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THE HOLBROOK NEWS, HOLBROOK, ARIZ., DECEMBER 29. THE CHAPTER XVIII Continued. 15 They reached the mouth of the SU- - ver Queen. Barry reconnoltered a moment before he gave the signal to proceed. Within the tunnel they went. - to follow along Its regular, rising coarse to the stope where, on that arlah day when Taylor BUI and ' Bllndeye Bozeman had led the enthu lastlc parade through the streets, the eln bad shown. It was dark there o one was at work. Barry unhooked tils carbide from his belt, lit It and looked around. . "It ain't coming from 'ere 1" he an nounced. . "It's" then his voice -- - Nvfiaffl'thatT Again a rumbling had come from a distance, as of an ore car traveling over the tram tracks. Barry extin guished bis light, and drawing Anita end Falrcbild far to the end of the tope, flattened them and himself on the ground. A long wait, while the rumbling came closer, stlU closer; then. In the distance, a light appeared, hlnlng from a side of the tunnel. A clanging noise, followed by clatter ing sounds, as though of steel rails bitting against each other. Finally the tramming once more and the . tight approached. Into view came an ore car. and be hind It loomed the great form of Tay lor Bill as he pushed It along. Straight to the pile of ore he came, unhooked the front of the tram, tripped It and 1)11 ed the contents of the car on top . of "the duniD which already rested there. With that, carbide pointing the way. he turned back, pushing the tram before him. Barry crept to his feet "We've got to follow I" he whispered. It's a blind entrance to the tunnel cra'eres." They rose and trailed the light along the tracks, flattening themselves gainst the timbers of the tunnel as the form of Taylor Bill, faintly out lined In the distance, turned from the regular track, opened a great door in the side of the tunnel, which, to all appearances, was nothing more than the ordinary heavy timbering of a weak spot In the rocks, pulled it far .Then, he stopped and raised a port- big. A second later the door closed - behind him, and the sound of the tram began to fade In the distance. Barry VAr. . 'iwmhI rrnnnlnir atnnir frtlA slriA of the tunnel, feeling his way. stop ping to listen now and then for the sound of the fading ore car. Behind blm were Falrchlld and Anita, foliow- Ing the same procedure. And all three topped at once. ' The hollow . sound was coming di rectly to them" now. Barry once more brought out his carbide to light It for -a moment and to examine the tim bering. "It's a good Job !" he commented. You couldn't tell It five feet off!" "They've made a cross-cut !" This time It was Anita's voice, plainly an- : ary in spue or. us wmspenng tones. "No wonder they had such a wonder- nl atrtlra wimo cutathlntrlv Thot . Athop Btntu tffrtnm tVi ot-o . - "Ain't nothing but a salted propo sition," said Barry. "They've cement ed up the top of It with the real stuff and every once In a while they blow a tot of It out and cement it up again to make It look like that's the real vein." "And they're working our mine V Red spots of anger were flashing be- rore aircmicrs eyes. "You've said It! That's why they were so anxious to buy us out. And that's why they started this two-million-dollar stock proposition when they found they couldn't do It. They knew If we ever It that vein It wouldn't be any time until they'd be caught on the job. That's why they're ' ready to pull out with somebody else's million. They're getting at the end of their rope. Another thing ; that explains them working at night." Anita gritted her teeth. "I see It now I can get the reason. They've been telephoning Denver and holding conferences and all that sort If Urn "W.'v- Got to Follow." f thing. And they planned to leave these two men behind here to take II the blame." They'll get enough of It!" added Barry grimly. "They're miners. They could see that they were making a straight cross-cut tunnel on to our vein. They ain't no children, Bllndeye nd Taylor BllL And 'ere's where they start getting their trouble." Be pulled at the door and It yielded grudgingly. The three slipped past, ''fallowing along the line of the tram tracK in u oartmesH, riarry 8 picK handle swinging beside , him as they neaked along. Itods that seemed Biles; at last lights appeared In the distance. Barry stopped to peer ahead. Then he tossed aside his weapon. There's only two of 'em Bllndeye nd Taylor Bin. I could whip 'em both myself, but IH take the big un. To " he turned to Falrchlld "you