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You 2. CASH TALKS. From now till Jan. Ist, 1894, we will SELL GOODS AT A SACRIFICE. And give the purchaser «# A face at the Beautiful 'flip to be given away on that day with every dollar purchase B. F. Johnson, Sons & Co. TatliMl nw >1 C«kxi»- jja CHAB. H. JONES, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, . . . . s Arizona Olm at Hiinnmnn * Oill Block. Office Hoars —« te •». m., >to 4 ana 7to 8 p. m. JJ M. GILBERT, M. D. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Dm——Over Zenos 00-Od Store. Mm City, A. T. JJ J.JBSttOr, DENTIST. AS work warranted >nd prices very —Perter Bloek.. Phoenix, Arizona. — - jyt. o. r. fitch DENTIST. Piinnnr nttj located in Mesa QiriOi Maedsnald Street, Oppos : te Livery Stable. MSA, • Arizona. gBTHUNE A MeCABE attorneysat-law Special attention given to land, voter and mining cases, Practice in all the courts, TEMPE ariz. g s. HOLBROOK, BURGEON DENTIST. Al eeik enarnntood and prices rooaonable. MMi Mas, l oad I. Porter Building. Phoenix. Arisons. TRIPPBL & SON Aam, Ima, Mining Engineer and ; Metslurgint. «W L Turm, Civtf Engineer Deputy Cmu tf Carrojror and Deputy U, 8, Land Surveyor. Do all kinds of Architectural, Mining and Giuil Engineering. Contracts taken for buiMings and es timates famished for aM work, ily drastic and Canal work a specialty. Oma, POOMKOT Block • MES \ CITY. 0 J. WILLIAMS, Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, WILL ATTEND ALL CALLS PROMPTLY- diseases of -women a gpecialiy.JEJT Orjic* : Kimball Houbz, MW. - ► AriMOM « Mesa Free Press. P T. POMEROY, Notary Public & Conveyancer. Legal papers Carefully Drawn. Opposite Hakes House. MESA OITY, - - - - ARIZONA yy LAWRENCE WOODRUFF, HOMCEOPATHIST, Graduate of Ilahuuman Medical College, Phil* delphia, Class 1882. Office and Residence Rooms 11, 13 and 16, Cotton Block, Pbcbnix. fflee Honrs— tto 8 a m., 1 tv 3 and 6 to 8 p. m. fjl H. SABIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON- Office —Two Doors East of Postoffice Residence—Robson Street, First Door South of Main. Mesa - - Arizona - JjR. H.LONGMORE, Main Street, Mesa, Ariz. Three do >rs east of postoffi •>vr:os Hocu.—9 a. in to 5.. m. W. A BURTON, CONTRACTOR -and- BUILDER. Estimates Furnished on Short Notice. MESA, - - - Ariz HUNSAKER’S jPiiii, Tempe AMcsaStages | M k i>g <lire<’t a •rm-'etions wiili I the G ldfi 1 S age. t MOUSING STAUES. L’re °hfßnix 6-30 i..m Leave Meaa 6:30 a.m. Leave Tempe 8: <0 a.m. Leave Tempe 7.3> a.m. Arrive Mesa 9:30 a.m Anive Phoenix 9 a.m. EVENING STAGES. L‘-a\e P’® iix 3 p.m. Leive M-aa 1.00 t> m. Tempe 4 p.m. Leave Tempe "i.SOi».tti. • Arrive Mee* 6.30 p.m. Arrive Phoßnlx 4 p.m. ’ CARRY PASSENGERS AND LX'RES*. r S3TI/>ave ord rs ai Fa-hiou S-able, , Commercial Hotel or Frank Phil ttpK MESA, ARIZONA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1893. teC-Op. ———— • The Finest Line Ever Opened in Mesa can be Seen in Our ' Dry Goods Dep’t, v♦ « d ■ Whicli contains new, neat and fashionable dress goods, flannels, ladies' and gents' furnishing goods and everything usually found in a well furnished establishment. Our Hardware and Grocery Dep’U are stocked with the choic est goods. We are Agents for the Celebrated Myers Pumps, the Fa m 0U 8 F._atherbone Buggy Whips and the Unexcelled Canton Clipper Plows. Our lines are of the best and our prices as low as the lowest. Special orders given prompt attention. CALL AND SEE US. 4 ASSIGNEE’S SALEH The Whole Stock of Patterson & Brundage Bros, Will be sold at greatly Reduced Prices. A Tremendous Cut Will be mad* in the prices of HATS, BOOTS, SHOES and Fan cy Dry Goods. Remember the place, Patou A Brundage Bms. MESA CITY, Ariz. GEO. PASSEY, Assignee i ST. LOUIS Peer —o— VALBLATZ’ L4GEBREEK