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mill Uj-jgy "1 "' mi.w.jaftraosctaiaegrs 11 11 f 1 fe TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (Sdsuay Exceiiep) -'T- Wm. Mich. Editor and Proprietor. Mafe4-rlptloa Ksttea. One-Year 110 00 Six Month! 6 00 ThreeMonth 3 00 OncMonth 100 Delivered by Gamers for 25 oenU pot week. &CTUOB1ZBD AQSNTS. U P.tFISHER, 31 Merchants' Exchange ban Francisco. O. iUKELLOOG. No. 31a Pine street. Room 57 an I js. Sin Francisco. E. C DA1CE, room 65, Merchant Exchange, an Francisco. GEO. P. ROVVELL. to Spruce St. New ork. N W. AVER OV. Philadelphia. -AH transactions nude by the above nroed oersons win be complied with at the PROS PECTOR office. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Mayor - P. B. Warnekros Chief of rolice, - M. Doyle Councilman: Km Ward - - Secor-dWard - J- tlacob Miller rhlrd Ward - F. W. Downs roorth Ward - - - D. K. Waidwell xvrtt ciricus: iterlS - - C S. Fly Treasurer ' J. V. Recorder - - A. Wentwortri District Allot c. . - 0. W. Swttia Probate Juita . - W. F. Bradley Clerk District Conn - - Scott Yhre Bosveyor - - - II. G. Hoe Assessor - - - '.A. Bright Court Commissioner - - - . F. Duncan CITY AND COnHY OFFICIAL PAPER Where WereThej? With apologies to the Helena Inde pendent. Where were the Arizona delegates when the lver men went out? What were they doing? what we'e they about? Where were they when the silver men went out? They declared they were for silver be- caute they thought it right. They vowed they'd Uy right with it and male an honest fight, Of their honesty and loyalty there wa pot any doubt. But what were they doing when the silver men neatou' CHOX0 Where were the Arizona delegates 4. when the siher men went out? .What were they -doing? What were they about? Where were they when the silver men went out? They swere by the eternal they'd be the miner' friend, And stay right with the silver cause until the very end. When talk was what was needed they were always there to spout, Xnt what were they doirjg when theeilrer men went out? CacECs: Nearly 900 of the delegates who will , take part in the deliberation of the Chicago convention have already been chosen and nearly COO of them are in favor of a free coinage platform and a "free coinage candidate. The silver , men, on this showing;, ,will not only have the mating of the platform but the naming of the .candidate. KMMFMIN. serin m 1 L '.'... Vi 1 7 ' r r PeffMeaw8HBHtMiEJWS" ' ' ilBlKMBlBfBBBHBlBlSSWBsflfQBKSBefQ 9M)VPHHHEBPpJSv darial dftcor- BfiB' '""Ttl'hi""'""' dorwd by tn efifisrX part ' BSe aseaor. HiRB lavigorae Burrs ' H and toniUi IsMe.Ha4Ta-HRH toibw. rm' reasoxHHjB - eli Stw discbarf jB rotoret -wast 1 zdzyr"HH t rain. 'tnfT sHflsiB ln " "b"t KvrRRHJHRRflRj. ,.,.,.. . W F 1 . - print endoraasenta, rrauaiBimv meant latpotaaay IaM Sru tag- Tt 1 a rstptota af avmlaa wraCaw - raa4 "karrabseni It caa b tsp4 la cays Cjgu at tatfoM laawtu Haotaa liatflttl laid- -. asvH ttt atroacvM vUailur tavla. It U , Tary !. Vnt barm. tarn ilia rraaa anikaf bealih, saata yamtlt aataaaalar aatar tb caUiorataa na. Tou ess ontr mt ft from tb Hadwa ataleal JiMtitate. WnMforalreulars. Mad for tanlawalali aad etrralara fra. atJBSO?e 5f EDICAL IXBTIT CTE. atok!a. Market aad KM Ma. saa rs! Cisco, CaUfarala, 4 Wm We i itpN.x r -o,JvHJ ffli-" VaLA""' I cm ? -YSiK-- r7 Ws J-LU?3WSE mmmm "JBH ( Not for YourDecision in,a Base Ball Game; But for Your Opinion to