Newspaper Page Text
i " " 'W. I. 1.1,1,1c, mr. niT.ii. -FrT- Psd 2 I TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR, A . l I I I I ' t . mu . - OUR WATCHWORD----"GOCHlSE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. VOL. IX. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA THURSDAY EVENING. JULY 2. tSo6 v - ie. 4- f Ft ft. u t ft. ssrP"1 K THE KSK5PECT0R '5ity and Countv Official Paper rUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (EXCEPT SUKDAY.) BY J' Wm. Exttich Editor and Proprietor. Fremont St., Oiponlte) City Hall Thi Phospectob will not hold itself resp sible for any of the articles or sentunrcts pressed by any of its correspondent! Entered la the Tombstone Postotnce as Second Class natter. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAMES REILt.Y. ATTORNEY AND Counselor t U I.and and Mining cases a specialty. Tombstone, Arizona. w M. C STAFHLE. ATTORNEY AT Law and Nctary Public, Tombstone, Arizona. HERRING 5. HERRING. ATTORNEYS and Counselors a' Law. Cff.ce on Toughnut Street, beiwe-o Second and sued Third, opposite the Court Hon'K. EO. W. SWAIN. ATTORNEY AT I La. Will practice in all courts of the Temtorr. Tombstone. Arizona. a CLARK. ATTORNEY ANDCOUN- a a seiorati.a. umce on rounn ireei. between Allen and Touj;lin.t. Tonic" stone. Will practice In all the ccf cf the Ictilucy. CIIARLS GRANVILLtt JuHNSTON. . Attorney and Coune!tor at Law and Notirjr Public, 42 1 Fremont street, bet. ttn lad 5th streets. A member ot the Baroi the Supreme Court of the Terri'cr, and will prtcUee in any of the courts therein. B ERTHA HERRING, TYPUWRITER and Notary Public Tougbnut street. ToroWtone". ArixoFa. AWENVWORTH. COUNTY RE cotler anl Abstract .Orfice. Abstracts of title to real esttte and m nes furn ahed promptly and acttrately. Complete tran scripts. Office in Court House, Tombstone, F ALVORD, IUSTIuE OF THE Peace. OSice oa Alleo.S.: bet 3d & ' 4th. Tombstone, L KOSKA. JUSTICE OF 1 HE PEACE. 1 Office on 4th fit. bet. AUea and Tougbnut. Toribstone. HS. GORDON. M. I). PI1YMUAN AND Surgeon: Office adjoining his residence on 4th street. Calls atterded at fcllhoursdayand .. night, FC. EARLE, AisSAYER AND MLTA lugieal Laboratory. oo 3 . FrcosstSt. eppcMte Cty H. THE ORDERS- F. Jfc A. fl. KING SOLOMON LODGE S". 5, meets tliirj Saturday in each month. Vi&ilic; brothers cordially innled t at tend. W.M.J II Mcl'HERON. A. L. GROW fcec'ty. iC A. M OOCHISE CJiAPTfcR No. 4. MEETS third We-tnesday in each mon'h. V& iun Conpanions cordially invire-1 to at end. TOM LOWRY. II. I. A. WENTWORTH, Srrtanr, i. . s. or a. WASHINGTON CAMP NO. 1 MEETS 1st Friday evening lb each month. Yls lung Comrades cordially mvitrd. 1, W. CL.RK, Preident. . A. L. GROW, .Secretary A. O. U. Y. TOMBSTONE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. U. W. meets tst and d Thnrsday in each month Visisine irothe corduHv in ,ted. KOBT. BEST. 1LW. iV. D. MONMOMCX. Recorder. K. nC P. A RIZONA IJDCES KNIGHTS OF PythUs, No. 4-. tneets every 1st and ,d Mondays' en1' nioBih. VisrLnj j:rdiIhr icrited 1 JOHKNOBILE.CC W. n MONMONIEPj K. of S. rSDTECT10N HOE COMPANY NO, 3. " nns First :nUy in each month or tier je bouse on the corner ol Serenth and Fre dv U streets, opprsite ll school house. y WM. CORCETT. Foreman, iATllUVKE. Secretary. Resci:e hose company meets First SubcUy in each monih at City Hall. Fremont seet. . J.V. VICKERS, 'a. ENTWORTH. Secty. Pre-ident. I. N. MCDONOUGH. Foreman. EtGINE COMPANY NO. 1, MEETS last Sunday in eaeh month, at bose house, 'a the corner of roorhnnt and 5th streets JOSEPH LIPPERT. Foreman. UEHRY DUSKER. Secretary. XTIVIOIV WATER WORKS F CALCES. Trop- Waitr Per Bariv!, - 25 Cents iffater. Per Backet - o Cents. PROMPT SERVICE. deduced Rates by the Month Leave oHer with a;on, o' at h jyy inrw. .n'll-fnl' Mt-IKTrVI iSvil -i S. M. BARROW. 