OCR Interpretation

Tombstone daily prospector. (Tombstone, Ariz.) 1887-1891, January 15, 1891, Image 2

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95060902/1891-01-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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55"Kt lEW!!" '''-'
. :-J
S , ftqMijsmsK yiJLy iyyixyoK,r ykujwujg eyenlnu. jaoary is, -mjhi
JAXUAstY. - - - 15. mi.
S C. BAGG. Editor and Proprietor.
MuIcriltIou Urate.
One Year
Six Months....
Three Months. .
One Month.....
Delivered by
per week.
..110 00
.. C 00
3 00 I
Carriers for 25 cents
Fresh Ranch Butter lroia the ranch ot J
Tl Vf kite atWolcott'a Cah Store. 3-tf
Arimna needs to exhibit at thtf
World's Fair her minerals and iruitgl
not her old pottery and Apache ghost,.
Fobsythe attempted to disarm the
Sioux and a battle ensued. It is aafe
to ay that this lesson has not been
lost on Gen. Mile.
The question of a subsidy lo new
lines of fctamshfps from Mexico to
foreign porta is agitating the people of
that republic at the present time
Ir ttm rather nwrtifying to Blaine
to back dovrn from his position on the
fisheries question, but when lie took
one look at our batteries he was ob
liged to hedge.
A local taxpayer figures that the
amount of menty pr capita, as repre
sented by. the amount of taxes paid
into the city, cianty asd territorial
treau'M i ?19 52 la the city evf
T rab-one.
he sooner Anm eU over
ra t'sat br only ruoorce
rvneieu: ruins ab will Umo to draw
people who will naake-MI Us
and peniMMnt .redeaea." Th pto-,
position of Mnding ancient rsitea o
the WorM Fair heJdtw 4nnpit,
A rstlser pjtt!lar c&oftsratiw socie
ty has bB orjpiwieJ 4n the city of
Merioo. The loMUta 11 agree to
lay th -whoitM '! grocri Q&y
cc from ooe 4nfB kisop, under an
"rsngemsnfwr.h itsowner to furnUb
'.. tliey require, of lt qoaKiy aad
at current retail prire;and in riirn
or this engagement to buy solely from
him, the propria or gives the s ciety
eight per cent ut the profits matte by
hint in Hie biw. Thcdtstnbution
of dividends tu just been made as th
resolt of tlie first yer ef the society'
cxistp.nrre, with seventy-eight mem
ber?. It is proposed to extend th
organization, so as to include provis
ions of all :imU, Iteef, milk, bread, and
even other necessaries, such as clothes,
etc, and eren to the pulque used nt
the family table. Two Republic.
Al'.Uie chOd, tfred of jaf.had pllliwed fcU
head en a railroad track aad faJ!'-a aaieep.
TTstrunrasaliBOitupoahtocwt. :.iaBg
itrcjcer nabed rbnrard and eraS 1 is trm a
horrible destti. Perbacs you ara aUeefi oa ths
rrceldoo. Too are. If j tra are negletatoy tfc
ta -k "Z oob. tb btetto acsa. the tern ot
t;-z,-x. utjitflf weakoeM and htarirnde.
- i -jt soeoBMtooaly erei't trp--u yoo,
or ' .-raia Teiii '.-: , ' roal
-' r- aieti ibn ipr : - .. t J&rm
, . .p3 U TietloM an :i) r.ix-
, & i-'a e-iofiftli .VMjai- he tara let
- j t 'fT'pr Ir. ree
i '," u :.. .-i lKxTery am e.jrt Umg-
, v r e -I ttr'. a- -int.
. . . en !'. t . rt
cwa. - 5" ' j-e: or tui
t i c.fi.r pa:
i.i b
-. ! , if wf flT 1
- lta Aftrswo, r
M aSetttaas, it au
.-a. r lW!t aartt
V tHk Lw sfl I
r .
2Twan tj
is AP JpTisTff SrWa
rf Dr Saj" Cararrb fleaMy. OdSy S cr.U.
On LMnb 3 .Voar MerfrtdsMtasi 3 Vest.
ttoalam a4 MtWUn- Uwrleae.
cjttrt far IHsMNm at 0i tf J8.
XttrilMwi MHrOWii Hark.