at Blinder" GROSS - CUT By Courtney Ryley Cooper C-pTiiflu bf LUUs, Brswm Co.. ' Til get him." Anita stopped and groped about for a stone. Til be ready with something in case of accident," came with determination. Tve got a quarter of a million In this, myself!" They went on, fifty yards, a hun dred. Creeping now, they already were within the zone of light, but be fore them the two men, double-Jacking at a "swimmer," had their backs turned. Onward until Barry and Falrchlld were within ten feet of the "hlgh-Jackers," while Anita waited, stone in hand. In the background. Came a yell, high-pitched, fiendish, racking, as Barry leaped forward. And before the two "hlgh-Jackers" could concentrate enough to use their sledge and drill as weapons, they weie whirled about, battered against the hanging wall, and swirling in a daze of blows which seemed to come from everywhere at once. Wildly Barry yelled as he shot blow after blow Into the face of his ancient enemy. BIgh went Falrchild's voice as he. knocked Bllndeye Bozeman staggering for Jie third time against the hanging wall, only to see him rise and to knock him down once more. Dizzily the sandy-haired man swung about In his tracks, sagged, then fel , unconscious. Falrchlld leaped upon him, calling at the same time to the girl: "Find me a rope! Hi truss his hands while he's knocked out!" Anita leaped Into action, to kneel at Falrchild's side a moment later with a hempen strand, as he tied the man's hands behind his back. There was no need to worry about Barry. Glancing out of a corner of bis eye, Falrchlld saw now that the big Cornishman had Taylor Bill flat on his back and was putting on the finish ing touches. And then suddenly the exultant yells changed to ones of com mand. Talk English! Talk English, you bloody blighter! Talk English! "Ear me I'll knock the bloody 'ell out of you If you dont Talk English like this: "Throw up your 'ands!' "Ear me?" Anita swerved swiftly and went to her feet Barry . looked up at her wildly, his mustache . bristling like the spines of a porcupine. "Did you 'ear Mm sye It?" he asked. "No? Sye it again!" Throw up your 'ands!" came the answer of the beaten man on the ground. Anita ran forward. "It's a good deal like It" she answered. "But the tone was higher." "Raise your tone!" commanded Barry, while Falrchlld, finishing his Job of tring his defeated opponent, rose, staring in wonderment Then the answer came: That's it that's It It sounded Just like it!" And Falrchlld remembered too the English accent of the highwayman on the night of the Old Times dance. Barry seemed to bounce on the pros trate form of his ancient enemy. "Bill," he shouted, Tve got you on your back. And Tve got a right to kill you. 'Onest I 'ave. And I'll do it too unless you start talking. I might as well kill you as not It's t penitentiary offense to 'It a man un derground unless there's a good rea son. So Fm ready to go the 'ole route. So tell It tell It and be quick about It. Tell It wasn't you him?" "Blm who?" the voice was weak, frightened. "Ton know 'oo the night of the Old Times dance! Didn't you pull that 'old-up?" There was a long silence. Finally: "Where's Rodalne?" "In Center City." It was Anita who spoke. "Be's getting ready to run away and leave you two to stand the brunt of all this trouble." Again a silence. And again Barry's voice: . Tell It Wasn't you the man?" Once more a long wait Finally: "What do I get for It?" Falrchlld moved to the man's side. "My. promise and my partner's promise that If you tell the whole truth, we'll do what we can to get you leniency. So tell the truth; weren't you the man who held up the Old Times dance?" Taylor Bill's breath traveled slow ly past his bruised Hps. "Rodalne gave me a hundred dol lars to pull it" came finally. "And you stole the horse and every thing" "And cached the stuff by the Blue Poppy, so's I'd get the blame?" Barrv wiggled his mustache fiercely. Tell It or I'll pound your 'ead into a Jelly!" That's about the size of It" But Falrchlld was fishing In his pockets for pencil and paper, finally to bring them forth. "Not that we doubt your sincerity. Bill," be said sarcastically, "but I think things would be a bit easier - If you'd Just write It out Let him up, Barry." The big Cornishman obeyed grudg ingly. "Make hit fulsome, Bill tell J-jst 'ow you did It!" And Taylor Bill, bloody, eyes black, lips bruised, obeyed. Falrcbild took the bescrawled paper and wrote his name as a witness, then handed it to Barry and Anita for their signatures. At last he placed It