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TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR -1 i & OUR WATCHWORD----"COOHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AHTERWARD. VOL. IX. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA WEDNESDAY EVENING. JULY 15. t8q6 No 252 THE L. 1 i i The Prospector .tty amity1 " Official Papr ,. -ol i 'JBLISHED EVERY EVENING (ExCl.IT rjPXDAY.) BY Va. HfitticL Editor an;! Proprietor. Fremont St., Opposite City Hall I'hs PsosrccTOl will nt hold itself reip n'jle for any of the articles or scntinuats (irrued by any of iu correspondents l.ntered ia the Tombstone -tond Class matter. Postof&ce BOFESSIONAL OARDS. JAMES REILLY. ATTORNEY AND Counselor at Lav. Land and Mining cases a specialty. Tombstone. Arizona. VAM. C. STARH1.E. ATTORNEY AT 'y Law and Notary Public, Tombstone, Arizona. H' acdT I ERRING A HERRING. ATTORNEYS and Counselors a Law. Office on Touehnut Street, beteen Second and act! Third, opposite the Court House. G' "EO. W. SWAIN. ATTORNEY AT. , ill pracuoe in all conns 0 Territory. Tombstone, Arirona. o s .J. & CLARK. ATTORNEY AND COUN. se.oratLav. Oihcevn fourth Mreet. between Allen and Touffhnut. Tomb- lane. Will practice in all the cou if the Iwritory." 0 HARI.ES GRANVILLE JOHNSTON. ,7 Attorney ant Counsellor at LJiw ana Notary Public 42 r Fremont street oet. jtn ind 5th streets. A number ol the bar 01 tlie supreme Court of the Territory, and will prictice in any of the courts therein. B ERTH HERRING, TYPEWRITER and Notary Public Toughnut Street, Tonrtstone. Amora. a: WENTWORTH. COUNTY RE- corder and Abstract.Oaice. Abstracu of title to real esttteand mines f""..- slid promptly and acurately. Comr-lte tran scripts. Grace in Court liouvr Tombstone, r E. ALVORD. IV'sTICE OF THE l Peace. Ctfi on Allen .St: bet 3d 4 A L ICOSKA. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Omce on 4m St. bet. Aliea and Toojhnut. Tombstone. HS. GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon: Office adjoining hisrcsidence en jth street. Calls attended at all hours day and ujst. FC. EARLE. ASSAYEH AND 1SETA lugicil Laboratory. QSict No 31a. Fremaat Su opposite City Hall. THE ORDERS- f. & a jr. K" '1NG SOLOMON LODGE NO. s. meets thn-d Saturday tn eacn month. YLJur.c brothers cordially invited t al ien d. W, M . J H Mcl'HEkoON. A. L. GROW Sec'ty. It. A. M COCHISE CHAPTjJR No. 4. MEETS th rd Wednesdiy in each month Vis itioe Companions cordiallrinvtreio at eJ I TOM LOWRY. II. P. A. WENTWORTH, Secretary. P. O. S. of A. WASHING TON" CAM i" NO. 1 MEETS ist Friday evening a. each month. Vis itjjff Comrades cordially invited. I, W. C1ARK. President. - I GROW, ScwcUry. A. O. U. W. t-OMBSrONE LODGE NO. 3. A. O. U. ! V. u.cU tit arid 3d T&uiMUy In month. Visitine broths cordially m ,Ued. KOBT. BEST. M. W. W. D. Monmosiek, Recorder. K. ofl'. A RIZ.-JVA LODGE! KNIGHTS OF -. Pythias, No. a., meets every ist and dMondiys'in each month. Visiting brothers 5 rrdiiHy invited W. D. MONMONIER 'k. of S. EMJOTECnONHO-E COMPANY NO. 3. me rts First -5uaday ia ecb month ot their hose house on tb corner of Seventh and K.-e-ao :t streets, opposite the school house. Z WM. CORKETT, Foreman, vTAT HAWKE, Screury. 1E3CHE HOSE COMPANY MEETS K First iwiadaT 10 each month at Gty HaH, w.. . i.v. VIKKERS. C ENT.VORTH. Secty. Pre jdent. I. N. MCDONOUGH. Foreman. IM GINE COMPANY NO. r, MEETS jjj last Sundsy in each month, at hose house, en iVe corner of rouMiut and ah streets - . IOEPH LIPPEKT. Foreman. HENRY DUNKER. becretary. . WATER WORKS F CALVES, Prop. Water I'er liarrcl, - 25 Cents Water. Per Backet - 5 Cents. PllOlIPT SERVICE. ".educed Rates by the Month Leave order with waron, or atthi 4 Jcfvi la 4" tvwr Onwiwi inA,. I I l(Jx-iP"U-ri2rvyr! I S, M. BARROW. 