Newspaper Page Text
s mh iM-T S3 It, r The Prospector JUCYTTTTT. 10189J ; ' T RAILROAD TIME-TABLES ARIZONA SOUTHEASTERN R- R. Xorth I M1IXB l CUM eseept Euaday 7:1 137 ; 8 JO ) :ii no TIM TABLE No 4. July IStt. Station. 0. 4.0, lt.4 35.X , .... Blbee......Ar: Don Lul. ...., Packard ........ ..Water Tut ?l I iSJ IJI.J !t 30.l M.0 Crurleeton. iS-J M.J.i F irbink ... -Lv!l9.0 S7.eJLr Fairbuik ....Ar 18.0 ..X. II. & A. CrounC...II7.7: 39.01 ..buxj .,15,7 45.8; . ontention f .5 MKKr Firrt Clan 'iSS-'-r .Bcawn. -L.'O diDr excel Sandir 3.00 so 1.45 , 100 1Z90 110 11. B TPel8c tine. Il4f Sttllo'S. Stop en cnals. Bsa Willi ax 1, Superintendent. .SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. East STATIONS.) t 'ait' is.lo a m1 6.03 a m 11.55 p m :1.45am! ....Bensn ...Tucson ...Maricopa ... .....Yum.....,, ...Lot Angeles Arj 5.40 pm I 7-5 P m vjiaocp m 3.25 ro 1 s.oo p m Tbo Mexican Ore com piny, of Hr moiillo, Mexico, hat placed in the as say offlco new and costly machinery, which is capable ol of smelting 40 ton of ore a day. o La MinaColorada, in tlie district o! Urea, about thirty miles from lh city o( the tame name, ha been sold to a onipany organized at tiuayma. The price paid wu $30,000 ... F. N. Wolcott has an improved lemon squeezer that can not he beat. It is simple affair made of gl'' doe its work perfectiully and every dinp of juice from a lemon is secured with out any of the acid" squirting in you' eye as happens b using old ructliod. The cost is only SO esuts and oorj body should own one. Call and see them. "Thos. U. Snrin is now located in Bjyard Yavapai county where he ie Inking after aomN mining interest f a coni any and expects to remain there some time. Tom has wandirtd away from his home county but hia heart is still with old Corhisr. Saa 'Set, Limited, eait bound, atceeiayt and k relays $.19, Reason' SSJSati Set, Llnileliwcst trmnl. WodaexUjri an Befordiyt, COJJBetuon" NEW MEXICO ARIZONA tVest fcoopro ,50am STATIONS Lt. 4k 00 am 1.40 am 0.37 an LltlB 'SPt Benson .... ,. Fairbank ... ..Huachuca... , Crittenden .. . d'abasa .. ..Nofalei.... ,Ar Hast 10.40 a in I. oopm 12.10 pm 10.20 pm 4.00 am S. TO a in The camplug party consisting ol H. C.Murray, Mrs. W. A. Harwood, tho Misses Laura and Aliro Crable, and Frank Crable. returned last night from their two months outing. The healthful appearance ef each member of the party bespeaks volumes of tb enjoyable time they had during re creation and rusticating season. ally except Sunday. Pacific time. I. J.'Fxtv Oneral Manicer. .A- NAUGLE. " L H. A LB It SCI IT. Au'strnt General Manager. Train Master. 4 : MARICOPA 4 PHOENIX R. R. North So pm t.aspai 9.00pm 9,35 pm H.45P" . Lv PhoolT. Ar .Terape ......Krreoe .... saciton.... .....Mark pa. .. South At Trescott the grand jury returned n indictment against Bill Briuklaj for axplo ling giant powder Sunday oitht tvl'ich wrecked the Cabinet saloon. I it 2 ooam 1 aoa m 5SPCi 12 30 pm 1110 p m U. H. HON'siiELL, Gen, Supt. LOCAL NOTES- l)r. GflfT, surgeon. Benson Physician and tl Mirer is- quoUd at C8 . At Congrsss mine a few daya ago J. J. Matthews stabbed a man named Jack McNeff. Allen S. English left this a. m. for a hunting trip to the river going to the Land ranch. 1 I C. W. Blackburn of Bisbee is a visitor to the county seat and greeted fay his many friend at hia old home. Ele-vsn carload af hesp, or 2,700 head belonging 10 Bice fc Baugh pass ed through Prescotl for pature in Salt rirer. Mayor Warnekros has eight teams oa the road continually hauling ioTernaaent supplies from here to San Bernardino. The V. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder tsptrior tn mtl others. Attention is called to the Board of Equalization Notice ia another col umn showing the raise of tax Talu a'ion of different tax-payers through col the t-ounry. m m 1 In the fall of 1893 a son of Mr. T A. McFarland a prominent merchant of Live Oak,8ntter Co., Cal.was taken with m very heavy cold. The pains in his cbest were so severe that be had spasm and wm threatened with pneumonia. His father cave him several large doses of Chamberlian's oogn jfemedy which broke up the eoDgb and cured bira. Mr. McFar land sa, e whenever his children have croup ha invariably gives tiem Chamberlain' Cough Remedy and it always cures them. He considers it the bestcough reaieJy in the marker, Forsali by TjTibitoaa Drar Store. M Awarded lUsfaest Honors World'a Fair, DR w CREAM BAKING MOST PERFECT MADH- h sage Gwpe Csecn of Tartar Powder. Fnw swsa AassswRia, Akui tx my oehtt adrjkemst f YKAtS TW STAISaVAatX From up and down the Colorado river comes report of rich strikes of ore and placer field. With the ad ver.tofki? mills and low working charges the river country will turn out millions of dollars in gold and silver yearly. BUCKLIN'S AKNICA. SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cits bniiso, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever so'es, tetter, .happed Iiisd;. ''"Jbiiins, co-ns, and all skin eruptions and pos ti1 ely cures Pjles, or no payment requir A it is guaranteed to give peefect stis-a faction cr money refunded. Prices 50 cents per box. For sale at Tomh ione Drug Store m The new lead smelter to be erected at Crittenden by C. C. Fitzgerald will consist at the outset of a single 40-ton 4taek, but additional stack will be put up in the near future. It is anti cipated that the stack will be ready to blow in by September 1. Among the numerous person's who have been cured of reheumatism b Chamberlain's Pain Balm, mention should be made of Mrs. Emily Thorne, of Toledo, Wash., -who says: "I have never been able to procure any medicine that would relieve me of rheumatism like Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I have also used it for lame back with great snecess It is the best liniment I have ever used, and I take pleasure in recommending it to my friends," For ale by Druggists. The entertainment to be givan by the Epwortb and Junior Leagues will be h:ld at the Methodist church to night, An appropriate program has has been prepared and will be present ed. All are invited to attend this ".Rally" a joint devotional meeting. " m X IMoneer'a Recstanicnrfailaa. Mr- J. W. Venable, of Downey a pioneer of Los Angeles County, Cal., say.: ''Whenever I am troubled with a pain in the stomach or with diarrhoea I use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, f have used it for years, know it to be a reliable remedy and recommend it to every one." For sale by Druggists . m A correspondent to the Star from Turns ays that a fewdaya ago forty prisoners refused to go to work and in formed the superintendent they were being starved. They claim they ware furnishing less rations to 220 prisoners than had previously been allowed to 175, and that they were too weak to work. They wre all put in close confinement, mct of them are still thcro. Xste- Silver ftauft-ria. The following in tho financial plat form bf the fieruocralic party a adapt ed at Chic go: Recognizing that the money question ir paramount, we in vite attention