450 and 452 ALLEN ST. Oil I'll II 1 1 Ml STORK. THE -fflff GOODS Is Complete, Embracing all the latest Style., Designs, Textures, Patterns, and Shades of a large and well selected stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens, Checks Ribbons, Laces, Hoisery. Etc. Etc. Etc. MEN'S! FURNISHIMli DEPARTMENT A Specialty i3 made of this Department and the price, style and quality are bound to please. CLOTHING, SHIRTS, UN DERW ARE NECKTIES, ETC MARYSVILLE AND OREGON UNDERWARE. NEAT NOBBY SUITS FROM $10 AND UPWARD. EAT Al SHOE DEPARTMENTS Stetson. Eedora, Kenton and other famous Hats, Ladies and Children Dongolla and Russet Shoes, Buckingham & Hech's Cowboy Boots and Shoes. Finest Footwear of Celebrated Manufacture. Slippers, Ties, and finest Kid Sho. SOLE AGENT FOR FAMOUS WATFRTOWN SHOES. IIS GROCERY. HARDffAI. AND -SADDLERY DEPARTMENTS A full stock ifrjearried consisting of GlaaN-irare, Hardware, Croclrcry, Tiir-war, Cut GlaHH, JTiinc.v Caps. CanvasH Tentn, "W'agroii Covers, Matraiwcn. Everyttdag at Lowest Eastern Prices. S. M. BARROW DEFABTIENT ';--' THE i 'Viii. Xitol J OatriairEc Ilaa-noass J Saddles, " fSpam.I S ARCTIC ICE CO- A. J. BISSEIT, PROPRIETOR Pure ice delivered toanyfpart ol the dlyj.a 2 CENTS PER PO UND. Soeclal rates to families for ice for regular custom-era. 0-OFFICSAXD ICE HOUSE 5TH ST.Ti Opposite Postofoce.1 ToistOHe -bo Co. rc. ir. c ! Irprle(mr. Pure ice dcUrered to any part "o at 1 1-2 CENTS Per POUND Orderx can be left etf office uiiih C. L. Gummings, Cor. 5th Fremont Ycur Pataonaje Is Respectfully Solicited, EH PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Fi i ! street, ppasl a Prospector. FAMILY PHOTOGRAHS OUR SPECIALTY Careful attention given to turning o t the FituH view and picture of all tirt in mott artistic manner, tuptrior finiih ami ton. 3a JLC "3P"J JB JE m Taken on short notice.. Groups ait cialty Cbbinet, panel and standard ToiMone & Pearce MAIL AND STAGE LINE. FRANK BUTZ. P.-irlet r. Will make semi-weekly trips to the New Camp, on Wednesday and Sunday of each week, making the round trip in one day, carrying the U. S. mail and passengers. FABE (round trip) $3 The .National Matte, Smelter. A practical and simple method of cvattine sulphide ores, such as nickle. copper, gold and siher ores. la localities where lead ores and fuels are scarce and a!mot unattainable, our pyntic. water lacket Matte Smelter has been re cognized vMh highly satisfactory result- and has been thoroughly tested on various pyratic. sulphide and arscn'de ores, in capacity of s to So tons per day. It is the most practical, cheapest and simplest method of gold and silver ore matting and concentrating tht is known today It requires bo extraordinary skin, no lead ores, no fluxing material, and no fuel of any kind for the saeher after it is started. The sulphur in the ore is its natural tod only, and its coat has no comparison with any other process of con. ccntranog Weare prepared to .famish any sise or capac ity plant complete to ne)iiH'iil mining people, setrt opandftsVaishourmea to run it lor them a easy payments. Price and specifications funuseed with leftmiu I aad trttrmoalali on appbcalioB, NATIONAL ORE REDUCTION Co. 573$ Cheltenham Arcane, St Louis, Mo, Minnficmirii of Furnaces for NicUe, Copper, Gold, Stiver aad Lead Ores. Jei-iy Arizona & Southeastern Rail road Company. The annual meeting of the stock holders ef this Cosspaay, for the election of D-jectors, aad for the transaction of Such" other business as may be preperly brought before the meeting, will be held af the omoe of the company. No. oa John Street,' in thcOry of New York, on Monday lory Gtfc. 1890, at a o'clock p. m. GEORGE NO fit AN. jt.eod , . Secretaiy Consolidated National Bank., Artcestav. CaniUl Stock - 1950.000. TOFFICERS. U. r. FRFJUfAN, President. -W. C DAVJV Vice-President. H. B. TENNEY,;Caski ksaes drafts araOable