450 and 52 ALLEN ST, II Ell. UiT If! lib THE DM GOODS Is Complete, Embracing all the latest Styles, Designs, Textures, Patterns, and Shades of a large and well selected stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens, Checks Ribbons, Laces, Hoisery, Etc. Etc. Etc. MEN'S Ffllllfflfj DEPARTMENT A Specialty is made of this Department and the price, style and quality are bound to please. CLOTHING, SHIRTS, UNDERWARE NECKTIES, ETC MARYS VILLE AND OREGON UNDERWARE. NEAT NOBBY SUITS FROM S10 AND UPWARD. Stetson, Fedora, Kenton and other fanious Hats, Ladies and Children Dongolla and Russet Shoe3, Buckingham k Hech's Cowboy Uoots and Shoes. Finest Footwear of Celebrated Manufacture. Slippers, Ties, and finest Kid Shoes. SOLE AGENT FOR FAKOUS WATFRTOWN SHOES. I2M 6B0GKEBY, HWM. AID ,-SABBLERY A full stock is"carried consisting of Crocke iy, Gat GIuhs, Fancy Cups, Canvass Teats, "VVagon Covers, IVXa'tfasses. Everything at Lowest Eastern Prices S, M. BARROW. dUPH 11 hah MM DEPARTMENT Tilli: Hi XJL ardware, Tiaware, Oaas. X-istols,1 CJa trid jesJHltc Ila.rness'J Saddles, ' Spui's,; I a lunh. ARCTIC ICE CO-. A. J. BISSEtT, PROPRIETOR Pure ice delivered to any" part ol the city" a 2 CENTS PER POUND Svecial rates to families for ice for regular customers. 2-0FHCAXD ICE HOUSE 5TH S1.- Opposite Postofnce. Mstons Ice Co. C. I.. CuiuiiituKH. I'roitrlctor. Pure ice deliTcred to any part o at 1 1-2 CENTS Per POUjYD Orders can be left at office with C L. (Jammings, Cor. oth $ Fremont. Ycur Patronage is Respectfully Solicited. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Fremo t s reet, epposi e Prospector. FAMILY PHGTOGRAHS OUR SPECIALTY Careful attention given to turning o t the Fintil ritr and pictures of all sizes in a most artistic manner, superior finish and tone. Taken on short notice. Groups a s e ciahy Chbinet, panel and standard Toiste I Psarce . MAIL AXD STAGE LINE. FRANK BLfiTZ. 8riiirlet r. Will mite semi-weelcly trip? to the New Camp, on Wednesday and Sunday of each week, making the round trip in one day, carrying the U. S. mill and passengers. FAKE (rouod-t rip).: $3 The National Matte Smelter. A practical and simple method of rnttme sulphidr ore, such asmcLle, cooper, gold and silver ores In locilmes where lead ores and fuels are scarce and almost unattainable, our pyntic water jicltet Matte Smelter has been re conuI with highly sausfactory results, and r is been thoroughly trsted cm vanou; pvratic. sulphide aid arsenide ores, in capacity of 2 to 80 tons per day. It is tbe most practical, cheapest and sunD'est method of cold and silver ore malting and concentrating that is known today It req ares no.cxtrao'dinary skill, no lead ores, r.o flaxmz material, and no fuel cf any kind for the suelter after it is started. The sulphur in the ore is its natural fu:l only, and its cost has no comparison with any other process of con centrating We are prepared to furnish any she or capac ity plant co-nplete to sub.tantial mining people, setit up and furniih our men to run it for them on eay payments. Price and specifications furnished with references and testimonials on app'icatlon. NATIONAL ORE A REDUCTION Co. 5730 Cheltenham Avenue, St. Louis, Mo, Manufacturers of Furnaces for N.ckle, Copper, Gold, Mlver and Lead Ores. jai-iy Arizona &SoutheaslernRaN road Company. The annual meeting of the stock holders of this Company, for the election of Directors, and be properly biVight before tbe meeting, will be theld at fie office of the company. No 09 John JStreit. in mi t-ity ol r Yoric. on .icnaay 1'ilv 6:h. 1S06. at 3 o'clock n. m. I GEORGE NOTMAN, J8,23d Secretary Consolidated National Bank. OfTiicHun, Arizona. Canital Stock - - $50,000. OFFICERS. M. P. FREEMAN. President.' W. C. DAVIS. Vice-President. H. a TENNEY.lCashlei Issues drafts available at any point in the United Stales. Diaws b31j of exchange 03 a European ciu'es, and nukes a specialty of ost-of town accounts with invdiidaals, firms and cor porauocs. m- aS-tt 1 1 TIT ANTED AT ONCE; ACTIVE AGENTS II for each county: exclusive, control and no risk. Wi3 clear 12 to 25 hundred dollars a year. Enclose stamp for full particulars, or ajc for it sample. 