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te&5flffrMittmMBii()ituwMrtwhMii i i ij TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR ?UBfij3HED EVERY EVENIRQ' (Sunday " ExcurrxD) BT Wm. Battich. Editor and Proprietor. Hmtxcrlsttlsai Hate. OuYwr HO 00 ix Months 6 00 Throo Month 3 00 OaeMonth 100 Delivered, by Camera for 25 cent r week. " AOTBOKIZED AMITM. L. P.'FISHER, at Merchants' Exchange but Francisco. U, II. KELLOGG. No. 3" Pe street, Room 57 and 58, Saa Francisco. E. C. JaAKE, room 65. Merchant Exchange, an Francisro. GEtt P. ROWELL. 10 Spruce St. Ne ork. N. W. AVER A SON. iniiladelphla. AQ transactions made by the above named persons will be complied with at the PROS PECTOR oSce. C TY A!iD COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FREE- COINAGE 16 to 1 &' For President aud Silver: W. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President-. T. F. SEWELL, of Maine. We drauad tar IsamMltate restoratl.n f Ike free aad aallmttrd eolaaze T g.ld ad 11 er at (he preseat Ircal rati t IS U I. wilbvatValllar, Tar Ike aid ar raateat raay Te demand Ikat tbe etaadard silver dallar aball be a fall legal trader. equally wllb cold. fr all debit, mbtle aadprltate aad rav.r aacVt tests lati. aa will preheat Ike drataarllutlea r aar kl.4 ariezal lea ler snaaey by private e-entraet. Democratic National SilTer Tlatftmi. BBYUt and tilver. alts. Susan Harris of Hammond, Ind sold ber hmband for750 to Miss Carrie West of Delphi, with whom he had beooma enamored. The latter probably paid full value fur all she received.- ! Senator Seller' declaration that Bryan would he acceptable to the free liter Republicans of the Rocky Mountain states ought 10 satisfy every mind that the eminent Coloradoan ic ready to take np the fight in behalf of the nominees of the Chicago conten tion. Prejudiced and unthinking gold bugs declare thai the advocates of free liter wish to repudiatethcir deb's and pay-, them in- fifty-cent' dollars. A person who desirer to repudiate hi debts generally d.ea it without the formality of offering fifty-cents on the dollar in payment of them. Clsrtreli. Bi.h new finds aiebeinggconeUnlly repoTtodfrom'Coorgardi'e.gnU fields. . . Examiner, date Jan. 17 lb', lie porUamong tne finds at Black Flat, a nugget weighing 300, ounces, nearly all pare gold, a- namberof other pieces wern obtained-amounting to about 110,000 worth. Coolgardio 'in an ac cessible paint; reached by steamer to Fremantle, thence by rail to Sombe'n Cross aad team to destinMien. The trip to Australia on the fine steamers C lb Oceanic S; 8. company, via Hon-' olulu, Samoa- .and New Zealand . is pltasnre aailiug the day long. This Ht tickets passengers to Cape Town, South Africa. Map of Coolgardie dis trict and- raciGc. Ports, tc.,rrnailod free ito4 anyaddress br the Oceanic line, 114 Montgomery street San Fran saaoo. j28-d-tw-6m Tkebasd et ku hoT.r-oTW the b.-wIk, & rwita whs la arror tai. an4 u. cop vf life Sit taa floor. It Wa (tatral korrar to L-a. sSroafeSas 14-dar. to be a. ttuilti!ii lataaormr. It Is aaoloaa amli-r:li tbuato CSck jonrlMn tb. nick ul Oat H J aaustot li.lp jaunl:h OKEAT Cbl'A3l SHU balst 70a." UaSrnt-laa tMnlf taaiatla ; ynyarallaa. bat la a power'al om. adf-aa natora. rabafl '.' raaatn Ik flm of Ufa. It la far aaaa. It la au'i beat Irtaa J. It faa aufkr frataweataa.a. Iron in paired cr tort saanhnad. tf 'ran ka-ra ajwd vstjearktdaejsut talursd jtmrllitr ousiuLl wrltaatd leiro alt aboaltkeCreat Madras, Cirealara aa4 lea ItawaUla Ina. ritOOM KEIMCAIVIMTnTn!, taekto , Mars.taad JUlls ata, aajf vaaacuoe, CalUerala. What Are We Here For? t ' .