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m i i m. The Prospkctor JUNE .29 1890 RAILROAD T.MEiTABLES ARIZONA & SOUTHEASTERN R. R. VnrtS I - 1 nun i Kins M Clan bally aaccpt Blindly nit 4: rat S;tS I JO 1:45 -oj T!M TABUS SO . July M 1W. Station. e. o . It.., 15.S.., I o , Sd.S'A.. J7.6LV S 38.6 : ts.s OS IJ5 3 , BUbw ....Don UiU Packard. ..... ...Water Tuk.... ....Charleston..... ,.,.r Irbank ... .1 Falrbink J X. at, & A. Creatine ...LAnO ... ontentton JSj is lilj W.S t. l.l AJ 10 13.0 17.7 IS.7 .5 0 Saoth MKts IS SO 11,10 11.80 raelac tin. ni sutiosi. Stop ons'cnala. ! at Wiiliam. Safrintendeut. .sOU riitRN PACIFIC R. East STATIONS.) xi.loamL" ....Beasn Ari "csoim! ....Tucson 6.031m ....Maricopa i 11.55pm lura t.4sam! ....Los Angela ., 540 pm 7.05 pm 10. 05 p w 3 35 am 1 oopra San Set,! Limited, "cut bound, Mondays ud b rally 8.19, Benson' Son Set, 1, mite I' west bjant, WedoesHysaa Saturdays, .OSBtnson'' NEW MEXICO & ARIZON-i West 6 oopir 8,50 a in .ooam I.40 a m a-37am 1.15 pm' STATIWfS Lt ......Beasan Ar ..... Fairtxtnk ..... Huachuca..... .... Crittenden .... .... CaUbatas .... .NocaVs East io43 am 'i.ooprn 13 to pm 1 0.20 pm 0.00 am S.1om Jail ereept Sand ty. Pieifie. time. I. .Fsc General Mnajer. A. NAUCLE. L. II. At.BECHT. Assistnt General Manager. Train Master. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R. R. North staiions Socth - i Bo pm Lv P'n-ilx ......Ar a Ooam 8.35pm ......Tempe; 120am 0.00 pm , Kyrene iC55pm 9,35pm Sic ilon 13 30pm 3-45 pm Marie spa Iiwpn U. H. Hoxsucu, Geo, Supt. LOCAL NOTES. Dr. Gaff, Benson Physician argeoa. . Mlver is quoted at CS sad il The Engine Co. boys will oall on you in a few days to sell you a ticket. 31 The Lot Angeles Alining Exchange u opened last week with a number of Arizona properties. The board of supervisors held a meeting this afternoon, Supervisor Williams arriving at rxooo from Bit bee to ottend. I:! The report of the Southern Pacific railroad company for the year ending Dec. 31, 1895, show that the net earn ings per mile was f 2,296.62. - 1 1 .. ' Owing to partial failure in thp California grape crop salt River val ley grower! are realizing high price and carload shipments are going east m m Daughter Mother may I attend the dance Friday night? Mother Yes, ray dear; if you can find some one to take yon. 3t i sa s The cattle .shipments for the year are about over in Cochiie county and pricea obtained were more generally satisfactory than for the past ten years. "It is with pleasure I tell you that by one day's use of Chamberlain's Cough remedy I was relieved of a rery severe cold. My bend was com pletely stopped np and I could not Ieep at night. I can recommend this remedy. Chae. M. Outfeld of Eeedly, Frrsno Co., Cal." A cold nearlr always start in the head and afterwardsex tends to the throat and lungs. By using this remedy freely as soon as the cold has been contract ed it will cure at once and nrstynrit it irotn extending to tbe lung- For Sale by Tombstone Drug Store. m. Awarded Highest HonorsWorld' Pair, W CREAM BAKING PWDW MOST PERFECT MADS. psae Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Pre HiHia, Aauierany ether a&dteraat 40 TTEAtS TH STAMBAta ANOTHER BIG SALE. KoseMOHt Mines Bought Lewisolm Brothers. by The sale of tbe exteonve group o copper niiues, smelting plant and other buildings situated at K'emont, Pima county, was consummated todsy and Ihi well known firm of Lewiohn Brothers of New York City are now the owners. TheCi i unsays the final payment fi r the entire properly was made througl the Consolidated Katioual Bank of Tucson, to the former owner, Mr L J. Roe of Los Angolec, California, snd Messrs. McCleary and Shaw, of Kose roont. The transfer includes all the poisesiions of the former Jlnseniout and Smelting company, one of the best copper miniucpropotiiiom in Arizona. The title is of the greatest impor tance toTucoon and Pima count since the purchase by the Lcnirohn "Broth ers means active resumption of mis ing and smelling and a consequent valuable increase of tralr, Tucson be