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Arizona sentinel and Yuma weekly examiner. [volume] (Yuma, Ariz.) 1911-1915, October 10, 1912, Image 4

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

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Yuma Personal
Happenings Quickly and Tersely Told for EXAMINER Readers
Home from the Coast
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilroy are
home from the coast.
Congressional Candidate Here
Robert S. Fisher, candidate for con
gress, arrived in Yuma early this
New Cafe Opens
The Hayes Cafe, in the Gandolfo
Hotel, will open for breakfast tomor
row morning.
Funeral of Mary Hinds
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Hinds
took place in Yihna this afternoon.
Funeral at Hemet
The funeral of S. J. Littlefield, who
died at Hemet, California, will take
place at Hemet
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 8 The hope
of certain Taftites and Wilsonites that
v,;o,?AF vntoa ti,ov rnn
carry California against Roosevelt is
utterly without foundation- Efforts
have been made heretofore in this
slate to defeat a righteous cause by
combining against it the worst in two
parties, but it has resulted in the hu
miliation of those who attempted it.
California voters men and women
have principles which cannot be bar
tered in the interest of politicians.
Even Roosevelt could not carry Cali
fornia if he would on the free trade
platform of the Democratic party. , A
measure of protection in this state is
absolutely necessary to the perpetuity
of some of our leading industries, and
the success of Professor Wilson would
mean the removal of tariff duties.
Roosevelt declares: "I favor a pro
tective tariff." The Wilson platform
declares protection is "a. malignant
growth." j
A combination of Taftites with Pro-
The Democrats who are following
Robert S. Fisher, Roosevelt Progres-!
sive candidate for congress, are expect
ed to reach Yuma next Sunday oi
They are expected to reply to what
Mr. Fisher has to say tonight, and so
it is up to all honest citizens to come
out tonight and hear Mr. Fisher in
order to hear both sides of the argu
ment and thus be able intelligently to
weigh the issues of the present .cam
In the Justice Court yesterday Mar
shal Henry Levy was held to bail
in the sum of $300 for assault on Joe
348, Yuma.
The Examiner Office for Job Work
of Ntitness and Quality.
Governor McGovern of Wisconsin, though not in accord with the third par
ty movement and with a purpose to support the republican state, congression
al, 'legislative and county tickets, has declared his intention to vote for Roose
velt and Johnson.
Governor McGovern has given a reason for the faith that is in him. He is
a progressive Republican, was a supporter of La Follette for the Republican
nomination for the presidency throughout the pre-convention campaign and
throughout the national convention. He was the cadidate against Mr. Root for
the temporary chairmanship and was as thoroughly familiar as any other man,
with the methods by which the regulars secured control of the convention.
The declaration of Governor McGovern In favor of Roosevelt and Johnson
is in the form of a statement issued Ijy him, as the, head of the state ticket,
to the people of Wisconsin to whom he owed it to define his attitude on nation
al issues. One must now choose between so-called republicanism and progres
sive republicanism.
As a progressive republican, Governor McGovern found himself opposed to
almost everything represented in the national ticket. He could not, therefore,
conscientiously support it Either as a progressive or a republican he felt
himself absolved from allegiance to it for the following reason: "As a re
1 :
and Local News
Yuma County Register -
One thousand, one hundred and
forty-four persons have registered in
Yuma County thus far.
New Pastor1 Arrives
Rev. J. W. Robinson arrived yester
day to assume charge of ' the Meth
odist church here.
New Electric Light Plant
Fran,k G. Townsend and Lew Good
win contemplate having their new
electric light plant ready for business
in about six weeks.
Flag Hoisted on High School
A flag has been hoisted on the new
high school lot just to show the doubt
ing Thomases that the location is on
high ground and not in a hole, as the
knockers claim.
fessor Wilson and the Democratic
' platform would be a ludicrous union
I were it not a menace to the prosperity
of the state. It could mean only one
thirfg, namely, that Taft politicians
are determined to thwart the will of
the people at any cost
But happily the people understand
the situation and are preparing to deal
the political gangsters who aided in
stealing two delegates at Chicago such
a blow as they have not yet received
one that will again show California's
lead in progressive principles.
"I understand there will be no Taft
ticket in California," said Governor
Johnson on hearing of the state su
preme court decision to place Roose
velt electors on the ballot "This mat
ters little, because the- few adherents
of Taft there, in the main, have al
ready announced their Intention of
supporting the Democraitc nominee."
And then the governor added, sen
tentiously, "It's the field against Col.
Theodore Roosevelt. The field will be
overwhelmingly defeated!"
BOSTON, Mass., Oct. 9. Un
doubtedly the hardest fought
and most evenly matched game
in the history of baseball, this
afternoon between the Naw
York Giants and the Boston
Red Sox, for the. World's
Championship, resulted in a tie
of 6 to 6. The game was called
after the eleventh inning on ac
count of darkness.
