OCR Interpretation

Tombstone daily prospector. (Tombstone, Ariz.) 1887-1891, February 20, 1889, Image 3

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95060902/1889-02-20/ed-1/seq-3/

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iinZATBM uBliiltilWPJSa
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FEBRUARY - - - - 20, 1S69
Arlxouu A: SotillseaHtcru St. St.
'JTInto Corel.
Bisbee 7.00 a.m Fairbank i.30 si.iu.
Fairbank 12.00 n'u Bisbee 2.S0 p.m.
Daily, except Sunday.
(Railroad time.)
tf . Hex Williams, Supt.
A Bisr Drive in
and Hats at
ns.lw Sydow & Kieke's.
Charlie Mclgran is ia El Pa-o.
Water pipes burated in all directions
yesterday and this morning, causing
much inco:cnicnce but no tenons
Wood has comedown to ?S per
cord, which is a very pleasant thing
to contemplate these cold nights.
Read the programme of the eser
cises at Schieffeliii Hall on the 22ud
and so.
Frauk Bnud ha moved from the
Senate saloon, to the Arizona brewery
building. The new xlacc vv ill be for
mally opened to-night. Of courr-e he
espeets his friends to call and pa
their respects.
The K. of P. of Benson, not lobe
outdone by the more pretentious lodge
of Tombstone, had a ball of thtir own
last night, at which many members
from along the line ol the railroad
ivere prcss-nt.
Buy a nice rocking chair for your
lady friend, price one dollar and fifty
csnia, at fl9-5t KoiileisV.
1. O. H. of A.
Tickets for the ball on the 22nd
inst. for sale at Pete's and Yonge't
drug store, Joe Brown's book store and
Seaman's jewelry itore. Tickets told
to those onlv- having invilationi. tf
"We have this day reduced the
price oi the celebrated J. E. D.
fresh ranch butter to SOc per rail
Shipments received regularly even
three davs.
tf " fCorliic H. k T. Co
Billy Fay, who tried to do up More
house'in El Paio, shipped across into
Old Mexico, and has not been sccn in
El Paso since.
Just received by the Cochise II.
& T. Co. a large and elegant line
of neck wear, all of the latest
styles and nobbiest designs; also
silk ovcrshirts a novelty. tf
Although the railroad takes most of
the through travel to Bisbce the Mage
line from Tombstone carries its full
share of passengers and freight.
Don't forget the excursion to Guay
rna's on the 2nd of March next. Tha
carnival will be something worth see
ing, benides being an entirely new and
novel sight to any ono not a constant
visitor to Mexico.
Tha total valcation of Graham coun
ty for last year of property subject to
taxation was $1,588,030.35. The total
indebtedness of the county, including
interest on outstanding -warrants, was
on January lt, J8S9,?1.j7j422.2. Of
this amount the sum of $15,000 it in
bonds issued for the buildinj of the
court house.
Conncilman Georjc Cneyr.cy re
turned from the capital yesterday
evening. He reports the weather in
Phoniras delightful and the Tomb
stone contingent as well and prosper
ing. He returned in response to a
telegram telling of the aerious illness
of his children, who arc, we are in
formed, much better at the present
Fine black and blue diagonal four-
button cutaways for $25 at
febl0-2t SjruowjfeKsnKE's
Tcam3 for Sonora. Apply to
S. M. Bahuow,
tf Allen street, Tombstone.
At the Tony, Clam Juice. Try it.28tf
S. O. f. of A. I'rocrniniur.
The following is the programme to
be rendered at the premutation of flags
by Washington Camp "o. 1, P. O. S.
of A., to the public si hool of Tomb
stone, February 22nd 1SSD.
All tho school children, with their
parents and teachers, are inited to be
prcccnt at Schieffelin Hall at 2 p. m.
The order of P. O. S. of A. -Mil
march in and take position on the
stnee and in the Hall.
1st. Music "America.'
2nd. Prciitution address by Cok
Win. Herring and retponee.
ura. tons uy tne t-cnooi.
1th. 'Address by Dr. G. E. Good
5th. "Star Spangled Banner" and
dismissal, with "Home, Sweet Home."
Bv order of the Committee.
Snicrcsiln i:cro-2sfc.
The oxcrcjees to be rendered by tho
r. O. S. of A. on the 22nd will bo of a
very interesting nature. The present
ation of a national emblem to the sev
eral rooms of tho public school 53 an
idej, original and appropriate. The
fact that Col. HerriDg will make the
presentation speech will no doubt of
itsfclf fill the hall ".vith interested lis
teners. A. Technor, representing M. Born &
Co , of Chicago, custom tailors, is in
the city. He will remain two days
and can be found at the Palace Hotel.