A Wonderful Our.
I aunt nrheand t vaa of the Sisui I We
had in iMtac tfee Cbwcbka Kiumiu. tw
bran UiHablwt for nearly fie yaaa h skin eiet.
ease hi It- n aad oil tbe doctors hi
this cr"r coa'd to itonf for ft. t iilwteverr-
thssg, until ttUll itKNxtM 1 itx.uVl Mtc to
have (tie limb atepat. 1 at the knee. ii ,
melted in ik-m the n-ttteat m& and I cAtild
bilrl h..lJe ari.wd vi cwtrbea Hji m the
ItdSK, .ri oi ur UK ucorKsoe. tor mire
iciii. and couW nut Bt( uuL I bappened lo
look ia the newspaper and saw the Cvrjci'VA
adrertnemeat, and as a lost resort tried tbat.
1 used to bottles of the Kksolvlnt and three
boxes of the Cuticuka. 1 am duw 4e to do
atl my work, b 4b In the house and oH of
doors and my ihbo as natural ac owd possl
bly be uaSer the ctmumtancrs. It is a roost
wonderful tore. I bad (riven up hopes of ever
being vieH again. If ihisuilhdp you, joa are
weioeiBe to m k to ibe best advaBtage. Asy
one not cmhtidc tha can Qad me by adireis
me at tne aiure namea ctty.
Mas. H.K:tT STKtLtR, Iowa City. la.
Ctiticura Remedies
,32 $ p?
' 'kKSOLS'asT. the sew Wood aad
kin i'anNer.
iriterually (to cleanse tne btod of atl impunues
and (lOtsoaous elements), and ('CTictrRA, tbc
treat Skin Cunr, aBd CcticCRA Soap, an ei
uisite Skhi Ileautiuer. eitemaily(to clear the
9km and scalp, and resture the burl, instant!)
relieve and epeedlly eure eery screies of uch-
mg. buruinsr, seaiy crasted, pimply scrotatous
and lierediurr diseases and humhrs of th skin.
scalp, and blood, with loss of bak from isfaaey
toa;e. front pira)ies to scrofida.
Sid everywhere Price. ct,"TtcvA, 50c: 5OAr.
ac Rkj-cH vlst, 51.- Prepured by the Putts.
Uki and Gheuiial CocroKATtux Hostoa.
HSenii for "How to Cure M-in Diseases. 6t
pvges 50 illastratioos aad 100 teiuwoaial.
DCPkl..Mack-he4. '!. r'Wgh. clsappel
rSIH ol'J skin Cure! by CitkibA SoAr.
Mi-. Kidney aad Uterine Haass aad
Weaknesses relieved is one mlaAc
by Use Cuticvca AHTi-iwtN piaster
iDcarn ana oa'y paiBtinae pBe
KatV aid MTevilve
BaasnasTa'a Tills are ti.e afet
and oioat ffoitre tpmair t-'1n4ig
ti n, Irjwguiarity f the Bowels, Coo
stipatioa, Bilioaaseas, Healaclt, lHs-Z-'tiess,
Malnria or any J!-rn. t-i-int
frrvm ao itiipao 5te if .Le i.li3.
Ttwy bar he-n is ae in aia ejta n
far tyrer Sliy res', aad Us thonasorla
ef BBijBtfreeB!r teathadaiala frcn
4tliM.e vfao have ntl UsatB. aaettlieir
CO'iahsntiy iocraaaiusl aaJn.s iaooiru
Tsrrible aridasce. thit tUjr srfo)cjti
all tbit U claies -4 for thmstt.
Brandretb Pitta ar parl sgta
ble. sUsolatoly haroueM v4 aafa to
taka at any fss.
&v!d ia rerr drmj and gtsdieta
tore, fitter r.Uir or aajf ir euated.
, T-Ic- f .tb tls JadlMal eae
Jndg3 -TLn Cia- -y i c-o.a. Ia..
fy: "I cictra'i d sjntic a! cnea
lur rbearaatfta in the aray. siod &f
farnl most etcraeiatiog agnoe fcr
years. Dr Jama Robert, of Okcw1,
ailvied raa to take flibbard's Ubeo
matio Syrnp. I have ned e'evpn tot
ties, aud ficd that it keeps too in gosd
health. lean not recommend it too
highly." For sale by J. l"o.ge.
