Newspaper Page Text
r 3uH'f THE TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR. to- OUR WATCHWORD- "COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. VOL. IX. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA WEDNESDAY EVENING. JULY 8. 1S96 No. 246 i The Prpector My and County Official Paper. I U BUSHED EVERY EVENIKO (Eicsrr Sckday. by Win. Mich Editor and Proprietor. Yrciuont Ht., Opposite City Hall ruts PcosPECTOX-H-ni net hold iutlf tesp rfl-Sf for any of the articles or :entUTrci pressed by any of its correspondents Knitted ia -the Tombstone Postofhce ciod Qass matter. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAMES REILLY. ATTORNEY AND Counselor at Law. Land and Mining cases a specialty. Tombstone. Aruona. V W"i C STAKHLE. ATTORNEY AT Law and Notary Ilibiic, Tombstouo, Aruona. H ERRING & HERRING. ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Office on Tocxhaut Street, between Second and acd Third, opposite the Court House. G EO W. SWAIN. ATTORNEY AT. ljut. Will practice is all courts of the practice is all courts tombstone, Aruona. Territory, Tombs to a CLARK, ATTORNEY ANDCOUN- seior at uir. utnee on t ounn street, between Allen and Touch nut. Totub- tx-e. Will practice in au ti.e cos cf the 1 ciribtfy. Charles granville iohnston. 1 Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Notary Public aat Fremont Street, liet. itc and 5th streets. A member of the I'ar 01 i.e vaprcme Court of the Terri'ory, and fr k.ce in any of the court therein. B ertha herring, typewriter acd JHotary rablic lougunut street. Tombstone, Arizora. A. WENTWORTH. county re- corder and Abstract .Oibce. Abstracts of title to real estate and mines furn- sb-J promptly and acuratelr. Complete Iran scripts. Office in Court House. Tombstone. E. ALVORD, IUSTICE OF THE Peace. Office on Aliea.St: bet. 3d & ' 4th, Tombstone. L KOSKA, IUSTICE OF THE PEACE. IX Office on ath St. bet. Alien acJ uuice on atn at. 1 Toubnut. Tombstone, H5. GORDON. XI. D. PHYSICIAN AND SSu"eoa: O&ce -adjoimne b'. residence oa 4th street. Calls attended at all hours day and n'gnt, I C. EARLE, ASSAYER AND META- t logical Laboratory, of or . io Fremont SL oppowte Gty HalL THE ORDERS- F. & A 31. K' 'ING SOLOMON LODGE NO. s. rorets third Saturday in each 'month. Viiiline brothers cordially invited t af ter, d. W. M.. J II McPHERSnON. A. L. GROW jsec'ty. R. A. M C, OCHISE CIUPTER No. x. MEETS tklrd Wednoday la each month. Vis iter Companions cordially inrired to at d. TOM LOWRY. II. P. A. WENTWORTH. Secretarr. P. O. S. of A. WASHINGTON CAM? NO.'r MEETS 1st Friday evening m each month. Vis iting Comrades cordially invited. I.W.CLARK. President. A. L. GROW, Secretary. a. o. u. w. TOMBSTONE LODGE NO. 3. A. O. U. W. meets tst and 3d Thursday in each month. Visiting brothe. cordially in-It-jd. ROBT. BEST. M. W. W. D. IfONMONiEx, Recorder. ' IC of P. ARIZONA LODGEJ KNIGHTS OK Pythias, Nc 4., meets every 1st and d Mondays in each month. Visiting brotherf lrrdiiUr (anted JOHNNOBILE.CC VT. D. MONMONIERj K. ofS. fBDTECT10N . JSE COMPANY NO. 3 XT meets First Sunday in eadiraoniLottbeir bote bouse on lb corner of Seventh and Fre so it streets, opposite the school bouse. WM. CORBETT, Foreman, NATJIAWKE. Secretary.-. R' ESCUK HOSE COMPANY MEETS First Suaday in each month at City Hall, Fremont street. I.V. V1CK ERS. .A; W ENTWORTH, Secty. P.-eiident. I. K. McDONO-GH. Foreman. ntGINE COMPANY NO. 1, MEETS 'pflj Jaal Sunday in each month, at hose bouse, CB A corner of Toughnnl and 5th streets. JOSEPH LIPPERT. Foreman. HENItY DUNKER. Secretary. XT3VI01V WATER WORKS F CXLVES, Prop. Water i'er Barrel, - 25 Cents Water. Per Backet - 5 Cents. PXOVPT SERVICE. deduced Rates by the Month Letre orders wttb waeon, or at tb! BlPMiliiir t -- BraurrtfY 1 VBfflnaMmrtdbr fiaetal JiMyf BVVll - Timum la a S. M. BARROW 450 and 452 ALLEN ST, III HUH I Ml STORES. THE DRY GOODS Bgg"- Is Complete, Embracing all the latest Styles, Designs, Textures, Patterns, and Shades of a large and well selected stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens, Checks Ribbons, Laces, Hoisery. Etc. Etc. Etc. !F A Specialt' is made of this Department and the price, style and quality are hound to please, CLOTHING, SHIRTS, UNDERWARE NECKTIES, ETC MARYS VILLE AND OREGON UNDERWARE. NEAT NOBBY SUITS FROM $10 AND UPWARD. RAT AID SROE DEPART1HTS Stetson, Fedora, Kenton and other famous Hats, Ladies and Children Dongolla and Kusset Shoes, Buckingham & Hech's Cowboy Boots and Shoes. Finest Footwear of Celebrated Manufacture. Slippers, Ties, and finest Kid Shoes. SOLE AGENT FOR FAMOUS WATFRTOWN SHOES. I2N" TELE Half AVE DEPARTMENTS A full stock isjearried. consisting of Glass-ware, Crockery, Oat Claws, iPancy Cnps. Canvass Teat, f Wagon Covers, MatraMuex, Everything at Lowest Eastern Prices. S. M. BARROW, DEPARTMENT DEPART SADDLERY tt 2JLarlwaxe, Tinware, Guns, IiHtols,' Oatiide3Etc Harness"! Saddles, SpnrK. ARCTIC ICE CO- a. j. BissErr, proprietor Pure ice delivered to anyTpart ot the city) a 2 CENTS PER FOUND. Svecial rates to families for ice for regular customers. larOFFICaASD ICE HOUSE eTH ST.-M v Opposite Fostcffice. Mstone Ice Co. C. Lt, I'uiiiuiIdti, lrirlrlr. lure ice delivered to any part o a 1 1-2 CENTS Per FOUND Orders can be left at office with C Z. Cummin gs, Cor. 5th J- Fremont Ycur Patronage is Respectfully Solicited. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, riemo t s rett, opposle Prospector. FAMILY PHOTOGRAHS OUR SPECIALTY Careful attention given to turning o t the Fistest viitrs and yitturtj of all sizes in a mv$l arlUtio manner, suptrior finish and lone. Taken on short notice. Groups a $ e daily Chbinet, panel and standard TuMii & PearcG MAIL AND STAGE LINE. FRANK BLSTZ. Proprietor. Will make semi-weekly trip, to the New Camp, on Wednesday and Sunday of each week, making the round trip in one day, carrjing the U. S. miil and passengers. FARE(rounil trip) 3 Tiie National Matte Smelter. A practical and simple m-lhsd of nattin? sulphids orer, such asnickle, coprer, gold and silver oies. In localities v here lead o-es and fuels are scarce and almost unattainable, our pyntic, ttitrr jickct Matte SmHter has betn re conciled with lughly smsfactory results, and has been thoroughly tencd en Yirious pratic and arsenide ores, in capacity of a to 8d tons per day. It is the most practical, cheapest and simplest method of po'.d and silver ore matting and concsntrating tlut is known today It reqiiresno extrao-dinarysVill. no lead ores, no fl jiing material, anC no fuel of any kind for the shelter alter' it is started. The sulphur in the ore is its natural ful only, and its cost has no comparison with any other process of con centrating We are prepared to furnish any size or capac ity plant complete to sub.untiil mining peop'e. setitupanuturaisriourmen to ruoitior tnem on easy pajni-nts. Price and speciScations furnished with references and testimonials on app'ication, NATIONAL ORE & REDUCTION Co. 5736 Cheltenham At enue. St. Louis, Mo, Manufaaurers of FiL-ntw for Nickle. Copper. Gold, Silver and Lead Ores, jai-ty Arizona & Southeastern Rail road Company. TLe annual meeliae cf the stock holders of litis Company, for the election of Djectois. and for the transaction of such other business as may be properly brccjht before tte meeting, will be held at Uie ofSce of the company, Nc. 59 John J Street, in the City of New York, on Monday July Cth, 1856, at 3 o'clock p. m. GEORGE NOTMAN. j3,i:d Secretary Consolidated National Bank. Of Tiicnuu, Arlzoun. Canital Stock - . - 850.000. .'OFFICERS. If. P. FREEMAN, President. W. C DAViS, Vice-President. H. a TENNEY.'Cashln Issues drafts arailable at any point in the United States. Dtaws bills of exchange 03 a European cities, and makes a specialty ofout-cl town accounts wrU. jnvdiidualt, firms and cor Deration. WANTED AT ONCE; ACTIVE AGENTS for eacS eminty; exclusive control an no risk. Wi3 clear ia to a? hundred dollars' year. Enclose stamp for lil particulars, or 25c fur JI sample. Big RAnDs