YUMA DAILY EXAMINER A Thinking Paper for Thinking People. Established March 17, 1906. W. H. SHOREY, Editor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATE PER YEAR ?6-00 Entered at Yuma, Ariz., as second class mail. Published daily, except Sunday. SAN FRANCISCO The supreme court today upheld the right of the railroad com mission to permit their em ployes to travel free over Cal ifornia railroads on official business. BARD INTER-OCEAN Established January 20, 1911. SUBSCRIPTION RATE PER YEAR $2-00 Entered at Bard, Imperial Co. Calif., as second-class mail. Published Fridays. ARIZONA SENTINEL Established November, 1870, by Jas. M. Barney and Judge Wm. J. Berry; purchased 1875 by John W. Dorring ton, wh relinquished to W. H. Shorey on July 1, 1911; published for 45 years without missing and issue. SUBSCRIPTION RATE PER YEAR 52.00 Entered at Yuma, Yuma, Co., Ariz., as second-class mail. Published on Thursdays. LATE TELEGRAPH (Continued From Page One) News, one of Lloyd George's strongest supporters, today published a protest against such an appointment. NEW YORK Madison Sguare Garden was bought for $2,000,000 by a New York life insurance company, "the only bidder at the foreclosure sale. NEW YORK The widow of Charles W. Harkness of the Standard Oil Company, whose estate was appraised at $49,000,000 yesterday, died today at a hospital here, after an operation. Her share is over $12,000,000. WASHINGTON Japan is building a larger, swifter, and more powerful battleship than any planned by the American navy, Rear Admir al Badger told the house na val committee today. PARIS The press gener ally received well yesterday's vote of confidence in the gov ernment by the chamber of deputies. The Figaro remark ed that the number, of govern ment opponents has doubled since the last secret session. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of John W. Dorrington, de ceased. Notice is hereby given by the under signed, Administrator of the Estate of John W. Dorrington, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouch ers, -within four months after the first publication of this notice to the said Administrator, at the office of J. W. Dorrington Investment Co., at Yuma, Arizona, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate, in the said county of Yuma, Arizona. W. E. DORRINGTON, Administrator of the Estate of John W. Dorrington, deceased. Dated Yuma, Arizona, this lltli day of November, 1916. First. Publication November 16, 1916. 4t. (Continued From Page One) terest of one of the most signlticant of object lessons. Many economists will see as the re sult of what must have been a disas trous holiday campaign for food specu lators an indication of the passing o the middleman. It is only through radical changes in the laws affecting food products, and still more co-operation among food consumers that per manent relief can be obtained. So long as the consuming public submits to ex tortion, and the extortioners are nol restrained by statute, the speculators who accumulate vast quantities of foodstuffs- and hold them for arti ficial prices will still take their toll. It is also possible that producers of foodstuffs may have been taught a useful lesson by the sudden and mark ed fall in the market value of their products. It may be considered doubt ful if Thanksgiving specialties will in future command the high prices which the producers have demanded in re cent years. Middlemen and food spec plators may not be defeated, but they have been taught the value of caution. Besides experience this year has shown that even the lordly turkey is not adsolutely essential to a reason able manifestation of the Thanksgiv ing sentiment, especially when there comes the consolation that an. effec tive method of resisting extortion has been found. Get real printing service at the Ex aminer Printery. Phone 174-J. Ranch Loans Ranch Loans Private money to loan at 7 per cent from 2 to 5years on satisfactory security in sums of $2,500 to $25,000. I will be at New Hotel Arizona December 11, 12, 13. 14, 15. Own ers call in person. Adolph Mitchel Mr TOYLAND, Dec 4th, 1916. KIRKPATRICK COMPANY, 346 Second Street, Yuma Arizona. Gentlemen: As l wrote you sometime ago, I will be In Yuma untfl Christmas, and during that Ume will make my Headquarters at your store. I am bringing a large amount of toys and holiday goods with me, tost best I ever had, but would advise informing your customers to purchase early, as the quantity of a great many articles- is limited, not being able tt secure any from Europe owing to the war. Am glad to come to Yuma this year and enjoy your glorious BunshiM, With kind regards to all our friends, Sincerely Yours, SANTA CLAUS. WHEN HER BACK ACHES A WOMAN FINDS ALL HER EN ERGY AND AMBITION SLIP PING AWAY Yuma women know how the aches and pains thaff often come when the kidneys fail make life a burden. Back ache, hip pains, headaches, dizzy spells, distressing urinary troubles, are frequent indications of weak kid neys and should be checked in time. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kid neys only. They attack kidney dis eases by striking at the cause. Can Yuma sufferers desire stronger proof than this Bisbee woman's word? Mrs. J. C. Mayne, P. O. Box 1498, Bisbee, AtIz., says. "My back both ered me and I had pains across my loins. I found it hard to do my housework. I often had headaches and dizzy spells and I knew that these pains and annoyances were caused by disordered kidneys. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and they quickly cured me." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that cured Mrs. Mayne. Foster-Milburn Satisfy! that's a new thin; for a cigarette to do ' - It's nothing for a cigarette to just taste good lots of cigarettes may do that. But Chesterfields do more they v ' satisfy! Just like a thick, juicy steak satisfies when you're hungry. Yet, with all that, Chesterfields are MILD I No other cigarette can give you this new enjoyment (satisfy, yet mild), for the good reason that no cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield blend an entirely new combination of tobaccos and the most important develop ment in cigarette blending in 20 years. "Give me a package of these cigarettes that SATISFY"! v o o., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv.