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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
-SS2SI22aSi3 Had -" i-V. w. .smb rrmfw i r mj n WNl'mfMi.131li--- wJt. k-" y ! L .. i , .V ' SS ,, , .C . 11 LW s' i'W lk),7'V 1ft iiv m IrftH . ! Wr'S ? TftMRSTftNP. I jF PUBLISHED EVERY EVENINU jjl $U (Scuiur Excsitsd) ..p,- m if Win. Mich. Editor aal Proprietor. Ilk' NafcaerlptloK hum. vf 0 Year 0 00 X a;- wr iv- ft nn I & wl- JilUMi.... ... v w , inree tuonius aw OaoMonth 1 00 Delivered by Carrier lor 25 cents per week. AtrrnosizED agents. L.PFISHEK.Jat 'Merchants F-xchange " San Francisco. ? UII.KEIJXlGG.INo. 310 nneSitrett, 5 Roam 57 and 58, San Francisco. I K. C DAKE, mom 65. Merchant Exchange. as Francisco. GEO. P. ROWELL. 10 Spruce St. New orfc. N. V. AVER & SOW. Philadelphia. AS transactions nude br the abate ntmrJ persons will be complied with at the FROS- fPECTOR office. OFKIGIAL DIRECTORY. Mayor . P. B. Warnekrcs Chief of Fobce. - - M.Doyle Concdlmen: First Ward - - -Second Ward - J- . tacob HiEer third Ward F. W. Downs Fourth Ward - - - I. K. Watdwcll J."CcyTt crricus: aertS" - - C S. Fly Treasurer ; - J. V. VlcVers Recorder - - - A. Wentworth District Attoine - - W. Swain Probate lodge - W. F. Bradley Oerk District Court - - Scott AVhi-e Burrf yor - - - H. G. Howe Anecsor - - ' A. Bright Court Commissioner - - - J. F. Duncan CITY AND COUNT! OFFICIAL PAPER Every man who hai the interests of at heart will vote (or the pirty who carri the ailvar banner Kii (alt. Brer Ieppy is doing the proper shouting. II ia doing pood work far silver and ia ready to throw off party honors for the white metal. With hia trenchant pen the veteran edi'or can alto make pertlneut stings with Ms witty f ariagt, but be is nothing if not srifinal. Much .reflection thereon catnes the Clancy, Montana, Miner to believe that: "The mining bneinpts is unlike any other business on eiulh A pros pect amblea along throuch its differ ent stages of dsTelopment, and during these alagei it generally ehanpea band twe or three times. Some men could not make a mine pay if its foot wall waa the Philadelphia mint and its hanging-wall the United States treas ury, while other men would squeeze bullion oat of grinditonee." JL daisy for a floral emblem to be rrorn by the silver men has been cub milted to the pat cut office. It is haped like the common field daisy with 1C petals, each numbered on the tips from 1 to 1C, and the yellow cen ter marked with tie figure 1. The designer claims that this exactly ex presses the idea of tha silver men's motto that of 1C to 1 with color, Tha adoption of the emblem is under consideration by the leading silver men now in Washington. I MAKE MMl V. t. m. Af .zBiaai puDM'- ltaa n'iF7s . . --rrr. ." z . .. Itt.ototu MB4 WMIeal IokI- uuiu strossMt tltsllaer uwk n w l?rtnl1yot har,.I-ariM 1 r t iL.c.n'f.. ,flT. -Tu-a coir HI A. --fcr 1 ? J IWf -Jt-sssssWsssBBr likr w tm . -Ml l'W' - -- ' " ! - t t Irwitiw tiafom MMeml J wnupNrfrMrttedate, Caaafer ssaaasonUK svl l'Urs ffM. MCISSOM MESICjaaVIXBTITCTK. We Are Now Read, KoyirT Marvin tm Not for Your Decision in, a Base Ball Game; But for Your Opinion to our Stock Its Quality !and Prices. OLLAS! OLLAS!! OLLAS!!! WeareJnov prepared to supply everyone in needof these Juscftiljarticles all through thejeoming summer. Are you satisfied with the That you are now using? Although the'season is getting late the demand for FANCY DRIED FRUIT Still continues unabated. We are well stocked both as to Varietj' and Quality. AVe have DRIKD CHERRIES, APRICOTS, PEACHES, APPLES PITTED PLUMS, SILVER PRUNES, NECTARINES, FRENCH PRUNES, SLICED PEAR, BERRIES, ETC We handleiexclusively that elegant DOW:LTE"2" Don't Forget that "we are sole agents lor Tombstone and Wcnity for ft 8 mm - Seized Exclusively to the over -L, - 9 S thd World's FT r Leading Fine & GEORGE i werityone minion jj-eopie '-ar T ?