at a&y peiat is the United States. Dtaws Uusof r trhinge 03 m European cItJcs,-aat nak's a specialty of out-et ton asooosto with Isveoiduals, firavs aad cor .H WANTED AT ONCE5 ACTIVE AGENTg for each county; exclusive control aad awriak. WEI clear is to S hundred dollars a year. Enclose stamp for foil particulars, or affc for i sample. Etc Rapids Mines ai. Watie Ca, gyxiai Big Rapids, ii. InBSAUHA cured by trntm. Viarassl attorn Dr. MUsa Ta AsaU flOTKI, AKK1VA1J COCHUB J. S. William, UiiU. ARLINOTOK H. T. Hall, San Frineiteo. laLaCJU M. M. Poole, San Francisco. Sam Anguie, BUbcr. 3. 8. Atiguii, " J. Mason. Beoaon. P. CunntDghara;BUbe. , Ban Joes. W. B.Jenkkw, Uisicc. Al a rernedv far all (orrka al TTa ap ache Eleeiric Bilten ha proved to b the Terr beat. Tt u. wmi.n. unt cure and tba moat drami! , hah. Itual slek headache vlald ta !( Inln. ac. VVa urge all who are aCicted 10 procurtt a come ana give tnia reas edr a fair trial. In ear of hhilni eonitipation Eleotrie Bitter cure hy S'ing sua ue oa scuo to vne ooweia and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Trv it onn. Tift cents and $1.00 at Tmbton and aayiJrng Store, vm wm '! w...s V ' Rwfi SZUiWAt Gladness Comes With a, better understanding of th transient nature of the many phys ical Ills which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forsnsof 'sickness are not dne to any actual dis ease, but simply to a, constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleascnt family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it la the only remedy with millionsof families, and ia every where esteemed so highly hjrall who value good health. Its beneficial atTects are dne to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acta. It is therefor all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when yon pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured -by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If In the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with "any actual disease, on may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need f a laxative, one should have the best, and with tb well-informed everywhere, Synrp of Figs stnds highest and is most largely aid aad gives mot general satiafaettoav W. O. ABBOTX. A8SAYER. PltlCES FOR ASSAYLYG.- TOWB8TOK, A.T. Gold. It.oo Belt. . J.OO "a - XaOQ Gold aad Sdrer. one sample Crj&. &ler aad lead. ae sample aeo Copper. ,. ......... ... .... s09 Silica 1. to Mle&C-f VefO aW e ' (3 'MB. ZejO i"T,. flaOV OBoeand Resideace Orerlftek Eem!e. GUMMAXEY, XAea. St. card, Old CiMtoHcual fiOETABLES; J-BUITS, lOXATOIB, ONION8J iET Fret'h California rvhrtecitdefr$ stay if rxfrm. Everything toU f Umek rate$. hok$ delherti free to U part osl. MANLY VIGOR VCe MOBJB la bersaeav vTtB to, workl.JOOO completely cured men are hanor nrmbwa tor the KTeatnt. araad- est and most suc cessful cure for sex ual weakness and lost vigor known to medical science. An account of this twn dcrfvl dtoeoecrtL la book form, wltSVef- will ha eanx to aarC vaBSenflKueaeraBaVnaLPaaaa 'rm VatBeeT BWX 1 ss a- faring anew. Csealedt frm. roll taaaty vigor 1 aerasaaealer restore. VaUar tasatsthla. EJUEMEW4yU.Cf.1IUfFikU,l.T, HigheitofalliaLcaveniny.Power. Latest U.S. Go't Report vm oyalte1? ABSOLUTELY PURE THE-LATEST -HEWS Teller Men Arrive At Chicago And Working For Hir THE IMPRISONED MINERS. Eight Thousand Mill Hands Strike- The Confederate Raoiun. CLEVELAND GOES FISH-ING- Qnl HappcBinrs Tliroujjh out the Country. Columbus, 0. Judg Meekeson was nominated by the Democrats today for congress. Tb "free and unlimit ed coinage of gold and silver" was en dorsed. Chicao. Th delegate who have arrived generally appear averse to di- eussing the probability that Senator fellar will cat any figurtsis tbe-deraa- eratie conventien. The senator has a number of personal friends araoafc the