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TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (Suhdat Xicsrnto) Y Wm. Mich; Editor and Proprietor. rtocrlpUoa Kssttm. One Tear $10 00 Ix Month 6 00 ThreeMonths 3 00 OncJIonth. 100 Delivered by Carrier for 36 cents per week. " AOTBOBUZU AQBHTsI L. P. FISHER, it Merchants' Exchange San Francisco. a It KELLOGG. No. 3to Pine street. Room S7 a&d 5s, Sao Francisco. E. C DAKE. room 6$. Merchant Exchange, an Francisco. GEO. P. ROWELL. to Spruce St Nev. ort N W. AY8R4 OVr Philadelphia. , All transaction made by the above named persons win be complied with at the PROS PECTOR office UFKICIAL DIRECTORY. Mayor - P. B. Warnekrcn Chief efFoUce, - . f..Dovle Coundloen: Pint Ward ... Second Ward - h J" Miller ITJrd Ward - F. W. Damns Fourth Ward - - - D. K. Waidwdl xvm crnctxs: tfceriS - - G S. Fly Treasurer t. V. VIckers Recorder - A. Wentworth District Attcase - - O. W. Strata Probate JuaVr - - W. F. Bradley Clerk District Conn - - Scott White Sunrevor - - - H. G. Howe Assessor - - '.A. Bright Court Commissioner - - - . F. Duncan cTTYnnyJnCTrop7iculLPAPEl A di.patcb from New York says that "an easier lone i apparent In the mosey market" This will be inter esting newt to the fellow who ha to meet a note. Foreign immigration is rapidly in creasing again. During February and March, 1694, the number of immi grant landed at New York wag 21, 293. In the corresponding months of 1S95 it was 22,032, and in the eame months this year 31,872. It is r ported that 15,000 Italian immigrants are about to leave Naples for New York. The problems nonnested with immigration are likely to b.come pressing within a year or two. Gsn. Campos insists that if Spain must give up Cuba it should only be after she bas been whipped in a war with the United States, as Spanish honor in tlittcasewouM suffer no last ing humiliatioa. The inference seems to be that Spain would accept a sound thrashing frost this country as a post tire favor. Well, Uncle Sam Is an accomodating fellow, and as he studies to please be will undoubtedly be able to give Spain what she wants provided she approaches her in the right spirit. The Gazelle publishes a Cnicago dispatch to the effect that Judge W. H. Barnes, one of the Democratic del egates to the national convention from Arizona, is endeavoring to secure the place as National Committeeman for hlBttvtf. Hr.Bariiei was instructed by the Pheniz convention to work for Mark Smith for National Committee man and we do not think he would violate his instructions, knowing, as he does, the temper of this people. Judge Barnee ha been a resident of Arizona for a number of years, is liked by the people as a lawyer, and ha built tip a lucrative practice in our midst He has been honored by the people in the bestowal of their confidence in sending him to Chicago to' represent, Vama in a fight (or a principle that is dear to their hearts, and be is too wise a man even if he were so disposed, to go over to the gold bogs as charged in the dispatch The PaosrEcro thinks better of any of Arizona' delegates than to believe that they would violate the trust reposed, in them and will re frain from, comment until more is known. The kaad at Us hovers over Uw udw, th. facta whota, error aaveeaahatl i!i.caplllr ta Boot It U ftarlal herrur to b r stnasTsa aa ox to-day, to t as wk aa a !tln sa-aomw.' It ta aroUsan wamltr; It aam.!l wefcaaJwt C.tch jaanall ta tfcaatckof Uat.e If yea raSkt h.l rsuratlf 'ha oseat mm. wffl h.lp 70a. HaSraa lit krI vafatab'e ssrsUoa, bat la a pawarf ol dm. BaJraa reatorea. ratal) is, rauawi ta flra at Ufa. It la far uaa. It la saaa'a featt M.aJ. It T saftr rrsaf weakaeu, from latpairt ar lust saaatiKWl. If oa have as4 u yoar kid a erf or lajua voar lltavoasuUw'rliaia' laara aUatowttaoCMtHadrsa, CtrtaUrsaad Ua' baoalaU tro. uhx KfeKicAL, Mmn irrc eteasla Market aa Kit SI. --VTsUpjggS Jj-r If J-" vf x. In u y We Are ?8S m r5UVrSsF y M jtfflBk Not for Your Decision in a Base Ball Game; But for Your Opinion to our Stock Its Quality land Prices. 