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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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Vol. 2. FOR SPECIAL BARGAINS- IN Gents’ Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes, Gentlemen’s Gloves, Huts or Furnishings, go to <B.; F. Johnson, Sons & Co, HEADQUARTERS for tbe best line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE in tbe.City. Remember we are giving away a GRBND FIVE OCTAVE ORGAN — a chanse with each dollar in cash. » *———lll-* - -IJ «gJUJLIJU.AXU ULU Wtmkhibw— IProfioeaAoaa.*.! Carda- Jjß* GHAS. H. JONES, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Pbkpe, .-■••• Arizona OSn at Heiiemin Si Qill Block. Office Hours ,—g to 9a. ni., Sto 4 and 7toßp. m. «» “■ M. GILBERT, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office —Over Zenos Co-Op Store. Mesa City, A. T. jj J. JESSUr, DENTIST. : AM work prices very •Mioaabk. #pf«k—Porter Block*. Phoenix, Arizona. 0. P. FITCH DENTIST. ■ ■ ■ ** * . J . ! Permanently located in Mesa Street, Oppos' te Livery Stable. MESA, Arizona. 1 ' ‘ JgETHUNE & McCABE ATTORNEYS-AT-L AW Special attention given to land, prater and mining cases, Practioe in all the courts, TEMPE =. ~ ARIZ. g E. HOLBROOK, SURGEON DENTIST. AU work guaranteed and prices reasonable, oew—Nos. 1 and 3, Porter Building. Phoenix. Arixona. TRIPPEL & SON. yti.K Trippkl, Mining Engineer , and Metal urgist. nnsn L Teippku, Civil Engineer Deputy Coun ty Surveyor and Deputy U, S, Land Surveyor. Do all kinds of Architectural, Mining and Giuil Engineering. Contracts taken for buildings and es timates famished for a’l work. Hy dranlic and Canal work a specialty. Dmoi, Pomeroy Block • MESA CITY. HUGHES & ROGERS, Carriage A Wagon Vitas. And General BLACKSMITHS Repairing Neatly and Cheaply done. Horse Shoeing a specialty. Macdonald St. Ist door south ol Main St., Mesa. Mesa Free Press. P T. POMEROY, Notary Public & Conveyancer. Legal • papers Carefully Drawn. Opposite Hakes House. MESA CITY, - - - - ARIZONA yy LAWRENCE WOODRUFF, HOMCEOPATHIST, Graduate of Hahnaeuian Medical College, Phi la delphia, Class ISS2. Offiee and Residence Rooms 11, 13 and 16, Cotton Block, Fhibnix. Offiee Hours—7 to 9 a hi., 1 to 8 and 6 to 8 p. m. rp H. SABIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON* Office —Two Doors East of Postoffice Residence—Robson Street, First Door South of Main. Mesa - - Arizona JjR. H. LONGMORE, Main Street, Mesa, Ariz. Three doors east of postoffi Office Hocks.— 9 a. m to 5 . ra„ . W. A. BURTON, CONTRACTOR -and- BUILDER. Estimates Furnished on Short Notice. MESA, - Ariz HUNSAKER’S .takjciijdliu Stages | Making direct connections with t the Goldfield Stage. ) MORNING STAGES. • ' L’ve Phoenix 6-30 I.eave Mesa 6:30 Leave Tempe 8:30 a.m. Leave Tempo 7.30 a.m. Arrive Mesa 9:30 Arrive Phoenix 9 a.m. EVENING STAGES. Leave P*.oenix 3 p.m. Leave Mesa 1.00 p in, J Leave Teiupe 4 p.m. Leave Tempo 2.30 p. m. ' | Arrive Mesa 5.30 p.m. Arrive Phoenix 4 p.m. CARRY PASSENGERS AND EXPRESS. y Leave orders at Fashion Stable, Commercial Hotel or F’lank Phil lips. MESA. ARIZONA, THURSDAY, .NOVEMBER 2, 1893. ZSIOSCo-Op. —► ►• « + The Finest Line Ever Opened in Mesa can be Seen in Our Dry Goods Dep’t, ► ◄ - Which contains new, neat and fashionable dress goods, flannels, ladies' and gents’ furnishing goods and everything usually found in a well furnished establishment. Our Hardivare and Grocery Dep’ts are stocked with the choic est goods. We are for ttie Celebrated Myers Pumps, the Famous F»_atherbane Buggy Whips and the Unexcelled Canton Clipper Plows. Our lines are of the best and our prices as low as the lowest. Special orders given prompt attention. / C 'LL AND SEE US. ASSIGNEE’S SALEH The YVbole Stock: of Patterson & Brundage Bros, Will be sold at greatly Reduced. Prices. A Tremendous Cut Will be made in the prices of HATS, BOOTS, SHOES and Fan ey Dry Goods. Remember the place, Patterson & Bridage Bros. MESA CITY, Ariz. GEO. PASSEY, Assignee ST. LOUIS neei —o — YAL lILATZ’ LAGER lIEIIK ICE COLD, ON DRAUGHT. — o — 5 Oents. MESA, - - Ariz pR. W. BAILY, I DF.VIiKR IN— ! Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, FANCY Ann TOILET ARTICLES. Songes, Brushes, FciTum ry, Etc* MESA - - ARIZONA. To the Citizens of CEMPE and MESZS CICY. We cordially invite you to call and inspect our IMMENSE STOCK OR NRW DRY % % % « ® GOODS CLOTHING, HATS, Men’s Fnrnishing Goods BOOTS & SHOES. When in the Eastern Mar kets in August W 9 found our CASH SYSTEM of BUY ING Goods was able to se cure us Unparalleled Z Z I I Bargains. We can therefore save our patrons fully 25 per cent in all their Purchases Remember we are lead ers of Low Prices. The MIRE D. G. and Clotliing Co. COTTON BLOCK, PHOENIX. iomr*Kmwzanim&*acvtnzmx*xjvmmzvrnrm*-mrmmMr\ fur—wrrf’iwmaa—> A Cure for the Bines! You are despondent,, and no wonder, YOUR BANK ACCOUNT IS LOW, Aud you wish to supply the whole family from it. TAKE OUR ADVICE. CGo to The GOLDENMI Where you can he supplied with -§- n^’S - -§- AND — DRY GOODS, At the lowest possible l*rice # Geo. Passey & Co., Proprietors. _ - Ruck’s Restaurant —AND — . XSALKLEXtIT. Pomeroy Block, MESA, - - - ARIZONA. The only tirsl-class Restaurant in the city. Meals at all hours to order. Single Neals 25 cents. Private rooms for families. Feed & Livery Stable. P, METS, Proprietor The increase of population >n the Salt River valley and the de mand for more and more farming ; land has set the country to think i pig on the subject of water storage. ! That there is a great abundance of • • - water to irrigate every acre or ara ble land in Arizona, the proof is the statistics of our rainfall and the record of area irrigable, which very forcibly disprove the egotistic asser tion made in Los Angeles by Pow ell that there was not water enough in the arid region to irrigate the arable land in those xogions. The thing that is to be done, and that at once js to store those waters. There is not an acre of land rnder water that will not be worth from SIOO per acre upward the moment storage of waters has beer* secured. They will not only be worth that much but will command the price because the product of the land will return a large profit on that investment.—Herald. The Ores and Metals says that when prospectors are out of teach of assayers to test their ores, they can by the following method de termine whether the rock lo be tested carries mineral or not: When you desire to make the test pulver ize the rock very fine, then take one part of the pulp and two parts of gunpowder; mix them together with enough water to make a stiff dough; work it up and mix thor oughly in your hands; then form it into a cone pyramid and let it dry in the sun or near the fire. When dry set the cone on a flat stone and put a live coal on top of the cone. When it has sizzled and sputtered itself out, the minerel, if there was any, will be found in the shape of a button on the stone. A late Washington dispatch says: Gov. Hughes of Arizona who is in Washington on official business, has concluded negotiations with respon sible representatives for the estab lishment in his territory of a large colony of European agriculturists, viticulturists, fruit growers, silk weavers, cotton spinners and me chanics. The agents of the colony will join Gov. Hughes in Tucson in November and complete the selec tion of lands and immediately after ward the advance grnr" of two hundred people will b<* brought on to dig irrigation ditches and pre pare quarters for the remainder who will follow as rapidly as they can be utilized, ► ► 4» < -4 About four years ago the W. C. T. U. of this city secured some SGOOO foi erßciiqg a building and carrying on the