our Stock Its Quality and Prices. OLLAS! OLLASi! OLLAS!!! Wejurejnow prepared to supply everyone in need of these useful articles all through thecoming summer. Are vou satisfied with the HA.M JSJKTjl) . That you are now using? Although thejjseason is getting late the demand for FANCY DRIED FRUIT Still continues unabated. We Variety and Qualit We have DRIED CHEEUIES. APRICOTS. PEACHES. APPLES PITTED PLUMS, SILVEtt PRUNES, NECTARINES, TOENCH PRUNES. SLICED YJe, handlejexclusively that elegant DOWSTET : Don't Forget that.we are sole agents for ncnity for . .iase mms Seai: BraiMieer" ,?Sestf "Exclusively to'tlierbver r 1 a C.' raj . ' th1d Wdrd?s-.jRair Grounds raTsaW. (&&- V 'W'SSlaS .71 -5S-Z?$&' 1L -un nVig&iiy Leading .fine coffee el the World ' -"r , j GEORGE THE Grocer, CORNER Ot IXin AND A IMN S1REETS. Ready riis ya HlMrv1 t jt J 4tr-rr TlIS CA'M . ) 4 I I linot give us a trial. arq well stocked bjth as to PEAKS. BERRIES. ETC Tombstone and c:;c:cpted,a the 4" IVfCit H. FITTS, IPONY SALOON, J . A. KOSKA Proprietor. Finest Stock 0 Wiaet, Liquor and Cigars in the Territory. PRIVATE CLU3 ROOMS ATTACHED. Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies Branffies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. You toil hind Pete at home, on Allen St. let. 4th and 6th. THE WILLOWS, CHAS, BUL0T.TI, Propr. Choicest line ox Wines and Liquors. Imported and Dome it ic Cigan, Courleoitt Attention to Falronu Allen, bet. 4th & ftth. 'l'mbnione Billiard Parlors, j. n. Mcdonough, Prop. Ihe Finetl and Bett Fitted BiUiara Parlor in the City. Importer of tbe Best Wine, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tablet in Conjunc tion, ilh'd Drink a Speeialty. Private Clxib Room. Allen, bet. 4tli A fith.Torubston COMET SALOON GABLEVATO&PALA.Propr's, WINES,LIQUORS & CIGARS. Dealer in Bowk's Iriih and Scotch Whitley, and Ollxr Well Knovtn Brand. A Specialty made of bet Claret and Wine. Billiard Parlor in Connnection and the Coolest Place in Towo. Allen, bet. (Ub & 7tb, Tombstone ST; LOUIS WHOLKSALE -AND RETAIL BEER HALL n .: IM?proCfl3TELLO Adenb fqr jfnfieuser Busch T I eer. t NOTICE. - rT '.- yM. Registrnion of Electors "for Cochise Coadfv. "The following, itsolotlon tu unanimously passed at a meeting; of the board of supervisors of Cochise county, Anzona, held April 7th, Resolved-. That-there be, and is fceretiy ordered to be made, beta ea. tbe 30th day ol Apt u and the. ty b day of LctoKr regutrauob of tbe electors of Cochise county, and that the Clerk cf the Board be instructed to haveahote order advertised once a week for a period 01 four, months, next after first day of May, 1 896. ' ' W.A.HARWOOD (SKAL. Clerk-o the BoardjofjSnpeHisors. Tombstone, Mjj, ittjfi. , i-)s PROPOSAS-FR-FUEL. FORAGBAND Straw. Office ot Chief Quartermaster, Den. rcr. Colo. .. Ianei i 3SQ6 healed . proposals m Triplicate, wul be receired jere ay S3 ofBce of Ouartermaster at'each post beloV named antil In o'clock; K K,.'iMth meridaa'JtIme, lulyi, Fuel, For. rant. Hoa xed Whioo'a Hamcks. A T.; forts Bayard aad Wmrate, N, M.: Foru Dooglas aad uuuiesne, Utah, and Fart Loean and Denier. Colorado, darfnr tbe ftscalyear endinf Jane 40. 1807. Propaaals far muautieS; less tKas the whole required, or for delivery at points other than those aamed, will be entertained. The right is reserved to reject any or all propaaals or any part thereof. Information furnished 00 appbeatioa here or at " JaCitiaaliksssHaHaaalssaaPfWex' offices of imienlre post quartenaasten. En velopes to be marked "Prepoaals for Pad. For1 ace and Straw.