Newspaper Page Text
fc 3Z rt The Prospector JULY 27 '696 RAILROAD TIME-TABLES ARIZONA 4 SOUTHEASTERN R. R. ?2 MMtk TIX TABLE Ko 4. 9 " Stuth vwat. l Flrrt CUm SUtloat, r xwpt ttUr except 8uixUy 0 MS 1 MS IN .....BlM'Ot ... ...DonLul ....rufcard ..Water Tuik... Charleston..... ArjiSJ T:ll rat .IS I JO tM 4 0 . . ;SU l.4. S.t , WJ.I so.o., 6.S S8.3 A r lrbank .. .Lr 19.9 13.0 IT.T lJ f .Jf.K.a : ao tt.i .... ooi J bi B. Ftlrbink ..'.At ftA-Crosns... Land 15.T ItSO we ii,t telitjoa ..... Bmwa .Li I 0 I rtcUc tim. FIh UUau. Stop on ' gatXu BnWauiai, Snprriatcadrot. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. lEast STATIONS.! 1 1. loam ...Itensn.. ... ..Tucsoa . ..., ..Maricopa ... ...Yum.. .Las Acceles AH 5.40 pm 705pm ,o,aoam 6.C3 a m ix.ccd ra 10.05 p in f 145 am! 3.35 am 1 00 p m toe Bet, Limited, et bound. aloa&ftTf and a ndarn 8.H, Btrn Baa Set, I.iaitl ut bound. Wednesdays as eatardmyt, 4.05 Benson inn,vre'f tu.1..".: jtmjlifmw NEW MEXICO & ARIZONA Wert I STATION'S Eait 'oopm Lt ......Bcnsan Ar 10.40am f,5oam ..... Fairtnnk toopm ttoss ...... Htnchnca..... taiopm 1.40am .... Cnttendsn .... 10.30pm a.37am .... Calabaus .... 0.00 am 1.15 pm ......N'ogaVi 1.30am ally except San iay. Pacific time. J. J. Fair General Manager. A. Kauqle, L. H. Alszscht. Assist t General Maimer. Train Master. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R. R. .Nona 1 tatio.ns South 8 a pmLv Phoatx Ar 200am 8.35pm Tempe 1101a 9.00pm Kyreoe ttypm 9,35pm baciton 1330pm 0.45 pm Mine pa 10 r " 'U. H'HosiHKLt, Gea. Supt. LOCAL NOTES. failver ii quoted at GO Mr. J. A. Millar ol Bisbee come in today fox a Tint to her tutor, Mrs. lydew. She will remain several days. a Xet Hawk finished packing hit household effectt and shipped them today- to Tucson whsre bo will males bit future bomo. JL Mrs. McKelvey committed sui cide at Fert Thomas last week by out ting her throat from ear to ear. Tbe result of puerperal luianiiy. Mr. W. H, Weeks came in today from tha Hudson ranch and reports plenty of rain and a good prospect for fatcaltls in bis section. There la nothing bettor for all-the-yeer- round eating than plain food tk-xA water. Bnt your stomach works better if you coax it a little with Schilling's Best tea. Tuesday morning Mrs. F. Herrera Visa Freda Horrsra and tbe Herrera k iby started for San Francisco. Tbey W'U visit in California two or throe months. Oasis. Dr. Eyder and bis partner, Mr. Swayiee came in from their mints at South Paso yesterday and report their property improving all tbe time and tbe country around them looking fine, m a Its Oldest riaaea. People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with traocieut action; but now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figa will permanently overcome habitual constipation, well iaformed people will not bay otbr lax atives, which set for a lime, bat finally njare the system. 3 Awarded Hit-best Honors Work.' Pair, CREAM BAKING POWMtt MOST PERFECT MADr A pure Crape Cnsunef Tartar Powder. rVts jsisB AniniooM, Asm or any other iliiWirsaaV 40 TSAKS TJW STAswMUu BRYAN AND SEWALL- The iUtificatiun Meeting Last Saturday Evening. About 5 o'clock Saturday atoning the auxioutlv look (or nowt of the nomination of W.J. Bryan by the Pop ulist convention t Mt Louia w ra ceivvd. The pent up focliugt of our doodIc aave rant to a general desire for a ratification of tho nominees at once. Hurried arrangement wore made, and al balf pan 7 a roaring bond firo was biasing in tbe middle tf the street at the corner of 4th and Fiernjnt. The Tombstone artillery company, composed of Captain JJ ice winder, and bit corps of efficient aids, with too of Emanuel's heavy anvils was making preparations to begin operations, soon the anvils were ia positions, the long rod ol iron war heated and tbe amniun tioa fonnd to be dry, firing commenced. For some time tho people had been congregating on tbe streets, and tho thunderous report ol tho anvils gave notice of tbe place where tho ratiftea tion was to take place. Col. C.S. Clark was chosen as chair men of tbe aaeeliug, and after a few well timed remarks, he introduoed Allen K.Eigliih, who made a ringing speeeh of 20 Minutes, in which a short review of tbe pait years of de pression caused from the effects of the siugle gold standard, and tha central ising ofsthe wealth of the nation in tho hands of a few men. The speaker then pictured to bis bearers the pros perity which would ootne to tbe whole country 10 tbe ersnt of the election of Bryan and SewallV The increase of prioes for farm products. The increase of wages for the laborer. Tbe increase ia demand for