Newspaper Page Text
JrL H, ers li A The Prospector, JULY I31896 RAILROAD TIMEuTABLES ARIZONA SOUTHEASTERN JCR. ?l Varth South r! 11! TABLE Re 4. Jul; a tea. a I KID KBU Ftrrt l CUM iii7" xectt Bustiy ttttlMM. .BUbM ArjiiJ . o ,Doo Luis 51.1 tl.'l .rmekarl ... !.I Water Tank., PO-1 . 01 Charleston... i5.J MM I" trbwik ... .Lt 1S.0 T. Lv rlrtvik ....Af 19 0 1T.T ..N.JL.Ct.. aS.Sj land 1S.T ltts 11,10 ,. ontcnlion ..... ....ftgoa.......L .9 0 I J Mile time. Wltf stations. Stop on ' galls. Bit Wiuiuii, Snritn4ctit. "(SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. East STATIONS.) 'art xt.loam -a.aaam 6.3 a m L . Bensn . . ...... .Tucson.. ...... .Mricepa Yam,. ..... .Los Angeles ... 3.40 pm 7.0s p 10.05 pro "ISP"1 3.35 am i.oop m r.s.45ami Ban Set, Umlte-t, "eld bound. Uonlsys and h rsdayi g.I, Benson " t3iin Set, mite 0 irest Vs-ant, Wedaeir Saturdays, 4.0-JBeiuoa NEW MEXICO ARIZONA Wert East &npn t.5oamj Lr ..Benswn ... .At 10.40 a in "t.oo p m Fairbank .. Huachuc.. .... Crittenden . .... C0htsas . ......NogaVt anim 13.10 pm 10.30 p m 1.40 a .37 am, 1.15 pm 0.00 a m 8. 30 a m ally except Sunday. Paeific'time. J. J.,FaV General Mtnager. A. Nu-cit, L. II. At.BBa.-nr. Assistant General Manarer. Train Master. rat 737 .. I S3S p I.U 3 :ll I. :o its. 81 .. OS U SJr MARICOPA A PHOENIX R. R. North stations South I to pmLt Phonix ......Ar 200am .aSP Tepe". 120am 9.00pm Kyrene it 55pm f.Spm Saciton Hjopn -45pm Mark pa 1: 10 r m li H. HoXiHEtA. Gen. Sapt. LOCAL NOTES- l)r. Gaff, surgeon. Ben-on Physician and tt silver U quoted at 687 The Fearce stage brought it two tick parsengerslast night from Pearc both for tb9 hospital. Mr. and Mrs. . W. Perkins left on the outgoing stage this morning for Tucson on a few day visit. Stave Johnston is over from Bisbet and will remain a week or more to reonpsrate from his illness. " a a The two young sons of J. li. Angus of Bisbee, arrived on the noon coach today, and are the guests of Mr. Nick Nobils. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder ssnerSor "7 others. A shooting scrape is reported from Benson today. District Attorney Swain left for that point upon receipt of a telegram to prosecute" the case. In Justice Alvord's court the case brought to suppress a nuisance ot throwing water into the streets and on which a jury brought in a verdict of guilty, the case bat been appealed to the district court. In the fall of 1893 a son of Mr. T A. McFarland a prominent merchant or Live Oak. Sutter Co., Cal. was'taken with a very heavy cold. The pains in his cbest were so severe that he had spasms and wa threatened with pneumonia, His father gave him several large dotes of Cbamberlian'a Ceugb Remedy which broke up the cough and cured him. Mr. McFar land saj a whenever his children have croup he invariably give tlem Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it always cures them. He considers it the best cough remedy in the market. Fjtuli by ln ut-ne Dm Store. M Awarded H riizfaest Honors World' Fair, DR, CREAM BAKING MOST PERFECT MADS. ArweGrapeCreajnofTartjrPowJer. Frer MSB Aaraociu, AJU.B ar any other 3&dtat. 40 TEAJIS THB STAWAXJL BBgttRBuRntt&mW!'Gl,ltm? JNEEDS OF THF HOUR. Deleg&iesOttfur ibc St. Louis Convention. The Arnn delegates to th Popu list convention to be held at St. Louis July 22 are expected to leave Arizona tomorrow to join the gathering clan. There are four delegates, three of whom are ne wr paper men. They aip : J. Q. White, of the Arizona Fopuliat; Geo. Forter, of the Ui.bee Orb; Kean St. Charles, of the Kingman iiiueral Wealth, and lr. A. H. Ucou, of Oro Blanco. The meeting of thi? body of patriotic men at this time in convention It of great moment to the pcoph of this country. The reasons for the eallinj; of this convention are well known to every newspaper reader in the land. They are attempting to right u wrong whioh has already cureed this country to long, and the correction of which it will take the combined efforts of all the people who are the frieeds ol the res toration of silver to its legitimate and lawful place as a metal money on au equality with gold. This is the object sought by the St. Louis convention, but as the platform adopt. ed at Chicago by a convention repre senting the people meets their de mands cquarely and full, it Is to be hoped, and it is believed that they will endorse the Chicago nominee!-, which action would insure the succeis of their cherished with and secute to the people the restoration of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1. The following loiter from Senator Tellsr to Senator Dubois prior to the Chicago convention, leudf color to the hope that all silver men of whatever creed cast or color, will be as one man in the sifpport of Bryan and Sewell : "If our silver frisnds control the convention and give us a a good silver man as I think they will, I think he should havo the active support of all who believe the money question is the great issue before the American people. We nimt, fer this campaign at least, overlook all minor differences and put the country on a sound financial sys tem that rognlis gold and silver at the money of the cajstilution. I be lieve this can be done, and to this end we must bend all our energies. A lit tle more patriotism and a little lesa partiztuship is what our country, teds at this time." It is with pleasure I tell you that by one day's use of Chamberlain's Cough remedy I was relieved of a very severe coM. My beau was com pletely stopped up and I could not sleep at night. I can recommend thia remedy. Chas. M. Gutfcld of Reedly, Fresno Co., Cal." A cold nearlv always start in the head and aftrwardextenda to the throat and lungs. By using this remedy freely aaeoon as the cold has been contract ed it will cure at once and prevent it from extending to the lung- For Sale by Tombstone Drag Store. m, a ' Mrs. L. Arrow the lady lectarer who is here under the auspices of the Viavi company is at the Arlington and wnnld be pleased to see all of the Tombstone ladies. Sha is to give a lecture to ladies only in a day or two. a Word was receive today of a cut ting affair iu Biebee which happened early this morning and in which Geo. Kile, a former Toobstoner, was seri ously cut by a man named Peterson. The caute o! the trouble or further particulars are not known. r Yesterday Mr. Geo. Hand was snar lied to Mies Mollis Allen by Justice Koska, Both principles are well known in Cochise county, Mr. Hand being a son of John Hand, of Hua chuca, aud the bride a handsome young lady who has been residinc with tbfafsmily of Contractor J. Bur nett for many years. The marriage is the culmination of a romance wafted from thejluachucaaaud fendinghap pily. Ths PnoEFECrou Join in will,, ing the young couplj pro""prily and the i)j jymant of their connubial blivs. m 1 Yesterday Chss. Wilkes was arfs!- d acl placed in durance vile with the serious cbarg of resisting an officer booasd against him. It appears Wilkss secured a Winchester itb the evident purport to start a graveyard 'and cut-off the mortal coil of one f our heavyweight citisens. taking ct fens at tome trival matter. He ww coming toward Allen sir. t with his winohwtar wbstf DsputySheriiTAlvord followed with intrn'.ionof disnadinghiv froi putting his evident purpose into execution, and Wilkes turning and finding the deputy after him raieed his gun but the plucky deputy wresUd it from hi-n before any damage- was done, although the gun was at full cock asd loaded when takes. Wilkw will have hiaCSftSkuaaMae tomarrsrar. A Had Case. 1L tt. How,who baa been ia a sta'a f absolute helplessness for years, as theiosult ol paralysis, is tendered still more unferttinate by the death in Nogalbs, ou-July 0. ot" Loreta O. dp Kulz the otd lady wh has for a long time been his cunstaut attendant. H is new without any ontj to care for him. Mr, Howe is the man who ad vanced the first thousand dollar for thecoustruction of the great Sutir. tunnel. Citizen. A B?losiaeia KeeatauiCBrfulIoa. Mr. J. W. Venable, of Downey a p outer of Los Angeles County, CaL, sa M "Wiientvcr 1 am troubled with a pun tn the stomach or with diarrhoea I use Chambtilain's Colic, Cholera and Diarmoca Remedy. 1 have used it for year?, know it to be a rcliatle remedy and recommend it to every one." Fur sale by Druggists A NEW DEPARTURE. Religions Services and Enter tuioiuent for the Insane. Dr. H. A. Hughes hai instituted an era of amusement at the asylum and on Tuesday night, says the Gazette, Pernl ta'j orchestra disooursed mu.-ic. The patients were treated toice cream and strawberries, after which a dance was given. Maoy of the inmates took part iu the ball aud whirled through the mystic mazes with the elasticity of youth. Dr. Huglwa proposes at frequent in tervals, probably I ice a montb, to give musical entertainments' and have frequently divine setviees. It is thought by adding riligious training aud amusement, the monotony ot prieeu Hie may bo broken aud that through this many may have their minds diverted from their sorrows or hallucinations, ltealli.'e will be tried so far as practicable and doubtlecs with good results. TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM. Effectually yet gently.iso when live or billious or hen the bloJ cosimpure or sluggish, -to, permanently cure habitual constip.i awaken tbe kidneys and iveru.i -. .ctivity, without irritat- ii7 r 1 1 1 tbem, to dispel head iC'.e:. . j'.dsor fevers use Syrup of Figs. TOR SALE CHEAT A horse and buggy; boree gentle, buggy and har ness in good order. Will sell cheap. For further particulars, call at or address this office. j?6-lw NOTICE. To Taxpayers of Raise of 1 Assessment by the Board oi Equalization. Tombstone, JuJy 6' 1896. Bard orEqaalizition of Cochise county met at 3 p. m. on above date, pursuant to udjura meet. Present, J. 5. Williams, chilrman, Soper- nsor ohn Montgomery ana ueputy Assessor F E.CadweJI. Minutes of previous nueting rend and ap proved. The board proceeded to raise the assessments on th- following named persons, and instructed the deak to notify them to appear and shovr cause why their assessment should not be nised as proposed by the Boird upon the dates set opposite their names, via: Mark Allen. WMcox. raised on cattle fio.-n .59 to 300 head raise of 50 bead....... ..... . $ 35" Nctified to appear July 16. 