Newspaper Page Text
Bolbrook News. Holbrook. Arizona. Dec. 22, 1922 BUSINESS DIRECTORY SIDNEY SAPP ATTORNEY AT LAW Practicing in all the Courts Holbrook. Ariz. W. E. FERGUSON Attorney and Couuc!lor-at-Law noiorocK, rtrizona Practices m all State and Federal Courts Iftl I A 7 C. H. JORDAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Notary Public Holbrook. Arizona DELOS L- BUNDY REGISTERED ENGINEER SURVEYS. PLAN! AND ESTMTES.MAPS. DRAFTING AND BLUE PRINTS. HOLBROOK. ARIZONA PHONE 73 BOX 335 Dr. ARTHUR F. SWITZER DENTIST Office North Holbrook Hotel Honrs 9-12-1-5 Holbrook. Arizona Tailoring Cleaning Press Inr ALBERT WARREN HOLBROOK, ARIZONA Lloyd C. Herming ACCOUNTANT Bolbrook. Arizona FOR RENT The Perfecta Darth resi dence is for rent. Anyone desiring pirticu'ars, in quire of Judge Sidney Sapp or . B. A. Jackson Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are In a "run down" comii tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are iu good health. Th'.3 fact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists in improving the General Health. old by druggists for over Tears, F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. ITS TOASTED one extra process which gives a delicious flavor m We will pay spot cali for Ford tcurine car or roadster bodies in usable condition. JENNINGS AUTO CO. CATHOLIC SERVICE i .... Sunday 10:00 a. m. Sjn day school conducted in Spanish. Sunday 11:09 a. in. Sun day school conducted in English. SERVICES CHURCH OF JrSUS CHRIST Or L. D- S- Sunday School at 10:30 A. M. Afternoon Services at 2:00 P. M. M. I. A. maeting at 7:30 All arecDrdially invited. Subscribe for The News. RESOLUTION AND CALL FOR SCHOOL' BOND ELECTION v MCfuiiAS, me tsoara or. irusiees I of School District No. 6 of Navajo County, Arizona, otherwise known as the "Taylar School District", has pursuant to the provisions of Para graph 5267 of the Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1913, requested the Board of Supervisors of Navajo County, Arizona, to issue a call for a School Bond Election within said School District No. - 6 of Navajo County, Arizona, for the purpose of submit ting to the property tax payers, who are in all respects qualified electors of said School District No. 6, the question whether said School Dis trict No. 6 shall be authorized to borrow the sum of Fourteen Thous iand Five Hundred ($14.DOO.OO) Dol lars, for the purpose of purchasing a proper school site, erecting a school hoase and furnishing and equipping the same, and whether the bonds of said School District No. 6 shall be issued and sold in the sum of Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred ($14,500.00) Dollars, said bonds to consist of fifteen bonds numbered from One to Fifteen, Inclusive, num bers One to Fourteen to be in the denomination of One Thousand (51,000.00) Dollars each, and .num ber Fifteen to be in the denomina tion of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dol lars, said bonds to b dated Janu ary 13. 1923, and payable in 20 years from dale, snd to bear interest at the rate of (6) six per cent per an num, payable semi annually, but re serving to said School District No. 6 the right to redeem said bonds at any time after five years from the date of issue; and WHEREAS, it appearing that said School District No. 6 is not indebt ed in any manner whatever, and it appealing that there is within said School District No. "6 taxable proper i ty, according to the 1922 assessment roll, valued at $244,000.00, and it I further appearing that the incurr- icg of said indebtedness for the is- suance of said bonds, will hot cause th indebtedness of said School Dis trict No. 6 to exceed the constitu tional and statutory limits; NOW, THEREFORE, in compliance with the request of the said Trustees of said School District No. 6, it is hereby ORDERED that a School ti i ri . : i i . i .1 : . . .1 . . v 1 : I X3uiiu r.iecuuu ue ueiu in iue puuuc I school house at Taylor, Navajo County, Arizona, on the 6th day of January,' A. D. 1922, between the hours of 6 a. ni. and 6 p. m. of said day, and the following persons are hereby appointed as officers of elec tion to conduct said school bond election, to-wit: Arthur Palmer, Inspector; James J. Shumway and Joseph Nelson, Judges; Mary Shumway and Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Clerks; Joseph T. Cooper, Marshal. It is further ordered that notice of said school bond lection be pub lished in the Holbrook News for at least thirty days prior to said date of election, commencing with the is sue of December 1st, A.'D. 1922, and ending with the issue of January 5th, A. I). 