---bb J&Jk THE FUN OR From the expression evidently here for neither but WE ARE HERE FOR BOTH. We are handling fjelj.tjz. srrrErTL.s soap Which for easy and perfect washing -cant' bo beat. Cottolene Cottolene - Cottolene. That porfection for shortening purposes is giving general satisfaction We have, it in 3, 5, and 10 Pound Pails WE are -well supplied with for use during this hot Boned Turkey, Boned Chicken, Roast Turkey, Be ait Chicken, Sardines of all kinds, Canned Soups in variety, French, English and American Mackeral in cans, Brook Trout in either Tomato or Mustard sauces, Deviled Turkey, Chicken, Tongue, and Ham, Ham- berger Eels in Jelly, Boston Baked Beans plain or in Tomato Sauce, And many other Goods too numerous to mention. Also in regular receipt of Holland, Idmberger and Armenian Cheese. Don't Forget that we arc sole agents for Tombstone'and Mcnuy for & Santas Served Exclusively to-.lhe,over Twenty one"Millson', People. "to'tjte" World's Fair Grounds '(SkjZl!&'';i 'jfrjBkPssssssi MEfeJj xj. 7PV I.,,.-!.. , ffSlMfctsissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssEai' f f Iriivtf-r.ciHv . vataai mm v urVWkaa' m av Leading rine coffee of the World GEORGE THE GrQcec. - CORNER OF S1X1R AND ALLN S1REETS. Jff fZsl9L THE upon our friends face he is as for us ftii" 1 prepared goods of all king weather consisting of: Seal nnf-vi k I Brand Cofiee RTO PONY SALOON, J.A.KOSK.4. Proprietor. Finett Stock of Wine, Liquor and Cigar in the Territory. PRIVATE CLUB ROOMS ATTACHED. Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. You mil Find "Al" at home, on Alter. St. bet. 4th and 5(. THE WILLOWS, CHAS, BULOTTI, Propr. Choicest line 01 Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domettic Cigar, Courteov Attention to Patron. Allen, bet. 4th & Stli. Tombstone Billiard Parlors, j. n. Mcdonough, Prop. The Finett and Bett Pitted Billiard Parlor in the City. Importer of the Best Vine, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Table in Conjunc tion, Mixed Drink a Speeialty. Private Club Room. Allen, bet. 4th A" 5th,Tonibston COMET SALOON GARLEVATO PALA, Propr's, WINES,LIQUORS & CIGARS. Dealer in Bourk'i Irith and Scotch Whitley, and Other Well Knovn Brand. A Specialty made of bett Claret and Wine. Billiard Parlor in Connnectton and the Coolest Place in Town. Allen, bet. Oth A 7ib, Tombstone ST. LOUIS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BEER HALL rfAETIN C03TELLO Afenb for Anheuser.Sicsch Beer. NOTICE. Registration of Electors for Cochise Cotidtv. The (onoviog laaalotion was unanimonsly fasted at a meeting of tkc board of snpetriseri ot Cocbise coaarr, Aiuona, held April 7th, Kesolred. That there be and i hereby ordered to be made, between, the 30U1 day ol Apt fl and tbe 13th day of October a rrpjtratio-) el the electors of Cochise cjanty, and that lh Clerk et" the Board, be instructed to haire above rder advertised onoe a week for a period or bar months, "nert after first dar of May, iSoS- , W. A. HARWOODJ sAU'CleTk oc tbe BoanTjof.Sapenrisors. Tanbnone, May.i. 1806. amis PROPOSA -S FOR FUEL, FORAGF. AND Straw Office ot Chief Quartermaster, Deli ver. Colo,, Inae,i. aBoS Sealed proposals io triplicate, wU be leceired here at at officer of Quartermaster at each post below named statS si o'clock. A, M.. Jaoth rceridian time, lulr 1, iS$6, and then opened for fnrniihias; Fuel, J-'or-MS.C aad Straw, at Forts Apache, Oraau Hoa ehaea. uib-ocnt of Saa Carlos and Whioo'e Barracks. AT.; Forts Bayard aad Wiogate. N VI,; Forts Dooetas and tuui3aa, uuft. and Fort Logan and Denrcr. Colorado, dariag the flscal year- tadiag Jane 30, 1S07. Proposals f3r.qaaat1lies.less than the whole required, er .for delivery af points other-than