Newspaper Page Text
"7' K M ' TOMBSTONE PROSPFA7T0R PUBLISHED EVERY KVENINO (tivmir Exckttep) T Wat. Hattich. Editor and Proprietor. NakcrlpUoa Kate. One Year $10 00 Six Months 6 00 Three Months - One Month " .3 00 100 iooenta We Delivered by per week. axriers lor AUTHOBUcao Aonrrs. U P. FISHER, at Merchant Exchange San Francisco. U. H.KELLOGO, No. 310 Ihna street, tOaxn 57 and 58, Sin Francisco. ft. C DAKE, room 6$. Merchant Exchange, an Francisco. GEOl P.'ROWELL, 10 Spruce Su New ork. N W. AYER SO'. Philadelphia. Atl tnnactkja nude by the above named arrsons will be compaed with at the PROS PECTOR ofEce. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Mayor Chief of FoSce. P. a Warnekrc m. Doyle Are mXCVVI I o,xri tfi&J3 MtfTKfS I 1 1 1 1 1 7vmEYMJ 4- rww-uszf i j M ssssRDm Now Ready 1P0NY SALOON, mrkirocTWrvrro y 1 TIU V HVMrYaC cm ( icrm , Urvta ti ' fV.IM . r l-t.-jwa..'H ilii' Council men: First Ward second Ward rhlrdWard Fourth Ward - - ,D. Jacob Mffler F V. Down K. WaidveU Scerta Treasurer Recorder -District Auoina Probate lodge Clerk District Conn Burvcyor -Assessor Court Coromlloner xuitt cvrtcus: C S. Fly - - J. V. Vickers - A, Weatwortb - G. W. Swain W. F. Bradley - Scott White H. G. Howe . A. Bright - J F. Duncan CITY AKD COUSTY OFFICIAL PAPER Some patty organs which pote as newspaper!, have slready began te try to drag the tariff i'eue into the campaign. Everybody knows that there is not the tariff laws with the United Slates tenet made up as it 'is now. It is alio wU understood that it will take at least four yeare to change the complexion of the senate in a way to permit of tariff legislation unless silver shall first be restored to coinage. VTby thus presume on iguor ance which does not exist. Republican. I Not for Your Decision in a Base Ball Game; But for Your Opinion to our Stock Its Quality !and Prices. J . A. KOSKA Proprietor. FiVrf Slock of Winet, Liquors and Cigars in the Territory. PRIVATE CLUB ROOMS ATTACHED. Best and Purest Brandt of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stant! on Hand. You iril find -AV or home, on Alter. St. bet. ith and 5!k. MruiaLL estimate that the total production, of gold and silver since 1492 has been 1,461,600,000, of this enormous amount 139,000,000 have gone to India and China, never to re turn; 552,000,0 W have been consum ed in the manufactures and arts, and nly 193,000,000 have been minUu or used as ourreney. OLLAS! OLLAS!! OLLASM! Wearelnow prepared to supply everyone in need of these useful articles all through the'eoming summer. THE WILLOWS, CUAS, BULOTTI, Propr. Choicest line 01 Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domettie Cigart, Courteous Attention to Patrons. Allen, bet. 4th & 5tb. Tembswme DRUG - STORE. Op. Wells Fargo Co. " A Choice Stock of' Pure and Fresh Drags aad Hedi - ciaes oa Hand. Fnll line of Leading Patent Medicines Prescriptions Compounded by a Careful Competent and Experienced Prescriptionist. Fine Selection "of NOTIONS. TOILET CODDS,ERFUMES . PIONEER BARBER SHOP, JOSEPH LTPPERT. Prop. Everything Neat, Clean and in First Clatt Order. Shaving, Shampooing and Haircutting done in an Artistic Manner. aMMMMMaawaMMserSSsMBTesisasi gk&ta."5e" Br WS o fj WW Rf "B Rw IB IRajal MMKwmffctx i . PIONEER Carriage i Blacksmith Are you satisfied with the haive That you are now using? If 'not give us a trial. Billiard Parlors, j. n. Mcdonough, Prop. 7he Finest and Beit Fitted Billiard. Parlor in the City. Importer of the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tablet in Conjunc tion. Mixed Drinks a Specialty. Private Club Room. Allen, bet. 4th & flth.Tombston The editor of a prominent prohibi tion journal says: "We accepted a few pages of free gold standard sop histry from the sound currency com mittee of New York and ran it in our paper but we put across the top of the page in big black type: ' This letter is furnished free by Wall street for the purpose ef misleading and en slaving the Jk.EHitliXl psaple." FOE SALE CHEAP A horse and huggy; bone gentle, buggy and har ness in good order" Will sell cheap. For further particulars, call at or adarees this office. . j?6-lw e i 1 . t.sKSs"atr ' "I!" aad Maes It li.i a Wrf-fJWtfJf horror fr me. I da not Use' llAy,Wf the rtt. wh'B I recall tha Cfft mv, r past I recall thai lvui poor. WM'r witk lmnatared lrrMolata AWw I , man. 1 reralLd nlfhu of si li qalrt yet frarrel tortara aad dajs aad dajt ol laUclrloa ttfe - ml' i ' BSW - t W Although theseason is getting late the demand for FANCY DRIED FRUIT Still continues unabated. We are vell stocked both as to Variety and Quality. We have DRIED CHERKIES, APRICOTS, PEACHES, APPLES PITTED PLUMS, 8ILVER PRUNES, NECTARINES, MIENOH PRUNES, SLICED PEARS, BERRIES, TC We handleexciusively that elegant DOWITE"? : bfor I owl tie rrmtdles f lb Uacs- Xedlcl Ii- s.ltiilc. t THAT WAS brlore I had t."-u tb araat HadrQ. I (awt Ba-lrsn wn indeed a 'WMioVrfalffcrlS-. I fonO cvlirtlnrherror Uo.lj.n. 1 fooad Hadyut dvn enrr rates of wtakaaaa, IWf Lr da o auBl. 1 1 r la SaiiDoriiis Brand Cpfiep Don't Forget that we arc sole agents for Tombstone and 'icnitfor . ' ... Gta & - Served Exclusively to tSie over Twenty-one Million People' adS Ste1 Vorid's Fair Grounds Rf . & at r I m jRft aw mW m RRlfaHaWV WVa SM 3 ili.i Ba4yaai?S at wvaci Jul reieaaiar K -r'" Jl mm eartaia ra t av.a bilyi -aertuas iaii.tiio, knra, liver and ln- 3aIra"-a li y fTr I a 14 rtts lo tha old t cixr lor ereulara nd laatlBouiaU ojt tbrvTMt Had'aaaad vu mUI, ftt Jtm FfcEE, 0 - nCbvoiars aad TsstlweesU 6 tfU treat HUD Y AN free. 4 MD1S0N MEDICAL INSTITUTE Karkct tmi Ellis St Imm trmmeimct, CsUSintm 1 Vi AVi T T A -thp V.'srlai i.'.W - . v vir- Or Vi i -s?"S8- 3. rWVJTP-Jy, ? r2m VJw ' . 3w-aawaKaRRRaRwS . '"4JVS-:vCa IvMmiHMBtHl. 'fUKStS 'm?m&&Ma fiZ.Zi: r&rfiFKywaVkMl 'S'1 ,-i53L--W,; lff-3.,i T ? -;Tal iQjJtii?i COMET SALOON GiRLEYATOPALA,Propr's, W1NES,LIQU0RS& CIGARS. Dealtrt in BourVt Irish and Scotch Whisky, ami Other Well Knovrn Brandt. A Specialty made of beit Clarets and Winet. Billiard Pirlor in Connnection and the Coolest Place in Town. Allen, bet. Olh & 7th, Tombstone ST. LOUIS WHOI.KSALE AND RETAIL BEER HALL - Mir J MABTIN C03TELL0 Afient for dnheuser Busch Beer. NOTICE. 5 t Kid' FVef -- - Xjrtic' v-V V' viiyi " . a UreaVersaCSy accepted as the Leading rirCoiSeeef tbe World GEORGE H. THE Grocer, CORNER OF S1X1B AND ALLS 81REET3. J FITS P Registriioa of Electors for Coehise Condtv. The toikntinf leserntion was tminirocusly passed at a nwetisg of the board of supervisors of Cocbise cooatr, Ariiona, held April 7th, 189&. Resolved, .That there be, nd is herrhy ordered to be made, betwee- tbe 30th Ay ol April and the 13th day 'of October, a registration of the electors of Cochise county, and that the Cleric ef the Board be Instructed to have above order advertised once a week for a period 01 four months, next after first day of May, itoS. W. A. HARWOOD scat.' Clerk 01 tbe Boardof.Saperrisors. ' Tambrtorw, Mjr,t, 1896. asarM TJROPOSA'TOR FUEL. FORAg'raND 1 Straw. Office 0 Chief Quartermaster, Den yer.'Colo., foneji'.Soo Sealed proposals la 'tripBraiewiil be YeoaTed bere'at at ofKce of Quartenoasier-at each post below turned unlil itn'tlock: a it. isoth