1896. D A. Adanis, Dragoon Raised an catde from 150 to 300 head, raise of 50 head 350 00 Notified to appear Inly 16, IS96. Bisbee Water Co. Raised an improve ments from J 1775 to $3,000. raise 22J 00 Notified to appear julv 16, 1896. J. H. Bthnkc. WSgat Raised on cat tle from 65 head to looiead, raise - 35. head 345 eo Notified to appear ulr 18, 1S96. Fred Coleman, Bisbee Raised on im- provements..... .,....... ..!.., 50 00 Raised on 3-horse Mam ......... ao 00 Raised on wagun from 433 to $15. ao '00 Raise, on harnoss ....i..... i, 35 00 Total raise Si Notified to appear July 16, itoi. 15 00 Cochise Catde Co. -Ben ion Raised 00 came fron 600 to 800 bead, raise efaoobead ..1,400 to Notified t appear July 16, 1896 ,Wai. Coiran, Tombstone Raised an rattle from 330 to joo bead, raise of So head ... 6o 00 Notified to appear July 16, 1896. . Crump, VTflkox Raised o cattle Irons 501070 herd, raise of 30 head 14000 Notified to appear July J 8, 189S. Lu Cooler. Benson Raised on catde from 6510 80 bead, raiie t5hed.. io 00 Notified to appear July 16, 189&- Ctifeaboa Cattle Oo. Tomhstoae Raise! an castle from tyaa to 4000 ta-ad, raise 1500 bead. ......... 10,500 00' ONE OF OUR RESOURCES. Cattle Shipments and Home Consumption. A completion of the rer oris of the live slock inspector from the various points in Ariz n, covering the period of fix mouths ending June 30, show that the cuttle tiallie in Arizona was carried on in a pcJ healthy scale. The reports ure not sett.ll in from the more distant points, but up to date they are as follows: TLe grota number of cattle slaugh tered in tbe territory during the six months of which the hides were in spected and tagged, was 10,729. Cattle shipped or driven from ouo point to another in the teriitory, which wore inspected numbered 4,'J(0 head. Cattle shipped from the territory 132,690. When all reports are re ceived, it is believed the this number will be swelled tn 135,000 head, or an average during each ot the months of fie first hnlf of the year- cf about 2C.0OO head. Averaging the price ot thi'ce ntiimaU at $10.50 per head, and which is an exceedingly conservative estimate, we have a value of $2,275,000 as the product of the range for a year, which doe not include the fall sales. which usutlly average nearly half of the spting sales. In these chiimitnli vero found 273 head f stray cattle, for which ottim: to their not being represented by onrnt-r or ugeut, the cash was taken by the insptctois and rent to the office of the" secretary of the Sauitary Com mission, amounting to (3,375.37. Of this amount a coutiderable portion has been claimed, ami at the present time these payment are being made at the rate of several head per day. No'ificd to appear lulj 16, 1896. Peter Dorsey. Tombstone Raised on improvements 100 00 Notified to appear July iS, i8j6. Delehante & Cooler. Benson Raised on cattie from 350 to 300 bead, raise of 50 bead 350 00 Notified to appearJa'Y 16. ifo. Henry Eu, Benson Raised on cattle tram 120 to 150 head, raiv?3o head 210 00 Notified to appear July 16, 1S96. A. II. Emanuel. Tombstone Raised on meochandise from $300 to s T.aisec ai tools from $75 to J 150 Totalraise 375 00 Notified to appear July 16. 1S9S. Erie Cattle Co.. Tombstone Raised on catde from 6000 to 8000 bead. raise of 700 head 14,00a 00 Notified to appear July 18. 1895. Fred Fitch, Bsbe Raised on cattle from 3 x to 2.60 bead, raise of 60 head Notified to appear July 16, I846, 421 oo Ben Franks, Bisbee RaisM on cttHe from iu to 400 bead, raise f sc head 140000 Notified to appear uljr 16, 18,6 Wis. Foarr. Dragoon Raised en cattle from 150 to yx head, raise 150 bead $1,050 00 No'iSed to appear July 1$. 