in his pocket and faced the dolorous high-jacker. "What else do you know. Bill?" "About what? Rodalne? Nothing except that we were In cahoots on this cross-cut. There Isn't any use denying It" there had come to the surface the Inherent honor that is In every metal miner, a stalwartness that may He dormant but that, sooner or later, must rise. There Is some thing about taking wealth from the earth that Is clean. There Is some thing about It which seems honest In Its very nature, something that builds big men In stature and in ruggedness, and It builds an honor which fights against any attempt to thwart It. Taylor Bill was finding that honor now. Be seemed to straighten. Bis teeth bit at his swollen, bruised lips. Be turned and faced the three per son befor blm. Take me down to the sheriff's office," he commanded. "Ill tell every thing. I don't know so awful much because I ain't tried to learn any thing more than I could help. But I'll give up everything I've got." "And how about him?" Falrchlld pointed to Bllndeye, Just regaining consciousness. Taylor Bill nodded. "Bell tell he'll have to." They trussed the big miner then, and dragging Bozeman to his feet started out of the cross-cut with them, Bar ry's carbide pointing the way through the blind door and Into the main tun nel. Then they halted to bundle themselves tighter against the cold blast that was coming from without. On to the mouth of the mine. Then they stopped short A figure showed in the darkness, on horsebnek. An electric flashlight That's Maurice! I Got a Glimpse of His Face!" suddenly flared against the gleam of the carbide. An exclamation, an ex cited command to the horse, and the rider wheeled, rushing down the moun tain side, urging his mount to dan gerous leaps, sending him plunging through drifts where a misstep might mean death, fleeing for the main road again. Anita Richmond screamed: That's Maurice! I got a glimpse of his face! Be's gotten away go after him somebody go after him 1" But It was useless. The horseman had made the road and was speeding down It Rushing ahead of the oth ers, Falrchlld gained a point of vant age where he could watch the fading black smudge of the horse and rider as it went on and on along the rocky road, finally to reach the main thor oughfare and turn swiftly. Then he went back to Join the others. "Be's taken the Center City road !" came his announcement "Is there a turn-off on it anywhere?" "No." Anita gave the answer. "It goes straight through but he'll have a bard time making It there in this blizzard. If we only had horses!" They wouldn't do us much good now! Climb on my back. You can handle these two men alone?" This to his partner. The Cornishman grunt ed. "Yes. They won't start anything. Why?" "I'm going to take Miss Richmond and hurry ahead to the sheriff's office. Be might not believe me. But he'll take her word and that'll be sufficient until you get there with the prisoners. I've got to persuade him to telephone to Center City and head off the Ro dalncsi" CHAPTER XIX""' Be stooped and Anita, laughing at her posture, clambered upon his back, her arms about his neck. Falrchlld found himself wishing that he could carry her forever, and that the road to the sheriff's office were twenty miles away instead of two. But her voice cut in on his wishes. "I can walk now. We can get along so much faster!" came her plea. "I'll hold on to you and you can help me along." Falrchlld released her and she seized his arm. Once, as they floundered through a knee-high mass, Falrchild's arm went quickly about her waist and he lifted her against him as he literally carried her through. When they reached the other side, the arm still held Its place and she did not resist. Some way, after that, the stretch of road faded swiftly. Almost before he realized It. they were at the outskirts of the city. Grudgingly he gave up his hold up on her, as they hurried for the side walks and for the sheriff's office. There Falrchlld did not attempt to talk he left It all to Anitn. and Bardwell, the sheriff, listened. Taylor Bill had con fessed to the robbery at the Old Times dance and to his attempt to so ar range the evidence that the blame would fall on Barry. Taylor Bill and Bllndeye Bozeman had been caught at work In a cross-cut tunnel which led to the property of the Blue Poppy mine, and one of them, at least bad admitted that the sole output of the Silver Queen had come from this thiev ing encroachment Then Anita com pleted the recital of the plans of the Rodaines to leave and of their depart