i ICE COLD, ON DRAUGHT. Schooners, 5 Oents. MESA, - - v liz i. i, ______________________ J. W. BA ILY, DKAI/KK in— , Drugs, Medicines f hemica/s, FANCY AUD TOILET ARTICLEB. ’• Songes, Brushes, I'erlum ry, Ete* lILSA - - ARIZONA, I Word to lb Wise is Meal W* do not believo in trying to Gull the puMi ’ by i'alsc Adver tising. I/Ve Haue No Old Shelf-Worn Goods to Work off. We sell you goods cheaper than any Bankrupt con cern ca*\ —Old goods are dear at any price, there fore buy where yon can get only New Reliable (roods for less money than you have to pay for SIX YEAR OLD STOCK, DECEMBER We shall offer our entire stock of New Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Shoes at 25 per cent below any store in Phoenix. (STCall and our prices will con vince Tie ALKIRE D. G. and Clothing Go. Leaders of Low Prices and New Goods. COTTON BLOCK, PH(ENIX. ACure forthe Blues! You are despondent, and no wonder, YOUR BANK ACCOUNT IS LOW. And you wish to supply the whol family from it. TAKE OUR ADVICE. a® - Go to Tie GOLDEN RULE Where yon can be supplied with -§- a*£illirLex"sr •§■' AND — DRY GOODS, At the lowest possible Price Geo. P. issey & Co., Proprietors. THE QEWCRHL frBRKr.T GRAY & WEILER, Proprietors Fresh an i Corned and ; Pickle i Meats, Sausage, Etc, always 01 hand. ffgPMeut* delivered to any pari of the city and vicinity. * lVmierdj Him, Slain street, MESA, ARIZONA A Grave Omission. The Florence Tribune very per- , tinently remarks: “Whenever a deliberative assem blage of any kind, otherwise than [ partisan, gathers in the capital of a commonwealth, it is the univer-j sal custom to invite the chief ex ecutive of the state or territory to address the body in session, either in words of welcome or in kindly wishes for its work. That is a courtesy due the position whether the man deserving of scant courte sy or none. In that particular the recent statehood convention at Phoenix committed a very grave mistake—one which it could not very well afford. It is true the convention was in the hands of Governor Hughes’ personal enemies within his own part}; but they should not have forgotten the amenities of the occasion. Men who aspire to control the destinies of a great state are usually a little broader than that. The worst feature is the objec tion it puts in the mouth of those •vho oppose in congress the admis sion of Arizona. They can cite to the committee sent on to Washing ton, as an instance of unfitness for statehood, this very omission of the convention so sending them.” ■ ■ ■■ < - The Yuma Sentinel says: Rev. Father P. Band ini, secretary of the New York Italian Benevolent So ciety and Rev. Father J. Ganbino, of Palermo, Sicily, agent for the Italian colony, negotiated for by Governor Hughes, while in Wash ington, spent Monday and Tuesday in Yuma, looking over the field, for locating a large colony of Italian fruit and grape growers. They were very much pleased with what they saw and believe that Yuma offers the very best advantages for their people, all of whom are, or will be well supplied with means to carry out their plana They were very much pleased with the Colorado River Irrigation Co.’a Algodones property, also with the valley lands across the river. Their attention was called to the Mohawk valley. The lan Is under the South Gi a and Farmers canal, also the fine bottom lands in the Bueua Vista and in the Liguna valleys, and in the great valleys of the Gila and Colorado. The Rev. Fathers stated that they should spend some weeks in a careful examination of the different available localities in the southwest, before deciding on a location for their first colony. They made an excellent impression upon all with whom they conversed. Some of the largest aud l>est fla vored apples, pears and