Newspaper Page Text
.- 3 I' i'i.4njr' inn i.i. astaegK; f . J t Si i I 1 LI r iO. Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, BtttWESY OUtMl, DISUSE. ARIZONA. QRIFFITII .fr JD.tJi", Proprietor. by the datfavreek or Sertet boarded 'month. Rig furnithedJ. -short notice (net taken care of at rates to suit the timis. Horses BouglU and Sold. PALACE Lodging House JlltS. TIIO& WALKER. Irop. IFAci visitint Bisbee don't failtogo'Jo the Palace., Roomi large lighl and airy Well furnitbed rooms. Centrally and Conveni ently looted. Renovated throuRhout. Rates Reasonable. Ohop House, Main street. Bisbee. OTTO GIESUJUIOFFEIt. Prop Finest Restaurant ia Bisbrt. PnTite Rooms for famihcs or for private parties. Jlresli Oysters and all kinds of Game in season. Tlie tablesuvvliedwith the best the market afford Fashion Saloon J. W.SIIEPPKRD, Prop, reu. live or Wines, Liquors and Cigars. trd anJ Posi Tables attached. Ice cold Beer on Draught. Club Booms Attached. bar supplied with the best. Gtve Uiro a call. Malta Htreet. BUbee. trl-e. MIIETS STUDIO Make the folks at home happy. There is no better presant than a Portrait of One's Self, ' A view of your residence, or an interest tnj picture of jour town of any kind. Don't put it oft until the last day or to. CALL AT MY STUDIO. UPPER MAIN STREET. My a'm mil be to p'ease you and you will find my prices for high class work very reasonable. FIENDISH ATTEMPT. Seme OneTries to Destroy Life Witk Dynamite. THEO.T.METZ, F. M. SLcHAX Keeps a well selected stock or SCOTCH. IRISH AND BOURBON XFHJ SKIES, lad the best brands of Cigars. Ice Cold Beer on Draught. OIAJB KOOaiS ATTACHED. ci a pleasant, social ti-ne, and courteous tny t isent. call en McKay. Bisbee, Arujna. Soda Soda w-i!er,Sarsapanlla,S.irsapariIla and Iron, Gsnger Ale, Champaign Cider, Syrups, table wsters, etc. Latest improved machinery, and rone but tlte very best of natereal ever used. BUbee. - - Arizona. BLEWETT AND ROCASLE MAMJFCTVRR OF BOOTS and SHOES Repaired and Hade to order on Short Xolice. A full hoe ot GENERAL MERCHANDISE CbisunJy on hand. Consisting of Boots. Shoe. Shirts, Underwear, and Gents Furnishing GooJs. A ell selected stock, and the Cheapest place in Bisbee quality 01 goods considered. " BISBEE DAIRY. Ben Franks Propr, po ,s?rszi mot elistred to all parts of the city- e.ery t-enisz-at the loTet marker pi ice. vt patronage Mliciledt r ' Guaranteed. Satisfaction Leave orris's with Unnn Market. PALACE Livery and Feed Stables, BEiT TURNOUTS IN THE CITY. At reusable rates, and on short notice. t' The patronage of the public is respect fully solicited and satisfaction t guaranteed t GRIFFITH & AD Ail, Proprietors. Bibisse. Arizona! i As 9:40 p. ru. yesterday, says the Courier, Prescult wh shaken up by an exploeioa which wu followed in a few moments by fire alarm, which brought a largo crowd o people nut who' soon congregated in and' around the Cabi tnet saloon building-, owned by Belcher fc Smith where ea expfosiom had tehen place under Hie floor, wrecking the rear end of the building. " No one bad any dea bow the eiplo-'nes got under tke floar, or who put tbtni there, but that it was done' with .maiaro aforetnought sod murderous intent it certain. , The Cabinet it a double frame build ioE iwaw teet, oomoimng muun, rear dining rooms and tide store room forliqaera and large saloon abd gam bling hall. The back perch, rear dm ing room and kitchen are completely wrecked. Id the rear ef the taloon room proper tables were over-turned, the floor torn ug, a tbeusand peund store turned ovrr and holea torn through the floor at different point. The frent windows were shivered to atoms, the clock on trie wall wae broken, the hands Hopping 20 minutes to 10. showing tho exact time of the explosion. About 300jworlh of bottled import d liquors in the wine room were lost by the bottles being bioken, alto a new 140 chandelier. The lots will probably reach ?1000. ' Th floor of the passage way