Newspaper Page Text
j- THE PROSPECTOR OUR WATCHWORD--"COOHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA SATURDAY EVENING. AUGUST i. t8g6. No. 2( jr. TOMBSTONE . , li I v IMSEG VOI The Prospector Hty aad County Official Paper. tUULISHED EVERY EVENING (Except SUNDAY. BY iVra. Hattiei, Editor and Proprietor. "Fremont St., Opposite City Hall THt Po-.rECTO will not hold itsdf rspon .Ur fur any of the articles or sentimerts ex pressed by any of its correspondents Enteral to tb Tombstone Second Class matter. Postoffice PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAMES REILIY. ATTORNEY AND Counselor at Lav. Land and Mining cases a srecialty. Tombstone. Arizona. w it. C STAEHLE. ATTORNEY AT Law and Notary Public, Tombstone. Arizona. HERRING & HERRING. ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. CrSce on Toughnut Street, between Second and ard Third, opposite the Court House. EO. W. SWAInTaTTORNEY AT La. Will practice in all courts of the Territory. Tombstone, Arizona. a CLARK. ATTORNifY AND COU N. .J. seior at Law. Urhce on fourth Mint, between Allen and Tonehnut, Tomb stone. Will practice In all the cou of the Territory. CMIARLES GRANVILLE JOHNSTON. Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Notary PubEc, 4 Fremont street net. jtn snd 3th streets. A member oi the Bar oi tie .Supreme Court of the Territory, and will pr icUce in any of the courts therein. B ERTHA HERRING. TYPEWRITER and Notary Public. Tonghnut street. Tombstone, Arizora. AWENTWORTH. COUNTY RE coder and Abstract .Office. Abstracts of title to real estate and mines furn shed promptly and acurately. Complete tran scripts. Office in Court House. Tombstone. E. ALVORD, JUSTICE OF THE Peace. Office on Allen.St: bet 3d i. 4th, Tombstone, 1. KOSKV, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. . Oaice on 4th St. bet. Allea and To-zhnut, Tombstone. HS. GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND burgeon: Office adjoining his residence en 4U1 street. Calls attended at ill hoars day and night. FC. EASLE. ASSAYER AND META lugical Laboratory. oSce N 319, Freznjnt St. opposite City HalL THE ORDERS- -. F. & A M. KINO SOLOMON LODGE NO. 5, meets third Saturday in each month. VUilinl hrotbrrs cordially invited t at tend. W. M..J.H Mcl'HEKSON. A. L. GROW ec'ty.u K. A. 31 OOCHISF. CHAPTER No. 4. MEETS third Wednesday in each month Vis iting Companions cordially invirc 10 at end. TOM LOWRY. II. P. A. WENTWORTH. Secretary. - P. O. S. of A. WASHINGTON CAM? NO. 1 MEETS 1st Friday evening is. each month. Vis iting Comrades cordially inv'ted. J.W.CLARK. P.-esidrnt. k N. .. ,. ' J ' A. O. U. W. if JL T-OMBSTONE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. U. Bt( 1 W. meets 1st and 3d Thursday m each ! month. Visiting brorhe cordially in- tiled. R03T. BEST, M. W. W. D 'MOKVOVIEX. Recorder. ' K. of P. RIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF j Pythias. No. 4., meets every 1st and d Morula) s to each month. Visiting brothers i:rdiUy inrited JOHNNOBILE.Ca . Ur. D. MONMONIERj K. of S. JTMOTECTIONHOE COMPANY NO, 3. L meets First Sunday in each moml ot their house on the corner of Severth and Fre no tt streets, opposite the school hoax. WM. GAR REIT,. . TOM SMITH Secretary. I QE'CUE HOSE COMPANY MEETS 1 VK First Saadav in each nvmth t City Hall. I " Fremont VecL J. V. VICKEkS. Jf i. WENTWORTH. Scti. I'.eidcnt, ,l, J. N. MCDONOUGH. Foreman. . pr GINE COMPANY NO. ., MrETS S Ci last Sunday in eaeh nonth, it hose house, . .-1 ;n the corner of rbugnnut and 5th streets JA J O -E'H LI PPEK r. Foreman. WJk HENRY DUNKEK. Snrrctary A. L. GROW. Secretary, TjINlOiS WATER WORKS F. CALVES. Prep W.tei Pet LUrrxi, - 25 Cents.1 Water. Fer BHckrt - 5Cfnt.. rxoxrr bERVics. leduced Bates by the Month Lcare arler with wion, a at bi HZMUukL. In 41 ixura Gfrr(xn mm! wm. I jvca7rrJir.Li. wnxwr e?v A ana tlur lifts) i)Unf It S. M. BARROW. 