those aamed. ,U1 be eniertained. The right is reserved to reiecrany or all propesals or any part thereof. InfonaatfoajCarptsbea ott apfUceiienhne.orat oSsacsof resoectivc posvqaartei 1 lai 11 1 1. Ea- vtlopra ace ax retoprstobs martaet'-ritsiiiliforraal. Tml FJlRkSWBjRajB a aad Stiaw.TBt B. ATWOOB, TOMBSTONE . DRUG - STORE! , Op. Wells Fargo- Co. A Choice Stock of Pure and Fresh Drugs aad Med i- ciaes oa Hand. Full Line of Leading Patent Medicines Prescriptions Compounded by a Careful Competent and Experienced Prescriptionist. Fine Selection of NOTIONS. TOILET COOIS, PERFUMES PIONEER BARBER SHOP, JOSEPH L1PPERT. Prop. Everything Neat, Clean and in Firtt- Cla Order. i Shaving, Shampooing and Haircutting done in an Artistic Manner. The Oldett and ilott Favorably A'notrn Barber on the Coatt. Pay Him a Call. Alless. bet. 4thH Slh.Tomb.lone CITY BARBER SHOP AND Bath Rooms, J. B. MIANO. Prrprietor, Hair Cutting, Shavine and Shampooing Large, Convenient and Commodious Bath Rooms attached. Hot and Cold Shower Baths. Every thing first-class Year of Practical Experience muke thi Shaving Parlor a mot Papula r Retort. Allen, liratr Cnr. SlIt.Toiubatostr, Ukdkrtakixo Pakiobs of C. B. Tarbell Coffinsi Caskets. Robes. Etc From the Plainest to the Finest Made. The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in stock. Bodie Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the Latetl Proces. Summons. In the District Coon' first judicial district of th Territory olAiuona inaud.fir the coun of Co :hrse. C. M. CARR vs. PlaiatLl ANNA f. CARR Defendant, Actien brought in theiDistnct Court of the First iudidal DistiKt afO-e Territonr Of Al- :ona in and for the county of Cochise, nnd tbe cemp int h'.ed in the slid countf ot (.ocnlse In the at ice of the clerk of said District Court. The Territory of Aritona lends greeting to Ann j. Can. defend vit. Yot. are 1 ereby required to appear in an action brougit araint yon bjr the above named plaint ff in the District Conrt of the First JmU aal District of the Territory of Aracna. ir. ana for tivi Countr of Cochise, and to answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (etctu- live 01 the cay of service j alter the service on you cf this summans .if served within bi count;, or if served, out of this county, but ir this district within twenty divs: otherwise wub- in thuty days); or jaierr.ent by default will tc taken against you aooroing to trie prayer o. said otmplaiat. The said acucm ra unnjrit to otrUlii a Icvicl of divine front the roaai cf matrimony, on tee jrouml of desertiou. Oiven t.nder my hand and the seal cf the Omrt of the rirt Judicial District of theTemtey of Arizona, in and (HJsL) for the Count)- ofCoctle; this 371k day of Slay in tbe year of atrr Lord one thcusand eight hundred andniaety four. SCOT? WHITE Otrk , Notice of Forfeiture. TO THE GRAND CENTRAL MINING company, its successors or assigns. You are hereby notified by the undersigned. your 00 owner in the San Rafael mine, situate IQ U1C lUliUjUHIC UJUUlig UJU.t. Ill UK I.UUU1JF of Cochise, Territory of Arizona, that lie has expended the sum of one hundred dollars in the performance of the annual work for the year 1895. required by the laws oi conress to be annaally performed upon said claim to bold the same. You, your successors or assigns, h tve tailed to contribute your portion of said espenditures required by section 1314 of the Revised Vacates of tbe United States to be made upon said daim for the year 1895 The sum dje from you to tbe undersigned, your co-owner in said mining claim, ai your proportion of the moneys expended by him upon said -tiaim, as abovr set ft nli, is thirty-even