temperance work. At that time Phoenix had 32 sa- I loons. The W. 0. T. U. has not yet seen its way clear to erect the building, but it has not slept. It has been hard at work and today Phoenix has hub 29 saloons while | her population has increased at j least one fourth. The W, C. T. U. of course does not take entire credit for this state of affairs, but m a great measure they believe they have b. en instrumental in keepingjdown the growth of saloons. —Herald. C. P. Huntington of the ■y»’ith orn Pacific, has announced th it tin* settlers on tin* 1 'O.OOO a f, tes of land in the San .Toiujnin va'by re cently awarded to the Company, will not be charged for the improve ments which they have made, but will be charged for the land only what the land was worth when they settled upon it. Arizona’s supply of gold bearing ores has newer before been prop erly appreciated, owing to the pro due' iveness of s he silver ores, and on account of the free milling char acter of such deposits at the surface. Tim change in the character of such ores as depth has been attained and the fluctuations in (the price of sil ver have directed attention to the auriferous veins, which really form th- staple supply of our mineral wealth. In other regions, for the most part, the gold product has been mostly obtained in connection with the treatment of ores of silver. Iu Arizona, although there is abun dant harvest to be won from the proper working of the immense de posits of silver bearing minerals, it is probable that the full develop ment of the gold veins would result in an increased production rivaling that of the palmiest days of Cali fornia.—Btar. A Washington dispatch says the Secretary of the Interior has ap pointed a commission to treat with the Yuma Indians for the opening of a portion of their reservation to settlement The portion of the reservation which *t is propos-d to open lies on the west bank of the Colorado over opposite the town of Yuma, and is a part of th« Colors do desert of California* The In dians have petitioned for the change on condition that they shall have water for irrigation of the lands which they retain Yavapai county is experiencing one of the steadiest and healthiest mining booms she ever had. There is no mad rush from all quarters, men who-expect to pick up nuggets on the surface, but there is a steady increase-of men who have money and are erecting mills all through the county to work the ore that has lain exposed for years. Old mines are being started up and new ones developed. OM Yavapai has gold and silver enough to pay the na tional debt if it is taken out.—Ga zette. Phoenix is receiving a very de sirable lot ©f citizens now. They are people who come from the east with their families to cultivate our rich and prm|active shtt. Every few davs new ones arrive and bring with them, i heir household goods, farming implements, cows and hor ses. They have conie to stay and our rich cheap lands offer induce ments for hundreds of others who are coming this winter. —Gazette. As showing the thraft of the guileless Pima Indian, the Florence Tribune is informed of the trans actions of one of these honest In juns. About a year ago he secured the privilege of suLplying the Saca ton Agency with beef. Wher he started in he had trine head of cattle, and after supplying the Agency for a year he has nine head left. Onion socials are said to be very | popular now in Prescott. Si* j young ladies stand in a vow; one I of them bites a .chunk out of an onion; the young men pay ten cents each to guess who bit it. The cor lect gilessors kiss the other five girl-, A bile the unsuccessful kiss ibe biter. It is noticed that tire percentage is in favor of the onion chewer. Hon. J. K. Lufctrell, formerly * congressman from California and atone time largely interested in Arizona raining enterprises, is dead. No. s.