ure for Center City. At last, Falrchlld spoke, and told the happenings fhich he had encountered in the ramshackle house occupied by Crazy Laura. It was sufficient. The sheriff reached for the telephone. "No need for hurry," he announced. "Young Rodalne can't possibly make that trip in less than two hours. We've got plenty of time hello Central? Long distance, please. What's that? Yeli Long Distance. Want to put In a call for Center City." A long wait while a metallic voice streamed over the wire Into the sheriff's ear. Be hung up the receiver. "Blocked," he said shortly. The wire's down." "But there's the telegraph I" "Ifd take half an hour to get the operator out of bed office Is closed. Nope. We'll take the short cut. And we'll beat him there by a half -hour I" Anita started. "You mean the Argonaut tunnel?" "Yes. Call up there and tell them to get a motor ready for us to shoot straight through. We can make It at thirty miles an hour, and the skip in the Reunion mine will get us to the surface In five minutes. The tunnel ends sixteen hundred feet under ground, about a thousand feet from Center City," he explained, as he noted Falrchild's wondering gaze. "You stay here. I'll be getting my car warmed up to take us to the tunnel." A thumping sound came from with out Barry entered wtth his two charges, followed shortly by Bardwell, the sheriff, while Just beneath the of fice window a motor roared In the process of "warming up." A moment more and a steel doer clanged upon the two men, while the officer led the way to his motor car. There he looked quizzically at Anita Richmond, piling without hesitation into the front seat. "You going too?" A "I certainly am," and she covered her intensity with a laugh, "there are a number of things that I want to say to Mr. Maurice Rodalne and I hnven't the patience to wait 1" Bardwell chuckled. The doors of the car slammed and the engine roared louder than ever. Soon they were churning along through the driving snow toward the great buildings of the Argonaut Tunnel company, far at the other end of town. There men awaited them, and a tram motor, to gether with its operator. The four pursuers took their places on the benches of the car behind the motor. The trolley wa3 attached. Then clat tering over the frogs, green lights flashing from the trolley wire, the speeding Journey was begun. Three miles, four, five, while Anita Richmond held close to Falrchlld as the speed became greater and the sparks from the wire above threw their green, vicious light over the yawning stretch before them. A last spurt, slightly down-grade, with the motor pushing the wheels at their greatest velocity; then the crackling of elec tricity suddenly ceased, the motor slowed In Its progress, finally to stop. A greasy being faced them and Bard well, the sheriff, shouted his mission. "Got to catch some people that are making a get-away through Center City. Can you send us up In the skip?" "Yes, two at a time." "All right!" The sheriff turned to Barry. "You and I'll go on the first trip and hurry for the Ohadi road. Falrchlld and Miss Richmond will wait for the second and go to Sheriff Ma son's office and tell him what's up. Meet us there," he said to Falrchlld, as he went forward. A long wait followed while Falrchlld strove to talk of many things and failed In all of them. Things were happening too swiftly for them to be put Into crisp sentences by a man whose thoughts were muddled by the fact that beside him waited a girl in a whipcord riding suit the same girl who had leaped from an automobile on the Denver highway and It crystalized things for him momen tarily. "I'm going to ask you something after a while something that Tve wondered and wondered about I know it wasn't anything but " She laughed at him. "You really didn't think I was the Smelter bandit, did you?" "Darned if I know what I thought And I don't know what I think yet" "It's very, very awful!" came In a low, mock-awed voice. "But " then the laugh came again "maybe if you're good and well, maybe Til tell you after a while." "Bonest?" "Of course I'm honest! Isn't that the skip?" Falrchlld walked to the skip, stepped in, and lifted Anita to his side. The Journey was made in darkness darkness which Falrchlld longed to turn to his advantage, darkness which seemed to call to him to throw his arms about the girl at his side, to crush her to him, to seek out with an instinct that needed no guiding light the . laughing, pretty lips which had caused him many a day of happiness, many a day of worried wonderment