1 Big RAf ids Minkr at. Watkk Co., .rjaa-im Kg Kapids. X ieh. nmmr!r .-nnwt ir Ttr. MBerf Pars Pnia. -Ouoceat aowM. AiuUarvsdo I 1IOTKL. AKUIVA1.N COCHISE M. Lear, St. Louis. AKLI.NGTO? Phil. Pragir, San Frcncieco. I ALACL. R. Walker. Deiver. Col. SAS JOSE. L. Drawer?, London. ... 'urp tor Headache As a remedy for all forms of Head ache Electric Bitters has proved to be tho very best. It effect a perman ent cure aud the most dreaded hab itual eick headachH yield to its influ ence. Wo urge all who are efliicted to procure a bottlo nd give this rem edy a fair trial. In cased of habitual constipation Electric Bilterj cures by KiviBg uie uee eu tcr.e to tbe bowels and few cases long resist the use of thin medicine. Try it once. Fifty cents and $1.00 at Tombstone and any Drug Store. Jr. Prices Cren Batcln, I'xwtKf Most Perfect AUd Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There Ls comfort in the knowledge, that so mauy forms of bicknessare not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value (rood health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, chat it is the ona remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, hi order to get its bene ficial effects, to uotc when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, whioli is niauufactund by the Cali fornia Kisr Syrup Co. only and told by all ri piitublc druggists. If in tho enjoyment of good health and the system "is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflieted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need A a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figsstcnds highest and is most largely used and givesmnst general satisfaction. W. O. ABBOTT. PRICES FOR ASSJ YIXG . TMBSTOXE, A. T. Gold Silver itoo Lt i.cs Gold and Silver, one sample x.35 ijoia, suver and lead, one sample a 00 Copper. ................. Sthca.. .......... ...... ............... Mangaaese.. 1.30 lime...... x.50 Iron Zinc 2.00 0 Oice and Residence Overlocfe House. GUM IPXEY, .'l-i t 5.T 3, (Old CustoHouse .EllLTAHlES. FRUITS, . OTATOES ONIONS, ETe Fresh California frvh reeeitederery day by express. Everything sold at lowest rates. Goods delivered free to all parts of cire. MANLY VIGOR rNCE 5WRE In harmony " with the world, 2000 completely enrol men are tiogunf naupy pra:?ei ior me Kreauaft, Rrua est and mot ene ceMf ul cere for bcz ual weakness and lostiiTor known to medical science. An aceount of tuls teon tlcrful dlncovtrg, ia book form, with ref erences and proofn, will beaent to snf- Serlns men (sealed) free. nll manly vlsbr permanently restored. faUnre lmpoaalbla. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.M.Y. Hm vm i!ifeU4bn Highest of ail in Lcavcniny 'Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Royal ABSOLUTELY PURE Tl LATEST MS The Goldbugs Want Another Ticket AND PREPARE AN ADDRESS. The Bimetallic Union And Manv Populists Endorse Brvan Guilty of Arson . A BIG FIRE IX St LOUIS. General Happenings Throuj;li- otit the Country. Chicago. Thenzeuutive comn,ittee of tho gold standard Democrats of Illinois mot in a protracted session today and prepared an address to the Democracy of the other states of tbe Union. It was the unanimous opinion of tbecommittee that a second nation al