dollars and filiy cents ($37.50), lor which you are d-linqoent at the date of this notice, Yo-a your successors, or assigns, are hereby notified if yen should fail c refuse to contribute your proportion of the above expenditure within ninety days after the publtcaticn of this notice at least once a week for ninety days in this newspaper, your interest in the San Rafael mine will become tbe property of your co-owswr, tbe tmdersisjned, who resides at Bisbee, in tbe county of Cochise, Territory of Aritona. Dated March 19, 1896. m3m THOS. R. SORIN JIOTICK. To whoaa it nay concern: That we,. the undersigned owners of what is known m tbe Locirin-Miller group of sine consislinK of tbe Hoeaestake, aid New Years Qif I rnloes, situate in Turtiuois mining district, Cochise county, Arizona, hereby give notice that said claim shall not be held ra sponsible for any labor or debts con tracted or injuries received by any em ployees employed by others than oar selves. That no debts sre valid against said claims unless) atbortcas by thi (sadersigBael, T vinMiUB. PIONEER Carriage i Blacksmith A. 11. ElVrAIVrJEIIrop. Corner Third an 1 Allen. The largest and Best Equipped Esurlijhffien of its Kind in the Territory. C All Kinds of Buggy, Wagon and Woodwork Neatly and Promntlv Done. BUGKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING. Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of Repairing in Wood and Iron. None but First-class Workmen Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SXFuIl assortment of hard cod and iron for sale. O. L. OUMMINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COB. STH AND FREMONT S1UEETS. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Teal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip . Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to all parts of the City. Your pitronage solicited. CHAS. BACIGALUPfc Femon bet.7th and 8th. THE FOTJBTH WARD BUTCHER The Choicest of Meats. Skillfull-1 Cut and Always Fresh and Sweet. Low Prices, Good Weight and Prompt Delivery. FAMILY ORDRS SOLIOITEL. TOMBSTONE GAS CO. A. ASHMAN Lessee. INCANDESCENT GAS WELSBACH fa General Use throughout the United States and Europe, and successfully comr injj with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cob Feet of Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. COST OP l.JLMF' SS.75 Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. OFFIC'i: l.f BASK TOlinSTO.IK. ARizen t, I 1GCHISE HOUSE. M1- tJS""' Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. ELEGANTLY FDRJSHED XtOOAlt. ataVVititCTS to this city will find the Cochise a superior hotel end ot offering excellent accomo.ation. A LARGE AXD COMMODIOUS SAMPLE ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL MB, All Modern Conveniences. Rates Moderate. SAN JOSE HOUSE. AIRS.F. J. BEAN, Prop. Centrally Located, Large, Clean ant WelLVintilated Rooms. This Favorite Headquarters for, Commercial Men bas recently been newly fi At renovated and neatly furnished throughout with special reference to thetrae!ir. public Rooms en suite and single. Prices Modtrale. XK'" Palace Hotel. FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Everything U Convenient for Guests' or Month. Renovated Throughout SAMPLE RGOX FOR DRV31MERS. RATH:; P.EAS0XAB1 HOTEL ARLINGTON, 1 NEWLY FURN1SHKD LARUE AIUV I ,w.. - J&UUL3b&. JJsVSsY AllUJUUVUrt.l.aU.tV-.- lEYCiytlxiiagiairata&ue, Samok ream, for comjnerial u.fcn. LIGHT Mrs. S. GALLEN, Ri op Fifth bet. Allen and Iiug .mu Tombstoae. - Arizoi. r PARLOR, FOk (IE Special Rates to Ponies by tbe 'We x .TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA .. ,,,, : !y CkMQ.MT It, .