Newspaper Page Text
lit & J ( "V I ' US'. LI 5-1 -J it TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (SlJWUAY EXCEITXD) FT Win. Mich. Editor and Proprietor. Nabscrlptloit Rate. Oue Year $10 00 Six Months 6 00 TUreeMonths 3 00 OuoMoath 100 Delivered l.y Carriers ioi 25 ctuU per week. AtrrnoHizcs agents. L. P.tFISHER. ji ferchantsJ Exchange! Sin Frandsco. 2 CI. H. KELLOGG. Nix 310 Finestnt, Room 57 and 5S, San Francisco. E. C DAKE. room 65, Mcrcbact Exchange, a Knusdnco. GEO. P. ROWELL. 10 Spruce St. New ork. N. W. AYER A SO Philadelphia. AH transactions made by the above named dhmdi villi be complied with at the PROS PECTOR office. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Major . P. B. Warnekros Chief of FoUce. - M. Doyle Coandlmen: First Ward - i-condWard - '- Jacob MOr rhlrd Ward - F. W. Dons Fourth Ward - - - 1). K. Waidell .coyri ernexxs: inerin - - C S. Fly Treasurer - - I. V. Vickers Recorder A. Wentworth District Attome - - G. W. Swain Probate Judge - W. F. Bradley Clerk District Court - - Scott White Burveyor - - - H. G. Howe Assessor - '.A Bright Court Commissioner - - - I. F. Duncan CUT AND CODSTY OFFICIAL PAPER The total appropriations by congress for the session just closed are $515,-759,S20,49. Silver went up in price last week followed by a jump of 24 cents iu wheat. These are facts that even a gold bug can under! land. Tberiea in tbe price of silver which may bo expected eoon will probably be sufficient to niaVa tea operation of some mines profitable which are now closed. In the event that tlieChicaga convention doclsrss in favor of silver coinage an impelus will be given the price of uilrer which may tend it up several point". Thi will be still fur ther increasrd in the event that the subrqtisnt courts of the campaign in dicates a probable triumph for the sil ver cans. Denver Republican. The geld standard editor op north have discovered another bugaboo. It is that when the United States goes ou a silver basis, the Hindoos will send all their silver over and fell it for gold. But only a week ago we were told that iraiasdiately free coinage was enacted, gold would disappear ebsolulely from sight and use. Ont-'e brain fairly reels under tbe strain the gold editors re putting one to, in trying to co ordinate and malts any legio out of their arguments. Mexican Herald. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Hfchest Awa.tL mWiPS flf.W' 7w4Lvt- w It dim and black tt hit a horror Jcr m. I to cot like Ike' . Whin I recall the I-ul 1 recall that I was a ioor, w.ak Immatured lrre.olutr Din. 1 ra..d nUbli of nottf-y.t fearfal ortar aa4 'usys aad laja of injeclilaa iiiy t, A m JkA r HI H frl aw Ml 'm e$ tefort I ud li remrd'e. at tit UadauB Medical lu S. It ate. I THAT WAS Ufore I bad , taten Ui."rral Budyan. I vstilmal TtUc. 1 Ior.I rew tir la At frtat Hudyta. I ieuad layiM docs cur ium of loan, by day or wight, I can Br My In dra&iif ibstllaJyan iaol wos-ler !c!r;uteatu.r. It u It rvrracartatn eases fnvw cabiltty, ctrrms axhaat!a. mtn-r, ljyer and lln' roualtlaut. It aa uE. r Alt r1ilatk aid innfirf ilt.lin abd tastimoulali ol' rhe treat Ba4aa and y will tt than raEE. sVVa-'VVVV if Circulars aad Tastimoalalis f HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE StockMsvlUrkxt vU EUla St. ttaus ftiufwii CmSUomlm We Are Now Read, i IftA nil taa r-rs y?d st sti if? IrftVJV K MSrfsa TiV. - -yv239?sPi 'M 'n ) W-ih J- tv m mSR Not for YourDecision ina Base Ball Game; But for Your Opinion to our Stock Its Quality land Prices. OLLAS! OLLASI! OLLASM! Wejlarejnow prepared to supply everyone in needj'.of these Jusefuljarticles all through thecoming summer. Are you satisfied with the Hnvtf: That you are now using? lfnot give us a trial. Although the'season is getting late the demand forj FANCY DRIED FRUIT Still continues unahated. We are well stocked both as to Variety and Quality. We have DRIED CHERRIES, APRICOTS, PEACHES. APPLES PITTED PLUMS, SILVER PRUNES, NECTARINES, FRENCH PRUNES, SLICED PEAKS, DERRIES, ETC We handleexclusively that elegant DOWNEY : CHEESE i !! i4 a los T T" Don't Forget that'.we are sole agents lor Tombstone and icnity lor it jU-1-l & v Served Exclusively tthe over Twenty-one .lYiiiiion People 'toth? eWorld's Fair Grounds fcB-t- n - . -W -a ' ""- . JC. l-T-Taj,- PONY SALOON, PETE HOOK, Proprietor. f7nJt oct; o irt'ii's, Liquors and Cigxrt in the Territory. PRIVATE CLU3 ROOMS AHACHED. Rest and Purest Brands of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. You wil find 1'ett at tuwf, on Allen St. Itt. 4h and 5tk. THE WILLOWS, CHAS, BULOTTI, Propr. Choicest line 01 Wines and Liquors. lmporttd and Domtitic Cigars, Courtfout