450 and 452 THE mg'. Is Complete, Embracing all mi f i mi . lextures, ratterns, and bhades of a large and well selected stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens, Checks Ribbons, Laces, Hoisery, Etc. Etc. Etc. MEN'S F A Specialty is made of this Department and the price, style and quality are bound to please. CL0TH1NQ SHIRTS, UNDERWARE NECKTIES, ETC MARYS VILLE AND OREGON UNDERWARE. NEAT NOBBY SUITS FROM $10 AND UPWARD. M AI SHOE Stetson, Fedora, Kenton and Ladies and Children Dongolla and Husset Shoes, Buckingham & Hech's Cowboj' Boots and Shoes. Finest Footwear of Celebrated Manufacture. Slippers, Ties, and finest Kid Shoes. SOLE AGENT FOR FAMOUS WATFRTOWN SHOES. z-V iiv the CROCKERY. WmW Al ,-SAEDLERY DEPARTMENTS A fulljstock is'carriedconsistingjof, Croclce y Oat: jrlllS, Fancy Ctipn. Canvass TentH, Wagon Covers, Iatrasen. Everythkg at Lowest Eastern Prices & M. BARROW. ALLEN ST, 111 1111 11 the latest St3'les, Designs, Hi BEPABTMTS other ianious Hats, rr-fi3t IJL ardware, Tinware, m C'irTxns, JPistols,'it Ca triaeresJEtc UaraeHa.-' tSudllet, SptU'M DEPARTMENT MPAMIOT Choose You have your choice be tween encouraging the sale and use of pure food and of impure food. Will you support a health maker, or a health destrover? Will you buy Schillings Best, money-back tea, at your grocer's or will you keep on buying colorad tea ? If you don't like Schillings Best CoflTee. soda, baking-powder, seasoning; flavoring extracts, tell your grocer so. He has money-back to jive you. ASckilliitz&CotHpany Sin Francisco MONEY MADE IN A MINUTE. I have not made lets tliao sixtec-n. dollar any day while ellinc Ctntril- ugal Lie Crtram Freezers, Any one ehould make from five to eight dollar a day pelting cream, and from teven to ten dollars selling Freezers, an it in uch a wonder, thre it always a crowd wanting cream. You can freeze cream elegantly in one minute and that astonibpa people ao they all want to taste it and then many of tuetn buy freezers as the cream is smooth and perfectly frozen. Every freezer is guaranteed to freeze cream in one minute. Anyone can spII it e cream an'l 1S0 irtrr sells itself. Mr ctatfir makes from ten to fifteen dollars a day. J. F. Caey & Co., 1143 St. Charles St., St. Loui, Mo, will mail you full pa ticular free, so you can go to work and make lotr of money any where, as with one freezer you can make a hundred gallons of cream a day, or if you wish they will hire von on salary. Lilly B. 0 FFICE OF CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Denver, v do.. August i, lScA sealed pro posals in triplicate subject to the unial condi tions, wiu be received here until If o clock a. m August 15. 1896, and then opened, lor transpor tation ot Military supplies on Route between Bisbre, A. T and Sin Bernardino. A. T dur. inc thefiscalyearconlineccing Julyi, 8o6. U. S reserres right to reject any or all proposals. In formation furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Pro- rils for Transportation and addressed to E. ATWOOD, Major, Chief Q. V Ai dst. VTA JTED SOLICITORS FOR CAM PAIGN Book "Bryan Sea!l and Free Silver" authoriz-d by Bryan written by R, 1 Metcalf, editor Omaha Wo'U Herald appointed author by Bryan, contains speeches and platform. A bonanza for agents; a tree silver mine for work ers; only St. 50; the only authorized hook 50 per cent:credit given; freight paid; ontfitfree, Bejrn w wun cnoice 01 territory; permanent, prori. table work for o5. Address The National Book Concern, Star builinj, Chicago. ai Wanted An agent in tevery section to can vas, $4 to js a day made; sells at sight; also a man to sell staple goods to dealers, best tide line. $75 a month. Saury or large commis sion made; experience unnecessary. For sealed particulars send stamp. Clifton Soap & Manu facturtnz Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. Beantiful ladies dress cost at War nekros' ice. Board of Equalization of Cochise County, July 30. 1S96. Any person to whose property any amount has beea added on the roll by the the Board of Equalization, cat appear before the bsordata o clock p. m. August 3d, 1896s or at 9 o'clock a. m, Augutt 4. 1896, upon making affidavit tha. be bad no kno ledge of said addition to his assessment before the time set fr hearing protests, viz, July 16; tj and 18. 