1923, (making six succes sive issues of snid newspaper), and that notice be also given by" posting notices of said bond election at five of the most public places in snid School District No. 6 and at the poll- ring place above named for at least twelve days next prior to said school bond election. The notice of election hereinbe fore provided shall be as follows: NOTICE OF SCHOOL BOND ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That pursuant to the provisions of of an order and resolution of the Board of Supervisors, of Navajo County, Arizona, duly adopted and entered upon the minutes of said board on the Sth day of November A. D. 1922, under and pursuant tc the of the Boar,d of Trustee: of School District No. 6 of Navajr County, Arizona, and in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5267 of the Civil Code of Arizona providing for county and municipa' indebtedness, cn election will br held in the said School District No. 6. in the town of T.nfclor, Navajc County, Arizona, between the hour? of six o'clock a. ni. and six o'clock p. m,. in the public school house in said School District No. 6, on the Gth day of January, A. D. 1D23, for the purpose of submitting to the property taxpayers of suid School District No. 6. who are in all re spects qualified school electors in said School District No. 6, the ques tion of whether or not said School District No. 6 shall be authorized to borrow the sum of Fourteen Thous and Five Hundred ($14,500.00) Dol lars for the purpose of purchasing a proper school site, erecting a school house and furnishing and equipping the same and whether the bonds of said School District No. 6 shall be issued and sold in the sum of Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred ($14,500.00) Dollars, said bonds to consist of Fifteen bonds to be numbered from One to Fifteen, inclusive, numbers One to Fourteen to be in the denomination of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each, and number Fifteen to be in the de nomination of Five Hundred ($500. 00) Dollars, all of said bonds to be dated January 15, 1923, and payable in twenty years from their date of issue, bearing interest at the rate of six (6) per cent, per annum, pay able semi-annually, but reserving to the said Srhool District No. 6 the right to redeem said bonds at any time after five years from date of issue. The said election shall bo held in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 2, Title 52 of the Revised statutes of Arizona, and so far as applicable, in accordance with the funeral election laws of the State of Arizona. . The following named persons are hereby appointed as officers to con duct said election, to wit: Arihur Palmer. Inspector; James J. Shumway and Joseph Nelson. Judges; Mary Shumway and Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Clerks; Joseph T. Cooper, Marshal. The said question to be submitted to the property taxpayers of said School District No. 6 of Navajo County. Arizona, shall appear upon the official ballot and shall be sub stantially in the following form, to wit: No. (To be torn off by the Inspector) Perfotatlnn BALLOT FOR SCHOOL BOND ELECTION School Dist. No. 6 of Navajo County, Arizona. Saturday, January 6th, A. D. 1!23. Shall School District No. 6, of Navajo County. Arizona, otherwise known as "Taylor School District", A ROBBERY FOILED Last Thursday evening an attempt was made by two unidentified men to gain an entrance to the A. & B. Schuster store. It was pre vented by the timely appear ance Officers Zuck and New man. The burglars took alarm and escaped before they could be absolutely identified. From various clues Right Marshal Zuck is certain that they are the same men who broke into the store some time ago. The alarm was given by Tommy Isaacson who rooms at the store. The attempt was made about 7:30 in the evening. One way you look at it, it is a pretty good 'ad' for the store. Their stock is so good that not only cus tomers but also burglars come back again for more. CALL FOR BIDSFOR PUBLISHING Notice is hereby Riven that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Biard of Sup ervisors, at Holbrook, Arizona, until 2 p. m. Tuesday, January 2nd, 1923, for county printing, publishing and advertising for the year ending December 31, 1923. 