. ‘Aim, flrtrMfc, Mining Engineer and -rW ‘ieKntalatgiei. *•.. • trtnuLTwm*, (IKril Bogueer Deputy Coun ty fureejror and Deputy U; 8, Land Surreyor. Do all kind* of Architectural, Mining and Giuil Engineering. Coattaott taken for buildings and es timate* fvoished for all work. Hy mesa citt. : HUGHES & ROGERS, Curings i Wign Ik. * 1 f **—And General— -* i BLACKSMITHS < Vs s*y A- U Repairing Neatly and Cheaply dene. Hone Shoeing a •pecialty. Macdonald bt> lot dooe south of ; J*# ***«•: • < - * '•§> •fries a Free Press. P T. POMEROY, Notary Public & Conveyancer. Legal papers C ireful ly Drawn. Opposite .liakea House. MESA CITY, - - - ARIZONA yy LAWRENCE WOODRUFF, HOMCEOPATHIST, Graduate of flahnae Medical College, Phllu •lelphu, Cl la3i. Office and Residence Rooms 11, 18 and 16, ..Cotton Biock, k'Hwmx. Office Hours—/ to 9 a »■, 1 to S and 6 to * p. m. rjl H. SABIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON -1 Office^—Jwo Door s East of Postoffice Residence—Robson Street, First Door South of Main. Mesa - - Arizona J)R. H. LONGMORE, Main Street. Mesa, Ariz. Three do rs east of postoffi Office Hocus. -Sa. in to 6 . m. W. V. BURTON, CONTRACTOR 4 , -and- BUILDER. Estimates Furnished on Siiort Notice. MESA, - - - Ariz HUNS AKER'S vkfiij Jempe & Mesi Stag.R I'Making direct with > the Ooldficl Stage. f MORVINQ STAGES. L’ve p h®nix 6-30 a.m. Leave Mesa 6:30 a.m. Leave Tempe 8:80 a.m. Leave Tempe 7.30 a. m. Arrive Mesa 9:80 a.ra. Arrive Plimni* 9 a.m. EVENING STAGES. L*ara P> «n»x 3 p.ra. Leave Mvsa 1.00 n m. I Leave Tempe 4 p.m. Leave Tempe "’.SO 1 ». in. Arrive Mew 6.30 p.m. Arrive Pljoquix 4 p.m. ! CARRY PASSENGERS AND EXPRESS. BgTLeave orders at Fashion S?abV, Commercial Hotel or Frank Phil lips MKBA, AUIZONA, TIiIULSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1*93. M Co-Op. The Finest Line Ever Opened in Mesa can be Seen in Our Dry Goods Dep’fc, ►*- » • « Which contains new, neat and fashionable dress goods, flannels, ladies’ and gents’ furnishing goods and everything usually found in n Well furnished «*>r,u blislmieut. Our Hardware and Grocery Dep’ts are stocked with the choic est goods. We are Agents for tlie Celebrated Myers Pumps, the Fa m 0 U S Buggy Whips and the Unexcelled Canton Clipper Plows. Our li. ies are of the best and our prices as low as the lowest. Spe:cial orders given prompt attention. C 'LL AVD SEE US. ASSIGNEE’S SHE!! Tire Whole Stock of Patterson & Brand age Bros-, Will l»e sold at g'-eatly Reduced. Prices. A Tremendous Cut ’ Will be made in the pric* 8 of HATS, BOOTS, SII ’ES a id Fan cy Dry Goods. Remember the place, Patterson 4 Brundage Bros. MESA CITY, Ariz. GEO. PASSEY, Assignee ST. LOUIS geex |^jall O— VAL Hl* 4TZ’ Ij IGER REEK ICE COLD. ON DRAUGHT. Schooners, 5 Oents. MESA, - - * £r*z Ktfs Restaurant —AND— JES^KL'ESJFR^r. Pomeroy IIJocU, MESA, - - - ARIZONA. The only tirsl-class Restaurant in the city. Meals at all l.n i r l * to order. Single Meals 25 cents. 1 |J2FPrivate rooms for families. NLW G9SB3! We have Just received New Winter Dress Goods, Comprising the Latest iu Hop Saolong - , Storm Serges, Fancies and Novelties and English Mixtures. OUR SHOE, CLOTHING AND HAT STOCK Is now Complete. We have the Best SCHOOL SHOE cor the IVloney in Town ILKlgoods and CLOTHING CO. Leaders in Low Prices- Phoenix, Ari^. HOW IS THIS? Something unique even in the-<e days of in unmoth pr mium offers, is the latest eliort of'Stafford’s Magazine, a New York monthly of home and general reading. The proposition ; s to send the Mag* azine one year for one dollar, die regular subscription price; and iu ad dition to send each subscriber fifty two complete novels during the twelve months, one each week. Think of it. You receive a new and complete novel, by maii, post paid, every week for fiftv-two weeks, and in addition you get the magazine once a month for twelve months, all for one dollar. It is an offer which the publishers can only afford to make in the confident expectadon of getting a hundred thousand new sub scribers. Among the authors in the coming series are; Wilkie Collins, Walter Besant, Mrs. Oliphant, Mary Cecil Hay, Florence Marryat An thony Trollope, A. Canan Doyle, Miss Bi-addon, Captain Marryat, Miss Tnackery and Jules Verne. If you wish to take advantage of this unusual opportunity, send one dollar tor Staf ford’s magazine, aud your first number of the fifty two novels (one each week) which you are to receive during the year will he sent you bv return mail. Remit by E. O. Ord r, registered lttter or express, \ddress H. cHAF/O'lD, PU3LIIHE3, Stafford’s Magazine, P. 0. Box 2264, New York, N. Y. Please mention this paper. To School Directors. We have everything needed in district schools. Don’t forget to send us your order for everything you want. Pratt Bros. Phoenix, School Supply Dealers, JQTt. j. W. BA ILY, •-D“:AI.KK. in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals. FANCY Ann TOILET ARTICLES. Sponges, Brashes, Pcrfum ry, Eto. MESA, - ARIZONA, The Irrigrtion Congress. The International Irrigation Con gress which convened iu Los An g«de* on the 10th inst was largely attended and it is Safe to any that the result of its d liberations will be fraught with vast good to the ai id regions of tiie country. A resolution was presented by Kellogg of California announcing it as the sense oc the Congress that the government of the United States make the necessary developments to unite wati-r and land in arid re gions: F.rst, by m iking the necessary surveys to formulate a uniform sys tern by which to uwe economiTally all the water available. Second, to build all necessary reservoirs and canal* to convey water to the lan Is, an! to add the cost of such developments to th** price of the land, .said lands to b~ sold to actual settlers only, in lots •.