The City Council met last night to
consider the matter of a bond isiie
for $250,000 for street and park im
A class in Gymnastics is to
started here. Write to Miss H.
he j
Merrill, care of Mr. John Harris, Yu- j
ma, Arizona, for particulars. 159-165p
PHOENIX, Oct. 8. Governor Hunt
added an additional hard luck exper
ience to his already more than com
plete quoto of such experiences, on
Saturday, when in company with his
photographer, Atkins, Adjutant Gener
al C. W. Harris, Ernest Douglas, a lo
cal newsaper man and the driver,
Harry Shea, he mired down deep in
the mud four miles from Roosevelt
on the road from Globe. It was rain
ing at the time, raining pretty heav
ily, but in spite of it Governor Hunt,
as he has done before on more than
one occasion, got out in the mud and
helped push the car out onto the hard
ground whence the trip could be made
back to Roosevelt to remain until
such time as the weather could' clear
Mr. R; A. Hart, drainage engineer,
from the United States Department
f Agriculture, is in Yuma for the pur
pose of making an investigation of
the drainage of Yuma Valley.
Yesterday Mr. Hart was driven
through the Valley by Mr. C. D. Bailer,
and today the Secretary of the Yuma
County Commercial Club drove Mr.
iart through the San Pascual Val
ley to the Laguna Dam and back.
Mr. Hart will very likely be in
Yuma for the next week or ten days
'ooking into the drainage problem of
fuma Valley.
NEW YORK, Oct 7 Governor H.
VV. Johnson, of California, invaded
Long Island in behalf of the Progres
sive party today and proclaimed his
intention in his future 'addresses dur
ing the campaign to discuss Wilson's
attitude toward the trade unionists.
He asserted he would seek to show
that the Democratic presidential can
didates was formerly hostile to union
labor. In pursuance of his plan, John
jon dealt tonight with a letter Wilson
wrote to. President Joline of the Mis
jouri, Kansas & Texas railroad in
1907. The letter contained acknowH
adgement Of the copy of an address
foline made dn which he attacked the
labor unions.
"Political demagogues," Mr. Wilson
wrote, regarding the speech, "I read It
with relish and entire agreement."
ifter reading the letter, Johnson re
ferred to a speech made by Wilson in
1909, when he was quoted as saying
'.hat certain labor union tendencies
were "economically disastrous," and
then said, "We have therefore the
attitude of Wilson in hostility to laupr
mions .in 1909 and the fact that 'with
relish and entire agreement,' he read
an address concerning 'the cruel, un
thinking, hammer of labor unions' In
1907. The period of 1907, 1908 and
1909 is now before us during which, if,
we may judge from Wilson's utter
nces, there can be no doubt of his
hostility toward organized labor."
The Good Government League will
hold a meeting on Saturday night at
the Crane School, in the Valley, at
which meeting the Arizona Tax Com
missioners will address the people.
WASHINGTON, Oct 8. Brigadier
General Frank G. Smith, retired, died
today, aged 71 years.
The Examiner Office for Job Work
0f Neatness and Quality.
publican I cannot support President Taft
single term he has wrecked a great and
gressive, I cannot support him because
more so every day. He profoundly distrusts the people and is utterly unfit-
ted to lead them "
mu ii u V i
The governor adds that the manner
. ,
was securea relieved every repuoncan oi nis oDiigauon iu m uauuuai nunci..
"It Is a challenge to the moral sense and self-respect of every member of the
party." .
In the opinion of Governor McGovern, the progressive republican turns In
vain to the democratic party for an asylum. Governor Wilson, notwithstand-
ing nis wnoiesomeness, cleanliness, great
auract no progressive repuoncan. ne is
nis wrui program is repenani.
In concluding, the governor says:
party. Whether we judge it by its platform, its ticket or the composition of
the convention that gave it birth we are
everything else it is genuinely and fearlessly progressive."
W. J. Bryan is so positive that Wilson
that he will not even allow Aldrich to
getting to be a narrow partisan in his
m IHUMAd i ha
A news item stated recently that
the officials of a Western railway had
sent a letter to each of its employes,
asking him to incorporate himself at
a. nnnital eauivalent to his earnine
A man earning ?500 per year is
worth to himself, his family and em-
ployer about $10,000 on a 5 per cent
Cnmnnre n man nanitalised at S10.-
000' with a business building worth
the same amount. The building is
worth less every day of its existence,
and so much is Written off its value
at the end of the year for depreciation.
In a -few years it must come down
aiid give place to a new structure.
Now take the man who Is worth
$10,000 asia worker, receiving 5 per
cent of the amount annually (or ?500)
in wages. Instead of being worth less
every year he can, if he wishes it, be
worth more. He can last longer than
a $10,000 building. He does not need
to depreciate in vame.