He carries the largest and finest line
cf impoited and domestic casshneres
ever seen in this country.
The sale of the properties at BJsbee,
which was spefken of a few days t-inee,
to San Franchco capitalists is, we un
derstand, a foregone conclusion.
Verily, Cochise county is on the eve
of a veritable mining boom.
The St. Patrick mine, near Xogales,
has leen incorporated under the laws
of Arizona, with the principal place of
business at Xogales. Capital stock
?2,000,000, divided into 100,000 shares
o'f the par value of ?50 each.
Krcsilli of Be forest Porter
Judge Be Forest Porter dicdiu PJic
uix on Monday, February 18th, from
the bursting of a blood vessel. Judge
Porter was 01 years of age and a native
of New York. He was one of tho as
sociate justices in 1LS2. He took an
active part in the history and devel
opment of Arizona and leaves a large
circle of friends to mourn bis loss.
The present cold map has been the
cause of much sickness among chil
dren and tho warm weather which is
on the way will make the old folks
All of the Phenix lawyers arc in fa
vor of the circuit court bill passing.
All of the Tombstone lawyers, with
perhaps two exceptions, are against it.
Two-thirds of the newspapers of the
Territery have pronounced against it.
It is in a bad way, surely.
Tom Walker, of Bisbee, is lying at
the Palace Hotel in this city, quite se
riouelv ill.
The "oldest inhabitant" of Tomb
stone says that the present cold snap
13 the most severe in the history of tho
past three years.
Attention U called to the govern
ment ad for proposals for furnishing
cavalry horses.
The clerk of the board of supervisors
received a letter from San Francisco
yesterday asking for full information
regarding the issuing of the ?127,000
worth of Cochise county redemption
bonds of 18S7. The writer stated that
the parties holding the game wished
to dipose of them and the purchaser
desired further evidence of their legal
The case of the McCIarron brothers
will probably be settled at the coming
term ef the district court, A number
of witnesses have already been sub
L. E. Pago, the well and favorably
known blacksmith and wagon maker,
returned from Los Angeles to-day.
Ho describta the burstcd boom in Los
Angeles as Ijeyond redemption.
Take you prescriptions to Yonge'e
Drug Store. 12 ltf
Hotr it Done.
An anonymous writer furnishes the
following clear and coucise answer to
the question, "How shall wo reach tho
"Dear brother, you can best reach
them with a spon. Go for them with
a knife and fork. Humanity's tender
point is its paunch. The conscience
of a man may be seared aa with a hot
iron, but his maw is cer open to im
pressions. His intellect may be
stunted, but his appetite is a giant.
Take bim to a concert or the theater,
and he comes awav to seek the nearest
feeding place, where he may gorge
himself before ho sleeps. The little
struggling church that bankrupts it
self still further by -venturing on a lec
ture course, finally lift itself clear out
of debt by a scries of suppers. A man
who will not pay fifty cents for a book
will dump ono dollar and fifty cento'
worth of dinner into his system. A
picnic without ten parti of ed to one
part of band is a flat failure. When
v.e 'receiv e a distinguished guest we
feed him: when wo say 'good-bvo' to
j an eminent citizen we give him some
thing to eat. We have a feast for tke
wedding guests, luncheon for the
watchers and a light collation for the
mourners. There aie a thousand res
taurants to one library, yea, more. By
and by, if tho principles of evolution
bo true, this world will be peoplod by
a race of stomachs .villi legs and arms.
The legs will be needed to carry the
stomach to the trough, and the arms
to till it up."
'nrl of 'i'liiinltM.
Mr. and Mn. Martin Davis wi.h to
return their heartfelt thanks to the
many kind friends who sympathized
with and aided them in their late un
fortunate los" of their infant child.
Atlcllon, . . M. of A.
All members are requested to be
present at the lodge room Friday at
one o'cleck p. m. to attend the presen
tation exercises at Schieffelin Hall.
By order of E. J. Jacklix,
W. D. Moxmosieh, President.
Judge Stilvvcll returned from Phenix
on the noon coach. He gives a geod
rcpsrt of the Cochise delegation.
Bisbee is coming to the front. Fifty
nevv suits from the well-known house
of Born & Co., of Chicago, will be as
many walking advertisements for that
firm bv the 10th of next month.
The -Florence Enterprise brings the
good news that active work on the
completion of the Florence canal is to
Ik? at once resumed, and that it will be
pushed forward as toon a possible.