- S. R, ATWOOD Majari cWq.h TOMBSTONE DRUG - STORE. Op. Wells Fargo Co. A Choice Stock of Pure and Fresh Drags aad Jledi - " cines on Hand. Fall line of LeadingrPatent Medidnes Prescriptions Compounded by a Careful Competent and Experienced Prescriptionist. Fine. Selection of' mntHs. toletcoods,)ferfumes PIONEER BARBER SHOP. JOSEPH LIPPERT. Prp. Everything Ji'eat, Clean and in Ftrtt- 1 Clot Order. 1 Shaving, Shampooing and Haircutting done in an Artistic Manner. The Oldest and Most Favorably Knoten Barber on the Coast. Pay Him a CalL Allen, bef, 4th &-' lb. Tomb tone CITY BARBER SHOP AND Bath Rooms, J. B. MTANO. Prrprietor, Hair Cutting, Shavinsr and Shampooing Large, Convenient and Commodious Bath Rooms attached. Hot and Cold Shower Baths. Every thing first-class lar of Practical Experience make this Shaving Parlor a most Popular Retort. Allrtt, near "r, Stra.Xwmbatoitr. Undertaxixo Pabios; of C. B. TarbeU CofBns, Caskets. Robes. Etc From tbe Plainest to the Finest Made, The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Coc auntly in stock. Bodies Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the latest Process. Summons. In ihe District Court' Irst judicial district of tht'Territory ol Atbona in and for the cenn of Co;. isc C. M. CARR vs. Plaintifl ANNA . CAB R Defendant. Action brought in tbe District Court of the First judical District of tbe Territory ot Aii zana in and for the county of Cachise. and tbe comp mt tued in tne said county ot i.ccsise In the of ice'of the derk of sikl District Court. Th Territory of Arizona" .ends greeting to Auul. Carr, defendant. 00 are herrby required to appear in an action brought against you bjr the above named plaint IT In the District Court of the First Jtnll aal District of the Tern'orr of Arizona, in ano for th County of Cochise, and to ansuet the comolaint bled Uierein. witun ten aays (exciu sive 01 the day of scrvici aftrr the service on you cf this ,if srrved within his count, or if served out of this county, but ir this district within twnty dny; otherwise with in thirty days); or jadgrr.ent by default will be twea against you according to ine prayer o. said complaint. The said action is brought to obtain a decret of divure from the bonds of matrimony, on the ground of desertion. Given under my hand and the seal cf the lmrt ot tne first judicial u-stnet of the Ternto 7 of Arizona, in and (AL) for the Countr ofCochite; thisayth day of May in the year of our Ird one thousand eight hundred and ninety foar. SCOTT WHITE Clerk Notice of Forfeiture. TO THE GRAND CENTRAL MINING compiny, its successes or assigns. You are hereby notified by the undersigned, yoor co owner in the baa Rafael mine, situate in tbe Tombstone mining district, in the county of Ccchie. Tcrrrory of Aruona. that be has eaperdrd the sum of one hundred d Jlars in the performanre of the annual work for ihe year 1895. requirrd by the laws ot consrc to be annually performed upon said claim to hold the same. Yen. your successors or assigns, have (ailed to coatnbute your portion of said expenditures requ.rcd by section 3314 of the Revised Statutes of the United Sta'-ca to be made upon said claim for the year 1(95 The sum due from you to the undersigned, vour co-owner in sa'd minfrig claim, is jour proportion of tte moneys eiprndrd by him npon said cMm, as above setftnb. is tHrtv-seven dWtars and Cftv cents '537 5). 