between the Cabinet and the adjoining building on the north wae also torn up. For some time refore the explosion a smell of romething urnirgws remarked on. There u probably no less than 25 pounds of dynamite exploded. There was two woman in the rear dining room when "it was so badly wrecked, and two on the porch, but, wonderful to relate, they received no d usage be yond a few rents in their garments. A Chinaman wea hurt in the leg. The building was full of people at the fame of tbo explosion and the fact that o one was killed ocmaimalseemi mirac ulous; ! ' Lafer A man has iust been arrest ed'. ' He ii the husband of one of - the women who waa in the wrecked room. He has tJeen heard to threaten to kill br several timet latefy. Supposition from the first was that .the' attempt was v kill one of the women. DUBACHER & MUIIEIM, Brewery Oulch, liljtbee, Atir. Pabst Milwaukee Beer 9 On Draught, Constantly on Hand. Our Bar is Sap plied with the best Wines,' Liquors and Cigars Your patronage respectfully solicited. Miners Exchange NICjol .MOBILE: Dealer in FraitSjNuts.Candies, rjsh Fr.iifc Rjoivol Duly from California. Carries the Beat Ltue of CIGARS AA'D TOBACCO Ever Broaghi to Tombstone. Poultry, Eggs, Potatoes. Onions, etc., always on Hand. Fifth St. next to Postoffice. Main Street. Bisbee. W.C.SMITH & CO. Choicest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Erery "courtesy and accommodation extended to rpauons, Reading and Card Room Attached. STLOJSBEERHALL BISBEE, ARIZ SHATTUCK & KEATING. Proprietors. Agent for Anheuter-Buteh Brewing Aitociation. Wholesale and Retail. ICE COLD BEERS DRAUGHT FOR Fine Stationery Of Any Description, Call WM. D. MONMONIER, Oppotite Maton Doree. Carries-a full lfne of Station ery, Books, Inks, Pens, Mu cilage, Toys, "Window glass, Fancy Toiiet Articles, etc. Price the Lowest1 f -fAs acomplimenr to our many patrons and the public generally, for a short time we arc going to give to every purchaser of Ten Dollars' worth of goods a fine : : : : : 3$te Life-Size Ciayon Portrait. 7"r Allen St. Bet Fourthfr Fifth PEIaiMMOH LODGING HOUSE .TS.LETtSOlNVIPro. dean beds. ell entniated airy rooms. Charges reasonable. This well knows house is ceatrally located, and convenient to the (railroad depot, and is head quartersfor. the traveling pub lic. Patronage solic ited and satisfac (tion guaran teed. BISBEE. ARIZONA. O.K. Li very Stable Full Line of Liven transient and boarding stock carefully; attended There is not a family butpossesses some picture ol Father, Mother. Brother or Sister, which they would like to have reproduced in a life like and durable manner. Vhat more suitable for a present. Call at once and see specimen. THE FBARIE. The portrait Company nos made it conditiona upon us that witu each portrait .we sell a frame. The price is $-l.oo to $ Call and select your ownjstylc. OUR. IML-AIV Is to issue tickets on your first purchase of five :ents or over, and every additional purchase, large or small, is added thereto, and when the amount reaches $10 we deliver, free of cost, a Life-Size portrait. Call and get a ticket. Prosvectinf Picnic and Ex cursion varties outfitted on short notice.. Or iters bu mail or telr Graph receives vromut atten tion: TERM SUNHEASOMAILY LOW. JOHN MONTGOMERY, Prop. F. N. WOLGOTT Dealer in Choice Family Groceries A-WELI SELECTED STOCK OF HARDWARE AD TINWARE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. W. BLACKBURN. J.': BEEBEE MOUSE & SIGN PAINTING ?APEB HANGING AND GLAZING ..? Made a'JSpecialtij Ini Him. A. IV SIX MEETS Viuiing broth. OUEES 11D3E No. every .Natur&iT eenuij' - ers corciauy KiTca, AMOS KiXOBr-D.M. W. EDWARD'BAXKOt RecHer ILC FSK, Financier. H. SCHMIEDINU, JWEtXRANDDENT'ST. ALLKP.'DS if dental and Jewelry work in all brtnehes pcfonaed wnh neatneiss and distort OKces. Bisbee ar a Tcrobstone. & ' K W. FARRINTTON. -DENTIST ;' u.