ing the natural financial center and base of supplies. That so powerful and expriontd a firm have become identified with the mining industries of this section, says the Ci izeo, is cause for congratula tion, especially since the active re sumption of nork will give employ, raent to many miners and emelUr men and thus add materially to the general prosperity. The IMBCwverx Narad hli I. lie. Mr. U. Caillo'jette, Druggist, Beaver sville, IlL,say8:"To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life, Was taken with la Urippe and triea all the pliy sieiinfl, but of no avail anil waa given up and lol'l I could not live. H&viug Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get bet ter, ami after using three bottle was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." Get a freo t lall t the Tombstone Drng Store. The S. P. Co. have issued attract ive posters proclaiming tbe fact that fortnightly excursions are rua to the California resortr, "where the cool sea breezes blow." Mr. Jebn G. Mason, an engineer on tbe K. M. 4 A. for a number of years is In the city. Mr. Mason is a pleas ant agreeable gentleman and is htie on eu urgut business matter. Star: Several wagons laden with timbers and supplies left for Old Glory Monday. The machinery ordered has not been received yet, but a camp of about 300 persona has been alre&d) itablished at the mine. About twenty Mexicans are work ing with good auccers the placer ground betwoen Washington Camp and La Noria. They use dry w&tbers and realize $1.50 to $2.00 per day to each man. Frabk G. Bloom of Trinidad Colo rado, the heaviest shipper of cattle from the southern section of Arizona this is now operating in northern Arixsna. Ilia shipments go princi pally to Colorado and Montana. Saturday last there arrived at liar- sbaw Mr. S, X. Taylor, of Denver, re presenting tbe Colorado Iron Works. It is reported that the vitit of tbe gentleman signifies tbe probable erec tion of a now reduction plant in the near future. The Southern Pacific Co. have been ballasting its track with heavv gravel, where there is danger of waahouts and is better prepared than ever to meet the washout seasen that has been so disastrous in ttie past to all railroads ia the west. a a Attention is called to tbe ad of the Engine company ball in another col umn. It is to be a calico ball and a general ceod time U ami. ipated. Tbe F', Huactiaca band hv beeo engaged and good inosit i as ired. Silver Bel! : Nearly one hundred men lately in thu employ of tbe Old Dominion Copper company have left Globe since the wotka shut down Many of them also left many debts HnrstisSed. The restaurants were hardest hit, and s me of the storss and saloons. The sandstoim of yesterday- was a peculiar cneio many w. Watched from a distanc the sterol appeared 19 becoming at furious rate, but ah-n it enveloped the city with its ever increasing cloud of dust it was not accompanied b, the gale of witd suob as might have been expected. All looe dirt end sand was gathered up and carried upward in the thickening eloud of card which the sun a evca incapable or psnetre'.ine, a fact geni ally nimni'Uted upon. At Pero the mm was said to have raged in all its fury, but enroute here its strength and fotce was ma'etiallr leisoneJ by hs pio'ecting Dragoon range of mountains. " --, How to Jur IthtiMsntlana. Araoo. Coosk Co., Ort .Nov J10 1803, I wirh to inhirtn you ol tue great good Chamberlain's Pain Balm has done my wife. She has been troubled witli rheumatism of the arms and I. snd for tix months, and has tried remedies prescribed for that complaint but found no relief until she med this Pain Da'm; one bjtlle of which has completely cured her. I take pleas ure in recommending it for that trou ble. Yours trulv. C. A. Bullokb. 50 cent and $1.00 bottles for sale by Tombstone Dug Co. M ARIZONA-NEW MEXICO- Capital is Needed to Develop Their Rich Resource?- The time has come for the west to again call tbe attention of the over crowded east to the advantages it"3eri to home-seeker with some means and to capitalists with money to invest. The territories of Arlzooa and New Mexico especially should seize the op portunity to greatly increase their papulation with the most desirable elajs of American immigrants, say the Los Angeles Express. We urge especially on the territories the impor tance of giving this immediate atten tion, because they are more favorably situated and circumstanced than any other section in the Union to profit by the next migration of people from east of tbe Mississippi toward the setting sun. The misconception of the east are mote numerous about Arizona and Jlcw Meiico than concerning any part of the wes. today. Eten the in telligst people believe tbs whole Country an uninhabitable deser, and il will take lots of advertising to per suade that the country is really what il is. Capital is what Arizona and New Mexico want. Do not invite labor until you have ennething for labor to do, but interest capital and labor will came quick enough when the work begins. At the election last evening hold by the fire department for tbe election of a chief of 1 ha department, and also a steward. Three sets of candidates oqe Irom each company was in the field. Mr. Ben Cook, the K?iicue company mmiaec, wis chosen a chief, and Kobt. Martin as steward. The new chief is on 3 of the oldest Bre men in the department, is a poutar townsman and will carry the honors with becomiLg grace and diguity. a . Capt. George G. Mulled 11 having two boats built in San Francisco to be used in making a -trip through the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. The boats will be built after the life saving plan, especially arranged so as to shoot the great rapids that abound in the canyon. He will make his start where the Green river empties into tbe Colo rado. If the captain makes the trip be will be the third man who has dared to lead a lace over that grand and dangerous route. Professor Pow ell made the trip, but in doing so lost a man or so and was wrecked, ducked and, shaken up generally. Mineral Wealth. It ia prebable tbat Frank Leslie, who wa sentenced froui this county to Yuma for life for aourder, is likely (o soon be a free map, a the Gazette states that executive clemency is likely to be extended in his behalf by Gor. Franklin. Tbe U. S. Gov't Reports aha Royal Daklnj Pnrdtt I A report lately drawn up by Dr. Lombardooo tbe sulphur mines of Sicily is so fearful ae to be almost in credible. Dr. Lomhardo says tbat ia his province alone SjOOO children are employed in tbe extraction of sulphur and hat it is aa established fact tbat they are literally "spurred" by thii overseers to quicken their movements, oaaaof the marks frequently remain iog'livid on the akin for as lougaa tea days. These brutal creatures Till even burn the shins and calve of the children with their lamp to make thewj work faster, these borne con stantly resulting in loathsome soras, which tbe doctor has often been re quired to investigate, as also tbe diseases to which they give riea.-Prese HOW THEY STAND. A Large 3Injtirily of the Dele gates Favor Silver. The Chicago Tribune whkh has made a canvass of the Democratic National convention delegates gives tbe result of its investigations on the silver isnue ond says; "A canvass of the delegates in every state state and territorj on the cur rency question shows 578 delegates 10 the democratic national cnuvuntion to be either by instruction or percoua! preference for the free and unlimited eoiaage of silver at 16 to 1, agaiust 328 delegates Instructed for or favor ing a continuanco of the jreent gold standard." S-'OU OVKK I-'lK-rV VK ARM. An old, well-tried remedy. Mr Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used forever fifty years by millions of mothers lor their children white teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, fcOltens the gum', allays all paiu.curen vtind colic, and ie the best remedy fur diarrhoea. It in pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggist in every part of tbe world. Twenty-five cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. Be