0LLA8! OLLASM OLLASM! Vearejnow prepared to supply ever3'one ia need of these useful articles all through the'eoming summer. Are you satisfied with the That you are now using? Although theseason is getting late the demand for FANCY DRIED FRUIT Still continues unabated. We Variety and Quality. We have DRIED CHEKKIES. APB1COTS. PEACHES, APPLES PITTED PLUMS, SILVER PRUNES, NECTARINES, FRENCH PRUNES, 8LICED PEARS, BERRIES, TO We handlekexclusively that elegant DOWNEY : CHEESE. Don't Forget that we are sole agents for Tombstone and 'icnityjor Cto & Safluoms Seal Brai Goiee. a ' " .vServed-ExclllSJvely to the over Twentyone "SE? Vorld's VsS. I r"i '--::' o'r - Leading riaa ck)ffec cft.;c World GEORGE I FinS. a f THE Grocer. Now Ready T -Tlli VA f HiMrvscsi as tcrai J aarrca rata v. C'M .. v 1 1 t . I lfnot give us a trial. are well stocked both as to IVlilliQn People FairQrounas v .. j.t- i, ? mr PONY SALOON,! 9 a t ' I J . A. K0SK Pfprietor. Finest Stock of Wintt, Liquors and Cigars in ths Territory. PRIVATE CLUB ROOMS ATTACHED, Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. You uU find "Al" ef Aome, on Atttr. St. bet. 4th Md'Stk. THE WILLOWS, CHAS, BULOTTI,Propr. Choicest line ox Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domestic Cigars, Courteous Attention to Patrons. AIIcb, bet. 4th & Otli. Tombstone Billiard Parlors, J. K.McD0N0DGH,Pr6p. Ihe Finest and Best Fitted Billiard Parlors in the City. Importer of the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables in ConjunC' Won. Mixed Drinks a Specialty. Private Club Rooms. Allen, bet. 4 tit A Stb.Tonibston COMET SALOON GARLEVATO PALA, Propr's, WINES,LIQUORS& CIGARS. Dealers in Bourh's Irish and Scotch Whisky, and Other Well Know. Brands. A Specialty mads of best Clarets and Wines. Billiard Parlor in Connnection and the Coolest Place in Town. Allen, bet. Otb & 7ib, Tombstone ST. LOUIS WHOLESALE J - AND RETAIL BEER HALL MARTIN C03TELLO j ' Attent- tor-dnheiuaer -Busch " Beer. ' ,. NOTICE. Hearlstrrtioa of Electors fur Cochise Condtv. The foIlowiDg loaalutioa waj cnanimcusly passed at a meeting of the board of supariion of Cochise coastr, Arizona, held April 7th. ie6. Reiolrcd, ,That there be. aad ia hereby ordered to be made, betaree. the 30th diy ot AwOand the 13th day of October, a refUtruioo ofthe electors of Cochlie county, and that the Clerk efthe Board be tatructedto hiTeabore order adrenued once a week for a period ot four months, next after first day of May. 1 S96. n 4 w, A. nAKWvwu fssAX. Ckrk ot the Boaraol.SaperTissrt. -. TeratKtooe, May.x, ittjt. tat PROPOSA"!s'FOR FOL. FORAGK AND Straw. Office of Chief QtEUtermaster. Dea rer, Colo., 1aac,i. sBo Sealed proposals is tripHeaie. .will .be-rcccwed here at at office of Quartermaster al each post below named until n o'clock. A. U.. iaoth roeridian time. Jnlr I, sSoS. aad thesi opened for farobbiaj Fad. Vot. are aad Straw, at Forts Apache. Gnat. Hna chaca, STib-post of Saa Carlos aad Whipp'o Barracks. A- T.; Forts Bayard and Winpsa. M, M,; Forts Donirlas aad DuChesaav Utah, aad Fort Lofaa aad Denver, Colorado, darlaf the Aseal year Lediac; Jane 30, 107. Proposals far qoaatttses less than the whole