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wswwnj sjit'ijsf .tiy wtw aBdirtfc fc The Prospector JULY 2 isse RAILROAD TIMETABLES ARIZONA 4 SOUTHEASTERN R. R. Worth f t HIIO II CUM KaUy" axeept euoaar lit 731 SU r: ?5 TIM TABLE Ka . Julf M IMS. Stations; 0. 4 0 .,.. -? SO D .- .....Btftbe .... Ai ...DooLcU ....Pacaanl ....... ..Water Rnk .. .Charlatan....... SS.l 4, r Irbana ... .!. -0j tT.tlLv . ...Fslrbuik ...Ar I...X S.AA. V.19KJBS... ss.el ... ...,.l4 81 ..... ontent'Oit .. OS 154 Ii IV-n .... L UJ M.l c l is.s 18.0 171 15.T ' SaU "! Fir Clao dxUr except Se ISO 1V l.S" IS US lt,l farlUc time. Kl.f sUtto 1. Stjp on S cl. ( s KllUlll, 8a(xnterHiiU ihOUTHERN PACIFIC R. But STASIONS.J ii.IaamLr 19.90 am 6 03 a m j 1.55 pro . ...Lleosn ....Tucson , ....Mancopa ... ..... Yum.. . . , ....Los Angeles Ari 'ail 540 pm 7Spra 10.05 P 3-aj an I pop ia Sun Set, limited, "tJt bauaa, Msnaars uxj a rly &.19. Bsawa' Sua Set. LmiM'wcit boual, Wj!uri la BaUrUrs, tOSBenwa" NEW MEXICO ARIZONA tv'est 600pm 8,50 a m .ooam 1.40 am 37 am i.iSPtn1 Lv . ....Beawa ... ... FairtMV .. . ...Huachuca.. .. Crittenden . .. Ca'abaus . ....TCotrai... .Ari East 10 40 am 1 00 p m 13.10 pm 10.30 pm 0.00 am S.yaci ally except Suidiy. Pacific time. I. J.;F8T General Manager. A. NAUOtE, U H. Alhibcht, Aultrrat General Manager. Train Master. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R. R. .North stations South 80 pm Lt Phoait Ar sooam 8.35pm ......Terape laoam 9.00pm .... .Kyrene "SSTm 9,35 pm Sjcalos 1330pm 0.45 pm .....Mane pa taiopm U. II Honmielu Gen. bapt. LOCAL NOTES. Dr. Gaff, Beaton Physician lurgeon. fcilver is quoted at GS and tl Remember the tomorrow night. Engine Co. danee A four horse stage load of aasian gers left this morning (or Fairbank. 1 m m Frank Samonial, the well known eett'ernaa was is town yesterday alter uppliea. Sheriff Fly and his estimable ife are spending a few days in the Huach ucas rmticattag. Geo. IfcGse baa already registered (2 voters at Fairbank. Heexpects to well the Hit to 10 J from bis burg. Asiort-nent of fireworkt are on ex hibition at various f lore windowa and the email boy emile in antiepation, m That waa a happy idea of the people of Pueblo, Col., when they presented Senator Frank Cameron of Utah with filter bolt. Daughter Mother may I attend tba dance Friday night? Mother Yea, my dear; if you can find some one to take yon. s aw f An Indian policeman killed a squaw bis former wife, on the Fan Carlos rirer, half a mils from the agency. The murderer was arrested and Wrought to Globe. A BIBLE READER. Teresa Takes no Thought of Vi Idly Goods. Santa Ttresa laid in conversation with a friend Saturday that hr reli gion was God's religion, and she did not tie up with any earthly church. She left the Catbolie cbureh long ago because she could not see bow tuere could be any other mediator between man and God than Jesus Chnt. She aid she red in the Bible how by bar ing faith iu God, people were able to heal the tick, aud she did not ste why he should not ha the same pjwerif the prayed to hint for it. Sc the read her Bible and kept up a ccustant prayer, uutil em the knew it the found herll pnrijFil Of th power to help cure per.oni- tfilictid with nerrous diaeiSv, aud baheca it waa In dirct auawer to praer. Little by little her reputation increased until a her power increased she found herrelf with an immense falUwint;. Santa Teresa seems to hare the en tire Bible learned by heart, and ean bgiu at any chapter and rspsat lt elear through. She sss she has no lime U rsad much of anything but the Bible, and makes it her constsnt ttndy. The saint alto says that she found that she waa ablnto do the work only by easting aside everything of a worldly nature from her thoughts, and actually living 03 the spiritual. The idea of her inciting any disturbance or riot is utterly abhorrent to her. She aaTi she has treated several thousand persons since coming to 1 Pao, and has not aaked anything for this ser vice, Friends of Santa Teresa say thai she has abtoluteiy no poaiessions and that she hertilt has acknowledged to hav ing been at times without sufficient nourishment from lack of means