13y6. Chris Grauer, Willcox Raised on cat tle fiom 100 to 150 head, raise of 5ohad 350 00 Notified toappcar July iS, 1896, ; . y 1 rrt4.K!r WitJ Raised on cattla from 75 to xoo bead, raise of 25 head ITS oa Notified to appear July 1 3; 1896. John Hanley, Tombtose Raised 50 lieadof stock cattle..., 3S3 o Notf ed to appear luly . i&$& Hawke Pidad. Tombstone Raised on cattle from 150 to 200 head, raise of 50 head 350 00 NotiSed to appear J u'y 18 1896. Hoefl-r & Dura!", Tombstone Raised on cattle from 900 to tooo head, riseaVoo head. ....... ......... 70000 Notified to appear luTy 16, 1896. N, Hunsaker, Tombstone Raised on cattle from 60 to 100 bead, raHe of 40tieid ..........., a3o 00 Nouhedtoappeu- July 18, 1896, E.R. Hooker. Willcox Raited on cat- tie from 135 to 350 bead, raise of isjbead 875 00 Notified to appear July it, 1894. Linderman 4 Crump. Willcox Raised on cattle from 150 to 300 head, raise of 50 head 350 00 Notified to appear July 16 ,1896. D. H, Logan, Benson Raised ea catde from 150 to 175 head raise of 25 head , 17500 Notified to appear July 16, 1896. J. Ererhardy Land and Catde Co.. Benon Raised on cattle from 375 to too head, raise cf 35 head.... . 175 oa No tided to appear July 16, 1&96 W.- C. Miller. Fairbank Raised on , cattle from 45a to 6x bead, raise of 150 bead ..........$r,05 oa Notified to appear July ic, 189a. Honk Bros , Willcox Raised on cattle from 901 13 loot, raise of 100 head. 70a 00 NotiSed to appear u!y 16, 1894. Louis Marin, Wilcox Raised on cattle from too to 150 head, raise of 30 head.. 350 00 Nodded to appear July 16, 189S. John Menu. Tombstoae Raised on cattle from 33 to 100 head, raise of 70 bead 490 00 Notified to appear July 18 I896. li K McBailey, Bisbee Raised on improvements from $400 no J500, rase of..... .............. ...... too 00 Notified to apprar ulj 16. 189& W. H."dcKittrick. Willcox Raltec" oa catde from 900 to I2oohead, raise of300head 3.'00 Notified toappear July 16, 1896, L. O'Keele. Wiirebx-Ralsed on cattle to 300 had,,raise of 75 bead.. 55 co Notified to sprrar July 18. 1896. Ryn Bros.. To-nbtone Raid on cattle from 3600 to 3000 head, raise of 400 head 3.800 Notified toappear Iuly 16. 189. Brannock Riggs, Wi'Jcox Raised on . cottte from 450 to 540 head, raise of 90 head ;. s Notified, to appeal July 16, if 90. Wm. Rigpr, V.'iL'cox- Rais-d o-s cattle from 2oo to 360 head, raise of 60 head...... ........ 4 Noti6td to appear July 16, 1896. Mary Riggs. Willcox Rnlsed on atlle from 40 to so head, raise of 10 bead.. 7 Notified toappear July t6, 1356. BIB Riggs, Willcox Ralvd on "attl from too to 133 head raked 20 head. 140 oc Notified to appear Ju'y 16. 1896. J J Rlcgs Willcox Raised on catde from 75 to oo hoad raise of 15 head 105 00 Notified to appear July 16 18,6 Roda Riggs Willcox Raised on catde from 300 to 360 head raise of 6o. head 4o o" Notified to appear July 16 i86. TJ RigM Willcox Raised on cattle from 300 to 240 bead, raise of 40 head -8 Notified to appear July 16 1896 Auffist Srans-n Willcox Rid en cettle from 135 to 175 he" roise of5ohead 33" Notified to appear Jul-' 16 1896 Manuel Pimas Bibee Raised on cattle from So to 135 bead, raise of 43 head, 3'5 " Notified to appear July 16 1896 Jake Shearer Tombstone Raised on cattle from 675 10.800 head raise ot iJShead 85 Notified to appear July 16 1856 J TSliUinc Willcox Raise I on cattle f 10m 50 to. 7s head raise