required, or fardaUrery at points other thai those aaroed, will be entertained. The rig-fat is rear-. Ted to reject any or all proposals or any part theraaf, Infonnatioa fornUbed oa'appUearlon here or at oflScesof respectlrt post qaartenaassrra, Ea aolopestote marked -Ptacamla farlwai. Wm . t iSmBBtUm el I n I I 1iiiPH'siiiIsiiV''I7 ace asKl straw. ma raraw. a- ex w fcreroOBS TOMBSTONE DRUG -. STORE. Op. Wells Fargd fjo'. ' A Choice Stock of Pare and Fresh Drugs aid Medi eiaes, ea Ilaad. Fall Line of Leafliog Patent Medicines Prescriptions Cornpounded by a Careful Competent and Experienced Brescriptiopist. Fine Selection of NOTIONS. TtfUTGHIS, PERFUMES -PIONEER BARBER SHOP, JOSEPH LTPPERT. Prop. Everything Neat, Clean and in First Class Order. Shaving, Sharnpocing and Haircut ting dona in an Artistic Manner. The Oldest and Most Favorably Known Barber on , the Coast. Pay Him a Call. Alleat. bet. 4(lsoaih.Tasabta)sie CITY BARBER SHOP AND Bath Rooms, J. B. MTAN0, Prrprietor, Hair Cutting, Shavine and Shampooing Large, Convenient and Commodious Bath Rooms attached. Hot and Cold Shower Baths. Every thing first-class Years of Practical Experience makes this Shaving Parlor a most Popular Resort. Allra. aienr C:r. Sits. Tana batornr. U:.'DrcTszso Fakiose of C. B. Tarbell Coffins. Caskets. Robes. Etc From the Plainest to the Fine5t Made. The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in stock. Bodies Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the Latest Process. Summons. In the District Court' first judicial district of tb Territory o( Aruona in.and for the coun ofCaJise. (,.. in. t.AKi vs. PlainuS ANSA). CAR R Defendant. Action brought in the .District Court of the First judicial District of the. Territory o Ari- lona In and for the county of Cochise, and the comp mt med in tne said county 01 t.octuse In the ofice of the clerk of said District Court. Tbr Terntory of Aruona sends greeting to Anna J. Carr. defendant Yuu ae licrcly requtrrd to appear in an action brougit against you hj the above named plaint ff fa the District Court of the First Jtnli da! District of the Territory of Arizona, in awl for th.i County of Cochise, and to answet ths complaint bled thereia. wttbia ten days (ectu. live of the day of service J after the trrnce on this summons .if served within Lis count"', or if served out of this county, but ir this district within twenty clave; otherwi. with in thirty days); or jadgm'ent by default will be taken against you according to tne prayer o. said complaint. The said action is brought to obtain a deem of divitre from the bohs of matrimony, on the round of desertioii. Given under my hand and the real of the Court of the First Judicial D-strict of the Terntcor of Arizona, in and (srjtL) for the County ofCociise; this ayih day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety foar. SCOTT WHITE Clerk" Notice 0! Forfeiture. TO THE GRAND CENTRAL MINING compiny, its successo-j or assigns. You are hereby noufied by the undersigned, your co owner in the San Rafael mine, situate sn the Tombstone mining district, in the county of Cochise. Terntory of Arizona, that he has expended the sum of one hundred dollars in the performance of the annual work for the year 1S95. required by the laws ol congress to be annually performed upon said claim to hold the same. ' ' You, yoar successors or assigns, have (ailed to contribute your portion of said expenditures required try section S334 01 tne KevKcd statutes of the United Mates to be made upon said daira for the year 1895 The sum due from you to the undersigned, your co-owner in said mining claim, as