Newspaper Page Text
-MIrii rv 1 TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR, vvt n S OUR WATCHWORD- "COOHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD-AFTERWARD. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA MONDAY EVENING. JULY 27, 1806. N. 262. VOL. IX. THE v i - 1 Ace Uty mid Countv Official Paper lUliLISHF.D EVERY KVEKISO (ExCKIT SUKDA.Y. BY ?,Tm. Uattieb Editor and Propnrtor. Troiuoul ht.. Opposite City Hall THE POpbctor .- TH POS-CTOt will not ho'd itself resp siUe lUranyof the articles r sentiments pressed lj an f of its correspondents Entered la the Tombstone Postoffice at Second Class matter. PROFESSIONAL OARDS. I AMES RE1LIY. ATWK.W wu 0 Counselor at uw wou -- ; . cases a specialty. Tombstone. Aruona. C a M. C STAEHLE. ATTORNEY AT yU Law and Notary Public, loraosionc, Arizona. hi ERR1NO & HERRING. ATTUPNEYS Tihnnt Street. beteen Second and . ", nc.1nr at wn w and Third, opposite the Coon House. . J.EO. V. SWAIN. ATTORNEY AT- K-i L La- Will practice in au courts o "e "w Territory. loraDstone, Anion. S. CLARK. ATTORNITY AMD CpUN- selor at I-w. trace o t omu .-ue. lirtwesa Allen and Touslmut. Tomb stone. Will practice la all the coa "I cmtory. of the CVHARLES GRANVILLE JOHNSTON. 1 Attorucv and Counsellor at Law aod NotiryPubac,.t Fremont Street oet. Axa wd 5th street.. A member of the Uar 01 lluprar.e Conrt of the rerniory. and will jjicCce in any of ihe courts therein. B F.RTIH. HERRING. TYl'JSWKiici and Notary ruouc souguuui w.v.. Toaistjne. Aroora. A. WliNTWORTH. COUNTY RE cotifcrantAbstract.Office. Abstracts f liil- tn ml estate and mine furn- ,!.cd promptly and acurately. Coewn. scripts. C-roce in wen mwj---' - ...r-. rZ -c -rue g: I r aa.. Af1n rtst ad & 4th. Torabslone, ,t 1. KXK. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. MS Office on 4th St. bet. AUea and ' Toujhnut, Tombstone. H S. GOkDON. M. . I'HYalCIAN AND . Sunceoc: Office adjoimn; his residence on 4th street. Calls attended at all hours diy and nijht. I C. EAKLE. ASSAYER AND MfcTA itorr. nifice No 319. r l-jtpcal Laboratory. Fremont bu opposite City HH- THE ORDERS- IV A 31. K' 'ING SOLOMJN Luuue. .u. j. ueets third aaturaty in eacn mnnui. t-;.!- . v..rjir rtfirrfiallv invited t at t t W. M.. J. H McPHER ON. A. L. GROW Sec'ty. R. A. 3L Ck OCHISF. CHAPTER No. 4. MEETS n th'.rd Wednesdiy in ch month Vi Itine Companions coTdiallyinvireuioat enl TOM LOWRY. II. P. A. WENTWORTH, Secstarr. t I. O. S. of A. icttfvrtTntCAM NO. 1 MEETS w 1st Friday erenincn. each month. Vis- (tt.1 . rrantri COTQiailV inv.icv. I.W.CLARK. P.wdent. L. GROW, becretary. A. O. U. AV -f-OMOSTONE LODGE NO. 3. A.O. V. 1 w mti 1st and d Thcrsdiy in each . montli. VisiUng brothe cordially 10 .,1, d. kOBT. BE5T. M. . ' W.D. alosMOKren. Recorder. K. of P. 4 RIZONA LODGE- KNIGHTS OF (k Pythias, a 4.. meets every -" iMondays' in each teonth. Visiting brothers Ulay Invited JQHN N0BILE. &c W. D. MONMONICRi K. of S. TMOTECnON HOE COMPANY NO. 3. .... xr.r Kiu,jiv In each monlk o tndt boss house on th corner ol Se.enta and rYe- mo -.t streets, opposite the school hMisc 0.1 street Vy cORBETr, roreman, MAT HAWKE. Sretary. .c-crMTs nrvF. roVJN'Y METTS KFirst,SttdaT 10 eaclrtnon.h at City Hall. TJimrwf eTaf4 I 4. WENTWORTIL Sxty. Prelrfent J. N. MCDONOUGH. Forearm. P. ntMir COMPANY NO HrETS last Sunday in eaen mown. ; ""it "s "" - - . . -. .. u.. en the comer of Tougnhat and 5th streets lOSEI'H LirPZRT. Ka.e. HENRY DUNKER. Secretary xjivxor'i rVATER WORKS - F CALVES. Prop. Water L'er Barrel, -. 