- .k. rJ rVntistrr done in s - Jttfa&xul manner and satisfauon gu-iranKd. f .IThlrrtsaieTerr reasonable. OrScs at Miea-er J Ifcr lJg. ' V. G. MBDIGOVICH; Wholsale and RetaH UeaU. in Groceries, Poultry; Game received once a iveek liquors, WINES, CIGAHS AND TOBACCO, . BAPTISTA CARETTO PCtLSn IS"" "' DRY GOODS, GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, WINES, IMPORTED LIQUORS AND CIGARS, EGGS, BUTTER" AND PROVISIONS; ' IMPORTED CHEESE &. SAUSAGES Also DesJtr'in Word. flaw t Care MamwaaUam. Abaoo. Coosb Co., Or.,Nov.J10 1893. I wish to, inform you of the great cniod CtiamberNin'a FaltwJSalm has done mywife. Sh has been'trdubleoV with rheumatism of tha.anrjjr?ai hands lor etz monmt, sBe-uetjy remedip tireicribed fox tbaCcotn t..i, fnnn.1 nn rfilinf until he"nMdVlhi? lPniri'la?m; one bottle of which! fcesr. nattasi completely cured iter. "I takepiee- are in recommendmg'it for tbalirou Me, YounTlruly, C." A. Bulloe. 50 cejiiyana tl-00 bottles lor sale by TorribatoneDugCo. M J . r .A. OVERLOOK. UNION MARKET ANDBAKhRY rf Brewery Avenue, lisbe'e itizona; ftssh Beef and Mutton, Porkl etc. also salt ror. wu Corned, Jseer. au Kinas ot o-'..c u- on hand,. , f ; - - I t v - reak Bread Pies and Cakes ever? da: Jnnthin in the Hifrfry tin? -rruyttrfo nreier on short wake. -T& programme of the F6urlb."oT July SolomonTille.wilL bejin Trith a National salnta at day light. There will be a literary pro gramme comprising patriotic songe and recitations the reading.qf the Dec laration of Independence by Judge Rsuse followed by an oration by "Got ernor Ti tLIin. There will be a steer roping and tying contest, borsr- rac ing and .lSi' r port. Also fire works ah I a gran I ball at night. The eele- 1 bralioa will be elosadihn next- raora- iujby agraal fisma of ball between the Cliflcn and SolvioiiTi:i riineefA go.)d time ieasiured, . In the fU of 1893 a son of Sir. T A. McFarUud a prominent merchant ( of Live Oak.Sotter Co., Cel.wa uken with a Tery heavy cold. The pains in his chest were eoeereswthat be" had paints and waW threatened with pneun.onia, Hie father gare him veral Isrera dueea of Chauibei'ian'a Cfxith Remwiy which broVe up the eongh dud ctireil him..-Mv-Mcr?ar- lMniIajeirhereser nis'cniMn'n nnyc ;ni h invariablv aiVFsCttem Cliamirisln'sCough R-medrand It' alyscurhem.- Urn -eoneidere y the bts't oougrTremeJyln the' market. e.iral'h pi-iMlii r.-.;3'.0Te,M, . - It j e.i 1 that oopriar ia superior to stel f r making, armor plates fer.wsr veel'i, on acoount ol.hfjlng greater loiter of resistance." This no doubt accounts lor the purcnase qi..codpt. Interests in thii country by theRotbe- AfMWy jTtxj bavOhjyTeJai? btnla toe suipe a n i -m ii 'that tn7 ahoold wiotU ettpplyth arsaofpUte, BSBBKil at B HHHHHHHsTlLtrTSHHHHI s .VbTH alnJt irctHHewS-T-V'' "Hi jw m wmr m ' i " ar1 n rfliB4 SIEr'- teNs5WPcv-,tLii''r ' 1 ' '&jZ&$S& J V. VICKERS Fremoat Street. lombstone, Arizona. Meal Estate. Mines Monev, Cattle ond ln- surance.- REAL ESTATE Bought, sold Rented MINES Bought sold raanaeed. MONEY Loans negotiated and in vestments made. CATTLE Grower, dealer' rj" tl INSURANCE Fire. Accident, Tife. Prompt Attention Given Collections. Goods Delivered free to all parts of the City. ARIZONA MAIL & STAGE CO -, Office Opposite Drug Store, 5th St, Carries U. S. Mail and W. F. & Go's. Exp. FARE TO OR FROM FAIRBANK 1.5C SUMMONS. ew "T8r"rOT8aWKK-7irlir KacbiM- Kinrof 111. 8aldooth tastallm-nt jUa, on we Ur.byC. , SiCTnRK,0 K. tiMi. XI Madia Fladiaa all kind Votary Public and Conveyancer. Leaves Tombstone at 8.15 a. m. to connect with Trains for Bisbee; east and west Leaves Tombstone at 5:15 p. m. lor Fairbank to connect with Nogales and all points south. Arrives 12:45 p. m, with Bisbee mail and passengers. Arrives at 9:00 p. m. with eastern and western mail and passengers. 3 AGO AG of Passenger delivered Office in the city fite of Charge CAPITOL SAW. JOUil BIllK . . arMraeltv BI8BXX, AWZOSA. 