•f forty acres each. Powers, of An* un, pri*xented a resolution that it is the govern ment’s duty to provide skillful hy draulic engineers to assist iniocit iug, planning aud constructing ca nals, reservoirs and other irrigating works, and to extend such other aids as may be found necessary to place irrigating enterprises on a systematic, safe and endurable ba si-. Judge Anderson, of California, introduced the following resolution: Whereas, The people of the territories of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah aud Oklahoma are a.l vitally interested iu the question of the reclamation of the arid lands belong ing to the. United States, and v\'here4S, The question must soon be discussed and acted on in the congress of the United State*, and WhejßKas, It is but fair that the people having such a vital in terest in said question should par ticipate in said discussion and action thereon, and Whereas, It is for the benefit of all of us interested in said ques tion that we should have the advice participation of their representa tives in congress, Resolved, That in aid of the great cause that we have assembled here to-advocate and advance, we urge that said territories be ad mitted into the union at the earli eat moment practicable. The Yuma Sentinel says that the cattle men, who last year pastured thousands of cittle iu the great valley of the Colorado, from the Oodpah mountains to Salton lake, and from the Alg »dones to Indian Wel is, and who took them to the mountains last June when the heavy rains fell, are now preparing to drive them back te the valley for the winter. Feed is reported to be excellent. Allison brothers have kept their great herds in the valley all summer, so has Rofti-rts and Johnson. Lang s herd* are further to the northward. The Arizona Sentinel has reliable information to the effect that the Fuma Heights Company will net only c**rry out their previously laid plans in regard to setting out % »nes and trees this fall, but wdl largely increase the acreage. President H. W. BiaisdeU writes from Bos ton that money matters are vapidly improving and that the future looks very bright. The company will set. out a large lemon groye, which they have not l>efore con . jtfetuplated doing. Tbi* fueaop much for Yuma, • 'The following from the St. Louis Republic shows that the matter of . statehood is attracting attention • throughout the country: “Cotigren ; should as rapidly as possible admit 1 the territories to statehood. T4k* i highest public interest is, as a rah% conserved by creating a state gov ernment in the place of the form of regulation which does duty as , government in territories. There may be objection in the east to the creation of states, which shall *Xcrt equal power in the senate.; but there is hardly a ‘ertitory now ap plying for admission which would be, as a state, less entitled to full senatorial representation than is Rhode Island. Whatever the po litical considerations involved in any of these cases, it is a duty the government owes to the people; of the territories to give as soon as possible the right to govern them selves. There are principles in the question whi-h should out veigh policies iu its tinal settlement.' 1 In 1869, four years before Sena tor Sherman introduced his famous bill demoetizing silver, while he was vet a poor man, he said in the United States Senate: “The con traction of the currency is a far more di*tresaiug operation, than Senators suppose. Our own and other nations have gone through that operation before. It is not possible to take that voyage with out aoro distress. To every person, except a capitalist out of debt or a salaried officer or annuitant., it is a period of loss, danger, lassitude of crude, fall of wages, suspension of enterprise, bankruptcy and disaster It means the ruin of all dealers whose debts are twien their busi ness capital, though one third less their actual property. It means the fall of all* agricultural produc tion without any reduction of taxes. What prudent man would dare to build a house, a railroad, a factory or a barn with this certain fact before him t” Gold mining iu Arizona is at tracting more attention .than, usual because of the depression in silver. That territory will -cocue to the frout in the next few years and will receive a great deal of immigration. It has enormous resources in both gold and silver, and it probably is the best gold region iu the United States, although its resources in this respect are very little devel oped. Au effort will be made iu the present congress to secure the admission of Arizona into the Union, and if it be successful it will stimulate the growth and de velopment of the country enor mously.—Denver Republican. Oscar Wilbur came *in from Piqacho Sunday and informs ns the company will be ready to stake a i trail run in about ten days. AU i that was lacking were some flanges : for the pipe line, which the Aztec took up a few days ago. About twenty-five men will be employed , steadily after Washing begins. Mr. ( Wilbur is enthusiastic over the prospect. He left yesterday room* i in * fco look at some gold properties ijon the Mohave desert.—-Yuma Time*. The Stockman &ays Wilcox is r getting an immense Chinese pops » lation. Whither they come we 7 know not, but ** that , they d<> uqt arrjye by rail. The - Mexican lav? ip pot too far away u for them to make their eutraao* No. 7.