25 Cents Water. Per Bucket - 5 Cents. PJiOMrr SLRVJCL. Reduced Rates by the Monti- Leave orders with waimi. or at h- Sm& lHMi . - In ?" b-T f 6. ?ST jleloTV I ruta f -i v-1n ' . - i ..1 s . fc4 S. M, BARROW. 450 and 452 ALLEjY ST, ill I'M! eui nuL 27f DRY GOODS Is Complete, Embracing all Textures, 1'atterns, anu onaues 01 a mrv and well selected stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens, Checks Ribbons, Laces,' Hoisery. Etc. Etc. Etc. A Specialty is -nade of th:s Department and the price, style and quality ae bound to please. CLOTHING SHIRTS. UXDERWAIiE NECKTIES, ETC MARYSVILLE AND OREGON UN DERM ARE. NEAT NOBBY SUITS FROM $10 AND UPWARD. SAT AID SHOE DEPARTMENTS Stetson, Fedora, Kenton and other iamous Hats, Ladies apd Children Dongolla and Russet Shoes, Buckingham & Hech's Cowboy Boots and Shoes. Finest Footwear of Celebrated Manufacture. Slippers, Ties, and finest Kid Shoes. SOLE AGENT FOR FAMOUS WATFRTOWN SHOES. IT CROCKERY HARDWARE DEPARTMENTS A'full'stock is'carried consisting of-, Crockery, Cut GlaKH, Fancy Ctipn. Can VaSS Tents, "VVagon Covers, JAIatraMsew. " I' Everytttng at Lowest Eastern" Prices. - ji . Si rvi. DEPARTMENT the latest Styles, Designs, ft ffll 2H:iil THE Xdl urdware, Tinware, (lulls. JPlKtolU,' rwiUDtfiifliP UMiMl SADDLERY CatridgeHEtejFAMILY PH0T06RAHS TLIarneas'I Saddle SpxorB,! BARROW. cCA Bargain's a bargain" as the old saying goes. No it isn't If you don't like Schilling's Best tea, it's money-back. Your grocer 'has the tea and the money. Alsopureandmoney-backea: ScAil ttng tJJtst coffee, baking-powder, soda, pices, and flavoring; extracts. ASchillin-& Company San Francisco Epalization Notice. Board of Enoalizttion of Cochise County, July ao. 1896. Any person tow hose property any amount has been added on the assessment roll by the the Board of Equalisation, can appear before the board at a o clock p. m. August 3d, 1896, or at 9 o'clock a. m. August 4. 1896, upon making affidavit tha: he bad no know ledge of said addition to his assessment before the time set for hearing protests, vti, July 6; 17 and 1 3. 1696. T.e Board of Equalization uiU adjourn sine die August 4th. 1896, after which datenocom plaiats can be heard. IOHVS. "WILLIAMS. Chairman Attest A .VFSTWORTH. Clerk. By W. A. Harwood. Deputy. "Proposals for Printing. Offiie of the Bjsrd of S-iierrisors of Coch'se County. July ao. I89S Sealed orooosa' will be received at the office of the Board of Supervisors up to a o'clock p. m. of August C. 1896, for furnishing at the offire of the bovd in rorobstone.- the fo'lowing re-quireir.-nts to b; ui Jn the net ensuing gyn era' elecuoa, ii ial'ols. a tickets on each on 5.000 Sample billots en ma Jin (copy of above. I50 Lists of candidates If Cards of instructions .". ,. 150 Pollbsts 15c Tally lists J. .. too Cloth signs, fifty foot Iimt 150 Notice to voteis as peractat. loth legis- lautcaikcmbljr.. -.."..,.......... too -The. Board resencs the right to reject any or all tads. -1 JOHNS, WILLIAMS, Chairm an Ittess. A, WESTnoRTH. Clerk. By W. A. Harwood. Deputy' . jaot ARCTIC ICE CO- .V. J. BISSErT, PROPRIETOR Pare ice delivered to any "part ol the aty;a 2 CENTS PER POUND- Sveclal rates to families for ice for regular customers. UrOFFICZAND ICE HOUSE TH ST. Opposite PoofHc. Toistoie Ice Co. A C . Cammlap, Fruiirletor. Pure ice delivered to any part o al 11-2 CENTS Per POUND Orders can he left at office with C L, Uummings, Cor. 5th Fremont Ycur Patronage is Respectfully Solicited. 