1st. For publishing the pro ceedings of the Board of S iper visors. A stated price per inch, to be set in the body type of the paper in which the proceedings are to be published. One inser tion only. 2nd. For publishing and print ing notices of reward, election proclamations and other public notices required by the county and officers thereof, that are by law a county charge. A Btated orice per inch for such number of times as is required by law or s may be required by the Board of Supervisors. A stated price per inch set in body type. 3rd. For publishing and printirg of the list of the per ons the valuation of whose pro oerlyisto be changed by the 8oard of Equalization ss requir ed by law. Price per inch body t pe each insertion. 4th. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check t, for Ona Hundred D illarsas a guarantee of good faith until a contract for the faithful performance of the duties required can be made. The successful bidder will be re juired to furnish a good and iuf'icient bond guaranteeing the fdthful performance of the con tract. A copy of this advertisement nost accompany each bid. Thft B ard reserves the right o reject or accept part or all of any b'd, or to waive anyinform ilies in any bid. Bids will he opened by the 3ord of Supervisors at its of ice in Hrltro'ik, Arizona, on Tuesday, January 2nd, 1923, at ! p m. A'l bids should b? scaled and ddressed to the Clerk of trip Bard of Supervisors, at Hol brook. Arizon". and marked "TropoFal for Ciunty Printing. M. R. TANNER, C'rk, Bird of Supervisors. FD15 LD29 be authorized to borrow the sttm of Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred ($14,500.00) Dollars and issue and sell its bonds in said aggregate principal sum of Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred (14,500.00) Dollars, for the purpose of purchasing a proper school site, erecting a school house and furnishing and equipping same, said bond3 to consist of fifteen bonds, numbered from One to Fif teen, inclusive, numbers One to Fourteen to be in the denomination of Ona Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each, and number Fifteen in the de nomination of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, said bonds to be dated Jan uary loth, 1923, payable in twenty years from date of issue and bearing interest at the rate of six (6) per cent, per annum, payable semi-an nually, but reserving to said School District No. 6 the right to redeem said bonds at any time after five vears from date of issue. BONDS, YES ( ) BONDS, NO ( ) (To vote for the creation of said indebtedness and for the issuance of said Bonds, make a (X) in the square opposite the words "Bonds, Yes"; to vote against the creation of said indebtedness and against the Issuance of said Bonds, make a (X) in the square opposite the words "Bonds, No"). C. E. OWENS. Chairman. Board of Supervisors. ATTEST: M. R. TANNER, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Navajo County, Arizona. The Clerk of the Board of Super visors is hereby ordered and direct ed to causa said notice to be pub lished and posted as hereinabove provided, and cause n. sufficient sup ply of ballots to be printed and furn ished to the election board here inbefore appointed to conduct said election. Dated at the office of the Board of Supervisors of Navajo County, Arizona, at Holbrool:, Arizona, this Sth day of November, A. D. 1922. C. E. OWENS, Chairman, Board of Supervisors, Navajo County, Arizona. ATTEST: M. R. TANNER. Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Navajo County, Arizona. fDl.U5 FINDS FATHER IN LONG HUNT Pair Separated Sines Death of Mother Are Reunited by News paper Advertisement. TRAIL LED TO CANADA Son Lort Track of Parent After Leav ing Orphanage to Go to Work Spends All His Vacations in Search. Montreal. An advertisement in a local paper and two photographs one a mental picture of a baby hoy and the other a faded, oid-fasliioned likeness of a man taken thirty-two years ago brought a father and son together in the lobby of a hotel here after a mutual search of fifteen years. When Bernard Leveque's wife died twenty-fight years ago he was obliged to put his two sons, a lad of seven and Bernard, Jr., aged six, in an orphanage at Ogdensburg, N. Y. The older boy died, but Bernard, Jr., thrived and went to New York to work. For iifteen years when permit ted a vacation he spent it In search of his father, with the old-fashioned photograph in his possession. Trail Led to Canada. A