all kinds o!v manufact ured articles. Ibe opening up of tha tbouaands of silver properties extend ing clear aerost tbe western tlipe of the United Stales, and the expansion of the industrial purtuita all over tbe continent. Mr. English cloted bis remarks by paying a high tribute ta the ticket and predicting its election by an overwhelming majority next i November. Loud applause. I Judse James Rellly was next intro duce J and ruaJsa tolling, and well rs eeived 15 minutes Ulk,Nluriag which be aaid the Democrats had stolentho Populists platform, by whicb-tbey bad get the "Cnlge" on thejeople'a party, however, tbeybadrut up good men, suan who all voters wso bslieved iu aian who all solera wno bsiievea in the free aadunlimitedcoinage of both gold ana silver could rally around and'gire their hearty and loya.l sup port, lis was cheered heartily. Tbe chairman in closing an idlUtl yi before a!journmsnt said that this was no time for Dirty stickling, but very man should come outso,itaroly as a man and show his Americanism and bis love of juslies and interest in v.. irT nl all tha naonla br an honest and manly advocacy of tho free and unlimited coinage of both gold and silver. Tbe snecess of whieh was tbe only thing that would restore to this country anu to our people as a whole, that prosperity long and earn estly sought; Tbe able speaker was roandly ap plauded. Tbe meeting adjurned and tbe peo ple went to their bomoa imbuodV with tbe thought thatalthough onr numbers wsre small our faith in tho good judg ment of t jo people and tho election of tha ailrer ticket on Xovember tbe 3d was as strong aa the bills wbiob sur round us. f m BUCKLIN'S AB5ICA SALVE. The best salvo in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions and pos- tivelv cures files, or no payment requir ed it is guaranteed to give peefect stis a faction or money refunded. Prices 50 cents perbsx. For sale at lorahtone Drug Store T District Attorney Swain returned from Busoo late Sturday evening where be had boon called to prosecute a party on a charge of assault to eom mit murder, but after all the ovi fence was taken il was found to be a little family quarrel caused by unwarranted jealousy. Tbe charge was redareJ to a simple assault, tbe prisoner plead guilty was fined, paid the seat, and wosjdiaahatged. J. P. Johnson, who for a long time was a re.iient of Tombstone at the Eccletton house, now owned by Ben Cook, and for many years the overseer of this road district, came near meet ing death the other day at Santa Ana, California. He waaiMiig oa a load of hay when tho hayrack broke pre eipitatiag Mr. Johnson to tbe ground not Miy injuring him internally bat Ike fall earn near breaking bis neek. X Utter received frost Mr. Tbes. Lewry tUtse that thsv wilt leave "San FraioUeo tomorrow and will arrive home Thursday. He sent instructions to have their bono put iu order for their enntiug. A letter received from Mrs. G. W. 19 Haiti who i now in Julian, Califor nia, slates that her mother ii rapidly siuking and that she will remain uu t'ltbe and caiue which they sie ex pecting at anr time. Among tli importations which crvxl tho line Wednesday, according to the Oaai, vm foutteeu carloads of creffirn Miialo enroute to Denver aud Piitbi", au.f two carloajij of gar liaiuj frut the 1U Mayo, ourouta to Bilbo and Sttaiidur Spain. '-The argument that Hie success of free coinage would result iu cutting' down the wages of workmen puts me in mind of a little story," said a well known attorney. "A wealthy gon tie man ordered his coachman to briug around his csrriage and take him to tho polling place. "By the way, Patrick, said be. " who are you going to vote for?" 'Well sarr; I think sorr, I'll vote the Dimmyoratio ticket, sorr." "But if the Democrats are success ful, Patrick, I'll hare to cut down your wages one half." "Begorra if thats true, sorr, ye'll bt af iher votiu' the Dimycratio ticket yourself, ' was Patrick's qutsk retort. Er. THE HUACHUCAS. A Prosperous Future for This Mining; Section Word has been received from tbe Copper Glance Mine in the Uuachuca Mta. to tho effect that the air shaft baa been cou. pitted at the new mine, that tbe new heist Is ready and in operation and that a very rich grade of ore is being txtracted, a csr load of hich is now rrrdy for transportation to the fnelir. Tha miner are now working on fttis b dy of rich pay ore and shipmsnts will bs made right along aa rapidly as the metal can be taken from the reeettet of the earth. While the mines of tb Copper Glauco company bate for years been largo producers this late strike in on? of the latest locations is