53 FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Ticmo I Meet, opposi e Prospector. uun orciiiftj-i i Careful attention given to turning o t the Finttt vievct and pictures of all tixet in a moil artinlie manner, superior finish and tone, : jlc; OsLnETjre de .Taken on short notice. Groups a s e dally Chbinet, panel and standard Tomlistoiie & Pearce JMAIL AND STAGE LINE. FRANK BUTZ. Proprietor. Will make semi-weekly trips to the New Camp, on Wednesday and Sunday of each week, making the round trip in one day, carrying Jthe U.S. mtil and passengers. : FABE (round trip) -.13 AUvertised I.ettent. The following is a list of letter r- I maining in the general deliver at I tlie Tombstone poatotfice for the week I ending July 27. 1896: Clint HuiUpelh Tom Hudapolb, 0. it Miller. When calling for above letter, fay advertieed, giving date of advertiaa. tnent. Evil Sydow. F. If. Knw In Cure KtiuniMllm. Akaoo. Coosk Co., Or.,Nov. 10 1893 I wish to inform you of the great good (JhaniMrUin Pain lialni baa done my niff. She lm been troubled with rheumatism of the anni and hands for six months, and haa tried remedies prescribed for that complaint but found no relief until the uied this Pain Ca'm; one bottle of which haa completely cured her. 1 take pleas ure in recommending it for that trou ble. Yours truly, C. A. Buixord. 50 cent and $1.00 bottles for tale by Tombstone Dug Co. M Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical Ills, which vanish befon proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There k comfort iu the kno.vledc, Uiat so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the plcascnt family laxative. Synipof Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it i the only remedy with mill ions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who vatue good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that yon have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fijr Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then" not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the mct skillful physicians, but if in need jf a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figs steads highest and is most largely Used and givesmost general satisfaction. ARE YOU GOIKG THIS SUMMER? Tho Southern Pacific Company have place on isle al Benson round trip tickets to points north and east at greatly reduced rates. Befors pur chasing your tickets call on or address E. S. WEBSTER, Agent at Benson, Or T. H. Go.-dmae; O, P. A. San Francisco. W. O. ABBOTT. PRICES FOR ASSAYING. V- ukioxk. A.T. Gold. , Jf.oc Silver.,.. i.o Lead.... i.eo (iold and S "vt one sanip'- i.aj Gold. Silver and lead, one sample 3 oo Minjanef ...... ........... .... f50 Iroa, .,.. . .... .... . .... 15 Ofliceand Residenca Overlook " House. GUM MAXEY J Allen Stt car 3d, (Old CuitoHoute VEGETABLES. . FBUITS, 10TATOE8-S ONIONS' ETC Fresh California fruit received every day by express. Everything sold at - lowest rates. Goods delivered ree to all parts of cirt. s Highest of all in Leaveiiinjr.Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE THE LATEST NEWS Watson Nominated for Vice President A FUSION WITH STATES, Heavy Cloudburst and Loss f Life in Colorado Hoke Smith ia Line. GOLDBUGS ARE ACTIVE. Ueaeral Happening Through out lb Couutry. St. Locjs. Saturday On roll call in the Populists convention, the vole stood as follows : Bryan 1,043. Norton, 321. Bryan wu declared the nominee of he oonrentirn, WaUon was nominated for vice rfsident. Tku was done with idea of making iiinion with democratio electors in each state. Convention adjourned amidst great enthusiasm. Lkadvillx