Newspaper Page Text
r, u. h PROSPECTOR. X V OUR WATCHWORD- "COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. VOL. IX. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA .FRIDAY EVENING. JULY 10. i8q6 No 248 THE TOMBSTONE T The Wz "vector 7V--' ity andCountv Official PaprV l UBLISHED KVEHY EVENING (Ejckpt mjjjday.I nv Wm. Mich Editor and ProprMiir. Fremont Ht.. Opposite City Hall o Thk Psospkcto will not hold itself resp rtjli foray of the atticlcs or sent.met.ts S4NMt r " correspondents ffrwi i1 a Jbe Tombstone Postomce u VVS ptua waiter fllOJTtSJIIONAL OAKDS. ,..! v v" i" JAMES RE1UY, ATTORNEY AND Counselor! Law. Land and Mining -" cases a specialty. Tornpstone, Antoaa. w M. C STAFH1.E. ATTORNEY AT Law and Notary Pubnc, Tombstone, Antoaa. H' I ERRING 4 HERRING. ATTORNEYS and Counselors a Law. Ciace on Toughnut Street, between Second and aid Third, opposite the Coort House. EO. W. "SWAJ NrTTORNEYAT La. WiH praaloe is all ccuru of the Territory. ToodKtone. Arizona. r S. CLARK.ATTORNEY ANDCOUN- jeior at Law, CKhce on r our in surct. . beten Allen and Tocsbnnt. Torrib- tsae. Will practice in all the coo of the Territory. 0' 'HARLES GRNVILLE JOHNSTON. Attorney ana itinteiior ax uiw ana Notinr Public 431 Fremont Street, bet. ith ind 5th streets. A member of the Bar ot iie ."Supreme Cuurt of the Terrilory, and will pricJ'ee in any of the courts tberea. B ERTHA HERRING. TYPEWRITER aod Notary Public. Tougbnot street. Tombstone, ArixoFa. A. WENTWORTH. COUNTY RE- corder and Abstract .Office. Abstracts of title to real estate and rained farn- abed promptly and aeuratsly. Complete tran- scripts. Office in Court ra Tombstone. -, E. ALVORD. JUSTICE OF THE m Peace. OrEcc on Ai:enbi: bet 3d & " 4th. Tombstone, , X. KOSKA, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Ooe -son 14th -Sl bet. Allen and Ismjoirat. lomrjctoae. .. 1 JBGORDONVM.n. PHYSICIAN AND 'lfT.' Surgeon: OrBoe adorning bis residence .on 4th street. Calls attended at all heirs day and nicbt. C. .KARLK. -ASSAYER AND META- lngical Laboratory. oee No 319, Fremont St. opposite City H-JL THE ORDERS- r. & a 31. KING SOI.OM -S IDGE NO. 5. meets third Saturday in ench'ronnth. Vistune brotbers cordially invited t at tend. W. M..J. H McPHERaON. A. L?GROW iwcty. R. A. 31 OOCHISE CHAITKR So. 4. MEETS llurd Weinesday in each month. Ts itin Companions cordially intired to at .cj2. '!'wm LOWKYi IS. P. A. WENTWORTH. S'cretarr. P. O. S. of A. WASHINGTON CAMP NO. 1 MEETS 1 st Friday everucj it. each month. Vis ion? Comrades cordially invited. 1. W. CLARK. President. A. L. GROW. Secretary. A. O. U. W. TOMBSTONE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. U. W. meets 1st and 3d Thursday in each month. Visiting brcthe cordially Bi lled. KOBT. BEST. M. W. W. D. Uoxmoniee. Recorder. K. of I. LODGE1 KNIGHTS OF A RIZONA .L. Pythias. Nc 4.. meets erery 1st and dMondars mi 1 each month. Visiting brother I frditSy invited W, D. MONMONIER, K. of S. fS3TECTION HOiE COMPANY NO. 3. meets Fiiu Sunday in each montl ot their boseboufeon tbc corner oi Serenth and Fr xo tl streets, c pposite the tcbrol house. WM. CORBETT. Fcrccan, NAT HAWKE, Secretary. R' lETUE HOSE tOMPANY MEEIS First uadaT m each memthat Liiy Mali, Fremont seet. I.V. VICKLkS. & MkENTWORTH.Secty. Pre-icent. "" J. N. McDONOUGlL For err... r.. ? RINE COMPANY NO. MEETS JTj but Sunday in each racnth, at hose house, ea the corner of Tonchnat and sth street. JOSEPH LIPPfiKT. Foreman. HENRY DUN KEK. Secretary. XJ3VI01N' WATER WORKS F CALVES. Prop. Water l'er Barrel, - 25 Ceate Water. Per Backet - 5 Ceats. PllOJIPT SERVICE. Educed Rates by the Monti' ere order wttb waenn, or af thi V'ulrfl jfl 41 bn Gfl-enTB. bA to) S. M. BARROW, 46 0 and 452 ALLEN' ST, ill 1MM GOODS Is Complete, Embracing all hi nn nil i nil i endures, Patterns, and bhades of a large and well selected stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens, Checks Ribbons, Laces, Hoisery. Etc. Etc. Etc. MEN'S1 FDBNISHINIi DEPARTMENT A Specialty is made of this Department and the price, st'le and quality are bound to please. CLOTHING, SHIRTS, UNDERWARE NECKTIES, ETC MARYSVILLE AND OREGON UNDERWARE. NEAT NOBBY SUITS FROM $10 AND UPWARD. HAT A! SHOE DEPARTMENTS Stetson, Pedora, Kenton and other far.ions Hats, Ladies and Children Dongolla and Russet Shoea, Buckingham & Hech's Cowboy Boots and Shoes. Finest Footwear of Celebrated Manufacture. Slippers, Ties, and finest Kid Shoes. SOLE AGENT FOR IIS' THE A full stock iscarried consi.ting of- Glasswa re, Crockery, Out: GlasM, Fancy Clips. Canvass Tents, Wao;on Coverw, 2VTn.t7rxase4. Everytidng. at Lowest Eastern Prices S. M. BARROW. II I fl II IV DEPARTMENT the latest Styles, Designs, FASiOUS WATFRTOWN SHOES. rr'Tty H ardware, Tinware, Gtuin, Xistol,I Ca tridsrespEtcr Harness's r?allleK. t?pixr.! SADDLERY ARCTIC ICE CO- A. J. BISSEtT, PROPRIETOR Pure ice delivered to aa)"Jpart ol the cityj ,a 2 CENTS PER POUND. Svecial rates to families for ice for regular customers. X3-OFFIC2AND 1 E HOUbE 5TH ST.TE OpoJte Tomljstaiie Ice Co. C I.. CnrauilBss Proprietor. Pure ice deLvercd to any part o at 1 1-2 CENTS Per POUND Orders can be left at office with C. X. Camming?, Cor. 5th cj- Fremont Your Patronage is Respectfully Solicited. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Frerao t s reet, opposi e Prospector. FAMILY PHOTOGRAHS OUR SPECIALTY Careful attention gneo to turning o t the Finttt vietct and pictures of all then in a mott artistic manner, tup'rior finish and tone. de jlc; at? jjie 3B m Taken on short notice. Groups us e cialty Chbinet, panel and standard Tflilistone & Pearce MAIL AND STAGE LINE. FRAW BLftTZ. l'.'jprlet r. Will malte semi-ueelcly trips to the New Camp, on Wednesd iy and Sunca of each week, miking the round trip in one day, carrying the U. S. m til and passengers. FAEE (round trip) $3 The National Matte Smelter. A D-actical and simD'.e me'Jisd of mtttine sulphide ore;, such asmcLIe, cooper, gold and silver oies. In localities where Itad ores and fuels are scarce and almcot unattainable, oor pyntir, watr jtckt Matte Smelter his been re cor.iied with highly satisfactory results, and has been thoroughly tested on rarious p)ratic sulphide and arsenide ores, in capanty of a to 8o tens per day. It is the most practical, cheapest and simplest method of cold and silver ore matting and concentrating tht is known today It req iiresnoexlraorcinarySKiu. no leaa ores. io fluxing materia). anC no fuel of any kind for the "ehej after it I started. The sulphur in the ore is its natural fu;I only, and its cost has no comparison with any other process of con centrating wears prepare! to inrntsn any sue or capao ity plant comolete to sabstantJU mining people set it up and filrr.iih our men to run it for them on easy payments. Price and specifications furnished with references and testimonials on application. NATIONAL ORE & REDUCTION Ca 5735 Cheltenham Avenue, St. Louis, Mo, Manufacturers of Furnaces for NicUe, Copper, Gold, Silver and Lead Ores, Jai-ry Arizona & Southeastern Rail road Company. The annual meetinz of the stock holders of thk Company, for the election of D.rectois, and for the transaction of such other business as may be properly brought before tbe mctir;e, will be held at the office of the company. Nc. 05 o!in J Street, in tha City of Ne York, en Monday July 6ih. iSy6, at 3 o clock p. m. GEORGE NOTMAN. ;3.20d iecnury Consolidated National Bank. OfTncMU, Arlionn. CHuital Stock - . - L85O.O0O. -OFFICERS. M. P. FREE1UN, President, W. C DAVIS, Vice-President. H. a TENNEV.lCashia Issues drafts available at any point in the Uciu d States. Diass buis of exchange oaa nropcan cities, and makes a specialty of oot-of town accounts with invdndoals, firms and cor orstiocs. 