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Vol. 2. - don , SPJECiLAL 13 ARG AINS utlfcirfie*’ and Gent lt'm<Mi\s Glovi s, H ts or Furnishings, go to ;B. F. Johnson, Sons & ()o, % for the l iest line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE * in tTie.City. "* > • i Rm«Mb«r we are giving away » GRBND FIVE OCTAVE ORGAN <-•*. jjj**** 2 * 4 0"' - <£ 4nse .wi|h tn cash. • A4TJL-/ A \ s J ■^riTmi —nil nir ■ mr • * - *■ 3P*otfee»iosi.a.l Oeardjs. ■ S 3, , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. YttfPS, *• - • Arizona OAm at- Heiaeman A Qiil Block. Offlco Hours —« to ia. m., %to 4 and 7to 8 p. m. I • U M. GILBERT, M. D. M * v •'■■■-■: PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Offics—Over Zanog Co-Op Store. jj J. JBSttur, * ’ ’ A ' j DENTIST. AH work wanaateiljaiul prices very fMwotiahU. ©rrac—Porfcw Blank. 1 . ry. o. p. fitch *At \ * %\rA •*. DENTIST. - PorcMiQeiitly located in-Mesa j ©>Frc«*—Macdonald Street, Oppos te Un&mu* - - Arizona. attorneysat law Spaoial attention given to land, •rater and mining cases, Practice in all the courts, rEMPE ARTZ. J E. HOLBROOK, SURGEON DENTIST. AR work gnar»«t«#d and prices reasonable. W' So*. 1 and S, Porter Building. V, . « V' Phoenix. Arizona. Tr: —-—: : TRIP PEL & SON. Alix, TMPTBb, Mining Engineer and j Metal argist. L, Tufpml, Civil Engineer Deputy Coun ■*% tarvc/or *a4 Deputy U, S, Land Surveyor. Do all kinds of Architectural, Mining end dull Engineering. Contract# taken for buildings and es ,mA" limitec fiirniabed for a'l work. Hy draaiic and Canal work a specialty. Omei, Pomeror Bieek MESA CITY. " JL vUvi j \ ~ AA,J^-T.AV— CtqtD ba» rtoapU YOPLAJTS j Q J. WILLIAMS, , / - £c lectio Physictan and Surges. * WILL ATTEND*. ALL CALLS PROMPTLY. - MTChronlc diseases of women a epadalty.^f Office : Kimball LLouak Ami iWWN A,ilona ”, p * w, t - • * - *Jtno%4 AM Mesa Free Press. il, M , m j . i p T. POMEROY, Notary Public & Conveyancer. papers Carefully Drawn. Opposite Hakes tluiise. >4ESA 'TTY, - - - - ARIZONA ' i .* Iff LAWRENCE WOODRUFF, HOMCEOPATHIST, j Graduate of ll.Riiiao.llan .Medical C ollege, Pliila j ' delphi.v, Class 1882. | Oflieo and Residmce Rooms 11, 13 and Id. j Cotton B ek, ukexix. Mike Hours—7 to 9 a i m .'l t\: 3 and tl to 8 p. rn I i ; •f —: •f - \ _ .•. | r p H. SABIN, M. D. r '* PHYSICIAN & SURGEON- Office—T wo Door. East of Postoffice Residence—Robson Street, F.rst Door South of Main. • ■ "V £ ’ Mesa - - Arizona t i I , i I j £)R. H. LONGMORE, Mam Street, Mesa, Ariz. Three do rs e v t of p stofß •iPFica Hot-its.- 9a. in to 5 .in. W. A. BURTON, CONTRACTOR -and- BUILDER. Estimates Furnished on Short Notice. I MESA, - Ariz # H UNSAKE ICS ifclliDri Isn Slaves i O I Making direct o-'i nuetions with » the Ooldfi.rl S age. I MORNING STAGES. L’ve ehoenix 6-30 a.m. Leave Mesa 6:30 a.m. Leave Tempe 8:30 a.iu. • Leave Tempe7.3oa.m. Arrive Mesa 9:30 a.m. Ariive Phoenix 9 a.m. EVENING STAGES. Leave Pnmnix 3 p.m. Leave Mesa 1.00 n m. . Leave Tempo 4 p.m. LeaveTemne2.3op.m. Arriye Mesa 5.30 p.m. An v. pliod.ii\ 4 p.m. CARRY PASSENGER ? AND EXPRESS. 9 . « Leave ord rs a: Ft hio 1 S abV, Commercial Hotel or Frank Phil *jk: M ,AUIZD-v v, ; IIUR DW, NOVEMBER 111, 1803. km Cfl-On. 1 I The I 4 ill *-> t Line Ever Opem d in Mesa can be Seen in Our Dry Goods Dep’h Which contains new, neat ind fashionable dress gnods, (lai ie Is, ladies’ and gents’ furnishing goods and everything usually found in a well furnished establishment. [ Our Hardware ana Grocery Dep’ts are stocked with the choic est goods. j We are Agents for tlie Celebrated My< rs J' 1 nips, (he Famous F. atln-rbone Buggy Wliip'i and the Unexcelled Canton Clipper Plows. Our li. ies are of the best and our J prices as low as the lowest. Special orders given prompt attention, 0 Li /IVD SEE US . ASSIGNEE’S SALEM Tire Whole Stock: of Patterson & Srundage Bros, Will be sold