r i SOMETHING FOX EVERYBODY Sixty languages are spoken in Rus sia. The Norwegian army Includes corpa on skates. England s food Importations aver- age about $16 for each Inhabitant. With all its possessions considered, there are six colored persons to every white in the British empire. The first alarm of fire by an electric telegraph system was given at 8:30 C it tn .-- - t . , y. 111. AJU 11 iOt, 111 Street sweepers of Chicago and Bos- ton carry a Uny electric lamp on their caps to keep from being run over. Stockholm. Christiana. Berlin and London In the. order named have the lowest death rates of all the cities of Europe. Of th races of the world. 000,000,000 are white. 700.000,000 yellow, 215, 000,000 black, 35,000,000 brown or Ma layan, and 10,000,000 red, or Amerl can Indians. The first application of electric heat ing for household use was the electric flatiron. Now there are hundreds of thousands of electric flatirons in use In private homes and laundries. Experiments made in Germany prove that the germs of cholera or typhoid may endanger not only those who live below stream, but also those above the polluted point, as fish carry the germs upstream. . The first rotary converted in Ameri ca, as well as the largest, was built by the General Electric Company. These machines are used to change al ternating current into direct current for street railway service. Rhodes, the city of the Colossus, still survives, a medieval city In all its de fensive war gear of tower and cur tain and keep. It Is the city which the Knights of St John erected In the midst of the Byzantines, after being driven out of Jerusalem In the early fourteenth century. Joslah Qulncy, the prominent Boston politician, was walking near the city hall, when he heard a laborer accost another thus: "That's Joslah Qulncy." "An who's Josiah Qulncy?" the' other asked. I never see such ignorance," rejoined the other. "He's the grand son of the statute you see in the yard." A sailor enters a livery stable to hire a horse for the day, to take some friends into the country. The proprie tor has one brought out for inspection, and begins: .'There's a beauty for you ! Small Lead, clean legs, . short back " "Short back be Mowed i We want one with a long back. It's to carry nine." Edward Bulwer Lytton Dickens, the youngest son of one great novelist and godson of another, has lost his seat In the Parliament of New South Wales, Australia, through the discovery of rich silver mines at Broken Hills, a thousand miles northwest of Sydney. The new-comers, miners, elected a la bor candidate. Two French-Canadians were talking. "Ah, Antonia," one of them exclaimed, "eef you ave h'only been at dees wed ding of Pierre Coubertln an' EtniUe La Roche you shall nevaire forget heem. So gentil! So mooch luxury! H'every one so 'appy an', so grand an' fine Theenk of eet, Antoine! H'every one wear de Prince h'Albert pants an dreenk de real ginger ale!" Larger than Niagara Is the cataract of the Iguazu falls, almost at the in tersection of the three frontiers of Paraguay, Brazil and the Argentine Republic. The river takes its name from a Spanish word meaning great waters. Few sightseers ever catch a glimpse of Iguazu falls because it takes six days to make the picturesque " journey of about 1,250 miles from Bue nos Aires. Goats, more than any other thing, have assisted tbe rural Inhabitants of Asia Minor to destroy the magnificent forests which once extended from Smyrna through to Konla, the ancient capital of Karamania. Not only have the peasants and nomads destroyed the timber for the sake of firewood, bnt they destroyed It also In order that their goats might obtain suitable pas ture. And the goats In their turn pre vented the new shoots ever after from replacing the trees which had been cut down. One of tbe leading comedians of tbe Frankfurt Theater, In Germany, the other evening went to the diiector and asked ' for an advance on his week's salary. The books showed that the whole amount had already been drawn and the director said "No." "Very good," said the actor, "then I shall re fuse to go on to-right" The director saw that it was dangerously near cur tain time and reluctantly gave the act or the amount asked for, bnt said: "Remember, sir, this is nothing short of extortion .and a cowardly one at that" "Not a all, Herr Director, said the actor, stuffing the money in his pocket, "my nam- is not on the "Mü for to-night, anyway." mm Mxrodr m mm Jesse James a l'attomobile, Jesse James under the noses of a garrison of United States soldiers, a twentieth- century Jesse James, with one lone helper, holding up a train within twelve miles of a great city, the capital of a great State, is the lurid story that recently came from Colorado, where a one tall man of the Jesse James type, with a short and 'chunky mnn for a helper, held up and robbed the Atlantic express of the Denver and Rio Grande Railway at Military Junction, twelve miles from Denver, and less than a mile and a half from the fort, where Cncle Sam's boys In blue were sleeping peacefully. The Imitators of the James boys, the Quantrells and the Daltons got away with an un known amount of treasure, but It is estimated by con servative persons who know what was in the regis tered bags taken by the robbers that the Toungers in their palmiest days never made such a haul, as the mnallest figure is set at something over $50,000. It would seem from this hold-up that all the daring robbers have not yet died, and that the old days of NEW MEXICO. Old Order of Thlngn I TSott Yield ing: to tbe TStTr. The Territory of New Mexico, which has been knocking for