Be strove to talk away the desire but the grinding of the wheels in the narrow shaft denied that Bis fingers twitched, his arms trembled as be sought to hold back the muscles, then, yielding to the Impulse, he started "Da-a-a-g-gone It!" "What's the matter?" "Nothing." But Falrchlld wasn't telling the truth. They had reached' the light Just at the wrong, wrong moment. Out of the skip he lifted her, then Inquired the way to the sheriff's office of this, a new county. The direction was giv en, and they went there. They told their story. "You say Bardwell and your partner went out on the Ohadi road to head the young 'un off?" "Yes Do you think?" But a noise from without cut off the conversation. Stamping feet sounded on the steps, the knob turned, and Sheriff Bardwell, snow-white, entered, shaking himself like a great dog, as he sought to rid himself of the effects of the blizzard. "Hello, Bardwell, what'd you find?" "No matter how much a person dis likes another one It's, It's always a shock." Anita came closer . "You mean that he's dead?" The sheriff nodded. "He KNEW HOW TO OPERATE HIS CAR Motorman Resented the Help of the Truck Driver, and Then Repented. A street car approached a busy downtown corner, the motorman clanging his gong. A truck driver stepped from in front of his machine parked near the track. He waved re assuringly at the motorman and measured with his hands to signal sufficient clearance. The motorman resented the truck man's role of traffic director. "I don't need nobody to show me how to run a car. I been runnln' one must have rushed his horse too hard. When we got to him he was Just about gone tried to stagger to his feet when we came up, but couldn't make It Kind of acted like he'd lost his senses through fear or exposure or something. Asked me who I was, and I said Bard well. Seemed to be tickled to hear my name but he called It Barnham. Then he got up on his hands and knees and clutched at me and asked me if I'd drawn out all the money and had it safe. Just to humor him, I said I had. He tried to say something after that but it wasn't much use. The first thing we knew he'd passed out That's where Harry Is now took him over to the mortuary. There Isn't anybody named Barnham, is there?" "Barnham?" The name had awak ened recollections for Falrchlld ; "why he's the fellow-that " But Anita cut In. "He's a lawyer In Denver. They've been sending all the income from stock sales to him for deposit If Maurice asked if he'd gotten the money out It must mean that they meant to run with all the proceeds. We'll have to telephone Denver." The message went through. Then the two sheriffs rose and looked at their revolvers. "Now for the tough one." Bardwell made the remark, and Mason smiled grimly. Falrchlld rose and went to them. "May I go along?" "Yes, but not the girl. Not this time." Anita did not demur. Falrchlld walked to her side. "You won't run away," he begged. "I'll be right here," she answered, and with that assurance, he followed the other two men out Into the night Far down the street where the rather bleak outlines of the hotel showed bleaker than ever in the frigid night, a light was gleaming In a second-story window. Mason turned to his fellow sheriff. "He usually stays there. That must be him waiting for the kid." The three entered. Tiptoeing, they went to the door and knocked. A high pitched voice came from within. That you, Maurice?" Falrchlld answered In the best imi tation be could give. "Yes. Tve got Anita with me." Steps, then the door opened. For Just a second Squint Rodalne stared at them in ghastly, sickly fashion. Then he moved back Into the room, still facing them. "What's the idea of this?" came his forced query. Fairchild stepped for ward. "Simply to tell you that every thing's blown up as far as you're concerned, Mr. Rodalne." "You needn't be so dramatic about it You act like I'd committed a mur- Crashed Through the Window. der! What 've I done that you should" "Just a minute. I wouldn't try to act innocent For one thing, I hap pened to be in the same house with you one night when you showed Crazy Laura, your wife, how to make people immortal. And we'll probably learn a few more things about your character when we've gotten back there and interviewed " He stopped his accusations to leap forward, clutching wildly. But In vain. With a lunge, Squint Rodalne had turned, then, springing high from the floor, had seemed to double in the air as he crashed through the big pane of the window and out to the twenty foot plunge which awaited