of 25 head 175 NoUfied ro appear JuU 16 189. Sobery & Cowan Tombstone Raised on cattle from aao to 280 head raise ot&shead Wo co Au Sobery Tombstone :Raiied on catte from 32 to 300 raise of 0 head 560 CO NoUfie'1 to appear July 16 1896 Gea Shearer Dragixin Raised on cat tle from 33 to "5 head raise of 35' bead 2430c Notified to appear July 16 1896 Solorrion & Wickersham Bowie Sta tion W.iised on mdie. fromJiooo - . so $5,000 wised tooo 00 NoUfied to appear July t6 IS95 Three Bar Cattle Co.. Benson Raised on citde from 225 to 250 head raive 015 head 175 co Notified toappear July 16 189S C. A. Overlook Bisbee Raised on ira protements from Jiooo to $1600 raise of 60000 Notified to appear Jn'y 18 i8j6 Mrs. O'Brian Wilcox Raised on ctt tlefrom95to 135 heat .raise of 30 head 2I0 00 NotiSed to appear Ju'y 16 1806 Overlook & Jacklin Tombstone Rais . ed on cattle ffjm 550 to 6oo' head - raise of 5ohead 353 00 Notified to appear July 18 1896 3Irs. M Pea-se Tombstone raised on cattle from 150 to 390 head raise of 50 head 35000 Notified to appear July 16 1896 Packard Catde Co Tombstone Raised on cattle from 450 to 1000 head raise 550 335 Notified to appear July 16, 2856. Henry Pyatt Bisliee Raised on cittle from 1 So to aoo head raise of 50 head. 330 00- Noti&ed to apjoa July 18, 1S96. James Rowers Wil cox- -Raisel on ctt- tie irom 100 uaa 10 roo ncau raise ot 300 head 1400 00 NtiJ ta eppesr Js!yi8 1896 S C Roberts Pearce Rals-d on rat. tie from aoo to 300 head raise of 100 head 700 co ' NodScd to appear July 18 1896 Fred Ruth Sal Simon R.vsed on cattle Irora 65o tj 1200 head raise ' of 600 heat 4200 00 Notifiad tn appear July 13 1S9S C J Roberts Bisbe: Raised en cattle from 400 to tooo hea 1 ruse of 600 head............... 420000 Notified toappear July 18 1856 Vickers and Elian. Tombstone Raised on lots at and 22. in block iS, in aty of Tombstone, from j3v to. .$1350 00 Notified ta appear July 16, 1396. P. B. W.r:eV-j,. 'Tat"-stS3S-ai!- on merchandese from $jooo to JS, 500; raise ot 2,500 oe Nofified to appear July t6, i8j5. D W Wick-rshsm, Bowii Sution Raised oa cattle from 150 to 500 bead, raise of 350 hea 1 2,45000 Notified, ta appesr July 18, iSjS. Thos York. Fo-t Haichun Raised m on cattle from ia to 200 hd. j. raiseof 80 head 56000 KotiSed to appear July 18. 1896. Jos Hoeflsr, Tombstone 'taised on cattle from y,o u 400 brail, raise of 50 head.... . . ................ 350 no Notified toappear July 16,"i8j6, ' h T Holierman, Dragoon Raised on cattle from 40 to 100 head, raise of 60 head....... ....,s.... ....... 42000 NotiSed to appear Ja!y IS, 1896 o?Ser Qjeen Con Co,--Raised m'dse from $37,210 to $50,210. raise of 113,000 00 raise on hoisstag mscMnery from $30,330 to 37,330. raiseof 7,000 co on smelters from $51,235 to $71,- 335. raiseof 20,00a 00 T own improvements from $1 1,900 to $11,900, raise of. I0.000 oa Total raise of, $50,000 00 Oa motoin. Board adjouraed naiH July 16, 9, , J. a WILLIAMS. Chairman. Attest A Wentwokth, Clerk. By W.A.HAawooo DepntjOeUt P. B. WARNEKROS. CLOSING OUT!! "V- His Mammoth Stock Ot - v Hab Liquors Wagons Buggies Clothing Groceries Hammars Underwear Dry Goods Boois & Shoes ; Mining & Farm ing Implements ALL flLL BE SOLD AT COST. CLEARANCE -SALEi IGOODS ALL FRESH AND NEW .' We Respectfully Solicit) The Trade oj AU Rctidhnii (t ochise County. No Irovbt? to Show Goods. Ctiljid 7, Convince Yourselj o Ths We Mean 4.xi wi A SAGRIFICF. GIVE USA CALL ;:l v.1 Business. 1 asn i j ,- S I f LS MwAtB