admission into the sisterhood of States, has witness ed a great struggle in the last few years between the old and tbe new order of things, and the old has been forced to give way. The ancient adobe churches erected by the Spanish friars when the 13 colonies were in their swaddling clothes, still stand, and the old bells that were cast In Spain at the height of that nation's glory still call devout worshipers to service. But next, to these old churches one Is apt to stand In the shadow of a modern. steam-heated office building. The an- tl LJ ; TOE GOVERNOR'S cient Governor's palace, at Santa Fe, has been abandoned for a Capitol building and a mansion that are the last word of modern utilitarianism. The patient burro New Mexico's chief means of transportation, for genera tions is being met on the highways by automobiles, and Jose, the burro SAW MI0ÜIX CBUBCH, SANTA FC driver, has gazed with mild wonder upon tbe goggle-eyed chauffeur. And out on the broad plains, that have known only sheepherders and cowboys since . the days 'of Coronsdd and de Vaca, homesteaders have made a ver itable checkerboard of ranches...,- -According to the Postal Guide, -more r -wj rí M ;-C " new post offices are being opened In New Mexico, In proportion to the pop ulation, than in any other State or Territory. Not alone are thousands of acres being reclaimed under irriga' tion schemes, but "dry farmers" are wresting crops, without ' irrigation, from lands that heretofore have been regarded as irredeemable desert. In the fiscal year of 190S there were 14.9G2 homestead entries, cover ing 2,2558,704 acres and 070 desert en tries, covering 162,430 acres. Four fifths of these entries were made by "homesteaders" from other parts of the country men and women attract ed to the southwest by its fine cli mate and its farming possibilities. In two years there have been 30,000 home stead entries in the Territory, cover- PALACE, SANTA FE. lug more than 5,000,000 acres, and Gov. George Curry estimates that New Mexico now has a population of more than 450,000. In live years Roosevelt County. In the southeastern part of the Territory, which was regarded as hopeless desert a decade ago, has grown from 5,000 population to 30,000. Not alone is New Mexico being dot ted with homesteads, under private irrigation enterprises and in the "dry farming" districts, where no water can be secured, but the United States government is constructing some of its greatest reclamation works in the Ter ritory. The Carlsbad, Hondo and Ele phant Butte projects, under the recla mation service, are well under way, and will reclaim over 500,000 acres, at a cost of something like $15.000.000. These government projects' rival in Im portance the work the British govern ment has done In the valley of the Nile. New Mexico also has an arte sian belt which is proving a wonder ful source of wealth. In the matter of water supply. Chaves a n4, Eddy Coun ties alone have 650 of these' gushing wells, and cultivation under, artesian irrigation, has" reached, more", than 25,000 acres,', and ia Increasing rapldj ...... I .r. ..., 0 I the red, red West were coming back again. Again we may look for lurid stories from real life rivaling the doings of Diamond Dick, Dare Devil Harry, "the Ter ror of Raw-Hide Gulch," "Dead Shot" Jimmy, the Man eater of Bloody Mountain, and other heroes of our long gone boyhood days. The Colorado incident comes as the culmination of a series of train robberies during the past decade which Indicate that the West is by no means the decadent and effete land which many of us had almost become ready to believe. The series began with the comic hold up in Missouri some years ago, when a country school teacher with a broken horse pistol held up the' train which was carrying the Governor of the state to the capital and got away with the express bags. This rob ber also performed his work at the gates of a great city, the train being only a few miles out of St Louis when the' robbery occurred. The Denver robbers, how ever, adjured the broken horse pistol and did their work with the aid of an automobile. Santa Fe, the ancient captal of the Territory, Is one of the most Interest ing cities in America. It had been an Indian pueblo at the time of Its dis covery and occupation by the Span iards in the latter half of the six teenth century and has remained the seat of government ever since. In 16S0 the Indians revolted and drove out the Spaniards, but after fourteen years the latter regained the ascendency and the Spaniards and their descendants, the Mexicans, continued to govern the Territory from Santa Fe until the Americans, under General Kearney, took possession, in 1S46. Two-thirds of the present popula tion of Santa Fe is Mexican. The boys who drive the wood-laden burros from the distant mountains are Mex icans. The man who sells you gro ceries would rather talk Spanish than "United States." and official docu ments are printed in the language of the Dons as well ns in our own unor nate means of communication. The influence of the Spanish pioneers is everywhere visible. One sits in the plaza In the center of town, and looks upon the long, one-storied structure that was graced with the name of "palace" by the long line of Spanish governors that lived in It One hears the silver tinkle of an ancient bell, and it calls him to o!d San Miguel Church the hoariest re- ligous structure in the country, save one. The adobe walls of the old church have been repaired, but In gen eral outlines it is the same as when the old Spanish pioneers built It A little way from the old church one is directed to the oldest house In