him. Hur riedly they gained the window, but al ready the form of Rodalne had uni rolled Itself from the snow bank Inti which it had fallen, dived beneath the protection of the low coping which ran above the first-floor windows of the hotel, skirted the building in safety and whirled into the alley that lay bei yond. Squint Rodaine was gone. Frantically, Fairchild turned for the door, but a big hand stopped him. "Let him go let him think he's got ten away," said grizzled Sheriff Mason. "He ain't got a chance. There's snow everywhere and we can trail him like a hound dawg trailing a rabbit And I think I know where he's bound for. Whatever that was you said about Crazy Laura hit awful close to home. It ain't going to be hard to find that rattler!" (TO BE CONTINUED.) long enough to know when I can get by." He clangel angrily toward the next corner where other trucks were parked. "I suppose some fool will step out here to tell me how to run my car," he snapped. Be glanced contemptuously at a truck as bis car glided toward It But there was no "fool to give di rections this time and, to the very great astonishment and chagrin of the motorman who knew "how to (run 'em," his car sldeswlped the truck. Kansas City Star. I TALES BIG CITIES Life Getting Complex in the Big Cities HICAGO. Louis Silbersteln. 1350 South Michigan aveuej turned his screeching siren loysel as he swerved, his automobile into' vJarfield boulevard from State street Accord ing to one of Health Commissioner Bundesen's 130 specially deputized "noise cops" the siren continued to screech for one full block. The noise cop overtook Mr. Silbersteln and sug gested to him that the screeching siren was not conducive to the health, safety, and general welfare of Chica go and its citizens. "Go to hell," observed Mr. Silber steln. The noise policeman reported to P. S. Combs, Jr., chief of the "noise cops." He reported to Doctor Bunde sen, who opined that Mr. Silbersteln Times Change and T OS ANGELES. And now comes dancing with the mind ! Many funny things have happened with the passing of time and at one period when a young woman who dared to dance publicly with anything except her feet was subject to an immediate trip to the hoosegow. But times change so has dancing. Miss Irene d'Annelle has arrived in Los Angeles to teach dancing with the mind. , "Dancing is merely an expression of primitive Instincts unless subject ed to the refining Influence of mental processes," says Miss d'Annelle. There is a philosophy In the dance of peoples just as there is philosophy In their religion, art or literature." It is to teach this philosophy in the formation of a club that Miss d'An nelle says she has come to Los, An geles. In pointing out the possibilities of dance philosophy, Miss d'Annelle said that if the working girl is given an appreciative understanding of the beauty of movement and the benets Motor Cars Used to T"ETROIT. Nationwide investiga tion into the uses to yhich the motorcar Is put by its purchasers, conducted by the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, discloses that in 135,000 Instances in 6u cities throughout the country the motorcar has been used as a vehicle of relief from high city rentals. The owners of this number of automobiles have moved from the city to the suburbs and depend solely upon, their cars for transportation between their offices and homes. Thus far the Investigation is income mm Nice Boy but a Devastating Appetite EW YORK. There was a tow headed, black-eyed boy, not much more than two years old, on the New Orleans car of a train which reached (be Pennsylvania station at 6 a. m. He was such a boy as is enveloped In the embraces of wealthy looking grandparents or uncles or aunts on the train platform, and the porter, who had mothered him all the way from Shreveport La., was looking forward confidently to such a demon stration. He expected It to be at least a $10 party. , To his chagrin, there was no party at all. Nobody met the boy. The porter waited with him, to make cer tain, until the cars were taken to the yards, for he was out the price of the boy's meals during the trip. It was a somber looking porter In deed who ' led the youngster to the matron's room In the station. The train was just pulling out of Shreve port be said, when a woman raced alongside his car with a greenback hi one hand and the boy in the other. The porter accepted both tnd also Trunks vs. Bloomers for Girl Athletes SEATTLE. Miss Julia Durrant sophomore at the University of Washington, is out of athletics