your proportion of the moneys expended by him upon said daira, as above set fcrth, is thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents (I37.50), tor which you are delinquent at the date of this notice. You your successors or assigns, are hereby notified if you should fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of the above expenditure within ninety days after the puMication of this notice at least once a week for ninety days in this newspaper, your interest in the San Rafael mine ill become the 'property of your co-owner, tie undersigned, who resides at Bisbee, in the exinty of Cochie, Territory of Arizona. Dated March 19. 1896. mao-3m THOS. R. SORIN nexicE. To whom it may concern: That w, th underignd owners of what is known m the Locklin-KiUer , group el mbn oonoislinic of tbs Honestaks, and New Years Gift mines, situate in Turqaois aiaiag district, Cochisa eoaaly, Arizona, hereby give notice that said claims ah all not be held re sponsible for any labor or dabta con tracted or injuries received by any em ployees employed by others thaa oar selves. That no debts are valid against said claims unices athorizad by the BderigBd. -JouMsus. PIONEER Carriage I Blacksmith -A.. II. EMiNTJEL.Prop. -orner Third an.l Allen. The largest and Best Equipped EsUH.shment ol its Kini in the Territory. All Kinds of Buggy, Wagon and Woodwork Neatly and Promptlv Done. BLACKSMITHING iANO Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of Repairing in Wood and Iron. None. but First-class Workmen Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. OTuIl assortment of hardwood and iron lor sale. O. L. CUM MINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COB. .1TH AND FREMONT SI KEETS. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Yeal, Sausage, Bologna Tickled Trip Choice Steaks, Rcasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to all parts of the City. "Your pitronage solicited. CHAS. BACIGALUPK Femon bet.7th and 8th. THE rOURfH WARD BUTCHER TJie Choicest' of Meats. tSkillullv Cut and Always Fresh and Sweet. Low Prices, Good Weight and Prompt Delivery. FAMILY ORDRS SOLICITEQ. TOMBSTONE GAS OO. WELSBACH In General Use throughout the United States and Europe, and successfully comr injf with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light. Vit Three Cu6 " Feet ol Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that a ma ant of gas. COST OF LAMP S.-TS Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. OFP1CR IX BA.1K HtTILDlNU, TOMBSTONE, AsMCXJ. pOHlSE HOUSE. us-v: U Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. ELEGANTLY JFURIVISiBCEP ROOBth )sF" Visitors to Ibis city will find the Cocuisx a superior' hotel and or offering excellent accomodations. A LifiGB AND COMMODIOUS SAMPLE ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL ME, All Modern Conveniences. Rates Moderate. - SAN JOSE HOUSE.. - MRS.IF. J. BEAN, Prop. " ' - Centrally Located, Large, Cleanaiu Well Vintilate'd Rooms. This Favorite Headquarters for Commercial Men has recently been n'ewH renovated and neatly furnished throughout with special reference to thetraclir. public. Rooms ensuite and single. Prices Moderate. Palace Hotel. FIRST CSASS IN;EVERY RESPECT. Everything Made CosvcaJent for Guests -Sped-1 Rales to lirtits by the IV j ('rMosth. Rssovated Thiooghout. ajJtriX MQOM FOR DMUMMSPJL &ATEU RZJLStXsm ' ssPM' K aLsssssaT ssssB HORSESHOEING. E BBBMBLm A. ASHMAN Lssssa. INCANDESCENT GAS LIGHT Mrs. S. GALLEN, P10& "ifth bet. Alln and Totig .r.u. 1 TnmbBtaat - Ariaack J'ARtcR I OR lit UtWUsoV CORNER Olf S1X1B AND ALLS S1REETS. CWatl Q-m. Nc