1846. T.e Board of Equalization i?l adjourn sine die August 4tb. 1896, after which date so com plaints can be heard, JOHNS, WILLI UIS. Chairman. Attest, A. .Vf.vtworth Clerk. " By W.A. HARoon D-puty. Proposals for Printing. Oftix of the Posrd of Supervisors of Coch!se County, July 20, I896. Sealed prooosal: will be received at the office of the Board of Supervisors up to 3 o'clock p. m. ofActst 3d. l8j6, br fomisMrg t th offwvt of the board In Tombstone, the fotlo1ng re qoirements to be used in the neat ensuing gen eral election, viz Bal'ots, 3 rickets on each on coco Sample ballots n muslin (copy of above. I50 L4stsoi cannioaies ico Cards of instructions 150 PoU lists, 15c Tally lists 100 Cloth signs, fifty foot Iirot 150 Notice to voteisasperact 44. iSth Wis- UtiveasscmUy.. ico The Board reserves the right to reject any or all H'i JOHNS, WILLIAMS. Chairman attess. A. Wektwoxtm, Clerk. EplizaUon Cliureli IVoticcr. Metlioriixt CliueelJ. Sunday School at 10 o'clock a. m. X cordial invitation is extended to til. 1). Hubert?, Pa s to.. Cnthulic Church, Sunday School at 2 o'clock p. m . There'will be preaching in theeTen ing at the ueuttl hour. J. IjKZKMaT, pastor. I'ioaeer ltecza.neatiuilus. Mr. J. V. Ventb'e, of Downey 3 rtinneer nf T je Anirftpe fMint.- fal sav: ''Whenever I am troubled with a pain in the stomach or with diarthoea I use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. 1 have used it for year?, know it to be a reliable remedy and recommend it to every one." For sale by Druggists Among the numerous persons who have been cured of reheumatism by Chamberlain's Pain lUIm, mention should be made of Mrs. Emily Thorne, of Toledo, Wash., who sas; "I have never been able 10 procure any medicine that would relieve me of rheumatism like Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I have also used it for lime btck with great snecess It is the best liniment I have ever used, and I takepietsute in recommending it o my trieni." For sale by Druggists . a PIIANORTO MAKBMOVEY. I hive berried, grapes and peaches a year old, fresh as when picked. 1 uee the California Cold process, do not heat or seal the fruit, just put it up cold, keeps perfectly fresh, and costs aluisst nothing; can put up a bushel iri ten minute. List week I eold directions to over 1-0 families; anyone will pay a dollar fur diectionn, when they see the beautiful samplra of fruit. As there are many people poor like myself, I consider it my duty to gio my experience to such, and feel con fident any one can make one or two hundred dollars round home in a few day. 1 will mail sample of fruit and complete direction, to any o! your reader-, for tiiihteen Wn c nt atiimpx, which in only tliu aciul co?t of the sample, nmirgp, -c ' int.. 13l. FRANCIS CASEY S Iviii, Mo. Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical Ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so maDy firms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but sim pi; to a constipated condi tion of the ysirna, wliicli the pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millionsof families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial, effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness -without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important. In order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that, you have the genuine arti cle, which is mannfnctnred by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable tlruggtos. If in the enjoyment of good health, and tlit sy stftri "is regnlar, laxative, or oth-r remedics-are then not needed. If afflicted wi.h auv actual disease, one may be commended to the mot skillful physicians, but if in need jf a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrnp of Figs stg ids highest and U most largely used and givesm'vst general satisfaction. W. O. ABBOTT, ASSAYER. PRICES FOR ASSAYING. Tf.MDSTOSB, A. T. . $1,00 r 1,0 t.OO . i.aj loo .1.50 .at. so Lead ...': Gold and Silver. One sample........... Gold. Stiver and lead, one sample...... Copper......... :.. silica. Manganese................. 1.50 lime.... -150 TOO 5 JnCi 300 Office and Residence Overlook Ho'nse. fwBl mMMSm lP, J -1 ''Mm Mm reff Highest of all in Lcavrinlnr'Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report m ABSOLUTELY PURE TI LATEST MS C. D. Lane's Opinion of Mr Bryan, ST. JOHN GOES TO OHIO. Horrible Railroad Accident in New Jersey Col .Morrison is Dead. AN INSANE SIAN'S ACT. General Happenings Through out the Country. Dksvbr. C. D. Lana of California chairman of t'je national committes of the silver party, arrived in Denver today and le't for th west tonight. Mr. Line who stopped at Lincoln Xeb., on his way west to Mr Bryan, said today: "My impressions of Mr.aDryan are that be i the Jackson of the nineteenth century and that God lud etpecislly formed his char acter and guarded his movements to 'e&d tha people out of