Attention to Patronu Allen, bet. 4th & 5th, Tombstone Billiard Parlors, J. N.STcDOOUGIT.Prop. The Finrtt and Best Fitted Billiard Parlors in the City. Importer of the Ilest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tablts in Conjunc tion. Mixed Drinks a Speeialty. Private Club Roums. Allen, bet. 4ili A 5th,Toiiib.ston COMET SALOON GARLEVATO & PALA, Propr's, WINES,LIQUORS & CIGARS. Dealers in BourUs Irish and Scotch Twisty, and Other Well Knovn Brands. A Specialty made of best Clarets and IFine. Billiard Pjrlor in Connnection and tbe Coolest Place in Town. . Allen, bet. Oth & 7ib, Tombstone ST. LOUIS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BEER HALL 3 ''ItWKffSSf l t" .1. iIvlJi4iBW7sriBisisisisisisHs I Eh) I sW- W'KTVt masiBlslslslsW . r & t&zvtmmM&jpK. m iViivEBtaBastBSfffajBIkV-v-y I !sW MARTIN C03TELL0 Att'ent tor Anheuscr liicsch Beer. NOTICE. Registration of Electors Cochise Coudtv. for mm fiJnJversaKy accepted as the Leading Fine ccife of the World GEORGE K. Fins THE Grocer. CORNS Ot JX2B AND A LEN S3REETS. The foHoving lesotation -as unanimcusly passed at a meeting of the board ol sopeirisors of CocHse coaatf, Arixosa. held April 7th, SS96. Resolred, Thattlere be, and is hereby ordered to be made, brtwee- the 30th day ol Ap-D aad the 13th day of October a registration of tbe electors of Cochise counts', and that the Clerk efil Boaid be instructed to haveahcte order adTertised once a week for a period 01 four months, neat after first day of May, 1896. W, A. HARWOOD BAL. Clerk ot the Board,of Saper-rison. Tombstone, May 1, 1806. sasi PROPOSALS FOR FUEL, FORAGF. AND Straw. Office ot Chief Quartermaster, Den ver, Colo., lane.i, aSqcl Scale1 proposals in triplicate, will be reeevred here at at office of Quartermaster at each post1" below nanx.4 until is o'clock, A. tc. .raoth, meridian time. July 1. iSo, and then opened for furnishing Fuel, For. age and Straw, at Forts Apache, Grant. Hua chuca, sub-post .of h'an Carlos and Whipp'e Barracks, A X; Forts Bayard aad Wingate, N. M,: Forts Douglas and DuChesae, Utah, and Fart Logan and Dearer, Colorado, daring the fiscal year Lading Jane 30, 1S97. Proposals far quantities less than the whole required, or tor-cValiTcrjr at points other than those aamed, will be entertained. The right is resenrcd to reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on application here or at omcctof respectiTt post quartermasters. En. telopes so b nuuaed -Proposls tor Fuel, For age and SrrawJ K.'.B. ATWCOEHWaior?, OJUQ.U TOMBSTONE DRUG - STORE. Op. Wells Fargo Co. A Choice Stock of Pure and Fresh Drugs and Medi - cines on Hand. Full Line of Leading Patent Medicines Prescriptions Compounded by a Careful Competent and Experienced Prcscriptionist. Fine Selection of NOTIONS. TOILET COODS, PERFUMES PIONEER BARBER SHOP, JOSEPH LTPPERT. Prop. Everything Neat, Clean and in First- Class Order. Shaving, Shampooing and Haircuttir done in an Artistic Manner. Tlie. Oldest and Most Favorably Known Barber on the Coast, Pay Him a Call. Allen, bet. 4thct Slti.TniuIiMtone CITY BARBER SHOP AND Bath Rooms, J. B. MFAXO. Prrprietor, Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing Large, Convenient and Commodious Bath Rooms attached. Hot and Cold Shower Baths. Every thing first-class Tears of Practical Experience makes this Shaving Parlor a most Popular Resort. Allris, near Slh.Tomb.toar, Undertaking Parioss op 0. B. Tarbeil Coffins, Caskets. Jlolies. Etc From tbe Plainest to the Finest Made, The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Coc- stantly in stock. Bodies Temporarily or Permanently Emhilmed by the Latest Process. Summons. In tbe District Court' first judicial district of tht Territory il Arizona in and for the ccun of Co disc. C. M. CARR vs. I'lair.tifl ANNA J. CARR Defendant. Actioi brought in the District Court of tl.e First judical District of the Territory 01 Ai I- zona in and for the county of Cochise, and the corapmnt bled in the said county of Cochise In the of ice of the clerk of ssld District Court. Th. Territory of Aritona .ends greeting to Anna J. Larr. detencunt. Yot. are hereby required to appear in an action brougit against you ojr the above naro'd plaint ffin the District Court of the First Juli cul District of the Territory of Arizona, in anrl for thi County of Cochise, and to answer the compliant bled therein, within ten days (etclu sire ol the day of servict J after the serrice fn you CI iras suinin.'is tii &errca wjujiu cjl count;, cr if served out of this county, but ir this district within twenty d tys: otherwise with in thirty days); or judgment by default will be taken against you according to tne