to the fact that th fed eral constitution named silver and gold together av money metal; and that the first coinage law passed by congress under the constitution, made the silver dollar as a unit of valae, and admitted gold free coinage at a ra tio mcaeurtd by a silver dollar limit We declare that the act of 1873, de n. ooetmng silver without the know ledge or approval of the American peo plr, has resulted in the appreciation of gold and co:saipondingfall in price of commodities produced by the peo ple a heavy increase burden of taxa tion enriching the money lending class at home and abroad, paralyzing ot in dustry and imiinviehnient of the peo ple. We are unalterably opposed to a single gold standard. Gold raonom talism is a British policy founded up 3n British greed. We demand th immediate restoration of free and un imUed coinage of gold and silver at the present legal ratio of IG to 1 with out waiting tor aid or consent from any other nation. Wedemaud that the standard silver dollar shall be full legal tender, equal with golrl for all debt, public or private, and we favor legislation to prevent the demonetiza tion of any kind of legal tender money br piivale contract. at a p. m. en above date, pursuaat to adjanra raem Presot. J. S. Williams, chairman, Super nsor'John Montgomery and Depuir Aisesror F E,CadwelL Minutes cf previous mtetitg read and ap proved Tbe board proceeded to raite the assessments on ih following nam-d persons, and iastructed the cltak to notify them to appearand shew cane by their assessment should nt be raised as proposed by the Board upon the date set opposite their amies, vis: How to Care Khnmallsm. Arago, C008E Co., Ou.,Xov. 10 1S93 I wish to inform you of the great good Chamberlain's Pain Balm has done ray wife. She has been troubled with rheumatism o' the arms and hands for six months, and has tried remedies prescribed for that complaint but found 110 relief uutil she ued this Pain Ba'm; one bottle of which has completely cured her. I take pleas ure in recommending it for that trou ble Yours truly, C. A. Bullok. 60 cent and $1.00 bottles for sale by Tombstone Dug Co. " M Wbemlirr Hulletln. Cochifo County: The rain of last week has done worlds f good and the ctttlo ars begiening to piok up wonderfully. Grass is sprouting uicdy and will soon afford sufficient feed while the water holes and char cos are partly filled. Third crop of alfalfa stacked with a fine yield. TO.CLEANSE THE SYSTEM. Effectually yet gently.iso when tive or oillious or when the blod cosimpnre or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken tbe kidneys and iver to a healty actirity, without irritat ing or weakening them, to dispel head aches, coldsor fevers use Syrup of Figs. Mark Allen. Willcex. raised oa cattle from .50 to 300 head raise ot 50 bead $35000 Nctified to appear July 16. 189S. D A. Adams, Dragoon Raised a cattle from 150 to aoo head, raise of 50liead. .,..,.......,.. ....... 350 00 Notified to appear July 16, I8516. Bisbee Water Co. Raised an ior prove- menu from $1775 to $3,000. raise 115 00 Notified to appear Jul 1 16. 1S9. I. It. Bahnkr. Wflas Raised on cat. ue irom 05 neaa to 100 head, raise 3S bead , 34S No iBed to appear July 18, 1806. Fred Coleman, Bisbee Raised en im provements J0 00 Raised on a-horse Kara o Raised on ajon irom $25 to $45. a- 00 Raise on haineos 2500 Total raise $115 00 .NotiSed to appear July it, 1896; Cochise Cattle Co.; Benson Raised oa c.nue irora 000 10 coo bead, raise 1 mo neaa. ............. ...... 