certainly ery encouraging. Toe miuet are worked at present solely by members of the company, no ouUiJe labor being em ployed. There are many other locations in this sectiou of tbe country that show well which only need the proper use of capital backed up by intelligent labor to make them dividend paying mines. This is a rich section ot country in the precious metsli; gold and Silver is found in almost sll lbs ledges. With eoppor and lead run ning through almost all of it. Mayor Warnekroe, Gut Barron, Chat. Foun tain, and others have claims in these mountains that are said to be rich' in a'l these minerals, which if taken bold of by man of capital, with intelligent endeavor, they would soon be on tbe list of dividend paying mines, and some of them might rtaeh the class of bonanzas. With the inauguration of free silver these mountains. will ring with tbe joyout nous of in dustry revived and will be made toyield to tbe world's wealth tbe uches that tbey have for thousand of ysars held buried beneath their rugged surface Tuesday afternoon wuen tbe arroya was running with water from the heavy storm, says the Oasis, a drunk en man jumped ii at a point near Col. Foaochio's on the Sonora side, and was carried by tbe swift flow to the bridge on International street, where he was Usosd and pulled out nearly drewaad. t Clusiog out an overstock of steel and wire nails at-d Corrugated Root- ing, Xu. Si 10 J, 20 J, 40J and 69J steel and wire nails, per keg, $4.25; Xo. 27 Corrugated roofing, painted, 7 and 8 foot lengths. 13.65 per square. The above prioes are delivered at Fairbank A. T. rax, lermo cash. Address Geo. B. Marab, Xogata, A . T. j27w Last Monday morning about 4 o'clock a young girl by tbe name of Pboena- Taltey, was mistakes for a burglar ia the bouse of her brotber-in-law, Wm. ICirtlaad wbe lives in 8af- ford, Graham county and was shot tbe wound proved fatal, and she died three days later in great agony. Tbe girl is aid to boot ley ely disposition, and a general favortte. Tbe sad mistake has thrown a cload over tbe whole com munity at BaJTord and turn blighted tba future linea T tbe Kirtlasd ftaVly. TO THE LAST ROUNDUP How a Texas Editor Glvei Pai'tintr Senduff. The following uaiqus obituary U reproduced from tbe Sterling Texat Xews and is characteristic ol the lung honied editor, "it, P. Smith is dead. The hie hearted generous cowboy whom wo lovrd and trusted has gone over the Great divide to attend the last rouuJ up. Doatb, tho icnin fore man sent out hit tilt me Soulier on the pale heraa over the range to tll him that he mutt meet God's outfit in he valley of tbe river of life at a point whero the "ireet of healing grow." "With to short a warning not even having time to tell us all goodbye, be mounted the phantom tteed which we mint all ride some dav, and rode to meet lb outfit whoso brands are plain and ''cutting" will be fair. Be has gone to the range that it watered by the fonntain of life where drouths never oome. Ia fiat range the orost brand it given. It wis first started on Mount Calvary by our great Fortisuo Jesut and the creature that betrt not this brand will be cut outand rounded in the bunch of stray. " tVe shall mist M. P. He was our friend and always treated ut whit. Xo one ever wput to him for help and camo away without. Bui he has goue now gone to ride the range of eter nity." Iloraeer lXeoai.ueu Uatlon. Mr. J. W. Venible, of Downev -a pioneer of Lot Angeles County, Cal , ta)s: ''Whenever 1 am trouble J with a pain in the stomach or with di irrhoea I u.e Chamberlain' -Co'.ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. 1 have ued it for ears, know it to be a reluble remedy and recommend it to every one" For sale by Druggists There was a cyclone ou ill datert near gallon Wit Sunday. Thirty tele graph poles weie loru out cutting off communioutiou wiin the eot on i that Hue for several hour. The c) clone destroyed somttliiiig clee a long eetatilitfhed theory thav cyclonic 1 disturbance iu the southwoa, thit (Mb of the Rocky mountain are phy sical impossibilities. ScienlietB are called to explain huw and wuere tbit one was smuggled in. Ex. Connecticut has a now law sgtinet tbe adulteration of focil, and th State agents have found by careful tests that the article moil tampered with are collet, pepper, mustard, maple tyrup, lard, milk, crea'u of tartar end honey. Coffee, both ground and un ground, it subject lu imitatiou and adulteration to a rerrurkible extent. It is the opinion of lie Connecticut experts that more than half the coffee sold in thit country ii a xliiin and a swindle. Silver B'H: ltiliible information