month ago the son in searching for bis parent came across a trail which led to Montreal, w;here he went :t week ago ufter obtaining three weeks' vacation. His ffither had been all the while conducting a simi'.er search, but with only a mind picture of the lad. One morning word came to the son's room that a stranger wished to see liim in the lobby of the hotel regard ing an advertisement in the local pa per. Carrying the yellowing picture Embraced the Boy. i his band, the boy met an elderly looking man in the lobby. The ma-chlne-timde picture proved useless, as the son with the old photograph in his baud failed to recoguize his father. The phantom mind photograph was different, as Bernard Leveque, Sr., reached forward and embraced the boy whom be had not seen for twenty eight years. Eoth wept with joy and It was not long before a score of guests crowded around the united fa ther and son to listen to their stories of long search and final happy climax. SISTERS HAVE SAME HUSBAND Bigamy Charge Reveals Strange Mar ital Mixup in South Dakota Village. Sioux Falls, S. D An unusual mat rimoniul tangle will occupy the atten tion of a jury at an approaching term of Circuit court in Brown county. South Dakota, when Thomas Dunham, a prominent and wealthy farmer liv ing near the village of Hecla, wilJe tried on a bigamy charge. The arrest of Dunham brought to light a strange triangular matrimonial situation. Two sisters, each legally married to Dunham, according to marriage certifi cates which were produced in court nt the preliminary hearing of Dunham, were In court and naturally were keenly Interested in the outcome. Their maiden names were I.uciie and Hannah Cross. They at one time re sided on their mother's farm in Yank ton county, in the" extreme southeast ern part of South Dakota. Neither knew of the' other's marriage. Two Babes Bom as Hospital Burns. Quebec. Two children were bora while flames were eating their way through a hospital here. One child was born as Its mother was leing carried to safety, and the other arrived after the mother was placed In a nearby building. Wills Fund for New York Bread Line. New York. A fund to maintain a bread line In New York City is left by the will of Frederick Bertucb, wealthy business man, who died re cently in England. The will also leaves $UH),0(K) to assist poor students through Columbia university. Thoroughly modern six room house with bath, closets, and enclosed back porch. Completely furnish ed. On Oakland Ave., close in. PHONE 64. o (mwM FOR RENT ' V'.U J it 71 U tl'lt 11 II )k Jilt Jl Centra! Brag Co. Winslow, Arizona Everything a Drug Store Should Have WE HAVE OIL TERMS AND WHAT THEY MEAN IN PLAIN ENGLISH It is most apparent to one listening to "street corner" conversations that the all : absorbing topic in Holbrook at present is OIL . Nat urally the newspaper of cur rent issues must and will carry considerable informa tion along this line. While endeavoring to write as plainly as possible and as intelligibly as we can, we must often of neces sity make use of certain half technical terms. We profess no deep know ledge of the subject and are taking it for granted that others amsng our readers are not well posted as to the meaning of such terms. Bearing this in mind, with the very able assistance of Mr. Frank O'Connell whose knowledge of oii fields makes his help dotibly worthwhile and after a careful parusal of Dorsey Hager's bulletin,, we are offering this simple glossary of oil terms, at tempting to dehne some terms commonly used in oil articles in such a manner that they may be compre hensible to the reader who has had no previous experi ence in an oil field. STRATA A term used to designate the separate and distinct lavers, some of rock, some of sand etc. which go to make up the earth s crust. ' In a laver cake the layers and filling would rather ac-; curately portray the forma tion of the earth's surface. ANTICLINE Through various causes, internal pres sure, volcanic disturbances, i the gradual cooling of the earths surtace, - magnetic influences or like reasons, Hats Off, Please. Our hats go off to the Lady Ed. For the woaiarfal change in the Holbrook News. For a time that sheet was all but dead And its feeble gasps gave one the blues. For a time, it seemad, that .never again Would the zest of life adorn its face, And to anxious friends it caused a pain To see the News give up the r?.ce. But all is changed, the dew of death Has given place to life