at greatly Reduced JPjices. A Tremendous Out V ill be made in the pros of ! I \ TS, BOOTS, - H ES a d Fan cy Dry Goods R member the place, Patterson 4 Brnndage Bros. MESA CITY, Ariz GSO PASSEY. Assignee ST. LOUIS g|33T VAL BL4TK’ L4GKR SSEEBI i ! ICE COLD. ON DRAUGHT. —o Schooners, 5 Oents. MESA, - - Ariz ■IQR. J. W. BAILY, DKAIjK.II IN Drugs, Medicines. Ch imicals, ‘ i FANCY AIID TOILET ARTICLES. • songes, Brushes, Perfum ry, Kte* j MESA, - - ARIZONA, j l To the Citizens of , CEiVIP AND k*. MESJS CIUY. V7e cordially invite you to call and inspect our '.IMIIKNSK S.fICK i OK NEW .4• *" j Kj p 6000 s CLOTHING, “r"7—• /\ s ■i nr ■ ■!— ae carVo aia Men’s Furnishing Goods BOOTS a SHOES. "When in the Eastern Mar- Pets in Au ust we found our j CASH SYSTEM of BUY- I US! G Goods was a no to se ; cure us „ ! T jllnpamlleled S : 0 1 Bargains. We can therefore save ou patrons fully 25 per cent in all their Purchases Remember we are lead ero of Low Prices. lie Alii IHE i). li, iiiii Clothing Co. cotton block, ihcenix. fw‘j T&srmratnc. M" r —TUIIIMIIIM l» l> I A Cmf for lli 1 Blues! You a-e ’esp m lent, and no wo i ler, YOUR BANK ACCOUNT 1 IS LOW, 1 \nd you w -h to supply the whole family from it. TAKE OUR ADVICE. , Go to The GOLDEN RULE: Win rey u can he supplied «ith -§■ 111 in 3 r"2“ |- AND — DRY GOODS, A* Gie loweNl Price* Geo. P iS'iy & Co. Proprietors. HUGHE3 & ROGERS, Cam go 4 Wagon Mors. And General - BLACKSMITHS i I Repairing Neatly and Cheaply done. Horse Shoe ng u specialty. j Macdonald St. Ist door south of Main St., Mesa 3XZCE S.A. Feed & Livery Stable. P. MEJS, Proprietor. Heav? Gold Poinage. Tin? tbr< e mints now in opera ! inn in In- United 8 ates were let loose on gdd eo n ig- last month, and the result, til • la*ge-,t output in ve irs. Tiie total amount of gold coined in O'- ober is -?9.504.800, inclmlin r 1,32 ),000 in double ea gle-, $5,538 200 in eagles, and j $2,576,600 in half eagles. The largi- amount of eagles and half eagl-s >s articularlv not worthy. There is good reason for this large g"ld c linage. Die amount of gold c: in in gover iin-m vaults has been reducuti to 866,616,900, the small -st total in many years. There is a large supply of gold bullion on hand. On the Ist there was $96,- 657,3000 in gold bars iu the vmlts Order* have given to the mint, of ficers to ke.*p up the activity in i hi- coinage It is predicted that -t20.000.000 of this buliimi will b coined in N vi-mber and December 1 1 >vil b<* Well to put th>* wh .de amount into coin as rapidly as pos sible. This is the only way in which it, can be used for currency purposes. B <.e>, if the bullion is turrn-d into coin, there will be less t r •fi'< in shipping it abroad. Ex * It. does begin to look as tho> gh Phoenix and San Diego rail road scheme was g"ing to be push ed to a A bond mortgage r <> th am.i i t of $4,000,000 has been exei-uied to the Metropolitan Rust com pane of New York, as : ustee The bonds to be issued re to run 20 years at 6 per cent, ind are to be United to $2,000 per mile for each mile > f load built Piesideut Carlson says that when en miles of the road is built, the vie'r >po!itan Tru t company w«ll . sue to t.iie company $200,000 hoods, u on which a loan of $160,- JOO has be< n arranged for, and with this money another ten mi es till be completed, when another issue of $200,030 bonds will be made, and thus the road will be built in blocks of ten miles each through to Phoenix, byway of Yu am. Over five mib-s of road are now graded and over three miles of track laid. Work is ;oing ahead apid ly, nearly 1000 of San Diego ei I Zens Inn i g pi- < ged to pay one do lar per mile each, as fast as th-* road is graded. With this local iid the comiiletioii of the first ten miles is a sured, when' the funds •fro u the ’ o <>t will I-tcome avail able An expetjitioi to explore the iieiet fore uuvisited part of Arizona west of tin- Car'zo mountains and outh of the NaMijo mountains, was erguiize-l by M j-»r T. H. Norton, r tired U. 8, army officer, E. S. Norton, of* Washington, D, C., and Hon. IT. 0 H ■ Iges of Ohio, who secured the se vices of Judge W. B. Sloan of Santa Fe, as g o ogist for tht- exp-ditiou. An escort of forty mounted cavalrymen and fifteen pick mules, muie teams and one ambulance, under the command of Oipt. 8. vY. Sibley, left Ft. Win j gate on Oct. 12Ui, and the country I wis examined north and west f**r a distance of 125 miles.