. la 4.H Lt-am Ctm 1 1 1
ot'p c f'X Ki!3ISTj
err . fr ' -trJ
When any tiling stands a tstof fifty
years among a discriminating people
like the Americans, it is prstty good
evidence that tlire merit scr.-,-where.
The vnlii of a medioine ia best
pnvd by its confirmed use from yoar
to year by the 9 me persons and fam
ilies, as wH as by a steady increasing
sale. Few.if any, liave met with such
continued success and popularity as
ha? marked the introduction and pro
gress of Brandreth's pills, wiiich, after
a trial of over fifty year, a.e con
ceded to be the safest ami most effect
ual TMirgative traduced to she pub
Tliat this m the relt irf merit, ami
that BrandrethV pirU'actuaJJyrierroTm
all that is eraimed for tliem, ia eOBrln
jvly prorerf by the fact thai tfee
wbo regard them wttli the .grontesf fa
Tor are tfese who toava uaad tlHtm the
Brand rathr pilW are aoid in arery
drag and medh&H; to', sthr ptai
Mai u--t tsa. t
L. A. Ef !e t aa rufmipc a fa.
'w,hrse rig betwu T'.iuntfe mt
I n;5e. hsairs Tobtoae A 7 :"50 a,
( m. Monday e, We.5m?.lT 4d V rj.Uyv
, aatd Bitbee on jsKr -it-ttafdayat naH
I hour. Ororfr.,- r,,aBe n Jnifkt,
! to b left at atore 0! fro. . F -tf
IdutcadorPe at we.
Habm pfefceted or aotofcad t order
f 2flte r alfalfa ltw k tk. i.u. I
le r MM at Syiw, ulSti
IfyH HVe ftaiw riW.
CbeiW ItateVH ,jrHi Avte mmI
tkW !Usyij cri Hi W4xrti'e.7-1-U
Choiee California obKitru and Ilot
nd Herriuff at Hosier'. tf
J.4I. White's Krrnb IUuoh Rttttnr
aj WolcottV. 7-1'J-tf
Vareto Hii-Uo ii Englu'isatagu linu
rluoed tti50, nl4J
Crown Mills Flour, Fresh Buck
wheat and Graham Fleur nnd Meals
just received at lloefler's.
Freh garden and flower seeils", El
Paso onion seed and alfalfa eeJ ut
Wolcott's. tf
G. E. Braly, tho pioneer dairy man.
will deliver milk anywhere in the city
at reasonable rates during the winter
Choice branas oi batter and cheeie
at Hoefler's the pioneer grocer, on Fre
mont anil Fifth stnwts. n2
Wanted A situation by a young
man; not averse to going otiUido of
Tombstone. Gooil references. Apply
at this office.
Just received a new Invoice ol
Choice old Port, Five yoar old Zinfan
del, Sherry and Angelica wines. Also
finest brands or family liqnors at
Jos. Horfleb's
Just arrived from the east, the fol
lowing articles: Cape Cod Cranberries,
Apples, Full Crcini Clucae, Mince
jfeat, Zante Currants, Sour Krout,
Kew Orleans Molasses, Boston Block
SfolasweB. at Hoefleb's, 021-t
Xibbard Rlieumatln and Llr er Pi'l
Toase cilia ar aeienHBoally eoss
pn tiled and aiiifrvrio in action. Nu
tptoc P,n ,a ootajia.iiy ui.arii-fr
tLe 0e nt pH. They are adaptnl to
botbadaHs aa4 eklMreo with rfe
aafaty. We ranastee lhay have tin
qnal tn tUe A-a- of Sink Ilwdeh.
C 'ostijuvtion, Dyapfwis arid Biliona
aa; aad sa aa aftpatizer they exnet
asy otbr prjaratlm.
A carload of fat bog received from
Te;n ;e are now being placed on the
narkel at TUBousT'e.