to buy food. EI Pao Heralc. BTJCKLIN'3 ARNICA SALVE. The best'salve in "the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hinds,J,chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions JaiidJ pos tively cures Piles, or no payment requir ed it is guaranteed to give'peefect stis-a faction or money refunded. Prices to cents per box. urux More For salej.'at Tomb'ione The Mining Exchange Hall is being tastefully decorated with fUg and bunting and the floor plecsd in excel, lrnt condition for tba Engine Co dance tomorrow night. Parties going to Biabeo tomorrow by train should call at the UriofTice an I register their nsmei tonight s a special coach will be run at 12 m. to onnsot with the Bisbee train. The aiicient custom of ringing all the bells in town on July 4th will in all probability be carried cut. They will he ecunded three limes during the day and all at once. It was pydj yesterday at Ihol. M. A. M. Co.; the Hsraha! mine and Scribner and Ba'ron's works, and thn town presented a livelier scene last evening than for many moons. Miss. Ida Castaaada wko has bean visiting Miss Bessie Smith reluned home to Benson tbi morning. Mia flmith accompanied her to that classic city and will resnain a few days. a . t The ranges of northern Arizona are still reported to be in deplorable con dition, notwithstanding the lain ahow r, ahd I tie business or skinning tha dead cattle is now rrcognixed as an important industry. , , "It is with plosauro I tell you that by one day' use of Chamberlain' Cough remedy I was relieved of a very severe cold. My head was com pletely stopped np and I could not sleep at sight. I ean recommend this remedy. Cbaa. M. Gutfeld of Keedly, Fresno Co., Cal." A cold nearly always start in tha head and iterwardaextends to the throat and lungs. By using this remedy freely as soon me the cold has been contract- Mrs. J. Perliudr. Mrs, a it wm care at once ana prevent it ,j f0n a-orge. Mm. irorsexienamg 10 me lung- j-or Sale by Tombstone Drag Store. m, Mrs. Kat Hcwke and children left this morning for Tucson to spend a short visit with ber husband and father, U. S. Deputy Marshal Kat Hawk, and will return a'ter a fort nigh t'a atay at the "ancient and hon orable." " - Awarded rflsfaest Honor World' Fair, mis BAKING POTCM MOST PERFECT MADE. A fan Crape Creaai of Tartar Powder. Fser I a-MAjBaona,AIajicjrasryotliCT adulterant ' fiime Oallen eorgo. Mm. .Noriega and Harry Raff-ny wfrenu'poing passen gsrs this morning It Pnt Monica to spend a month or morn at tli sea shore ani take advantage of the S. I. exenrsioa rstes. Harry RafTsrty will alsa visit relatives in Santa Crux. Wcalker BulUtlss. OocbUa County A glorious rain tail week and the whole cauntry looks better. Grain ia beginning to to ?r rout, aV"e t !ooVing bstter, but are still w4k ; shipments have ceased till fall. Alfalfa i being cut, with a good yield iu sight. The trUcwverj- Mavott bla Lite. Mr. U. Caillouette, Druggist, Beaver eville, 111., says: "To Dr. King'a Xeis Discover) I owe my life, Was taken with a. Grippe aud triea all the phy sicians, but of uo avail ana was given up and told I could nutlive. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottlo and began its use and from the first dose began to get bet ter, ami alter using three bottle was up and about sgain. It is worth Us wi Ight in gold. We won't keep ato're r lioqee without it." Get a free t tall t the Tombstone Drug Store. The mining interests were never in more protnioing condition in southern Arizona than at present, Activity ia aonceabltt in jvery camp . Capital is bting invested in development and macbinery at a rate that is truly en couraging and tha future looks bright enough. The 14 j ear-eld son of D. II. Logan, the well known Cochise county ranch er oa the river near Beuson, auddenly left home a few days since to paddle bis own .anoe and fill a niche in the world or fame. He is" thought to have left Benion a day or two tiacc on the west bound traiu, bjl has thus far successfully eludtd'cap'turVby officers along the line wb hav bgen n'oMfitd a -id are onU)g Iookol4. fjt IMPORTANT DECISIONS. The Governor's Actions Hold Under the