The reservoir, about tweltc miles
south of Florence, will also be built to
furnish water storage for the lower
half of the canal.
Messrs. Cummings and Yocum.says
the "Nogales Beccrd, got back last
week from their long, tedious trip into
tho Sierra Madre mountains. They
report all the rivers running bank
full, and it requires the greatest diffi
culty to proceed at all. While going
down the valley of the Sonora river,
they met the cons'ructors of the new
telegraphic line that is being placed
between Urcs and Arizpe for the Gov
ernment. They were making elow
progress, owing to the severe rains that
had been continuous for nearly the
past month.
Charleston. . -.... ,,-.,... ..
Contetmaa .... ...
Soldier Hle (sulphur bpri&x Valley)..
Ochoarie!!! '. "
rort ujichuca. f Mu.choca MoantusiL.
Whetuooc Motiuiiw....,.,
KocLer, (Chtnc&ua Moar.tAimj
Do Cateiu
f-nrtn.ln ,
Gatfoia UKH..,KHH. .......
San redr(l.asoai ll.use, (Mez c?)..
Camp Bowie.. ....
Kosi B(W Mill. (Ch.rjeah.la MounuiM)MM.M 14
San Bernardino "w 4
San snavrti srnu-.ii ,
Sa Sivion Caule Headqaarter Kanch 87
rofaies.............. ........ ?
Taailnoii from hmi CouDtr Line
, roTB (oe 1 ima vuniT unc tw ....-..".
Cocra. County from Nona to Routh..
from Easr to Wt ..
wTZ .t r. r r: . f t
All peraons indebted to me for goods
parchne-il on aecormts which Iisto been
outstanding for more than thirty daj,
must eottle tbe same by cash, note o
other secarity at once. From and afte
this date foods will bo sold for cash
only B. C. Baoct.
creditor rtf thi e.tate of TLoam 0dea.
dro-aaed, that all peraona baTlse clalns Ajrata.t
aid dee-dent ri Lerobr repaired to prtrestam
exhibit rnca claim to tbe vderl"ne4 admlnl.
trator, attbeolieeol W. H.Stllw.ll. attorney ai
law, pa ronrth itrect. In To.itx'one. Arliila,
wltafn foir months after the date of this nctlee.
Dated Toaibitone, A.T-. Jan-arj 10. 1SS1.
Almlnl.tntor of thj eata'.e of Thomu Ordro,
deceaaed. 4m
Pasadena' Boitf tl of Trade has as
certained that the city monthly pas
12,000 for eggs, poultry and butter,
most of the raw ney going to Eastern
The preposition to buy a rito for the
new San Bernardino Court House has
been deferred by the Supervisors until
the result of tho "Peniona county
scheme" is known.
The Alta, Bulletiu and other repu
table papers say it is about time the
effort to make the State pay Bancroft
$250,000 for a library which is now
mestly in print, should be stopped.
Riverside's Board of Trade recom
mends the use of a trade mark in the
sale of Riverside oranges. The Board
is convinced euch a mark would be
protected by existing law.
The noted pioneer, Sam Brannau,
has prepared in tha beat condition 150
acres to be immediately planted to
oranges, lemons, grapes and other
fruits at Escoudido, San Idcgo county.
Tho San Bernardino Supervisors
have refused to appropriate $1,000 for
immigration purpose, although the
low authorizes the expenditure, and
thousand) of taxpayers petitioned the
Board therefor.
The Carson and Colorado narrow
gauge railroad will probably be ex
tended to Mojave and perhaps to I.ob
Angeles icon. The Superintendent
says he will interview the Los Angeles
people on it in March.
A decision of the Supremo Court
places Coronado Beach and its famous
hotel in San Diego. The Coron-wlo
people are trying to have the Legisla
ture pass a bill giving their place a
separate existence.
The first special train load of fifteen
cars of oranges left Los Angeles for
Eastern points on the 7th. They went
on express time.
Tho Riverside pjpers note that ten
acres of unimproved land in Riverside
have just been sold for ?C,000 to J. 1.
Griffin of Indiana.
United Stales Senator Hearst vis
ited Los Angeles last week. He stated
that he would do all he could to aid
Southern California in the Senate.
K. t' I. Vail.
The anniversary ball given last
night, under the auspices of the abo
Order, at Pavilion Hall, was a mot
gratifying success. The hall was most
beautifully decorated, nnd the music
by Professor Vincent's band ws all
that was required to keep the merry
dancers on the floor till a late hour.