A oloudburst in Bear Creek canyon just above here at 8 o 'slock last night brought down a solid wall of water ten feet high wbieh not only did great damage to property but eauied the less of from 15 to 20 lives. The known dead are Mrs Miller and three children. A party of camp ers 16 or IS in number who ware liv ing in a small house just below the town; Viola Foster, a little Denver girl who was with the party was saved at a peint kalf a mile below the eamp by persons who heard her eries. This much has been learned on this side of the river, but as all tbo bridges are gone and the water still high and wift nothing can be learned of the other aide. Searching parties are en both side of the stream looking for the bodies of the killed and injured It ia leared there haa been more loss of life as there are scores of pople oamping aloug both aides both above aud below tho town. The wire are down in all directioaa except the tele phone line to L;advillerand the heavy storms between here and there .threaten to break out. Chicago The committee appointed by tho geld standard Democrats to prepare and issue a call for aaothsr convention met. Comptroller Eokles arrived but denied that ho was the bearer of any Message front President Cleveland. A majority report wu prepared(oalling for 0 contention to bo h?Id September 2. A committee of Ive wera selected to arraage for a stat eea tea tka. The BaUoaal com mittee is to atoot ia Indianapolis Augaet 2 and decide oa tho place of tho aetiesiel eeaTaatiea. Baking Powder tta n vY. skint ton saysthsr is a rumor that lecrotajy Hoke Smith haa an nounced bis intention of supporting Bryan. If any objsction is made ty the president be would tender his rs igoatoin. SrRiNaruuj There was a eloud burst here SaturJay night and ety thing is flooded. Front and North streets are under water. The magni ficent Sayder park costing 25O,0OO is a'mosl ruined. t'OB OVKB FIFTY Y12A.KS. An old, well-tried remedy. Mr Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers lor their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggist in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. Be sure and nsk for Mr. Win- slow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. The U. S. Gov't Reports thaw Royal Baking Powdet aaptHor ta H others. 50 cents for fifty cents worth of tea, and your money back, if you want it is n't that fair? Do you sell potatoes, and cattle, and beet-sugar, and grain, on as fair a basis as that? It isn't fair; it is foolish unless what we sell for fifty cents is so good that you want more tea rather than your money. Your grocer has the tea Schillings Best and the money. Also pure and money-backed: Schil Umf't Best coffee, baking-pow der, soda, apices, and flavoring extracts. ' A$tkillmz& Company StmFrauisco PAIRBANK DEPARTMENT. FAIBAIEICQAIE GEO. G. SlcGEE, Prop IAIRBANK, ARIZONA. Headquarters for visitors from Tomb stone and surrounding country. Best of wines, liquors and cigars always kept on and. BEER ON DRAUGHT. P. A. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A FULL LINF TJF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS CIGARS AND TOBACCO Constantly kept on hand. Patronage solictle FAIKBANK. ARIZONA. FairU Restaurant- FAIRBanC AJUZOSA. MBS. K. HARRINGTON, Pro TABLES SUPPLIED WITH Tfli. BEST OP E" EBYTHING Charges reasonable Parties going from Tomb stone to Bubee will have ample time fa dinner before the tarin arrives, Pub lie ratronace u respectf oQj JitJlWll Cam ia laterUasea syaoial P.O .r itlr . &; & .,T Vk ,.