bondage into, which they have been plunged. "He is undoubtedly the man for the hour. He is bioad and liberal in h's views and holds the deepest convictions as to what is needed. Mr. Bryan ha much greater hopes than to beelscted president of the United Ltatei. His ocjecC is to purify politics and to change existing conditious which govern elections. He is a plain nnss uming man and is as straightforward as a farmer of Jefferson's day." Mr. Lane says that Bryan and Sewall will carry California by a large majority. Ci.kvelakd, O., The national ex ecutive committee of the National party wa in sstaion at Forest C.ty House all day today. Plans were laid or a vigorous campaign Ex-Qov-ernors St. John will at once begin a month' canvass of Ohio aDd Penn sylvania. Atiantic City, N. J. A. railroad accident, horrible in its details and sickning in its results, occured just out'ide of this city and as a result about 103 persona are either killed or injured. The Reading railroad et pres which left Philadelphia at 5:40 o'clock this marning for Atlantic City crashed into the Pennsylvania excur sion train abeut four miles tut from here. Tha Pennsylvania train was re turning, to Brighton with a party of exenrsionists from that place, Millville and neighboriag; towns. It was load d with passengers and a rough tl- mate cf the killed rnd injured at a late hour places the number at one hundred. It Is Loped that this is an exaggeration but the number is un doubtedly mora than fifty. HorxiKSviLLK, Ivy., Colonel John Dabasy Morrison died today. Ib the Mexican war be was a Colonel and I was also Colnel ib the la!e civil war. DrxcuEsa Wash., Robert Stark and Abe Tmkri, the former a mer chant and the latter postmaster at Sequim four miles from here died to day fratn the elite to of drinking a de coction of alcahol made from wood. Au tin, Tex., W. E. Burt, a mem ber of one of the most respectable families in the city, murdered his wife and two children, aged two and four, lmt Friday night and placed their bodies in a cietern. He left the city Saturday uight following the terriblo deed, alter advising several neighbors not to drink the water in his ciitern as it was polluted by a dpad cat. Hi relatives became alarmed at the disappearance of his family and be gan to investigate and discovered the bodies today. Burt bound hit wife in a blanket after tying a foot and neck together then dropped the body in the cie'eru. both children had their brains knocked out. His brothers offer a reward oi $300 for his arrest. WHAT A. WOMAN CAN DO. Last week I cleared, after paying all expanses, $355.85. ths month previous $260 and I have at the game time at tended to other duties. 1 believe any energelio person can do equally as well as I have had very little experience. The Dish Washer is just lovely and every family wants one, which mkej selling very easy. I do no canvassing. People hear about the Dish Washer and come or send for one. It is strange that a good cheap Dish Wash er has never been put on the mirkst. Tbe Meund City Dishwasher fills this bill. v Hii 11 you can wash and dry the dishes for a family of ten in two minutes without wetting your hands As soon as people see tbe Washer work they want one. You can make more money and mako it quicker than with any household article on the market. I fesl convinced that any ladv or gentleman can make from $10 to $14 per day around homo. You can get full particulars by ad dressing The MouspCityDish Wash er Co., St. Lout,Io. They help you get, then you can make money awful fast. A. L. V. FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT, nr GEO. G. McGEE, Prop FAIRBANK, ARIZONA. Headquarters Jor visiters from Tomb itone and surrounding country. Best of wines, liquors and cigars always kept on hand. BEER "ON DRAUGHT. P. A. GENERAL MERCHANDISE5 X FULL LINF OF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS CIGARS . AND TOBACCO Constantly kept on hand. Patronage'soHcite PAIKBANK. ARIZONA. FairM Restaurant- FAIHBINK. ABIZOSA. MRS. K. HARRINGTON, Pea TABLES SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST OF'E.ERY-THINO Char t reasonable Parties going from Tomb stone to Bubee will have ample time fo dincer before tbe tarin arrives. Pot lie patronage a respectfully ' vail FAIBAIEilAIE DeMARTil v. VislniMi "' ttJ-,u,w' U J'KWSrrsSGZ2Z rriHt. i al A. ?rart-t.. V k nT.O nll NWrt J o