1,400 00 Notified to appear July 16. 1S56 Wro. Cowan. Tombstone Raised an cattle from 230 to joo head, raise ef "ofcead sSoco Notified to appear July 6, 1S56. . Cramp, Tfnicox Raised on cattle irom 50 to 70 head, raue of ao head 140 Notified to appear July 18, 1896. L Cooley, Benson Raised on cattle from 65 to 80 head, raiieishead.. ioj oe Noufied to appear July 16, 1896. Chiricahua Cattle Co., Tombstone Raised en cattla from 2500 to 4000 head, raise 1500 head $10,50010 NotJTed to appear July 16. 1894 Peter Dorsey, Tombstone Raisei oa improvements 100 00 Notiaed to appear July 16, j8,6. "" "" IXIehante & Cooley, Benson Raised oa cattle from 250 to 300 head, raise of 50 head 35000 Notified to appeal-July i. ilj. Henry Eu. Benson Raised on cattle from lao to 150 hud, raise 30 head axo Noufied to appear July it. i8e5, A II. Emanuel. Tombstone Raised onti.eochanjise from J300 to fjco Raised ai tools from $75 to $150 cattle from a6co to 3000 head, raise of 400 head... a.too 00 Notified to appear July 16, i8c4L Braanock Rljjs, Willcox Raised oa coitle from 450 to 540 head, raise of 90 head , sVjo 0 Notified to appeal July :, tgoA Wm. Rig p, Willcox Raised on cattle from Sco to 300 head, raise of 60 head. 4 Notified to appear July 16, i8oi Mary Riggs, Wiilcoa Raised on cattle from 40 to 50 bead, raise of 10 bead .. 7 Notified to appear July 16, 1396. U B Rltrgs, A illcox Raied en eatttr from ioo to sas heaJrsls 4 o .ead. 140 c Noufied to appear July 16. 1896. J J Ris Wilicox Raised on cattle irom 75 to qo neaa raise ot innu iu w Notified to appear July it 1I96 Roda Rigjs Wilicox RaUed on cattle from 300 to 30 head raise cf Co head 430 00 Notified to appear July 16 1896. T J Rlffgs Willcoa Raided on cattle from 300 to 240 head, raise of 40 head 280 00 Noufied to appear July 16 1896 Aucist 5-ansen WiPcox Raised on cvttlefrom I25 to 175 head roise of 50 head 35000 Notified to appear Ja!- 16 1896 Manuel Pimas Bisbee Raised on cattle from to to 125 -bead, raise of 45 head... 315 00 Notified to appear J u'y 16 1896 Jake Shearer Tombstone Raided on cattle from 675 to 800 head raise ot 125 head 8J 00 Noufied to appear July 16 1S96 J T Stalling- Wilicox Raised on eattla fiom 50 to 75 head raise of 25 head....... 175 00 Notified ro appear JuIX 16 1894. Sobery & Cowan Tombstone Raised on cattle from 200 u 2S0 head raise ol Eo head Seo co Aug Sobery 1 ombstone Raised on catbe from 220 to 300 raise of 80 head 5(0 00 Notifie-' to appear July 16 1896 Geo Shearer Draiion Raised on cat tle irom 35 to 75 head raise of 35 head P. B. WARNEKROS, CLOSING OUT ! i ij- His Mammoth Stock Ot Hats Notified to appear July 16 1896 a43c Total raise Notified to appear July 16, t8y. 375 oa Cxennlon Isntm. Ticxets from Benson to the Dem ocratic National convention at Chi cago will be placed on sale on July 3rd, 4th and 4lh, round trip ticket to Chicago and return at one fare, good until July 14th. Alo, to the Educational Association at Buffalo, July 7th, tick ets will be placed on sale July 1st and 2nd; round trip tickets to Buffalo and return, for JJ72.G5, good until July -(!:. I'or farther imc licumr address :F.S. WEBSTER, Agent, Benson. Erie Cattla Co., lombsteae Raised on cattle from 6000 to 8000 head, raise of 2000 head $14,000 ee Notified to appear July 18. 