The supper at the Maison Dore was,
of course, enjoyed by all. The tables
groaned under a weight of superbly
cooked edibles of many kinds, and al
together the event was ono long to be
remembered by the members and their
ladv friends.
The largest assortment of furniture,
carpets, oilcloths, wallpaper, crockery
and reed chairs ever brought to Ari
zona is now being opened at
fll-lm Kohlek's.
cou.vr RECOUSS.
The following instruments were
filed for record in the Recorder's office
Bronkow Mitchell to W. A. Har
wood, rnules and wagons, to secure
paymSnt of 5235 to P. B. Warnekros.
bctcheh's bond.
Pedro BLtnco, with James Reilly as
B. J. and Chas. D. Cole to Joseph
Defrecs, 400 head of cattle, ?2,000.
Rio Grande, Amazon, Sierra Leon,
Delaware, Hudson, Keystone State,
Empire State, Colorado, Chiricaluia
district; T. D. Bridger, Fred Grundy.
A. Technor, Chicago; F. Bottman,
Charles Jacobs, San Francisco; L. A.
North, Texas; John Roderick, Mr.
Bob Clark and son, Fat Sullivan, Tom
Hughes and wife, Bisbee; Abe Lydia,
New York.
All persona are hereby warned
against working, leasing or purchas
ing the Allison mine in Montezuma
canyon, Htiachuca mountains, as said
claim belongs to me.
f7-2m C. S. Manscd.
Job Work neatly executed at
this office.
s rvlcu- Utoij'jii.riitf ltyarm m . 1 All.
iz. im. ue t liltf iiaj-te r. a ter, l.o Astvie..
-. , . . .. .'. xj... -U..JIU j iu rj, win w C
celv.nl nt thin uSie ulu; llu links, u aVte4sci.
lsjr. iltrtli SU, 15W, and niM-nel Immcil.aldy
ttK-reirter in t e r. ef nee cf biaure, Ir the fu
niehluf acd dchvutD. a. ejti an ii'cctica'ey, at
Los Acs !-. CI , or i'urt I'h.oa or run vViri.
i'e, ! l .erallorn-jr pirl cf nlxty lur-c. r
quIriG lor lata y tenlcu; tte gut. ri.iuect rr
n-tilr?ihoriglit tunj ct u, Luo or aay iivtt
of any Ha rev lL I'ropuJa I rdil ierli of
ttc !io hi at pUi.i.oilur It an t!i t in vJ will
lie u rr:inl. l"ri.fer-jcj i lieu t a-t.c of
domi-'slc tirffltct oi, cui-ililors of prfs rn4
qul ty U;iLutii a , niiu mcb prft ri j prtn u
articles 1 1 Ala- rfcia proilacttt 'i jir.-ili.ctil na the
r-aci'lc Cnut to tho extent of la cubtamjtkin.
rcqa.ri-dby lie pal lie rervlce then Spi.ti2c
tlorir, i:nerai:netitii-ilii to li ddera a ad blatk,
fD.-inxif pr pojjl mil trafuriii-b.tdouBiiplliaMiii
to ih'B ovcot lo !h. Aflslait H .'STUriiitntir,
Sta re, N. t , r to tits llcpot ; jirieiiaaer,
M. Loal.. ilo. A S. KIMBAtL, tiaaitcrJi'to
I b. A ,Cuuf tiarttrnjaiitcr. f!3-lrn
Subscribe for and advertise
in the PROSPECTOR, the
only Daily in Cochise County,
and the only one receiving
Prets Dispatches. Circulation
aoublc that of any pa Per in
Two car loads of furniture just re
ceived at Xohler's. fll-lm
Ascabvthat homo can lu liml In-
buying- a package of Ditmau's Sea
uu a i. i onge s Uriv' store. 1 ltf
Siot Cii-ti JPrlot! it a'rlmlt-
0 cans of Tomatoes $1 00
C " " Pease 1 00
" " String Beans 1 00
ti " " Oysters 1 00
0 " " Corn 1 CO
0 " " Salmon 1 00
C. " " Milk 1 00
0 " " Pie Fruit 1 00
22 bars of Cork Soap ... . 1 00
2 2 lm
UEAfttsr i.a.m, rt.vvj. I'uonr.