He can get to work with his head
and his hands and so improve himself
that his wages begin to rise. When
he has made himself, worth $1000 a
year his capitalization has mounted to
$u,uuu. And he does not need to stop
at this point if he desires to keep on J
The world, says a philosopher, "be-
longs to the energetic." No man has
truly solved the problem of building
a fortune who merely puts money In
the bank. He must keep on getting
more out of himself; more thought
more plans, more work, more desire,
more ambition.
Don't Dream; Work and Think
When we read that a savings bank
deposit of seventeen cents a day will
amount to one thousand, eight nun
dred and thirty-two dollars and eighty
four cents in twenty years, at 4 per
cent compound interest, we feel con-,
vinced that it is easy to get money
together, But it is a better form of
fortune building to try to increase
one's self at the same rate.
This cannot be done by building
air castles. Wishing is the dream
of the idle. Working and thinking
are the power of the industrious.
The only wayv to increase your cap-
italized value is by thinking about it.
You must contract the study habit,
Study your chances and improve all
of them.
Every hour you loaf, when you do
not need to, is so much less mental
and financial fortune.
The greatest tragedy of the day
day is not the bad man or the bad
woman. They have always been, and
probably always will be. It is the
half-trained men and women; the per-1
sons who can do nothing well enough
to make the work a valuable service. I
Butjthe moment one can do any-
thing- up to the top notch then the
service Is worth something, and people
are willing to pay for it.
The secret of fortune building is
not" to give the thought' wholly to
money, a man wno is everlastingly
trying to improve himself will -get a
lulluuc' ux " "IUV-" "iuue
WantS. I
i ne ory ot ine naiT-1 rainea
xue Houidi uihiuroauce mat comet
irom nau-irainea peopie .grumonng
Don't wish. Get to. work
Don't criticise others.
Build up)
Don't listen to the equal distribu
tion of wealth talk. Go out and earn
whatever share of wealth you want.
But it does not come from wish
ing. It comes from perspiration
from the sweat of the brow.
Don't love, the money. Love the
industry and Inspiration that let you
oarn '
The Ocotillo Club will meet Satur
day, October 12, at Hotel Gandolfo,
with Mrs. Liver'more as hostess.
because within the brief period of a
historical political party. As a pre-
he is utterly reactionary and grows
, . , ,h nt att. rraft
in which the nomination of Mr. atti
... ,-x,- x x.-,
guts ana American painousw can
uetier uiaii ma puny ui na iimnu..
"There remains the new progressive
forced to the conclusion that above
will carry every state In the Union,
save little Rhody for Taft, Bryan Is
old age, to say the least.
(Concluded from Page One)
banquets, barbecues, etc. My running
against Oscar Straus for Governor of
New York strikes me as beln in
"Stably funny. I trust everybody
will take the joke.
To Theodor Roosevelt:
President Taft has Instructed me to
inorm yU that under no ClrCUHlStan-
ces will he allow those who campaign
tn niH hehnlf to indulm in fsUa ncmi.
sations concerning your personal mor
als, temperance, or probity. He begs
me to 4 say that he has telegraphed
today to J. Adam Bede and-John ilcr-
shall Harlan, the short-weieht aim "of
the :iate lamented and honored Jus-
tice of the Supreme Court, to cease
their campaign of abuse on the stump,
Further than this he desires at tcis
hate date, but in some fitting manner,
to acTcnowledge that your statement in
regard' to accenting another term was
made- bv vou onlv when it was neces-
sary on that occasion to insure Mr
Taft's nomination in 1908. The Pteai-
dent believes that he has been ill-ad-
vised' .during his administration by
Crane, Guggenheim, Aldrlch, Cannon
anQ "Barnes, and that there can be no
hope 0f .'his success unless he takes
the reins in his hands' and acts ac
COrding to his own natural, honora-
Campaign Manager.
PHOENIX, Oct 8. Barney Oldfield,
the world's speed king, who needs no
introduction to followers of the au-
tomobile racing game, wiU be here
to take part in the races in the track
events on the automobile day; Thum-
day, October 31, at the state fair.
Oldfielq wired several days ago to
the fair commission that he woula
come to Phoenix if guaranteed $500
In case .he breaks the world's record
oh the local track. The fair commls-
sioners accepted his offer. The1 rec-
ord at present stands at one mile in
47 seconds. Oldfield feels confident
that he can lower the record owing to
the splendid condition
of the local
He will also take part 'in the fifty-
mile event. The purse" for this race
amounts to $2,000. Oldfield s appear-(done
ance" in -this city will beone of the'amlner. His points be makes witu
main attractions of the fair.
The Examiner Office for Job Work
of Neatness and Quality.
Albert I3ushnell Hart, Harvard professor of government, in the Boston
Transcript analyzes the growth of the
especially strong in the West where
ties. By, the West he means that part
Great Lakes which he considers especially promising fightine ground for the
Prnoraaatva HnVcf
ThQ Wgt ne says g alive to BtTonR
ne0nle ot:the section described bv him
Ufcey We thirty years ago.
chances he estimated as follows:
Theodore Roosevelt is by nature and
gressive champion in the West; he has
manners of the Wesjt; stands for principles in which the West fs especially
interested and is a whirlwind campaigner of a type dear to the West, having
the powerful aid of another reniarkable campaigner in Governor Johnson.
Roosevelt wants the West, and apparently a good part of the West wanta
If Roosevelt can carry most of the
an abutment under him comparable to
mill ilniMnil Kir Vi rl.t 42.2tnn
, j , . . , . ,
The impression gained from a long stay
io imxiij iu ;a.uj uut Biupty uiYiuu,. uui
Indiana, Missouri and Oklahoma. .One reason for thia belief is that the West
la tremendously in earnest in this campaign, because the West wants to have
things done, and lacks confidence in the purpose or the' ability of either of
the regular line parties to do them.
in the bitterness of the campaign,
ment. They see little things instead of
Such a statement as that given by Mr.
the Kansas City Star is useful in jarring people out of the campaign mt;
"In England," said Mr. Ladd, speaking
ognize Mr. Roosevelt as our greatest citizen."
..That isn't a campaign view. It is an
represents in a way the verdict of history.
If you think of it a mtoment, forgetting the passions and prejudices; of
the hour, whatever may be your personal
' "
ii is -true.
The price of meat has gone up in the United States 30 and 40 per cent
within ten years, and the mice of American meat has not aona un & fraction
f . . , . th markets.
jjut the New York World, which la
no American meat is beine dold In London. None han been shinned thr tor
four years. None can be found.
The late President- Grant'a features
other portraits will be necessary to familiarize the coming generations with
the features of the great captain.
The voter who is disqualified this year
worthy of the great trust citizenship reposes in him. .
o o
O " -r Ot
O Edited by Mrs. Elizabeth laliiy O
OOOOO 0.0 O OO 0000 o o o
Think truly, and thy thoughts
Shall the world's famine feed;
Speak truly and each word of toine
Shall be a fruitful seed;
Live truly, and thy life shall be
A great and noble creed. Bonar.
The Womn' Parad JnNew York
Tammany saw to it that there
should be proper police protection and
a? the largest crowd that had "eyer
assembled for any event was-gathered,
was a valuable precaution.
There was little Intentional rude
ness, but the mob left the- curb and
closed about so that movement was
impossible for a time.
The parade was most impressive.
The women of wealth appeared in
uniform costume .of white and gorge
ous sashes, and splendid banners.
Mrs. MacKay's society was stun
ning, Mrs. Belmont walked at the
head ot 10.00 working women. She
had on a white serge tailor-made hat
which cost 39 cents.
There were more than 15,000 worn- v
eng and 2,000. men in line. The par
ade was more than two hours in pass
ing a given point
The men made a fine appearance,
"especially the 'Harvard and Yale boys.
The college women in caps and
gowns were impressive on account of
their numbers. There must have been
5000 of them.
Twenty little Jewish boy- from the
Ghetto joined thparade behind one
of the bands and they carried a banner
saying: "We Want Our Mothers to
In Mrs. Belmont's, division her negro
women's branch turned out in all its
strength and I can tell you there were
some gorgeous Clothes!
The California division- received a.
lot of attention. They bad the bear
flag of California .as well as other
standards and a first rate band accom
panied them. They wore the Califor
nia poppy In their lapels. They march
ed wonderfully well, everybody said,
and it was a sight to see them turn the
corner when the reached Carnegie
When will the Yuma women have
a parade?
What's in his inkwell about che
presidential campaign? He's dipped
his pen for a light, and what he's?
with It -will appear in the Ex-
The Examiner Office far Job Wortc
of Neatness and Quality.
Progressive movement which has been
there is less reverence for the old par.
of the United State this side of the
nersonalitles. men with nrozrams. The
are readier to follow a ble man than
tfie circumstancea the', obvious Pro
lived in the West; has the unreserved
Middle West and Far West, he baa got
Wilson's Solid South, and the struggle
K urtAJtl- J XT Tt t . .
"T ,r . . 6""u
in the midst of the West is that he
io carry most oi tne states, west or
men often lose their clearness of judg
the big issues.
Stanford B. Ladd in a interview in
from recent experience, "they 'rec
outside, an unprejudiced estimate. It
feelings In the 'campaign, you know
? .
Wood row Wilson.
Huonortine Professor Wilson ddvb that-
will adorn the new $10,000 bills, but
by" reasonvOf 'failtoeitbregister la un

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