sure and k for Mr'. Win. aloa's Snolhing Syrup, aud take no other kind. The Worlds Fair Tests showed no baking powdet so pure or so great la leav enlmr power tbe Bays TO THE SEASHORE. Excursion Rates to Santa Mon ica ard the Sea Coast Over the S P. R R. FROM BENSON To parties desiring to go to the ser sfaore to spend the summer and enjoy the cool salt water breeze, should tbke advantage nf the excursion rate of $31.05 from BENSON TO SANTA MONICA. Tickets good for CO days. For further information apply to F. 8. WEBSTER. Agent at Benson, Or T. A. Goodmak, G. F. A., San Francisco I1- ' Ho! r WaasUMKtwa! "Tilkets to Arashipf tofi.T). C w'M be placed on sale at Benson July 2, 3, 4 and 5 at uu fare lor 'he round trip; limited to July 14, or Slat. This i the best cbauce ever oflered Arizona people to make a short visit to the capital city. Open fr all. For fur ther rart'culars call 00 ar address F. i.WEBSrEB, Agent, Benson. TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM. Effec.tually.yet gently,io hen tive or billious or hen the blod cosimpure or slugfiiib, to permanently cure habitual cousiipation, to awaken the kidneys and iver to a healty activity, without irrita -irg or weakening them, to dispel head aches, coldsor fevers use Syrup of Figs. FOBJ81LE CHEAP A horse and buifgv; horse gentle, buggy and har ness in good order. Will ullrheap. For further particulars, call at ": address this office. J Clw 1880. 1896. I61I Anial Ball, E3VG1ISTE CO. 3VO. 1 AT MINING EXCHANGE HALL, FKIDAY EVENING, JULY 3, 1SS6. COMMIITEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. C A, Baloni O. L. Bashford. J. Niceninder, John Raney, Sam Walt. C a Tatbell, ). N. Harden. RECEPTION COMMITTEE. Wra. Corbet!. John iTinderille. Peter GilL U Lombardi, Chas, Ricigl!upi. RobL Be.t. Geo. BrTin. Wm. Harris, Ben Coot. J. V. Vickers. W D.Monraonier, 3. Hattich. S. M. Barrow, . N. McDonoujh.K.N.Wolcott los. Hor&cT. C. I Cummmgi, A.W. Smith, I.McPriereon. Tno. Allison. A. Barron, M. Coslello, P.aWarnekros. G. H. r'ms. W. F.Bradley, Julius Ceaser, Frank Blau. FLOOR MANAGER. - Joseph F. Lippert FLOOR DIRECTOR. fieo. J. Rafferty. FLOOR COMMITTEE. Henry Dunler. F. K, Cadwell, Scott White, W.A Haraood.Harry MOIer, W. R. Kng. . Wentworth, Peter Hook. lesi Rodgtrs, M. Dole. J. a Mima, R. Vincent. Tbos. A. Smith. Wm. Garrett, Wra. Kirlew- AU memcers are requested to appear In tul uruform. Music by the Fu Huachuca 3cd. TICKErS 81 Oa vle at J. F. Lirpeit's, and J. B. Miano's imamaMUS6a&m6m)aai&&&xta&mamg 'jslsa-KM::ifiiiJ 'fsjSSSSSsBBBBBBBTlwaBSsH I SBsTfSPHHli'-PWl I iSBSSSSSSBfVaV Iwai 9 I II f J 2 sssMVlTi BIsbbbbbbb lXAM319'fWWi B 1 i tsassssssssssssssasl BBBBBsl SBBBBBBBBBnsl9sBBtBalfl F wB9BQXmBHHBBHB HBSaM My" ' I feBa1IB(aBB19BnH I JwaaSBSBBBBBBBBBBBsi ' Bjii' 5?r-S?5!Ti3assssssssssB SSBSSSBMliittjiJ f.-. ..ty- 'iM-Ph'tT -'leBSBSBSSSW This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. Blackwell's Genuine BULL DURHAM Tea wm find coe coupon InafcU each Z oaoce basand two coo pons fond eacb 4 osass bac Bar abac read tb coupon mat at bow to ctt roar share of tia.uuo la preaenta. SR9e7ZQVR99 P. B. WARNEKROS. IJS t CLOSING OUT!! V. His Mammoth Stock Ot Hats Liquors Wagons v-; Buggies Clothing Groceries EL Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Mining & Farm ing Implements KLL BE SOLD IT COST. -S: -C -K - " - . ..el 2 ., Be'c :n ,v.f-. Tvsrs." ? . "; - ia ..- back.". , i ... C - t1 i". .3 Porous n la ...-.. DI.C1 v s.- ofJir-' f cocntefl'Its iai "aC'-'- - (.-i- CLEARANCE -SALE GOODS ALL FRESH AND NEW We Hespectfully Solicit The Trade of All Residents C ochise County. No Iroutr to Show Oooda.l CmllqnJn Convince Yourself oj The PIONEER STORE, CORNER TIT A'FEEMONT STBEET8." We Mean GENERAL MERCHANDISE, P MINERS' AND RANCHERS' UPPUE8 8 TErJTS AND WAGON COVERS;, UUCKEYE H FORCE PUMP i Agent tor ?SiraorSD BaUKItrULTUlUL' M IFIiUUMTa, an CXXZBS11MD TOSBUn WIHDMILLS. M'aad'riowei aad aaxi Business, Vxxd wn oii t A SACRIFICE. JOS. hoeflep. ppop ' GIVE US A CALL. aw jm turner "'C j- u '