If yon want fiae eiraight dry, of
the moat e4ebrsted bra.Bda,9finto
liie Wooy Be&OttB aad naJitfy "ywansell
that tJasi true. Th.' Purr. h!-t
ritM th-8ast bran-J tf -.'nn-i.'it aiu
iuxpotVBd fSrandiea. vin-'. Al. P-r
tew, and all kinds of Hqrwra. I
OoW Drinks of atl bind a apecialty
The Carmen Key Av"ai C.ar ia tht
tel for the money 'o be had in Ari
rOflft. St. iouis ,Vnhener Iiut-cI. Lager
Beer on draught at all times. Ko far-o-ite.
Come all.
Johx SHAuansKesv,
j.OLi.ti i . cti:.'ii-.
Fer Couirlis, Oilds. Hoitrjsenes,5ore
Thront, 25c, UOUnf OK TOOTH
ACHE. Instant Relief. I5c. SOUGH
S'rnyctl i- Stolen.
About September 20th one small
light bay mare with Mexienu brand
on left hip; wliitelstarta forehead.
Cos 5my horse 13 hands high;
brand J on left sboabtar and ,2, on
left hip. A reaal of 10 for the far
mer and $5 for the latter. Leave in-
ormation at this office. 12 23
Here it is, nnd it fills the bill much
better than any tiling we could rayi
''It gives rae the greatest pleasure to
write you in regard to Chamberlain'
Cough lleinedy. During the past
winter I have ehl mora of it t ha 1 0)
other kind, and have yet to find any
ore, hat what was benefitted by taking
it, I hTe never hrul any medieiHC in
my ior that gave scclr universal sat-
f(!tiu.'T J, M. Beney, IrnggWt,
GewU Springs, ICaneai. ' SO sent bot
tles fer sal by H. J, fet. Drefafat
rK xHMAL.ti. a nriMnc.
ejs Pst " , fnatasst n
VlS mi CORX.
mqum. msc. .'... IZ. JtOtKltl as
jWaftH- JBaV,aw etu.ia.
lwvanit.iiprias-, .
1 bva fca f aawtjc ri aotauaaa fat
igl!e-i. .ear Ti m , y Mart.
-4W; wr a.h- aW ja4i M
'. sitaa s9 Ml iioJb - l1wa"t,M
3 t. a tt a ..iv
a;'T ,-at.a. Far ('. vf H !
batd'a ilncum.-':c !tsrBoetr;tw -irrd
ae. C L. DoxiIaK D'Saifs.t. tv'ii.
Iowa. Fqr sale by J, Toajt.
Fare to or from Ta.irlDa.rikL. $1.-50.
Leaves Tombstone at 8:15 a m. to connect with Trains for INogales. Bfsbee and all poin? -
South. xVrrivcs in Torrbstone tssxj a. m. t If&X'f'
Leaves Tombstone at 1:15 p. in for Fairb-'nk to connect with tr- ins t Benson tar '.' '
points East rnrl West. f ' '
BACrGAGE o Fassengcrs delivered to and- froin Stage office in the city ri
of Cluirge
Notice of Trustee Sale.
iloed duly executed and to me le
liven dm the 10th day of October, A.
D. I8rj9 and recorded in Book 2 of
Deeds of Trust at pages 161 to 166- in
the office of the county recorder, of
Of tho connty of Cosbisc, Territory of
Artaena. conva er! to rr.e an undhitcd
three fourth () interest in the"Key
at;ie mis?," aiitsa'e in ti.e W n-n
mil. ing eitBtrit tin" i i count; ;f Co-iliiM-.
and '.icafvtl o; I he tiud lisiV "
Jncuary IrMill, aud rec irded is Bek 7
of transcribed records of mine K3be,
office of the county recorder, .
aforesaid c in o:y of C'tchi.e at
:ki. vnA 1V7 a..! ..I . ,,. . !. .1 ;..
-v hum .-l1lf.,l if IU'I'I f.J! I
.1 of reoritajasVstiitiee. in llx- & - , i
iha county rsjtwrufcr of th ,t oi i
Pima, TerritHTv fr.-:ii t, a: p -, .
455r and C90,4n trtt, to secure jav- i
neat of icrtajri nitiebtAtlness- due n '
promisory note ami payable on the 10
day of April 1x90. with inter', as
eeoient, disbursetnenU and expon
ea as ia eajd trust deed mere fully
And Wberasa, the said Walter Ben
oof has made detanlt in the payment
" aa-! debt, ml- i. -'.ajweaairx in and
.li--br. menu, ii,i ilia benilit iry in
ii.i' tn'tt rVeti tanned I. a applied (O
i c to -(-'! ai.i properly in the eatwu
!'$... .-' i.t Sit .