the country and so one wanders through the streets of Santa Fe. sometimes amused, but always fascinated. Calling ne Dear. "To waken a deaf person who wishes to be called at a certain time In the morning Is about the hardest projiosi tion a hotel clerk runs up. against." said a member of that fraternity. "To ring the telephone is useless, because the man can't hear. Knocking, for the same reason. Is rutile. Now and then a guest who has lost his hearing suggests that he leave his door open so we can walk right In and shake him, but even if he does appear to be dead game there are so many chances of somebody esa guileless than ourselves walking in ahead of us that we can't consent to that simple expedient It seems to me the man who can patent a device for waking the deaf Is sure of fame and fortune, not to mention the gratitude of the brotherhood of hotel clerks." . Fortunate is the woman v ho remem bers that frowns beget mure wrinkle than smiles. '-' --- 'Leave the latciatrlng out 'for""Üi itoin E0MANTI0 TALE OP A CITY. Begun oa Rafts of Tree Trunks la a Lake, N'ovr a Metropolis. The story of the founding of the City of Mexico is one of the most extraor dinary tales in history. It happened in 1325, at least it began a long time before that but was an accomplished fact about 600 years ago. In the first place, says the Rosary Magazine, imagine an almost Inacces sible mountain, crowned with a valley nt the height of 8,000 feet above the level of ihe sea. In the center of this valley was an immense lake. When the Aztecs arrived, led- by the priests of the god of war, they found It in the possession of hostile tribes. For that reason and because the priests declared that In a certain pare of the lake where there stood an ele vation of stones un eagle had been seen devouring a serpent they began the construction of the city on the spot im mediately ever the deepest waters of the lake. There had long existed k prophecy among the Aztecs that their wanderings would end when they should hz'e reached a place where the priests would behold an eagle resting on a cactus plant devouring a serpent Confident that they had found the spot ordained to be their abiding home. they began to consqjet rafts of the trunks of trees, covering them with thick layers of earth, upon which they built rude huts of more or less solidity. Groups of dwellings soon began to form themselves in regular order, thus de termining the primitive streets of the new city. They also constructed boats and oars of different sizes, useful in peace and war, and, while certain of their num ber occupied themselves in defending their homes and brethren from the on slaughts of hostile tribes, others con tinued to improve and enlarge the new city. Gradually the lake was filled up and terraces arose, one after another. In the place once occupied by the deep waters. This was in Itself a herculean labor, unsurpassed in ingenuity and durability by any similar work of ancient or mod jrn times. Upon the first of these ter- . races was constructed the Teocali!, or sacrificial temple. It was begun in 1218 and not completed until 1325, a period of 100 years, from which yme may be dated the official foundation of Tenoch tltlan, to-day the modern city of Mex "co. Man Money. The system of atoning for death ot bodily injuries inflicted on others by paying damages is as old as the earli est Teutonic laws, praised by Taclrua The trespasser was always required to make peace with the aggrieved family of the victim by "Wer-Geld." "Wer" is the ancient German for man. "Geld," now, as in the days of Wotan, means money. Damages were assessed in accord ance with the rank and wealth of the injured - party, and the money- was paid over in the presence of the whole community, its acceptance forestalling feuds. Indeed, the recognition of Wer- Geld ("money for the man" killed) by law precluded further bloodshed or other forms of revenge. If the slayer was not rich enough to pay the required sum, he turned over to the Injured parties his sons as slaves. If his sons were not sufficient guarantee for the payment of the debt the slayer himself had to turn bondsman, both the letter and the spirit of the law requiring that the full amount of damage Inflicted be recovered by the aggrieved parties. New York World. Scotch Thrift. "Hey, mon," exclaimed the braw. bonnle north countryman, "thrift is a wunnerful thing!" "Tes." replied his English traveling companion, "lou r eright there. Now, I gave my wife a ten-pound note to manage on last time I was away, and would you believe It? Instead of ex ceeding It she saved nearly a sover eign out of it to buy herself a hat!" "That's nowt" replied the Scotsman. "My wife gives the kids ha'pennies apiece to go to bed aupperless; when they're asleep she takes the ha'pen nies off on etn ageeán, and then she makes 'em do wl'ont ony breakfasts for losln' 'em! Hey, iuon, that's thrift!" London Scraps. Heaven's Klrat Uw, The Rev. Dr. Frank Crane tells of bride who refused to answer the question. "Will you love," honor and obey?" Her friends Interceded, but it was of no use. Finally the Intended bridegroom gathered up his hat ami started for the door. Instantly she sprang after him, and, leading him back, looked up meekly and said. "I win."y-From Success Magnzlne. Good Food for Stock.. . ,.; "Do you think alfalfa muffins could be appetizing?" ., ; ."I don't see why. they, shouldn't-be to horses and mules." Birmingham Age-Herald. . :; Our Idea of a good 'cook is -one' wíió keeps her temper from" boiling éverv . - - u '.t. rt.T Doutt try tot,tIatter one .woman Jby eoamllmentlna- jinotlier . .; .v v.-u