'or which you are delinquent at the I datr of this notio-. You TOuTvuccessrs or assigns, are hereby notified if you should fil or refuse to contribute your proportion or tne above expenditure within ninety days after the puNication of this notice at least once a week for ninety days in this newspaper, your interest in the bin Rafael mine will become the property of your co-owner, the undersigned, who resides at Bisbee, in the county of Cochise, Temtory of Aruona. Dated March 19. 1896. ao-3m THOS. R. SOR1N - XOXICK. To whom it may concern : That we, tbe undersigned owners of what is knows as the Locklin-Miller group of mines consisting ol tbe Hoateataka, aad New Years Gift raiper, situate in Ttirquoii miniBe district, Cochise county, Arizona, hereby give notice that said claims shall not be held ra sponiible for any labor or debts con tracted or injuries received by any em ployee employed by others than our selve. That no debts ere valid against eaidcUiraa unleW atborixed by tbe undersigned. Jen If iiixa. QwmmmmffifflmBaMsEMmBa PIONEER Carriage i Blacksmith Corner Third an 1 Allen. -I The largest and Best Equipped Esti'sTff itt Kind in the Territory. " v . gj All Kinds of Buggy, TTagon and iwl uuuwtt Promptlv Done. BLACKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING. Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of Repairing in Wood andiron. JVone but First-class Workmen Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. CTTuIl assortment of hardwood and iron 'or sale. O. L. OUMMINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COR. 5TH AND FREMONT STREETS. Beef. Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to all parts of the City. Your patronage solicited. CHAS. BACIGALUPI Femon bet. 7th and 8th. THE FOUBTH WABD BUTCHEB The Choicest of Meats. SkiWulbi Gut and Always Fresh and Sweet. Low Prices, Good Weight and Prompt Delivery. FAMILY ORDRS SOLICITEL. TOMBSTONE GAS CO. A. ASHMAN Lessee. WELSBACH INCANDESCENT GAS JLIGHT In General Use throughout the United States and Europe, and successfully comp imj with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light, Uses Three Cub Feet of Ga.; per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. COST OP 3L.AJWOP Placed in Position Without OFFICII M BA.-VK ntJILDI.-YU. jlOOHISE HOUSE. j Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets, ELEGANTLY FURNISHED KOOSlK f0T Visitors to this city will find the Cochise a tuperior hotel end 01 . offering excellent accomo-ialion. A LARGE AXD COMM0L1OUS SAMPLE ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL MEV All Modem Conveniences.Raies Moderate. " j SAN JOSE. HOUSE. MRS. F. J. BEAN; Prop. ' CentrallylLocated, Large, Clean ant Well Vintilated Rooms. ' This Favorite Headquarters for Commercial Men has recently been newly fi tt renovated and neatly furnished throughout with special reference to the tra elir. public Rooms ensuite and single. Prices Moderate. Palace Hotel. FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Everything Made Convenient for Guests4 Special Rates lo Parties byUttW or Month. Renovated Throngboat. SAMPLE RG0M.F0R J)MUMgfS ' $4TKX W4SQSAMI' xweaxxy ana WM3SSBS8B& S.75 Extra Charge. TOMBSTO.IE. ARUeSl, 3IR3. A. IAF.S0" Proprietress Mrs. S. GALLEN, Picp Fifth bet Allen ard Toug .r.u. Tosbstonr, - ArizoLk. wj PARLOR TOR 1K V w f t ' X ! II U I I IWW