prayer o. saidOMnplaiat. The said action is brought to obtain a decrrt of divure from the bonis f matrimony, on the ground of desertioii. Given under my hand and the seal of the urt 01 tne rirst judicial u-stnet of theTerritOT of Arizona, in and for the County of Cochise; this apti day of May in the year of our Lordoae thousand eight hundred and ninety foar. SCOTT WHITE Clerk (eal) Notice of Foifeiture. TO THE GRAND CENTRAL MINING company, its successes or assigns. You are hereby notified by the undersigned, your co owner in the San Rafael mine, situate in the Tombstone mining district, in the county of Cochise. Terri.oiy of Arizona, that he has expended the sum of one hundred dollars in the performance of the annual work for the year 1805, required by the laws ol congress to be annually performed upon said claim to hold the same. You, your successors or assigns, have tailed to contribute your portion of said expenditures required by section 3324 of the Revised Statutes 01 tne united Mates to ce made upon said claim for the year 1895 The sum due from you to the undersigned, your co-owner in said mining claim, as your proportion of the moneys expended by him upon said claim, as abovr set fenh. Is thirty-seven dollars and fifty centi I117.S0). tor which you are delinquent at the date of this notice. You your .uccessors or ass;gns, are hereby notified if you should fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of tbe above expenditure within ninety days after the publication of this notice at least once a week for ninety days in this newspaper, your interest in the San Rafael mine will become the property of your co-owner, the undersigned, who resides at Bisbee, in the county of Cochise. Territory of Arizona. Dated March 19. 1S96. n30.3n THOS, R. SOR1N no-ricK. To whom it may concern: That we, the undemgnril owners of what is knows as tbe Locklin-Miller gronp of mines consisting ol tbe HomesUke, and New Years Gift mines, situate in Turquois mining district, Cochise county, Arizona, hereby give notice that said claims shall not be held re sponsible for any labor or debts con tracted or injuries received by any em. ployees employed by others tbaa our s1tm. That no debts sre valid s gainst said claims .unless atborixsd by lbs andersigned. Jon UOXMM. To LaczHO. IStlgggig&g iStV aUsJsBKKKjBBkShSU PIONEER,. :a uaiiiauB r, d huks mi i ii Corner Third an 1 Allen. The largest and Best Equipped Kst il lishrnent of its Kind g theTe.nioiy. H All Kinds of Buggy. "Wagon and gj Woodwork Neatly and Fromptlv Done. BLftCKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING. Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of Repairing in Wood and Iron. None but First-class Workmen Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. B& XSTull assortment of hardwood and iron for sale. m GSSEEESSIlSSSSSSSSiSSBSSl QjLjjKusBi .. O. L. CUM MINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COR. 5TH AND FREMONT SI KEETS. Bee!. Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Deliver)' to all parts of the City. Your p atronage solicited. CHAS. BACIGALUPK Fein on bet. 7 ill and 8ih. THE FOURTH WARD BUTCHER The Choicest of Meats. Skillfull-' Cut and Always Fresh and Sweet. Low Prices, Good Weight and Prompt Delivery. FAMILY ORDRS SOLICITEL. TOMBSTONE GAS CO. WELSBACH A. ASHMAN Lessee. INCANDESCENT GAS LIGHT In General Use throughout the United States and Europe, and successfully comr ing with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cub Feet ol Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. COST OF LAMP StS.TCi Placed in Position "Without Extra Charge. OFKICS: i UAXU. IMTIl.DI.XU. TO.HH4TO.lK, ABIZOXl. f OOHISE HOUSE. JtRS- SaM" J Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. ELEGAiVTLY FUiRlVIsSHlSJ ROOJ1B 'Visitors to this city will find the Cochise a superior hotel nd oiN offering excellent acconio-Ulions. A LARGE ASD COMMODIOUS SAMPLE ;R00M FOR COMMERCIAL ME5u. AH Modem Conveniences. Moderate. f" SAN JOSE HOUSE. MRS. F. J. BEAN, Prop. Centrally Located, Large, Clean ant Well Vintilated Rooms. This Favorite Headquarters for Commercial Men has recently been newly renovated and neatly famished throughout with special reference to the tra elit public. Rooms ensuite and single. Prices Moderate, Mrs. S. GALLEN, Pi op Fifth bet. Allen and Toug .r.u Tnibstont - Anzokh TARLCR FOR I X K Everything Made Convenient for Guests Special Rates to Parties t.y tbeWa or Month. Renovated Tbroochont. Palace Hotel. FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. SAMPLE ZOOM TOM DRUMMERS. RATfS XJU$OfAM V I '& i L- -, .!- ,?''Lf"' ' ,a?';:3Wfvf7,'?SijS -l . N fm , .s- - T'e.