Sow tlteret ut pablir notice is hero
Uvgivnil.at on FRIDAY ih 23d
day ot January 1831 at one o'clock p.
m. of that day in front ol the court
iiunwe of the a'oresaid county of Co
rhb in tho ity of Tombstone, I will
sell tbc property hereinbefore described
oreo n:t:ciktlierenf as may be neces
ary to acromplUh the objects of,tht
trust aforesaid to the highest and best
bidder. The learns and conditions of
sale shall be dish in United Slates
currency, nnefoiirth when bid is ac
cepted and remainder on delivery of
deed. James Reiu.y,
A'fitice to Creil itui s.
ICotiee is hereby given to the cr,odi.
tors of and all persons having claim
ajemnH the estate of William Calhthan
deceased), to present the same duly
verified with the nexewHry louchere
to the undersigned, at bis office with
G. W JBryan, in the town of Benson,
Cochie County, Ariw.na within four
months from the first publication of
this notice, that lwhs the piece for
traHeiscting tlie hotinesa of raid state.
Tuna Dt ,
Admhiilrator of the estate ol Win,
OallafMHi, deceased.
Dated Jan 8. A. D. 1S01.
Charles GraoviUs J&rtssiM.
WiU frtumei oi Of Cmirtt of '
C C faiiinina. tjrt-Sta. Va an hao4r '
My Khars CaaueaMty mU. tui -a msinW
the saaaarakvasMaK Sm Baaaweiea .Jt. uiaaaawa i
a aiirf ska flsigriiii if -;
a 4aaa 4aaaS)ia aarha
MSara am Kit
Vaaa aweaamBhv
Hr. James LaR.btrC New Bru
Mk, l!,w j "f , b31y h. '
ftitp! w,,h v, 'ja-a.1 Ur fa tha TiSp"
'?:. .' ! r';
faV;Uicra &rtsav3WsB.
W -eersed
ihrCr .fmm.il
( o
JiSsrf S3 '-rmuM ln m a.,
'r-o.ia afjlk;-. d wl.h k: !jfc '--
.-, - V:-f't3jfkrJBVla.L
1 JJ.
TK rw BTT!ir.
Mail & Stage Co
Alien Street
Lnp6rtd and Domestic Gigai?
"3S2& 5a
Pipes, 4Sgifs Articles
rflIVK THf.W
- "g,---
-BEXSON, - - . J , A.uona.
Hooaw EtvSlriitand Singfe, Specia! Attention
-orvEn ir
Culinary Depa2ij$a$it.
Rates Reasonable. Only Hotel fh Bein&f,,
A A. C.A STAN EDA . ' TmprW
. M CASTANEDA. yiarn&r f
trxt-t-u ni:.tfc,
. S, TRiSOIsBT.-
Wholesale and Reiali Butcher,
Allen lrwet. Iwlarrii Slit & ih.
I have a Large and
Bolognas, Lard. Pork Sausage,
Head Chee3s, Coraed Bec
Tastsm Pickled Pork,
Tiipe and Pig's Feei-
Bigbest Cab Price paid for Choice Bcf.
Pori and Mit'on aoi ffa e i d Poaltry.
ttts:Hx I'trrsvtiTl.Y niii
or tiii: citv ssKKie i- ni ihi;i:
Icb DeliiroTea atFabsii aONSC5I'
Per PottKfl. pf t
KM! Z ilimiKCE REfiv'IgjE;
i gmt v. CiIilorir' iW- -i&
onrg Sg B' r.
vj Delivered to
1fc ?rsr& 'wpnfrr
.. .' r .
e ., . jQfeJi
Near Fifth.
CiJ ?-
and Fancy Notions
A C.M.l.t
U-. i-U-J'JJiiL.,Ji iii iijuit
II4.I jv.
Well Assorted S-Jonk of
Hams, Bacon
AMI I'flltiksi- t - '-
cn Voaxd th, O-pk -v
- . . .a -
rbS" "r
any purt of the counir$forS4$
A . '
sUd fcy erajgx tTtrrwtcn.
2o cents-a dozen,

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