1 Just Ooened.for Business!: The best and vurest of -- , Wines. liquors' and Y Cisaraony Jcept . in stock. Comfortable Club Rooms are fitted apih connection with the Bar, and every attention naid to natrons. " In the Distric" Court first Jadisial district ol the remtorv of Arizona in and for the County ofCochi A . COLUNS. plainuft. n. ADDIE L. COLLINS, defendant. Action brought in the DistnctCourt of the first judicial disbict of the Territory of Ansona in and for the County of Cochise, and the com plaint filed in the said County of Cochise, in the oce of the Clerk of said District Court. -Tbe-Temtory of Arizona sends greeting to A8fie LTConinJ. i-Ynu arehenbr reauired to atroear in an action croujnt against you or tn aoorc named ttlaintiri in the District Court of the first judicial district of the Territory of Arizona, in and for the County of Cochise, and -to aasner the complaint filed therein; within tea days (exclusive of the day of service) 'after the service on you of this summons, (if served with ia this county or rf served oat of this county, but Ja this dulnrl. aithm.twenty days; otherwise. trithiithirtTdarsiiorludcment by default win be taten arainst yoaaccordinr.toithe prayer of said coenpUrat, , ,-. -j, T .. . oe saiu acuoa is Dnragnv w ouuiu .w ' ftfrTOrce from tbstxnds of matrimony. c .Ireniiiider ray hand and the s-al ot the T)is .n. i .-. . f tK Fir&t Imdirial Uiatnctof tb Twrftorvof Arfzoot In ini fortbe'eouarrof Cochse. this, ajrtjtfay-o'Juneiin tc year ofour I xwdne thousand eight hundred and nhsetyaxJ '. j "' - SCOTT WHITE, 2 ' Clerk. By AfJI. UMASUS. TENTH STREET DAIRY. -iOHN HANLEY PROPRIETOR Pure,' Jfresh.. Unadulterated Milk, delivered dail1' tool parts' of the city, xrc 7" Milk Wagon in town- Hilk by the quart, 10 eta, Reduction is made for larger quantities AI Oflice is on the wagon. Your patronage solicited. Jo-th Weiland1 Anheuser. LAGER! Lemps. " OjYL 7 TH E TRADE S VPPLIE D ADOLF I3AJCL.., Aont; Tircsas, AKizo.t. Battled Weiland Beer furnished to families in lumbston by JOS. HOEFLER Peputy Clerk. .I.a4tt. notice: ; "to"all whom: it; matojncern., notice rrey prrrn. u4. tii wwi, daLaicaliortbe Jam Bn. McGinty and Par izon."Ituated4n the Warren mining dmnct. IvTfiniemJ HnVi' works, and about the sanW distance froai the town or ttunee, n. iast w vWabore. nimai dalms were not located in, conform'ty withjhe V. S. mining lawr, there fore; a .second party, at a later date; relocated. tlie Same 1& lUU oomtsimiy wt ti'c mifry sained laws, and u tuny aetermineu 10 pruan ) ntu Therefore. aH peiKina, are c-J -- . ... . 1AwSSrreSSSmm t msDee,JSJ. COUGHS and GOLDS gT FIVSOI 1"T-"lr e a acre Kb ennle. iinmj ittt " Tt"" m g-- r-r-.-r;c IKStneSHJ a eraeea7. tea-ittpttre rrt9M hbrn beDtOoatttsBsa. Waar wkeupMae 7r ttiwliuf eta. suspuoa avw aary ij ''feVaearrfc t TS-'i ' -7S" mm r from a cknalaaniCct taa 5 ataM eoaxk. Raa Cieaa vans. Beer t b. -en, wami. wen. sola Balsa ,SSc aoMMVrajfitaa MWSk OYSTER PARLORS. AJL.TJETS St. BETWEEN 4tlx ATM i ."5 th First-Claes Meals Best of Attention; Everything in Seasop BOARD PER WEEK $7.GC THREE MEALS 1.00 SINGLE MEALS 50 Dinners lor SptcialOccaneni"a Specialty, Try a .Meal at this Popular Resort s First-Class Cooks only Employed. Accommodations for Families. C4KSAB, Proprietor. aijfa- FORJALE. A good bneineBSloeatiou.on Brtwwry ATwaWeadJoinlBg thebrewery. Ternii reaeoexabl. For for her oartlrmiarw eaUtAtiMBrreniee. jl, . J thexm wsmm ri . A lm.fliraD mill COMW-m. 6 Dan. 3 set- 'ttersaa'aglMMr,' wa If-toot-revolviag concen trators, tiije Uoaa eagraeawo Toners, au m good worting order. Building nearly mrw Can be moved as It H eSsse to railroad Most tU-.and caw beTxJhr tor cash. Address Pzosrecros ontcr, Torotmaoc. Ar! CAN CAN RESTAURANT . COItnTKIt tCr I eC .Jt-D3ttT The Oldest and Best Known Restaurant in Southwestern - - Arizona. Good ttfeals at all noun. FRESH OYSTERS! AND GAME IN SEASON. The Best the Market Affords Always Served to our Patrons Family Entrance oi4th St. Banouets a Specialty. I . t, VTACs. !. rlies