-- tt TKP lfnot give us a trial. : - t - k- t. Fair Grounds oi the World H. FIHS P Branfl J r,l V" sccentcd as the Grocer, iPONY SALOON, J . A. KOSKA Proprietor. Finttt Stock 0 Win', Liquors and Cigar in thf Territory. PRIVATE CLUB ROOMS ATTACHED. Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies lirandiei and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. Yon. tct'I hind Pete nf home, on Allen " St. bet. 4th and 5th. THE WILLOWS, CHAS, BDLOTTI, Propr. Choicest line 01 Wines and Liquors. hnporUd and Domettic Cigar, Courteous Attention to" Patron. Allen, bet. 4th & Ctli. Tembstone Billiard Parlors, j. n. Mcdonough, Prop. 7he Finett and Bitt Fitted BiUiara Parlors in the City. Importer of the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tulle in Conjunc tion. Mix'd Drink a Sp'eialtu. Private Club Booms. Allen, bet. 4lli A JHb.Touibston COMET SALOON GARLEVATO PALA, Propr's, WINES.LIQUORS& CIGARS. Dealer in Bourh't Irish and Scotch rhiky, and Othtr Well Knovn Brandt. A Specialty made of best Claret and H'ines. Billiard Parlor in Connnection and the Cooleit Place in Town. Allen, bet. itk & 7th, Tombstone ST. LOUIS WH0LKSA1.K AND RETAIL BEER HfiLL TffARTIN COSTELLO 'JLt ent for Jlnlieuser Busch Beer. NOTICE. Registration of Electors fur Cochise Coiidtv. The following ijsaiation vs nranlmcesljr passed at x meeting of the beard of saparisors ' of CoctUe, Aiitona, held April 7A. Resolved, That there te, and is fcertrrjr ordered to be rmde..betre the 30th day ol .pi fl and the 1 vh day of October a refutratkm ot the electors of Cochise enntj-. and that tlie Oerlc ef the Board be instructed to hare above order advertised once a week for a period 01 four months, next after first day of M27, 1896. W, A. HARWOOD seal. Clerk ot the Eoani;of.Superrisors. Tombstone, Mayi, 1S0S. anion PROPOSA'-S FOR FUEL, FORAGF.AND Straw. OfSce'of Chief Quartermaster, Den ver. Colo., lane, I. 8q6 Sealed proposals in tn plicate, will b received here at at office of Quartermaster at eaca post below named catil 11 o'clock. A. u.. laoth meridian time, Julr 1, 1896. and then opened for farnisUsK Fuel, For. aire and Straw, at Forts Apache. Grant. Hua crmca, sab-post of 5an Carlos nd Tiipp Barracks. A. T.; Forts Bavrd and Wingatcl S. M Forts Douplas aud DaChesna, Uuh. and Fort Lcfas and DeDrer, Coloriiv dnrinf tbe ftscalvear tnding Jane 30, 1807. Proposa's for quantities lew than tbe whole required, or J fordrlrrery at points other than those aamed. Kill be entertained. The right Is reserrcd to reject any or all propvsalsor anypart the iBlormaUen fvakhed on appbcatioB heie any part tnereor. oral V TOMBSTONE DRUG - STORE. Op. Welts Fargo Cj. A Choice Stock ofv Pare and Fresh Drags and Medi cines oa Hand. Foil Liae of Leading Patent Mnlicines Prescriptions Compounded by a Careful Competent and Experienced Prcscriptionist. Fine Selection of NOTIONS. TOILET GOODS. PERFUMES PIONEER BARBER SHOP, JOSEPH L1PPERT. Prop. Everything Keat, Clean and in Firtt Clais Order. Shaving, Shampooing and Haircutting done in an Artistic Manner. 