convention should be called to nominate candidates for president and tire-preside at. The address says in part: ''Sound money Democrats owe to thecountry to make it certain at once that their revolt against free sil ver is'determined and will be organiz ed. It is unfair to eblige the credit of the nation and business and in dustrial interests of the people to merely guess what sound money Djmocrats will do in November and to wailun'.il November to find out." C;;:CiGO. "'. J. Bryan, the domeo ratic nsminee for president, accom ptnied by his wife, left the Clifton hOQ.6 IhU afternoon. They look the 2:20 train for Salem, III, Bryan's old home. P. H. Moffat, the Denver banlter. wires : "I congratulate you on your nomination. Colorado is with you." Crim-lb Creek, Cole. In the last two week several small fires have destroyed frame shacks and sheds. Today OiBcers Marshall and Emery irreated two colored girls named Georginna Clyde and Kitty Butler, neither one more than 15 years of age. These girls confessed setting four ar five fires, and said they did it fast for fun. They will be held to answer the oharge of arson. St. Locis. The Merchants' Ter minal elevator, Second and Bitldle streets burned early. this morning. John A Ryan, president of the com pany, estimates the loss at $500,000. Lbttiston, Maine. Solon Chase, the originator of tbe greenback movement in 1874, has declared for Bryan and Sewall. Ha advises the populists to endorse them. Hckak, S. D. The populist state convention will convene tomorrow noon to nominate a state ticket and oaau delegate to tbe national con- Baking Powder vention convention. The convention will pnderge Bryan. Senator Petti grew id also here to form a tilvcr party and elect delegate to tbe national convention. Chicaqo. The American TSituetnll Union, iu a formal addren, has in dorsed the nomination of Bryan and Sowall. Tho addrei ii signed by the following officials of the union : A. 3. Warner, preiident ; It. O. Chan dler, Cut vice president ; Thomas Q. Herrill, treasurer; J. D. Grant and H. F. Bartine. of executive committee; (leorge E. Bowen, secretary. UirurMou ltutes. Tickets from Benson to the Dem ocratic National convention at Chi cago will be placed on sale on July 3rd, 4th and 4tb, round trip tickets tn Chicago and return at one fare, goed until July 14th. AIho, to the National Educational AisocUtion at Buffalo, July 7th, tick ets will be placed on eale July lit and 2nd; round trip tickets to Buffalo and return, for $72.05, good until July 14 tb. For further particulars addren F.S.WEBSTER, Agent, Benson. TO THE SEASHORE. Excursion Rates to Santa Mun ica and tbe Sea Coast Over the S P. R.R. FROM BENSON To parties desiring to go to tho ser ehore to spend the summer and enjoy the cool salt water breeze, should take advantage of the excursion rate of ?31.05 from BENSON TO SANTA MONICA. Tickets good for CO days, For furthei information apply to F.S.WEBSTER, Agent at Benson, Or T. A. Goodman, G. P. A., San Francisco. FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT, FAIEMKEXCHANGE GEO. G. McGEK, Prop FAIRBANK, ARIZONA; Headquarters or visitors from Tomb stone and surrounding country. Best of wines, liquors and cigars always kept on hand. BEER ON DRAUGHT. P.l GENERAL MERCHANDISE! a full linf of groceries and provisions cigars; and tobacco Constantly kept on hand, ratronag e'toUdte FAIRBAXK. AKIZONA. J. DfiMTM Restauran TAIBBAKK. ARIZONA. MRS. K. HARRINGTON, Pr TABLES SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST OF EVERYTHING Charxes reasonable Parties going from Toaa stone to Bisbee will have ample time fo dinner before the tarin arrives. Pub-J oitrjiir i-";i;ritiy NEcitd.a , ,.t ll 1 swCi, ' rJHK .,.- fp ? v n B&9S2 IS .