Ari'i: ro i'1'ui.icatiu..
ri-ci.N. 7..Jjn 81. Ib-O f
vronc1? i iiEKKisi oiviiN .-iivtjoiin
L V VIC';;i:.-. of Tonbtone. Ccehlae
narit., Anzias, ha. fl'rtl co 'cj cf latcLtlna
la ascko orrsjion hi. v.i-rl lanl claua. i. tit".
iurins.it. -i i-i fc MYMOll I, ip. 17 a.,
IL C. B.. btl ire tttf Ciprkof the L. -. Corarl at
Treut-t..ni', Arizuna, oa rY.Jay, tbe llta dar of
Hii.rae th f illnwifi'. M'tnr.??. to prove the
cnapiiii. lrriirntiua nl rtx.anitti..u cf all liad:
VV'm. A. ISiiC'K. of VVt.ci.x, A. T.: .lames C. l"isr-b-y.if
W.l ui.a. T ; .. E. Kn'ikT, of Itrah-
icne, a i ; Joel ijiaiin, oi TuBHi.to-ie. A T.
a v.nvnr,
Flr: rubticatloa Janaarr. ltS3.
Comet Saloon
.illen St., Kc. Ctli and 7th
Everyone kaova tbat llic Finest !s of
Are always kept at tills Old Stand.
Billard ancl Pool Tables
Drop ia and Satisfy yourself.
Contractor and Builder.
Ia prepared to execute all kinds of
WTth s-atiifactioT and dispatch.
hhsp next to ;el-.Irfi!::i Hall, 1'rc
xuotit Nlrect.
Haing EoM out my lmsines in the
City of TomlietO'.ic, and vvishing to
close up my iny books, I would request
all persons indebted to me" to come up
at once and settle.
2-12-lm Sala Sciiels-.
Don't fail to get one or more tickets
in the Jtafllc at Henry Campbells sa
loon for tho elegant .Black Bear and
Wolf Bed Spreads nnd Bug. Only
8'i tickets for the two relies and rug.
Two highest fiist and second choice;
lovvcM, third choice. These are new
and choice goods and much cheaper
than retail prices. J--Itf
Tha Cochise Hardware ar.d Trading
Company bao received a carload of the
celebrated Sclilitz beer, the most health
ful and purest boer in Ibe maikot.
Subscribe for the Prosi-ec-Ton
the only daily newsparer
in Cochise County. Publishes
a weekly mining lepcrt and
has the latest dispatches
FRARY & CO., Managers.
The Trett aid Fine't Steele of Cndettsk'ce
,.-,---. ... ..iiwuiT. " pii-i-nrca 10 ait.il
vrcrk ia cur l.bj In a Hint C: 3tunn.r.
All Our Work Warranted.
OrTimpo:rl.yFre.-end mta Trifling Expente
iVl 01.1, LUtTail
Satisfaction Given in All Respectsf
Oriiw lift tt the O. K. Stable! will r.cj'ra
pruiajit attcntioa.
ALLEN WALKER, Funeral Director.
Bisbee Market
The Choicest of Beef, Pork
and Mutton,
Prices the Lowest,
Location: Oa Brew err Oalch. 1 ii
Invitation Ball
cishin$te!i mny
ro. i,
P. O. S. of A.
Friday, Feb. 22c!, 1889,
F- J. Kckliv,
vvj.1. n MoNvoNira.
1. K. VV'akdwell,
J W. Ktiio.
. J. rATTUH.
G. H. (HmorKLtjOvr,
1 W. I-erici-...,
VV A. Hasuiwii,
E. C ncN-t,
A. IM Gbnu,
J VV. SHErracr.
1 AsDERSO-f, I. X. McICav,
.ko VV. Walked, C. VV. Pl.tt.
J If. McPiikk-.on, Er. VV. SAf.
K. C. Uablk. V. L. Seamjk.
Jas. GeaRV.
.ltwio Uy rrof. Vincent's Stritig Band.
" tickx:ts &2.G0
CInvit.itions will not be issued to
: and
Kinds of Millaai Mlaing MacMrery, Heavy and
Lilit Ca5tirtz of Iron and Hra&ft Made to Order
Hoi-tttrig Engines Made to Order, and En.
glnes Indicated and Adjusted. Afenu for
Albanr Lubricatir; oil. aad Compounds
an. i Slr.tlllilor. - - Manajer.
Aprl Xvtr.
The Palace Hotel ia now better than
ever prepared to accommodate the pub
lic. Tho only ttvo-story hotel in the
city. First class in every respect and
furnished throughout in elegant shape.
Toughnut and Fifth street. Visitors
to Tombstone should ak to be left at
tho Palace.
l2-22tf ilr.s. Bastiax, Proprietress.
Old newspapers for wrapping pur
poses for sale at this office; 25 cents
per hundred done up in bundles of
ono bundled each. tf

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