7V OWf nnd ifott Fawrably Knoton Barber on the Coast. Payllima Call. A!1m. bes. 4(Ufc3tb,Tomtttne) CITY BARBER SHOP AND Bath Rooms, J. B. MIAyO. Prrprietor, Hair Cutting, Shavine and Shampooing Large, Comenienl and Commodious Bath Rooms attached. Hot and Cold Shower Bath Every thing first-class 1'ear of Practical Experience mut thi Shaving Parlor a most Popular Retort. Alien, nenrt'ar, aita.1tuliloar. Undeetakihg Paulobp of G. B. Tarbell Coffins, Caskets- Hobes. Etc From the Plainest to the Finest Made. The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in stock. BodU Temporarily or Pcrmanrntly Embalmed 6v the Latett Proce. Summons. Ia ihe District Court" first judicial d-tnc of th Territory of Aiizona in and for the ccna of Co;!-be. CM. CAR R vs. llaintLt ANXA J.CAKR DtfendiEt Action brourtt in the District Court nf the First judicial District f the Territory 01 Ajh rona m and forth county of Cechue. and the comprint filed in the said county of Cochise in the of ice of the clerk of Slid District Court. TIm Territory of Arizona sends greeting to Anna J. Carr. defendant. You are hereby required to appear in an act; in brought against you try the above carnal plaint ff In the District Court of the First cia District of the Termor) of Arizona, in ana for th- County of Cochise, and to answer the complaint Hied therein wubm ten da)s (eiciu sire ol tlie day of Krvia ) after the seririce en you cf this summons ,if serred within hi count', or if sen ed oit of this county, but ir this district within tenly days; otherwise with in tlutty days); or judgment by deficit will be taken against you according to the prayer o. said com. plain t. The said action Is brought to obtain a decret of din .re from the boads of matrimony, on the ground of desertioi.. Given under my hand and tbe seal ef the Court of the r'.rst Judicial District of the Temto y of Antona, in and tEAL) for the County of Coctue; this aytk day of May in tbe year of our Lord on tlwjisand eight hundred and ninety foar. SCOTT WHITE Oerk Notice of Foifeitnre. TO THE GRAND CENTRAL MINING compiny. its successo'S or assigns. You are hereby notified by the undersigned, jrojr on owner in the han Rafael mine, sittnle in the Tombstone mining dutrlct. in the county of Cochise. Territory of Aruona, that he has expended the sum of one hundred dollars in tlie performance of the annual work" for the ye-ir 1895. required by the laws ol congress to be annually performed- upon said claim to hold thesams. You, your successors or assigns, hare tailed to contribute your portion of said expenditures required by section 2334 of the Revised statutes of the United Sfa'ts to be node epen said daira for the year 1895 The sum due from you to the undersigned, vonr co-owner in sa'd tuning claim. n your proportion of the moneys expended by him upon said cbim, as abovr set frnb, is thirty-wen dollars and fifty cents 'J37 5). tor which )ou are dtlicqoent at the date of this notice. You jpmrr occessors or assigns, are hereby noued if cu slivild Lfl or refuse to contribute your proportion of the above expenditure within ninety days after the publication of this nottce at least once a week for ninety days In this newspaper, your interest in the San Raia-I mine will become the property of your co-o ner. the undersigned, who resides at Bisbee, in Ihe county of Cochise, Territory of Arizona. Dated March 19. 