1TANTED AT ONCE; ACTIVE AGENTS v for each county; exclusive control ana no risk. WHI clear 1 a to 95 hundred dollars a yea r. Enclose sump for full particulars, or 2f. for Ji sample. Etc Ramos Mi vrjtAt. Wate Ca, fjjj-tm B12 Rapids, i. ich. REtTBAIlIA cured by Dr. JWea'PAXS ftUM. 'Oneceat aocBd." ASaliaxuaBl" llOTLi: AURIVAI.M CDCHIrK B. JT. Colburn, lianc'i. A. Lawson, " " AUUXOTOX T. B. Johnston and wife, Pearco. I A LACE. Frank Bopp, BUbeo P. Haviland, Ranch. BAN JOSK. II. Fenly, Missouri, I'nre lor llntUuche. A a remedy for all forme of Head itche Electric Bitter liaii proved to be the very beet. It etfc'H a perman ent cure and the most dreaded hab itual tick Headache yield to its influ ence. Ma-urgo all who are orliicted to procure a bottle and give thio rem edy a fair trial. In ca?es of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the nee ed tcr.e to the towels and few cases lone reaist the uc of this medicine. Try it once. Fifty cents and $1 00 at Tombstone and any Drug Store, Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of t!io many phys ical ills, which vanish Ixsforc projier ef forts fjentlc efforts plenijiut efforts rightly tlirccU.fl. Tliere is somfort in tl knowledge, that eo many forms of fiiclciiL-bS are not thio to any actual ilih easc, but himply to n constipattd condi tion of the system, vthich the plenscnt family laxative, hyrupof Fifrs. jirompt ly removes. Tlmt is wliv it is the onl remedy with millionsof lamilics, andia everywhere eMpt-mcd so highly by all who value jnxxl liealtli. Its In'nellcial eflecta are lue ti the facU.that itis the one remedy wbith promotes internal cieanliiit':s without debilitating the ans on which it nets. It fc therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. otily and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjovmeut of good health and the (system Is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not netdrd. If afflicted with any nctual disease, one may be commended to the mo$t skillful physicians, lint if in need ..f a laxative, one should hare the best, and with tlia well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives mnst general satisfaction. W. O. ABBOTT. ' 'ASSAYER. PRICES FOR ASSA YING. TOMBSTOSE, A. T. Gold. Jr.oo Silver i,ot Lead..... ... 1,00 Gold and Sliver, onesample. ........... x.25 Gold. Stiver and lead, one sample....... 300 Copper i.eo Silica 1.5.0 Minganese 1.50 time...... . x.50 Iron..... ... 1.50 Zmc....... 2.00 Officeand Residence Overlook House. GURS IMiXEY, AH-n5t. a"3J. (Old "CustoHouse VEOrSrARlES. FUUITo, . OTATOE ONIONS, ETC Vrtth California fruit reeeited erery day by expret. Everything told at lowest ratet. Ooolt delivered free to all part of eit. MANLY VIGOR VNCH MORE tn rarmnny t-' with ths -world, 2000 completely curud mm are simpnK nappy praxes lor IBS sreaieei, Kiana est and ment sco cr-tful cure for eei ual T-eskness lastvl?or known to medical rcie-iee. An. account 01 Uilsieon derul dbeocery. In book form, with ref erences and proofs, will be sent 10 tuf- f.J-1. ... ti.1mA 4m SSitl n.vlv Hmi, permanently reetored-' TaUaro imtiossibl. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.N.Y. m.riiMrm. On ny rnl Wm 1 w.-tr Wx&Chrt Wz&$ nimatv-v ai wov rUjfr Highest of all in Leavenhyr.PowcT. Latest U.S. Gov't Report m A&3SJLUTEI.Y PURE Tl LATEST HEffS W. J. Bryan, ol Nebraska, Rccivcs the Nomonation. SILVER'S STANDARD-BEARER, Richard Ulaod Withdraws and the Fourth Ulallut Decides the Result. ARIZOA'S .COMMITTEEMAN General Hnppeniug-s TUroiig:U otu the Country. Ciiicao. Lsst evening much com motion and cheering prevailed at the hall. The Scargant-a'.