at that institution for the rest of this quarter. it is unofficially reported, oecause a Sunday newspaper printed a photo graph In which she was seen wearing running trunks just like those affect ed by track performers of the male persuasion. Miss Julia Boone, Miss Velda Cun diff and Miss Katherine Bailey were called before a faculty committee with Miss Durrant all having ap peared in the same photograph, and FROM had been unfortunate to so misuader stand the importance of the health department campaign against unnec essary noises. "Call him on the phone and explain it to him," the commissioner directed. "Chief" Combs did so. "If the commissioner of health has any business with me let him call me himself," said Mr. Silbersteln, point edly. Doctor. Bundesen did so. "If you want to talk to me, come down to my office," ordered Silber stein, noisily banging up the receiver. When brought to Doctor Bundesen'e office, Silberstein denied emphatically that he shot a block-long screech from the siren of his car as he turned from State strcot into Garfield boule vard. He said he never was on Gar field boulevard In his life. "You can tell that to the Judge," said Doctor Bundesen. Silberstein let it be known that his car is a So-and-so. Doctor Bundc3en noticed that the license records show Sllbersteln's car as a Thls-and-that Be admitted switching license tags un the two cars without notifying the secretary of state. Doctor Bundesen ordered that in addition to the noise making charge, the charge of switch ing tags be placed against him. Dancing With Them of co-ordinate muscular action she will find a new joy in her work and new capabilities, which had lain dor mant through poor blood circulation and Improper state of mind. "There is the dance of the war rior, the peasant and the priest Why not the dance of the stenographer, the clerk, the cook?" she &sks. Through an appeal to the working girl's love of beauty of face, figure and expression more can be accom plished than by the Ineffective meth ods of precept and much-abused tenets of duty-to-self-ond-employer cults." Fight High Rents plete. The 60 cities from which re ports have been received include only three of the chief cities of the coun try, Baltimore, Detroit and Cleve land. The figures do not Include New York. Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco, St Louis, Los Angeles or other cities of approximately theii population. The combined population of the 60 reporting cities Is less than 8,000,000. ... If the same ratio Is maintained throughout the rest of the United States, not less than 500,000 automo biles have been used during the past three years in the fight against high rents. j Baltimore and Detroit are tied foi first place In the number of motor cars used primarily to carry workers to and from their work each day. In each case the number is aproximate ly 25,000. Louisville Is rated next in returns compiled thus far, with 20,000. Oak Park, 111., and Cleveland are rated at 5,000 cars each; Toledo at 3,500; Tampa, Fla., Dayton, O., Pasadena, CaL, and Casper, Wyo., at 3,000 each. the woman's statement that the boj would be met in New York. A mo ment later he discovered that the greenback was a $1 bill, that the boy had an extra sailor suit in a package under his arm and a half-fare ticket to New York, but was otherwise un prepared for the journey. He was a nice boy, the porter said, but he bad a devastating appetite. From 0 a. m. until 5 p. m. the por ter waited in that room, the matrons scanning every one who entered, con fident that the relatives of so fascinat ing a boy would not neglect him long. Miss Boone having been dressed just like Miss Durrant It is said all except Miss Durrant expressed contrition, and she de clared she was In a movement to broaden athletics for girls at the uni versity and would fight it to the end According to Miss Mary Gross, heac of the university department of phys ical education for women, a jumper bloomer suit of serge Is the limit fot girl athletes. Miss Durrant says that when sh and Miss Boone posed in trunks the were not thinking of what It wai proper to wear at the university, bul of what would get the best publicity in an effort to bring about competi tions with other Institutions. Ath letics for women at the university art intramural. "We only want to interest othei girls like ourselves so we can plaj hockey, baseball and other games ai towns like Everett and Tacoma," ex plains Miss Durrant Too much energy directed into th wrong flannels," says Miss Gross. vajt