Law. At Pbenix Chief Justice Baker de livered two importand decisions re cently afretwg the conduct of territo rial government. One under man damus commands that the territorial funds now en hand thall be paid out according to the number of warrants, thus releasing nearly $20,000 that baa been held for months. The seond decision eests T. J. Wolfley, editor of the Arizona Republican, as citizen repubitcsn member of the Territorial Board of Control, under appointment of Governor Franklin, and unseating M. H. McCord, the holdover Hughes appointee. The legal point estab lished in this suit is that the governor may rsmova any territorial official at pleasure. This afternoon a decuiou will be given by the court in the tuit for ousting Territorial Treasurer Cote and ealingT. E. Farish in the posi tion, but commanding him to fie aa a Idittonal bond in the sum of 1400,000 a custodian of the territorial funding D mds. The i'ilcox Xws save: Supl. Jas. McCaw went out tn ike Buckhurn fUrin today. Work on the new mill is nearly finished and the stamps will bsdtopping by the 15th of this month. About thirty men are now employed at this camp and more will be added when the mill gets started. As the t&irte of this camp it tributary to Wil cox the successful operation of thesr mines means no inconsiderable in crease in the prosperity of that town. It I s reported that when the Ariz ona delegation to the late republican convention at St. Louis were on the way hems they stopped off at Al buquerque for brsakfsst, and had seated themselves at the table ef an aptewa restaurant, when the polite wsiter inquired whether they wonld have a lif teen cent or a twenty-five oent meal. The spokesman of the party in re( ly raid : .".We don't care a d for expense ; give u a twenty five cent breakfast." Dr. Gordou was called to Fairbank yesterday te attend Mr.'A. YrNoyes, who had sustained injuries by a broken Is;. Mr. Noyes was ropiog a horse in hia rejacious coral and in some man ner the data became entangled about his leg and the bora, In" his mad run jerked bia fet from under bine and dragging Mr. Koyes by a poet with soch that as soon a the obstruction waa hit both bones of the leg a little abov the ankle was broke. The dee tor set the injured number and Al is cw resting easy. A carpenter ef Cosola, Sioalos, took a peculia-mstfiod'of shuffling off this mortal enlL Heuisliberately laid down on bis back, pieced? a paring cbiael against hie brCMt, and with a aaallet proceded to ponsh aels in bis eaat enay. He was. wdsaUpsIy bamsBer ing away aVbieaae4fsjMa friend sor pfUsd hint' Tn" the act aid compelled lot te eeertt aad .hie lrfiswas saved by - . m . "'. rr, ' m grvm vavra. V -j DISPLAY OF TEMPER Results in Murder and Vitilei&t Insanitv at Yuma. The fallowing prtss dispstch comet frvm Yuuia, detailing the deed ef an insane Mexican girl of that place: "Because of an ungovernable wrath, Maria Moreno, a Mexicati girl 17 years old stands in the awful position of a tnurderees, her victim biing her 14 year-old brother, whom shenhot and killed as the result of, quarrel. "The brother aud sister became in volved in a wordy war over seme trif liag matter and soon came to blows. Maria lost con troll of herself and rush- into the house, teized a loaded shot gua. Bhe returned iu a moment and taking diliberatu aim at her brother shot him dead, blowing the entire top of his bead iff. At the tight of her bloody work her mind garo'way and sat. ia now a raving maniac. "Ihe was arrested and placed in jail but ia all probability she will b con signed to the asvlum." 