-Arms threat ened to clear the galleries. Vent 'peaks and says revolution in favor of silver has come to stay. No uckootrn or uncertain candidale, or late con verts minted. Long and loud cheer ing. Morninp papers generally agree that chanees of candidates are as fol lows: Bland, Bryan, Stevenson and Telli r, Fe- Hug iatvrue on both sides. 10:30 h. m. Convention called to order. Question as to whether two- thirds rote of all the stales is required to nominal, or two-thirds of entire rote cot. Rules of last convention which governs this cites authority in faver of latter two-thirds ol vote cast. In all 030 votes will be cait. It is ex pected a number will will refrain from voting. 10:50 Hnrrity names Kobt. E. Patterson; Moddingly names McLean; Miller ol Oregon presents Penneyer. 11 Vote ordered and resulted as follows BUnd 257; Boies 35; McLean 33; Bryan 1CJ; Blackburn 39: Patter son 9'J; PennoyerS; Teller S: Stephen son C; Hill 1, Voteof Minnesota and Tennessee which were passed now be ing called. Tcnmstee givts Bland 24 making his total 2S1; Bryan gaines 4 and his total is ICC. Arizona voted solidly for Bland Alter corrections on absentees and offical ballot found Bland 233, Boies 66, Mathe'w 57, McLean 50. fc Second Ballot New York called aod refuted to answer, Pennsylvania ktd to be passed. Total vote Bland 292, Bryan 22S, others virtually un changed. Third Ballot Bland tains 'J Bryan gains 31 Risking Bryan 21S, Offical thi;d ballot after cor rer lion gives Bland 291, Boies 3C, Matbevs 34 M-Len 54, Bryan 219. Blackburn 27, Patterson 97.- 2 p, m. Demonstrations for Bryan increasing, chairman has giveu np try ing to restore order. 2:30 Gov. Stone of Missouri reads a note from Bland withdrawing in favor of Brj an. 3:00 Great excitement, nearly every delegate changing vote for Biyan". Brja declared unanimena nominee for President, CaTwf' tJKjarM lo 8 p. w, Baking Powder Wildest entuuriasm in history ot aay gatheiing. Chicago Marcus A. Smith was yes terday afternoon selected as national coanniileemaa for Arizona. '1'lie OittcuTcry Snrod Itl I.lle, Mr. G. Caillouette, Druggist, Beaver svillo, 111., says : "To Dr. King's Ifew Discovery I owe my life, Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the rhv- s:cians, but ot no avail and wis given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's Now Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get bet ter, and after using three bottle wag up and about again. It is worth tta weight in gold. We won't keeD store or house without it." Get a free t tail t the Tombstone Drug Store, Ho! lor Vaxliluston! Tiekets to Wcshington, D. C, will be placed on sale at Benson July 2, 3, 1 aud 5 at oue fare tor the round trip; limited to July 14, or 31st. This is the best chance ever oSered Arizona people to make a short visit to tbe capital ci'y. Open for all. For fur ther particulars call on ar addreng F. . WEBSTER, Agent, Benson. T9 THE SEASHORE. Excursion Rates to Santa Min ica and the Sea Coast Over the S P. R.R. FR0MBEXS0X To parties desiring to go to the ser- shore to spend the summer and enjoy the cool salt water breeze, ehould advantage of the excursion rate of $31.05 from BENSON TO SANTA MONICA. Tickets good for CO days, For furtbei information apply to F.S. WEBSTER, Agent at Beusou, Or T. A. Goodman, G. P. A., San Francisco. GEO. G. 31cGEE, Prop IAIRBAJVK, ARIZONA. Headquarters for visitors from Tomb stone and surrounding country. ' Best of wines, liquors and cigars always kept on hand. BEER ON DRAUGHT. p. a: GENERAL MERCHANDISE1 a full link of groceries and;provibioss cigars; ANn TOBACCO Constantly kept on band. Patronage'colicita FAIKBAXK. ARIZONA. FairM Restaurant FAIRBANE. ARIZONA. MRS. K. HARRINGTON, Pro TABLES SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST OF E EBYTHIHQ Charges reasonable Parties going from Tom stone to Bubee ill hive ample time fo : dinner before tbe tarioarrives. Pofc .. FAIdAIEMAIE ywiai n i.i inn- . "