JltSEa!. Watj:r Co., gjjj-im 2 Rapids. Mch. NETTRALOIA cared by Dr. JtPca' Par tau. -uueceuaa. MtfldwM. Il(-I't:i. AKKIVAIJ COCHISE It M. Co'.butn, ltancli. A. Lawnn, " " " J. S. William, A. V. LevkU, " " ACLIKOTOM ,T. 13. Johnston and wife, Tearce. i a LACE. Prank Dopp, BUbee 1. Kaviland, Kancli. HiX JO'E. If. Fetily, Mistouri, Miss. II. Lutfk, Huaulitica, Cure for Ilfadurhi'. Ae a remedy for all tortus of Head Rcbe Electric Hitters lias proti'd to be uio very best. Il tilde's a perman ent euro anil the mot dreaded hab itual sick liu&dacho yield toits influ ence. We urge all who are ofliictcd to procure bottle nd gie thin rem edy a Mr trial. In casej of habitual connipniion Electric Biltere cures by Ktwn;; the nee jd tee to the bovrela and few casea long tesist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Fifty cents and $100 at Tombstone and uuy Drug Store. Gladness Comes With a Ixsttcr undcrstandiiig of the transient nature of the many phys ical Ills, whuli vanish l-cfore proper ef forts frantic cfTi-rts pleasant efforts rijrlitly directed. Iheie i comfort ia tho Icno-rledjre, that so many forms, of klclcncsAuie not Ht3 to any actual dis ease, but ".imply to a constipatedeendi tion of the tystcm, wiiicli the plcascnt family laxative. Syrup of Fifrs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is tho onlv remedy vrilh millionanf fnmilie.?, aniifs everywhere c&tecnicd so highly lv all who value jrood hcnUh. Its effects ari: due to the fact, that it 13 the on remedy which promotes iulernhi cleanliness without deliilitatinif the orirans on wtii It it nets. It is O'erefore all iuipoitant, in order to get its bene ficial effocts, to note wiicn jou pur chase, that yon have the RT-nnine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and told by all reputable dru;rtist.s. If in the enjoyment of pood health, and the system is refrulnr, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual div.'ae, one may he commended to the most skillful physicians, hut if in need -fa laxative, one should have the best, acd with t jie well-informed everywhsre. Syrup of Fins staids highest and is most largely used and give most general satisfaction W. O. ABBOTT. PRICES FOR ASSA XING.- TOUBSTONE, A. T. Gold. St. 00 Silver i,oc Lead... ... 1.00 Gold and Silver, onesample x.35 Gold, SUver and lead, one sample 300 Copper 1.50' S'lica 1.50 Manganese j.50 IJme . 1.50 Iroa i.w Zinc... ...- 2.00 Ofliceand Residence Overluck House. GUSH IIAXEY; Wh 31, k(pid CustoHjuse - VtMETAV.LZS, FRUITS, lOrATOES;. onions; ; ' ETC Fresh California Jruii rtuixtd rvery day ly express. Everything told at lowest, raits. Goolcs delivered free to all parts of cil. YV I ONCE HORH In harmony dth the world, 2000 eorniiletely cured men lire &I11KU12; bnfPT prrieea for toe greatexi, cranr. est and nt oc eefisf ul euro for sex ual weakness and lost vigor known to medical science. An. account of this tren tfTui dfeeorn-y, la book form, with ref erences and proofs will be sent to euf- I frfnff mm 9Aledl Irtt. Knll manlr vienr I permanently restored. Failure Impossible. I EREHEOIGJILCOnBUFFJUJI1il.T. MMl " II iJTVNkVw p Highest of all in LeaveninVower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report ABSOMMXBMX. PURE THE LATEST IEIS Tilings Red Hot In Conven tion In Ctao. NO NOMINATIONS YET MADE. Commit If e On Credentials Re port Tillman Iu Demand Speehmakiiig. P0PULISTIC MANIFESTO. General Ilitppaalinfs ThroiiBh out ilic Country. CinciGo. Convention reassembled this mottling. Committee on Cre dential are working on contested delegations from Michigan and Xeb railca. Senator White will doubtless be the probable permanent chairman. Blackburn of Kentucky, Obermeyer of Kaasai, and Govrnor Altgrld, all nude ringing speche for diver and loudly upplaadeJ AltgelJ ref te the oId democrats as wanting to put na'ters on Americana in favor of Knrli'li money lenders. I.otnl cftlli" aro made .'or Tillman but did not reapond. 11 a m. Williams has floor and plead for harmony. 