1806. mao-3m THOS. R. SORIN aoTice. To whom it may concern: That we, the underiigned owners of what is known as tba Locklin-Miller group of mines oonaistine of tbe Homes taka, and New Years Gift mines, situate in Tuniuois miniBg district, Cochise county, Arizona, hereby give notice that said claims shall cot be held re sponsible for any labor or debts con tracted or injuries received by any em ployees employed by others than oar selves. That 00 debts are valid against said claims unless atborized by tbe undersigned. Jobs M qxxb. WmhuaumHf &Mwfflm PIONEER I Carriage i V. 11. liLMAIrSlj Iroj. :orncr ThUu The largest and Best Equipped the Territory. All Kinds of Buggy, Wagon ai i Woodwork Neatly and Promptlv Done. BUGKSMITKING tm Best Facilities for Repairing in Wood and Iron. JYo?ie but JFirst-class Workmen Employed. 0B SATISFACTION ffl xyFull assortment of hard H tBiB.ttai,fiisiaic-aissi&fiaigw O. L. CUMMINGS. j Wholesale and Retail Butcher) ' COR. 5TH AND FREMONT SI KEETS. I 2 Beel. Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Boloena Pickled Trii Clhnirp Stpnlru Rnncrc Free Ueliverj' to all parts of the CHAS. BACIGALUPIC Femon bet.7th and 8th. THE lOUErH AVAED BUTCHEB Tlie Choicest of Meals. Skillfull'' Cut and Always Fresh and Sweet. Low Prices, Good "JT eight and Prompt Delivery. FAMILY ORDRS SOLIOITEL. TOMBSTONE GAS OO. A. ASHMAN Lessee. INCANDESCENT GAS WELSBACH In General Use throughout the United States and Europe, and successfully comr in with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cub Feet of Gas per Hour, and ie'.ds a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. COST OP LA MOP &H.V& Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. OFF1CK 1.X BA.1K BI7IL.DIMU. TOTIBOTO.VE, AKIZ09IA. f OOHISE HOUSE. J Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets, ELEGAIVTLY FXJItaXIWHET ROOBltt BFTiailors to this city will find tbe Cochise a superior hotel rU 01 s offering excellent acconofntioni. 1 LARGE AND COMMOMOUS SIMPLE ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL ME, All Modem Conveniences. Kates Moderate. SAN JOSE HOUSE. IRS. F. J., Prop. Centrally Located, Large, Clean ant. Well Vintilated Rooms. This Favorite Headquarters for Commercial Men has recently bec newly i ti renovated and neatly furnished throughout with special reference to the tra elitv public. Rooms ensuite and single. Prices Moderate Palace Hotel. FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT., Everything Made Convenient for Guests', or modi n. Kenovaica ibtocgnow. N fKf Blacksmjt jfX&cn. m. Est .Hisbment of its Kin! in wk i. Ell h m f t 1 t 1 AND HORSESHOEING. 1 (' 1 1 1 B ' Doing All Kinds of GUARANTEED. ood and iron for sale. Ewwwm- 1 " : J ! t rt - Vvni.rion-ol fmiow I -' City. Your patronage solicftj LIGHT MRS. A. DAKSO" Proprietress Mrs. S. GALLEN. Pt yifth bet. Allen and Toug m TombstoBf. A; izav PARLt R rCR f I E Special Rates to Parties bylbeWa p .B Wt . A V f coves oi quartH masters. En. Suwktaa, Market a KJM asa. Ttlop-s tobe aaas! Propooals for Fad. Foe. I &AMFLE ROOXT0X DMUMMEMSJ JUIff REAS0HA1 J, . rtiei .- B. At WOOD Maisr-t I an m ..w. I m &k ma ' SlRpETS. ICWH Q-Mf V..V" v3t r ;- J -- VZ-r.? -rt fJrSZft5vt J, v- li I h, .BSiiicatLCaiUsnila 1