renewed, And once again has vital breath Filled its frame, and health ensued. What miracle, 0 Lady Fair Has wrought this change, subdued our woes? Have you the magic touch sa rare That heals and comforts as it goes? Our hats go off to the Lady Ed. For her wonderful touch of feminine art. And when all is done and all is said, With this old world we want to part If the lady folk should cease to lend Their intuition and their sense 1 And daily o'er our blunders bend. They are life's greatest recompense. Contributed, M. R. T. Thanks, very much. This is the best Christmas pre sent we've received so far. "The Lady Ed." Oar competent pharmacist is at your disposal. Tele phone or write your wants. Mail orders attended. Make our place yours when in Winslow. The latch string's always out. We carry ail styles of Edisons, the machine with a human voice. In vestigate our monthy payment plan. the smooth surface of the earth centuries ago was bent and twisted to form deep folds. These have no rela tion to the small hills which crop up everywhere, but are folds in the rock strata which form the skeleton of the earth. The HIGHEST part of these folds is called an Anticline. These folds may be of considerable ex tent. SYNCLINE The LOW EST part of the fold in the earth referred to above is called a Svncline. GEO-SYNCLINE In a Syncline there will be some part where the depression in the earth is much lower than at any other point, this ex tremely low point is referred to as a Geo-syncline. MONOCLINE-The area on the slope, between the axis on top of the Anticline and the Syncline at the base, is called the Monocline. FOLDS There are small er disturbances of the rock strata which serve to' bend the layers or strata until there exists a decidly high er section with a slope on both sides. CLOSURES Where the rock folding or bending is concentrated in one place forming a peak or hillock from which the surrounding strata slopes away on ALL sides it is referred to as a Closure. Oil is fre quently found at the top of these Closures being held somewhat after the fashion of water in the trap under a sink. FAULTS Sometimes the strata or layers of rock are broken, by earth quakes or other disturbance, mis break in the smooth strata is called a Fault. (Next week's issue will continue these definitions.) rietiirfll'i'iigliZ NEW TRAIN SCHEDULE East Bound No. 2x 9:00 a.m. 8 10:25 a.m. ,, 22 z 4:10 p.m. 10x 11:05 p.m. W est 'Bound No. 21 1 9x 12:20 a.m. 5:49 a.m. 8:10 a.m. 5:82 p.m. z Via Belen 7 x xU. S. Mail STAGE TIME TABLE Every Day Except Sunday. Holbrook to Ft. Apache Holbrook to Eagar Monday Wednesday Friday Holbrook to Keams Canon All Stages Leave 9:30 a. m. from UDALL TRANS. CO. Office on Railroad Ave. Summons In the S jparior Ciurt, State of Arizona, in and for the County of Navajo. Action brought in the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of Nava jo, and tne Complaint filed in said County of Navajo, m the office of the Clerk of said Sup erior Court: Ruth L. Brown. Plaintiff vs: Walter W. Brown, Defendant In the Name of the State of Walter W: Brown, De fender, GREETING: You are Hereby Summoned and required to appear in an ac tion brought against you by the above-named Plaintiff, in the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of Navajo, and answer the Com plaint therein filed with the C lerk of this said Court, at Hol brook, in said County, within twenty days after the service upon you of this Summons, if served in this said County, or in all other cases within thirty days thereafter, the times aboye men tioned being exclusive of the day of service, or judgment by default will be taken against you. Given under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of Navajo, this 29th day of Nov. 1922. SEAL Lloyd C. Henning Clerk of said Superior Court Olive Clarke fDl.lD22 Deputy Clerk CHRISTMAS LETTERS I 1 i OOMETIMES a letter means more than all the cards and gifts in the world. Why not send a Christmas message by letter this year? A bright holiday seal stuck at the top will introduce your remarks in a jolly fashion, and then you may continue with whatever you think friendly and suitable. This is a cheap method In the actual expenditure of money, but a rich outlay of thought for those yon love. Have you not discovesed that something somebody does Just for you Is more precious than a present bought In a hurry? Christmas letters bring great Joy. Try some and see I (. 1922, Western Newspaper Union.) SES I &