11:110 Committee ou crcdiental report. Dle(tilei from Michigan thrown out and sealing Bryan dele pates of Nebraska. 1 p. ra. Russell, of Miss., demands roll call ou retort of (eating Bryan, but later withdraws and Br) an dele gates take seats amid cheers. Committee has retired to coneider Michigan case, and the lime interven ing is Doing taken up with music while delegates are conferring. Loud ctlls art made for Tillman but he has not yet responded. Convention adj-mrns until G p. m. Cimuaoo. The Populist leader je terday issued a manifesto in behalf of Senator Teller in whleti the sentiment of the party is expressed in regard to the expressed opinions that tho Peoples Patty and othei advocates of free coin,g- should accept the nominee:! of Demci ratio convention and tin to cUVt the tar..e on the D-mocratL-pla-.form. The uianiteeto recites that the caiuc of free silver coinage is the people cause. 'It TOjitires foriuccess aflinstthc mighty powers opposing it the votes of uiillions of men who have not acted stiih with the Democratic party. How then can that party at time wiien it is by a hopeless division wore weak and impotent than ever before undertake this gigantic task in tbo narrow rpiiit of straight party action? There i a candidate upon whom tho vote of all friends of free silver can be united, if all those who have the cause at heart will yield of their extreme partisanship and place the cause first and complete success second. Tiie fortj-eifht vitcs of Illinois will bo cast solidly forBland. It was so decided at a caucus of the dele gation yetterday. The final vote on the question stood 43 for Bland, 1 "for Stevenson and four absent. Of the absentees three are pronounced Blabd meu and the fourth a gold standard man. Chicaoo. On the eve of the demo cratic national convention all is con fusion. One thing looms up like a search light in a fog. That is that the coovfintion will bo for silver at 16 to 1. For candidates the convention is still groping in the dark. The din of the Bland and Boies boomers is deafening. Bland is unquestionably iu the lead, his strength approximat ing 230, with Boies moving along at his heels with about 200. In this chaotic condition of affairs gossip and speculation casts about for dark horsoe. William J, Bryan, Vice Presi dent Stevenson, John It. McLean, Senater Joe. Blackburn and Senator White all shars the dieiinction of be ing canvassed. 'J'be 2lHCOTcrj-NtTocf bfsl.lte, Mr. G.Caillouctte, Druggist, Beaver sville, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovert I one my life, Was taken wi'h La Grippe and trieU all the phy sicians, but of no avail end was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. Kiox'n New Discovery in my atore I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get bet ter, and alter using three bottle was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep etore or house -vithout it." Gel a free t tall t the Tombstone Drug Store. Ho! tor lVanhlusrlon! Tiskcls to Washington, D. C, will be placed on sale at Benson July 2, 3; i and 5 at oue fare for the round trip; limited to July 1-t, or 31st. This ia the best chance ever ofiered Arizona people to make a short visit to the capital ciy. Open for all. For fur ther particulate call on ar address F.S. WEBSTER, Agent, Benson. FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT, AHA'WWWVWV GEO. G. McGEE, Prop FAIRBAJfK, ARIZONA. Headquarters for visitors from Tomb: stone and surrounding country. Best of wines, liquors add cigars alway' kept on hand. BEER ON DRAUGHT. P. i DeHARTINI ; GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A FULL LINF OF GKOCERIES ANDJPROVISIONS CIGABSI AND TOBACCO Constantly kept on hand. Patronage solicits FAIItriANK. ARIZONA. f. FAIBBISK. ARIZONA.; MBS. K. HARRINGTON, Pro TABLES SUPPLIED I WITH THE BEST OF E ERYTHINa ' Charges reasonable Parties going from Toss stone to Bisbeeuill have ample time fo inner before the tarin arrives. Puk. U pUroaijj U'respectfaHi; vdicUed. FairM I t.1 1 i H-l tt n o ii