peaches to be found in the world are grown near Prescott. Many of ihe apples weigh a pound a, ie e. This is the natural home of the Irish potato, as the plant was found growing in a wild state by the first white meu who .is ed this s<-c-ion. The yield from our mountain potato ranches is something enormous, and the potatoes are unexcelled, both * as to size a-d quality. The cab bage heads, celery and other gul den produce brought in fr»u» [ adjoining ranches are commented on with surprise by strangers. Our ■ beef is the best and ranges now groan under herds of fat beef steers t which are for sale. With all these we make no pretentions to live in anything but a mining country, where the principal product of the land is pure gold.—Courier. The public debt statement shows a net increase of the public debt less cash in treasury during the month of November of $6,716,408. Tho interest bearing debt increased $180; the debt, on which interest has | ceased since maturity, has decreas ' *»d $25,100 and the debt bearing no interest has decreased. $343,166. The decrease in the cash balance in the treasury is $7,004,694. The interest bearing debt is $585,039,- 220 and the debt bearing no inter est $374,580,716. The total debt is $961,568,316. Certificates m the treasury notes offset by an equal amount of cash in the treas ury amount to $599,229,402, an increase of $11,610,441. The net gold reserve Dec. 1, was $82,959,- 049, and the nD cash ball nee was $12,250,567. The total available balance was $95,196,616, a decrease of $7,094,674. Total cash in the treasury $724,320,435; rvoeipts of the government for the month of November, $23,979,401: expendi tures, $31,302,026. Some one has arisen to remark that Arizona is bebter off today than it was ten years ago when sil ver mining was in its glory and then infers that silver is not one of our leading sources of wealth. The truth of the matter is that Arizona does not contain as many people as it did ten years ago if we can take the vote cast in 1883 and that cast last fall as a basis. The vote cast nine years ago for dele gate to congress was 12,342 while in 1892 but 12,323 votes were cast. Had it not been for the onslaught made upon silver our voting popu lation would have reached 30,000 or more ere thia—Prospector. llie long pending right of way suit of the SoutherA Pacific Qo vs, B. A. Haraszthy. Arpad Harasztby and G. D. Strickland has been set tled. The case was tried two years ago and resulted in a verdict of SIOOO damages for defendents. It was appealed to the supreme court. The company deposited SIOOO with Judge Brinley, clerk of the District court, and it remained in his pos session until last Monday, when it was paid over to defendents, all appeal proceedings having hern dismissed. The right of way de sired by the company was over mining claims at Gila City.—Yuma Times. The Phoenix Republican says the ’possums fur the Missouri club have been ordered from Kansas City and the clrb proposes to give the most famous dinners ever serv ed in Arizona, A dinner in Boston was given some time ago where fourteen ’possums were served end it was said to be the most unique affair of this kind ever given in the country. The Missonii club will have twenty—four and many other delicauiea Arizona bronze turkey will be one of the features. Judge Baker has decided that Yuma is in Arizona. The question came up in the case of a man who was on trial for selling liquor to Indians. He claimed that the part of the town in which he was arrested was in California and that therefore the Arizona court had no jurisdiction to try him. 1 Can a Dollar Talk? * Yes; at our store. It will buy 1 as many toys and holiday goods as • $2 did last year, ; Pratt Bros., Phoenix. Hoi iay Leaders. A No, 14.