1895. Fred Fitch, Btsbee Raised on cattle from 3M to 260 bead, raise of 60 head Notified to appear July 16, 18j5, Ben Franks, Bisbee Raised en cattle from oo to 400 head,, raise of aeo bead Notified to appear July 16, iSj. Wm. Fourr, Dragoon Raised on cattle rrom 150 to 300 head, raise 150 420 00 1400 00 bead. Notified to appear July 16, I896. , )r,05o 00 "It is with plnaaure. I tell yon that by one day's use of Chamberlain's Cough remedy I wa relieved of a very severe eoM. My head was com pletely stopped nn and I could not sleep at night. I can recommend this remedy. Unas. Jl. uulfeld of ftoedly, Fresno Co., Cal.'' A cold nearly always start ia the head and afterwardaextend to the throat and lungs. By usinz this remedy freely as soon as the cold bM been contract ed it will cure at once and prevent it from extending to the Inng For Sale by Tombstone Drug Store. m, . o J, W. Bockmastar and Wm. Holme returned yesterday from Hooker Hot Springs where they have been testing tbe medicinal properties of our spring to rid themsalve of rheumatism. The result were satisfactory and both ftnMsoEtea sir relieved and believed to tj4ta?4. Coolest rdte. R'-ih new finds are being'conatonlly reported from Coolgardie gold fields. . F, Examiner, date Jan. 17th. lie ports among tbe finds at Black Flat, a nugget weighing 300 ounces, nearly all pure gold, a number of other pieces were obtained amounting to about f IU.000 worth. Coolgardie is an ac cessible point, reached by 'learner (o Fremantle, thence by rail to Southern Cross And team to destination. The trip to Australia on the fine steamers of the Oceanic S. S. company, via Hon olulo, (Samoa and New Zealand is pl"asitre eailiug the day long. This line tickets passenger to Cape Town, South Africa. Map of Coolgardie dis trict and Pacific Ports, etc., mailed free to any address by the Ocesnio line, 114 Montgomery street San Fran cisco. i23-dw-6m Chris Grauer, WiEeox Raised on cat tie fro-a 100 to 150 bead, raise of 50 head .- 3JO qq Notified to appear July it, 1896. Mrs. W. J. bardenhlr. WitlcoT Raised nn cattle from 75 to 100 head, raise cf 25 head 175 00 Isoufied to apptar July it; 1896, John Hanley, Totncstoce Raised 50 headof stock cattle.... 350 00 NotiSed to appear July 16, i8ef. Hawke & PidwelL Tombstone Raised on entile from 15a to 200 bead. Solomon i Wickersaam Bowie 'Sta tion Raised on radse, from $4000 to $5,000 raised jooo co Notified to appear July 16 1896 Three Bar Cattle Co.. Benson Raised on cattle trom 235 to 250 bead raise of25 head..... 175 00 Notified to appear July 16 iS-;5 C. A. Over'ook Bisbee Raised on im. proveraents from $1000 to' Jioeo raise of. 600 00 Noufied to appear July 18 iSjo Mrs. O'Briaa WitlcoT. Raised on cat tle irom 95 to 135 head raise of 30 head alo 00 Notified to appear July 16 1896 Overtook & Jacklia Tombstone Rais ed oa cattle frjro ceo to 600 head raiseof5abead 350 00 Notified to appear July 18 1896 Mrs, M Pearse Tombstone raLed on cattle from no to -wo head raise of 50 bead 350 co Notified to appear July 16 1896 Packard Cattle Co Tombstone Raised en cattle from 450 to luoo head raise 550 3350 00 Notified to appear July 16, 3896, Henry Pyatt Bisbee Raised on catlle from i5o to 300 head raise of 50 head. 35 Notiaed to appear July 18, 189S. James Powers Wilicox--Raised on cat- tie irom 300 near to eno nead raise of 200 head. Notified to appear July 18 1896 1400 00 Notified to appearjuhri8, 15, 350 0 Or. Price's Create) Baking; Powder " T,orIdFUrHlehetAw,tl. NOTICE. To Taxpayers of Raise of Assessment by the Board of Equalization. ToMSSTOKi. July f 1896. Board of Equalizatioa of Ceclaae ctmsty Oct Hoefler UuratL Tombstone Raised on caul from 900 to 1000 bead, raise of 100 head 70000 Noufied to appear July 16, 1896. N, Hunsater. Tombstone