meridian time. lohriL I oSjnd thee opened for furnishior Fuel, For. laze aad Straw, at Forts Apache. Cfrant. Hua Ichuca, sub-post of San Carlos and Whipp'e Barracks. A T.T Forts Barard and Wtafalc, N, Jdu:FortsDoajr,Us.aod DaCnaae. Utah, and Fort Logan and Dearer. Colorado, daring the Itscaiyear lading Jane 30, 1S07. Proposa's for quantises less than the whole required, or fordaiimy at points other than those auned. win be entertamed. The right is reserrcd to reject any or aU propoaalsor any part thereof. Infanaation furnished oa applicerlna here or at ofBoesof respective post qoartiiaissii n. Telopestobe narked "IWiiiiiIs far Fast. tms aad Srraw." B. B. ATWt The Oldest and Mott Favorably Known Barber on the Coait, Pay Him a Call Alleai. bet. 4th4tSlh.Xomljt.toBe CITY BARBER SHOP AND Bath Rooms, J. B. MTAKO. Pnprietor, Hair Cutting, Shavioe and Shampooing Large, Convenient and Commodious Bath Rooms attached. Hot and Cold Shower Baths. Every thing first-class Years of Practical Experience mule this Shaving Parlor a mott Popular Resort. AllrK. nenr 'r, ffili .TmnbatoD. V. li. E1M1A IVTJEr-. Prop orncr Third an I AlVf The largest and Btit Equipped the Tettitory, "T -fv 1 EstaVlUhment of its Kind in All Kinds of Buggy, Wagon and Woodwork Neatly and Promptlv Done. BLAGKSMlfmNtT AND HORSESHOEING. Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of Repairing in Wood and Iron. JVone but First-class Workmen Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. S"Full assornnent of hardwood and iron for sale. mwmwm Wffis&immm&m Undertaking Parlobs of 0. B. Tarbell Coffin!!. Caskets, ilobes. Etc From the Plainest to the Finest Made. The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in stock. Bodies Temporarily or. Permanently Embalmed by the Latest Procett. Summons. In the District Court' Prst judicial district of th Territory of AlUons in and for the ccun of LJ3 :rise. C. M. CARR vs. Puintifl ANVAJ.CARR Defendant. Action brought in tht .District Court of the First judicial District of the Territory or Ai zonaia and for the county of Cfrchise. and the compigint GIol in the said county of Cochise in the of ice of the clerk of s-tld District Court. TTh Territory of Aritona sends greeting to Ann. J. Carr. defendant. Yot are herrhy requ-'red to appear in an action broujrit arainst yon b the above nam-d plaint ff in the District Court of the First Ju.U cial District of the Territory of Arizona, in and Jirth. Ctrcs Ccchiir. d a ansex the complain: fJcd therein, within ten days (exclu sive ol the day of servia aftrr the service on yors cf this summem XV serrol within hb count;', or if served out of this county, bit ir this district within twenty dys; otherwise with in thirty days; or jodirent by default will be taken against you according to the prayer o. said oimplaint. The said action is brought to obtain a decret of divivre from the boads of matrimony, on the ground of desertion. Given under my hand and the real cf the Court of the Mrst ludidal District of the Territe 7 of Arizona, In and (seal.) for tbe County of Code; this 37th day of May in the year of our Lnrdone thcusand eight hundred and ninety four. SCOTf WHITE Oerk O. L. OUMMINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COR. .ITH AND FREMONT S1KEETS. Beef, Pork, Mjjtton, Yeal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip . Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to all parts of the City. Your p atronage solicited. CHAS. BACIGALUPI. Fern on bct.ltli and 8th. TEE EOTJRiH WARD BUTCHES Notice of Forfeiture. TO THE GRAND CENTRAL MINING compuy, its successor or assigns. You are hereby notified by the undersitmed, your co owner in tbe San Rafael mine, siraitc in the Tombstone mining; district, in the county of Cochise. Terri'ory of Ariiona, that he has eipended the srja of one hundred dollars in the performance of the annual work for the year 1895. required by the laws ot congress to be annually performed, upon said claim to hold the same.; You, your successors or assigns, hive tailed to contribute your portion of said expenditures required by section 3324" of the Revised S'ataies of the United Mates to be made upon said daim for the year 1895 The sum due from yon to the undersigned, your co-owner in sad mining claim, as your croportion of tLe moneys expended by him upon said daim. as above set ft nhis thirty-seven dollars and fifty cerits 37.50), tor which you are delinquent at the date of this notice. You your uccessors or assigns, are Hereby notified if you should fJl or refuse to contribute your proportion of the above expenditnre within ninety days after the publication of this notice at least once a eek for ninety days in this newspaper, your interest in the San Rafael mine will become the property of your ec-own3-, the undersigned, who resides at Bubee, in the county of Cochise, Territory ot Ariiona. Dated March zo. 1896. ss30-3ia THOS. R. SORIN Tlie Choicest of Meats. SkillJfull,t Cut and Always Fresh and Sweet. Loiv Prices, Good Weight and Prompt Delivery. FAMILY ORDRS SOLIC1TEL. TOMBSTONE GAS OO. A. ASHMAN Lessee. WELSBACH- INCANDESCENT GAS- LIGHT In General Use throughout the United States and Euronr.and successfully com-: ing with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light Uses Three Cob Feet of Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power. Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. COST OF LAltfP tg(2.75 Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. OFF1CK lif RafK BITII.mXJ. TOTtBOTO.-IG, ABUOTt. I1COHISE HOUSE. i MRS. A. DAKS0V Proprietress Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. ELEGA1VT2L.Y FURNISHED ROOA1S gOBsT" Visitors to this city will find the Cochise a superior hotel end or-.. offering excellent accomo-fHtions. A LARGE AM) COMMODIOUS SAMPLE ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL ME, All Modern Conveniences. Rates Moderate. aTWtXrCft or at ' Ea. Fee i nexicR. To whom it may concern: That we, the undersigned owners of what is known aa the Locklin-Miller group of mines consisting of tbe HomestaTte, aad New Years Gift mines, sitoate in Turqnois rniniag district, Cocbise connty, Ariiona, hereby gire notice that said claims shall not be held re sponsible for any labor or debts oosy. tracted or injuries received by any em ployees employed by other than our elves. That no debts are valid against aid claims nnlees atborixed by tbe YA8'8rBtlt3e- JetuM: SAN JOSE HOUSE. ALRS.IF. J. BEAN, Prop. . Centrally Located, Large, Clean' ant Well Vintilated Rooms. This Favorite Headquarters for Commercial Men has recently been newly fi.te renovated and neatly furnished throughout with special reference to the tra'efi. public. Rooms ensnite and single. Prices Moderate. , Palace Hotel. Mrs. S. GALLEN, Pi on Fifth bet Allen and Toog Ati Tombstone, - Arizaifc FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. PA PLC R FOR (IE Everything Made Convenient for Guests Special Rates to Parties bytbeWa or Month. Renovated Throughout. SAMPLE ROOM FOR DRUMMERS. RATEli REASOA'ABl ' HOTEL ARLINGTON - TOMBSTONEr ARIZONA v 1 NEWLY FURNISHED LAItCE AIRY 1 ROOMS. BEST ACCOMMODATION Everything iiiTai-claH. Sample item for conuxxrial H.t L i g? y L i CfcietQ.Mr