—New Mexi- I C HI. Baron Peraitareavis is selling an mg away out on the desert b ond Uaric' pt, to San Francisco "inkers for ifty cen san acre. lie says he will run a river thr-mgh nn ua tan t rea lit with electric car lines. Jim u->ed to be a good e ri t an, but we are afraid he has fallen from grace 1 3iv '.c is again eo«li» g upward in price, the cause fur Which it is s*id, is the fact that Russia has announc ed her intention of adopting it ns a medium of exchange. The follow ing note regarding the monetary ass irs of Russia is published: At present the amount of silver in use in Russia as money is not 53 eta per capita. Russia has 15500.000 000 uncov red piper, or about $4 4 1 per capita. It is stated ihat Rus sia can easily absorb 1*250,000,000 of silver anc is thinking of doing so for the purpose of pushing her eirmneree in the east with Pers'a, ludia and China, which us« silver almost exclusively as money, Blanco White, who is fanning th~ mountain ranch near Prescott, known as the To war ranch, put the entire trac* in Irish potatoes this season, and he has a crop of pota toes whic wonderful to contemp late. lie has a force of men dig ging potatoes. There are now 50 tons of potatoes on the dump and the lead seems to be iuexhi.tslib!#. Many of the potatoes weigh tin* pounds each, and a gentleman who has just returned from the potato camp avers that he saw forty-live pounds of potatoes taken from two hills. The potatoes are of most excellent quality.—Prescott Courier An average waltz takas a danc r over about three-quarters of a mile, a square dance makes him cover a mile. A girl with a well tilled program travels thus in one.even ing: Twelve waltzes, nine miles; four other dances at half a mile each, which is hardly a fairly big estimate, two miles more; the inter mission etroil and the trips to the dressing room to rennovate her gown and complexion, half a mile more: grand total, eleven and erne half miles. A gang of fifty tramps captured a freight train in the Winslow yards on Monday night and the trainmen could not put them off. The con ductor was given instructions to carry them through to Williams, and Constable Jacoby went along to see that the tramps stayed in the cars assigned them. The tramps were sent from Williams west. They were bound for California. It is said that there are several more gangs yet to come.—Flagstaff Sun. People who would have a Judge removed for preserving the dignity of the court, certainly very vague ideas of the judicial system of these United States or any other country. There are not many of that kind of people apparently, if we are to judge from the compara tively diminutive petition that was sent up for the removal of Judge Sloan because of his attempt to enforce that respesfc which ia due to a judicial officer. The penitentiary will again have a female convict in the person of Jennie McCleary from Flagstaff, who got a sentence of 18 months. Jennie is described as “colored,” but what tint is not stated. The presence of one female convict at the prison is the cause of mere trouble than everything else com bined.—Yuma Times. Since August Ist there have been twelve railroad disasters of more than ordinary severity, involving the loss of 127 lives and the injur -1 ing of 338 more, Robberies and thefts are painful ly prevalent ia Yuma. I No. 11.