silver deltgatee who bare already arrived, wh are net averse to his semination fer president. Wilxmbariib There are Hfty-nin' rsveo, living or dead, imprisoned in the depths of the doomed mine. In the aitrnea the men reported that they had reached the edge .el the fallen roek and began to load it in cars, The pit where men are supposed to be is still 00 feet beyond. Mux, Germany. A fire in the arsenal, near Fort If esells, oaused aa ezploeiea which killed aeveral perions and seriously injured many. Nkw York. A dispatch to the World from'Hevana says: The period within which, according te Ocaera Weyler's edict, all eountry- ea ia PlaardaUUo most go inte'tbe towns er go to tue imsurgnt' all who re foaad in the country will bo held toWesemies. People we foreiddea lo take oat food .from Arthesois. Vicnaosa, Kiss. The fellewfng private dispatch from Vw York state apart the .disposition by the liver eommieeioa ol the allotments for leveee few two year fj.250,000. The lowet sJissieeippi district receive the first year $200,000, the second year fn,000. XlCHatoxa, Ta. The eoafederate re union cpened yesterday with rkaros iag weatker. Aa iramense-throng was p reseat, Qn. Gordon shwed his face an the reetmm when a minhty coa federaUyslI went ap, ov. 0'Ferrall welcomed the veterans. Gen. (lordon U crater cf the occasion. . TarXwxwww, O. Every miU in the Uahesiag valley, inslading Yeangs towa. Warren, Miles, Qirard and Btruthsie will dcx, pending the set- tlemeat of a rat per ton for boiling. Manufacturers ofkr to sign a scale at fc- lonjshilethe amalgamated asso ciation is holding out f-r $4.0. Eight thousand Ave hundred mill workers will be oat of employment until a settlement is reached. New York. Pre ident Cleveland arriyed at Jersey City atl o'clock ye trdy aiternoou. He immediately embarked on a government tug which conveyed him to E.C. Benedict's steam yacht, Oneida, on which ha will pro ceed to Buzzard's Bay. The Worlds Fair Tests showed no baking pewder so pare or so great la leav catng power as tbc Rnyaf The V. S. Gosc Reports show Royal Baking Powder fzwerior in nil Gibers. 1880. 1896. 1611 Alii Ball, JE&XIVE CO. PfO. 1 AT MINING EXCHANGb HALL, FKIDAY EVENING, JULY 3, 1806. COMMITTEE oF ARRANGEMENTS. C A. Bclotti O. L. Btshford, J. Nicewinder, John Raney, Sam Watt, C. a Tarbell. . N. ilarden. RECEPHON COMMITTEE. Wm. Corbett. L. Lombardi, Geo. Bravin, I, V. Vickers, S. M.Sarrow, ios. Hoffler, McPherson, X. Costello. W. F.Bradley. fobn Inndeille, Cbas, Btagalupi, Wm. Harris, W D. Monmoner. Peter GiIL Kobt. Best, Ben Cook, 3. 1 IattxJi. I. N. McUonoujh, K.N.Wolcott A.W. isnuth. .V. ISorron, G. H. Fltts. Frank blatz. C Lh Cummings, Thus. Allison, P.aWarnekros, Julius Ceaser, FLOOR MANAGER. FLOOR DIRECTOR. - Joseph F. Lippert - - Geo. J. Rafferty. FLOOR COMMITTEE. Heiuy Dunker, F. E. Cadwell, Scott White, W.AHarood.HarryMilier. W. R. Km?. A. Wentworth. Teter Hook. Jest Rodgcrs, M. Doric. 1. B. Miano. R 1ncent. Thos. A. Smith, Wm. Ganclt, Wm. Kirlevr- A1I members are requested to appear in full umiorm. Music by the Ft. Huachuca Band. TICKETS $1 On sale at J. F. Lippert's, and J. B. Mlaco's. FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT, FAIBMEIGEAEE GEO. G. McGEE, Prop FAIRBANK, ARIZONA: Headquarters or visitors from Tomb stone and surrounding country. Best of wines, liquors and cigars af traya , kept on hand. BEER ON DRAUGHT. P. A GENERAL MERCHANDISE'. a full linf lo? groceries and provisions cigars; and tobacco Constant); kept on hand. Patronage roSctte FAIRBANK. ARIZONA. FaiiM Restaurant rJJKBANE. AKIZOKA.J MBS. K. HABBINGTON, P-o TABLE8 SUPPLIED WITH TH BEST OF EVERYTHING Charges reasonable Parties going from Toes ateae to Bisbee will hae uaple time fo diacer before the tario airives. Put. la patroaage is'reefectf aS; ;jMite4.. D6MMT11 , X, I ;i ; 1 t' - - ". r.o ."f' -y- in - -s A.