1 a 1 TO SLEAN3E THE SYSTEM. Effectually yet gently,iso when tive or billious or when the blod cosimnure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and iver to a healty activity, without irritat ing or weakening them, to dispel head- acnes, coldsor levers use bvrup of igs. m m The extreme dry weather en the range of .northern- Arizona, extends into Utab, where eonsider-VIe losses will result, and from whioli section many sa'ttls have beea shipped to save them. FOR OVER FltTV VGABS, An old, well-tried remedy. Mr Window's Soothing Sjrup has bee u used for over fifty years by millions of mothers tor their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the guns, allays all pain, cures wind colio, and is ttie beat remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Scld by druggist tn every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottles lie value i incalcu lable, lie aure and k for Mrs. Win-a'oa-'s Soothing Synip, and take no otberkind. FOR SALE CHEAP A horse and buggy; horse gentle, buggy and har ness in good orders Will sell cheap. For further particulars, call at nr address this office. j?C-lw Hot tar Waa-alrsKtaa. Tickets to Washington, D. C, will be plsced on sale at Benson July S, 5, 4 and 5 at oae fare lor the rouod trip; limited to July 14, or 31st. ia the best cbanee ever ottered Arizona people to make a short visit to the capital city. Open for all. For fur ther particulars call on ar addrssa F.S. WEBSTER, Agent, Benson. lUraralon Kates. Tickets from Bensou lo the Dem ocratic Kational convention at Chi cago will be placed on sale en July 3rd, 4th and 4th, round trip tickets to Chicago and return at one fare, good until July 14th. Also, to the National Educational Association at Buffalo, July 7lb, tick els will be placed on sale July 1st and 2nd; round trip tickets to UuSalo and rsturn, for $72 Co, good until Jul) 14th. For further particular addrer-s F.S. WEBS TEK, Agunt, Bensou. TO TEE SEASHORE. Excursion Rates to Santa Mon tea and the Sea Coast Over the S P. R. R. FROM BENSON To parties desiring to go to the ser- ebore to spend :1m summer and enjoy the cool salt water breeze, should take advantage of the excursion rate of $31.05 from BENSON TO SANTA MONICA. Tickets good for 60 days, For further information apply to F.S. WEB3TEB, Agent at Benson, Or T. A. Goodman, G. P. A., San Francieco. ARE YOU GOING THIS tSUrsraiER? Tbq Southern Pacific Company ave plsee on ssle nt Benson round trip tickets to points north and east at greatly reduced rates. Befora pur chasing your tickets call on or address E. S. WEBSTER, Agent at Bcnaen, Or T. H. GocDMAr, G P. A. San Francisco. !. BLACKWELLS I WANT D NO OTHER. SEE? MM bTKennrttSUUItiUM nKPfK 11 - , PVVBT7 Vi I DKJJMt y l Jlw 11 Taw wtU Smd. was tmuym - " i MX Ittsaae aala tw smasca kasj, ' " i wO i em- V-' sssssssssssssssssssssssaRsbBK-lw 1 AsfasssasaVvL itHeasts lin' sC-.-asr,TS sFaWftilTlt mm wm .y i m - - ty -tr r- I P. B. WARNEKROS, v CLOSING OUT ! ! His Mammoth Stock Ot Hats Liquors Wagons Buggies "V " r-'amW -'-4SI ALL ffE Clothing Groceries Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Mining & Farm ing Implements BE SOLD AT st-sst tw wsssm taaSJa els fswa- -mate ; mt Black wUs rxoTaaaa. Bsrjr a Imsj T Slats esIsbswCss) Sal aasst rsasl th aapass which atTssatUSaf nlasblesne- ' sussl km gH ttwaa. ,1 '!iS2v?VlxPCa,vKvseV"ers.-ivsk.i.wk .-. - - - - -- -- i -.. k-"-fc.'tt. I, yu w.t a kujc teuef tor pjj m tue back, awe. cut;, w - ' tabs, uc an Porous ' uu4, use an Allcock's CLEARANCE -SALE GOODS ALL FRESH AND NEW I , 1 .... J . Plastei m -.. B?A IN MitfD Not one of the host of counterfeits and fmitn- m kmc as is? genuine; r.jffsr v-x.vx?v:v JFr 1arftf,,11. O-FJ'm rm n. . -f rvwltJ UVI1CI( ine lr(Ute 0J Aiqtjteiidenia c , , county. No Tro suiw Good,.: CULimTa v..vcc j ourseij o; The ft PIONEER STORE, CORNWIa-nji-FrEVONIiJATBEET.S. XE3!LlLiE2Xl I3XT Barsraln -e8rr We Moaif Business. Today a team ef horseerinlront of tha FaoerocmK oste becasse aeddesly frightened at com object probably our devil, a be appeared aboet that moment and started to run away;! newerer, tse animate were) held ia t check, an 1 instead of raaaiag away eon tea ted themselves with exercieiag their kicking prepecsitiea. How well they succeeded caa beet be illustrated by glaaee at tha baggy. Forta aatelj .tha aecepaat. X. W. Laagiard aad FraavkXarta. weze awthart. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. MfNERS' AND RANOHER8' SUPPUES TENTS AND WAGON OOVER.3p UOKEyE FORCE FUMP Ant ff IKnKTBgaSaJOVI.TUBaL.lX Iftjnnurni, an ccuasvaiaD tsM8eaaSs Tcsaon wnmniu. iWi A.X tr-T : I JOS. HOEFLERiPROP J SA C IF I CE. .. GIVE US A CALL. 1 I ,: f, M Si ! I I V COST I tpiEAJV STAVBAaU. 111 nm 1 1 Minimal pm