Raised on cattle from 60 to 100 head, raise of 40 he id ,., 280 OO Notified to appear July 18, 1896, E. R. Hooker. Wilicox Raised on cat tle from 125 10230 bead, raise of 5bed 87s 00 Notified to appear Jnly 18, 1896. Lindermanft Crump. Wilicox Raised on cattle from 150 to 200 head, raise of 50 head 35000 Noufied to appear July 16, 1896. D. H, Logan. Benton Raised on cattle from 150 to 175 Lead raiseof25beai 175 oe Notified to appear July 16, 1896. J. Ererhardy Land and Cattle Co.. Benson Raised on cattle from 275 to-?oohead.rihcJ5Lcii 173 ee Notified to appear July 16. 1896 W. C. Miller. Fairbaak Raised on cattle from i to 600 head, raise of 150 bead oa Notified to appear July t6, 1890. Monk Bros.. Wilicox Raised 00 cattle from 901 to 1001, raise of 100 head 700 00 Notified to appear Jnly 16, 1E96. Louis Marion, Wilicox Raised oa cattle from 100 to 150 head, raise of 50 head 35 o Notified to appear Jnly 16, 1S9. John Menu,; Tombstone Raised on caltiefroro je M 100 keee. raise of 70 bead. ....... ................. 490 00 Notified to appear July 18 1896. C IL McBauey. Bisbee Raised on improvement from S400 to $500, raise of. too 00 NonGed to appear July 16, 1896. W. ILMcKUtridr, WHIcox EaiseC oa cattle from 900 to isoobead, raise of 300 bead..... ....... .....3, 100 00 Notified to appear July 16, 1896, L, CKeefe, Wilicox Raised on cattle from 225 to 300 bead, raise of 75 bead 535 00 Notified to appear July is, 1896. Ryan Bros.. Tombstone Raised a S C Roberts n Pearce Raised on cat tle from 300 to 300 head raise of zoo head.. .............. ....... 70000 Notified to appeal July 18 1896 Fred Ruch San. Simon Raised on cattle trom 600 ta 1200 head raise C UW UMI ..,............ -4300 OO Noufied to appear July 18 fffi E J Roberts Bisbee Raised on cattle from 400 to 1000 head raise of 600 head...... .. 4300 00 Notified to appear July 18 its tickers and Blum. Tombstone Raised on lots stand 23. in block 18, ia dry of Tombstone, from 1850 to. .$1350 00 Notified to appear July 16, 1S96. P. B. 'Warsekroe, Tombstone Raise on merchandese from $3000 to SS-Soo: raise of 3,500 oe Notified to appear July 16, 1806. D W Wickersham, Bowie Station- Raised on cattle from 150 to 500 head, raise of 350 heal 3,450 00 jMounea to appear July 18, 1896. Thos York, Fort Huachnca Raised on cattle from 13 to 200 bead, a raise of 80 bead.... FotiSed to appear July 18, 1896. Jos Hoefl-r, Tombstone Raised ou cattle from 310 to 400 bead, raise of 50 bead Notified to appear July 16,.t8y6, B F Holdenaan, Dragooa Raised on caule from 40 to too bead, raise of 60 head............ Notified to appear July 18, 195 Copper Queen Coa Co. Raised m'dse from $37,210 ta $50,210. raise of $13,000 co raise on rvtchinery from $20,3301027,330, raise of.., 7.00000 on smellers from $$1.23$ to $71,. 235, raise of 00 Town Improvements from i 1,900 to $31,900. raise of. I0.000 oe AU M BE Liquors ' -tr Wagons Buggies ; Clothing Groceries ml . Hammers Underwear f Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Mining & Farm ing Implements SOLD AT COST. CLEARANCE -SALE GOODS ALL FRESH AND NElii 560 00 35000 423 OO We Respectfully Solicit ochise County. Ko lrou Convince Yourself oj Tlie Ue Trade oj All Residents to Show Goods. Caltnd. - We Mean rjusiiiess. Tots! raise of. $50.00000 On motoia, 1896, Attest. Baard adjourned until July lt, J.S. WILLIAMS, Chairman. A. WWTWOXTH, Clerk. By W, A. IlARwoon Deputy Ckik The Worlds Fair Tests mo baklag powder ormjermt im . Wi 1 ftaJtsJJL ax i SACRIFICE., "GIVE USA CALL.. A n V -t-..., -