has been received that conetruction work on the Gila Vatlr, Globe & Xorthern railroad would be resumed very soon and 'lie ro1 built to San Carlos thit fall. Pretiilent Garland and Secretary Laird are both in Los Aogelep, where the company is erect ing offices and arranging' for the early commencement of couvtructinn work. Mr. M. T. Donovan, the mining ex nert wbo hat been with u for (be past three weeks workiug for the company be represents leaves tomorrow morn ing for Denver on butinctt connected with a deal he is now working up. He will return however in tfn or fifteen days when he will vieit different localities in search of mining property. The attention of mining men and of capital is being turned in this di rection and, a revival 'of the mining industry may confidently be looked forward too in tbe near future. !1 PIONEER LCOBXEB oTH 4 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. MINERS' fANDl RANCHERS' SUPPLIES TENTS AND WAGON FORCE PUMP Agent tor ga-t r CTwfi'jAije was..i c bjuj! JOS. HQEFLEP. PROP Schilling's Best tea is cheaper in tea-flavor than any other tea sold in tins United States. Price is higher than some ; but it pays for nothing but tea no gypsum, no soapstone, no coloring matter, no poison. 50 cents at your grocer's, and he pays you 50 cents back if you don't like Schilling's Best. Schilling's lUit coffee, baking-powder, soda, spices, and flavoring extracts, are also money-backed. A Schilling & Company San Francisco 'g bat "eat.Mai- A tenia. "Thit means a war against colored lea, and colored tea though it it re ceived and sold in quantities by San Francisco merchant, and so gives importance to tin city at a tea dis tributing center colored tea is not good for the permausnt commnrcial interest) of this port. For as toon a tea-drinkers find out that colored tea it injurious, pure tea is sure to take its place." San Francieco Journal of Commerce. Whateier will pny in the short run 'truth it mighty and will prevail." One is inclined to doubt the state ments of adeniienients even when tht-y are backed by a thousand-dollar, guarantee and "money back" on the goods sold but whrn the Jouoal of Commerce takes up the matter like this it it worth listening to. The county seat removal fever has broken out in Graham oounty and the que-tion is likely to be a lead iug one duricg the carupiign thit fall ou thit piint lb Guarditn ayt: "List Friday night a meeting of citizens on rounty eeat removal was held. Favorable reports were made by tbe committee on tubscription, and every body present teemed to be ol oae mind in rvirr'! to moving the county reat. The members of the committee reportel that in th'ir etti mation very li'lle difficulty would be euuounterai in raising the necessary fandt for tho erecii n of tne proper buildings. Il was deci led that a vigor ous campaign shall be commenced immediately and the count' thorough ly canvaatd. Aeturancis of ojlaide aitl were alto sent in." Care lor fleadarn. As a remedy for sll forms of Head ache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very beet. It etfec's a perman ent cure and the moat dreaded hab itual tick headache laid to its inHti enw. We, urge all who are affiicled to procure a txitile aud give this rem edy a fair trial. Iu cae of habitual contlipatiou Electric Bitters cures by thing tho nee sd tcr.a to the bowels and few cases lone. res,it tbe use of thia medicine. Try it once. Fifty cents and 31.03 at Tomtntone and any Drug Store. Hotel Ramona, Los Angeles, 50c up. In the woods You arc in the woods dark woods as far as tea is concerned. There must be a way out. but you don't know where it is. There must be other tea than colored tea, but you don't know what it is. Schillings Best is the way out, is the uncolored tea, the money-back tea. Quick- grocers have it Good food, good life. Schilling' t ,Bcit coffee, baking -powder, soda, Spices, seasoning, flavoring-extracts pure and money-backed. A Schilling f Company San Francizce 9 STORE, FITEMOXT STB.EET3. COVERS BUCKEYE . mrR0VDXAOKICULTUFJIL Ol qPLKXXimt, ass aURAIID TCRBIM WIKDXILU). P. B. WARNEKROI IS CLOSING His Mammoth Stock Ct Hats - Liquors Wagons Buggies Clothing 1 Groceries Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Mining & Farm ing Implements (ALL HILL BE CLEARANCE -SALE GOODS ALL FRESH AND NEW - . ' We Xetpectfully Solicit) oakise County. No Irouh Convince Yourself oj Tlie We Mean .xci X7V1H feSoll A.i V 'A SACRIFICE, 1 ! GIVE USA CALL. . J i. f Of!? i - "' SOLD AT COST. "s. V. r '.;ij.Ai ; Ue Trade 0; All Residents JU' to Show Goods. CaUmnd ' -- Business, 1 a 1 I 1 V (I 1 V n ft Wft- .&