Newspaper Page Text
The Prospector AUGUST. 1'8SW RAILROAD TIME. TABLES ARIZONA & SOUTHEASrERN R. R. gWcrtklffj TIM 3ABLK . ? so. ?2 6 s , T " Hrat J E StaUooa. C CU Claaa 5 ta lmllr axecpt Sunday T:lt 73T (.15 .30 t.iS :is : M 0. 4 0, 1T.4 Se.S'a r v- .6 .... nita ... ...IVonLuli. .. ....Packard .. ..Watar Tana ...Cfiulaatoa.. ..F lrbuk ... ci.H.nV it A. Croajng.. UUMI ontrotion ..Baawa... Ar,45J -.5J LrlS.0 ArlS.0 n.7 1 S ,.tJo bundr SO 14 l.S 100 11 1J.10 n.t adOc Una. Flif itU3t- 8top en t citli. I ci WlLUma, SujHriotend'ctit. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. 1 IKast STATIONS att 1 1. loam. To, so am 6.03 a m! 11.55 pm. 8.45 am) L ....lieain Ar! 540pm ...Tucson J705Pm ...Maricopa V"io.05prn Yum 335 am ...Los Anjdtl ... J 1 00 pm Son Bet, Umitt. cut Uxinct, lorwij and h raJaya 8.W, Benton' boa Set, fimiteV ret bounl. WeJactdajia an Saturday. 4.05 Be naon ?SVw !' ,' ' TWJlilWlNI'' NEW MEXICO 4: ARIZONA rVest 6 ooprrt I.50 a rn araam 1.40 am .37arr 1.15 pm STATIONS Lv ....BawD ..., FairtanV ... . .....Hoachuca... .... Crittenden .. .... 0'lna .. Noci . . ..Ar East 10.40 a m "t.oo p ra pri 10.30 pm 0.00 a ra g.0 am ail except Sa-idjr, P iciSe time. J. J. Fbbt GeoerU Mtnasrr. A. Naugle. L. H. Alsrbcht. Aniste t General Manarer. Train Mast-r. MARICOPA A PHOENIX R. R. North ATaTIOSS South 80 pm Lt Phonii Ar 200am 8.35pm Tenipe'...... taoam 9.00pm Kjtecc it 55pm 9.35pm Sacaton...... 12530 pm 0.45pm .....Marie pa 1210 pm AN ESTIMATE OF BRYAN. A Patriot, Pare and Stainless is Our Candidate. James Creelman, a ilaff correspon dent of the New York World, a airou advocate, uf the gold standard, write to his paper f-out Nebraska in tu- viah'e estimate oi tba qualities of W. J. Bryan, our prcaideutil candidal, He says : The more I see of this earnest stniu leu man aud the zuor) 1 learn 01 the way be eel out iu his obildb jo-1 to b president of the Uuiled Slate', never hatting for a uiotueut in his purport , the more I am convinced that a purer patriot does not live. lie set 1111 to be absolute! without tell conecioueneee. Uts uoniiualiou waa accomplished without deals or intriguer, and he aota here like au unmortgaged man, tree to do what be pleases. No politician has any special access to hint. He feels so sure that the common peo ple will overwhelm McKiuleyism that he refuses to make pledges of auy kind. Jt is impossible to be with Mr. Bryan out hero without being im pressed with his independence of leaders or bosses. He proposal to be the leader himaelt. No lean has a mortgage on Mr. Bryan. Mr. Bryan has decided to get up be fore da j break tomorrow and ride to r3t Louis on the milk train. The cor respondents who are accompanying him on bis journey through Nebraska are alarmed at the pro pec t of cam paigning with a man whe has been known to ride acrois country 52 miles and make two three-hour speechts iu one day. Still no congratulations from the democratic leaders of the great east ern states. Still no word from the White House. Can it be that Mr. Cleveland has not beard of Mr. Brvan's nomination. U. II. Honshell, Gen. Supt. LOCAL NOTEST" silver is quoted at G8J Sheriff Fly returned from Biabee yesterday evening. James Cox left this morning for his ranch in the valley. Couater.'eit money is circulating in Temps but not extensively. Mr. Henry Hannigsr came over from Biiboe lat evening on business. Mrs. C. D.Reppy who recently went toPrescotl, is now at Congress on a risit. . Operations are expected to begin at Bsuemont mines today or tomorrow on t large ecale. Judge Barnef it now visitiug Los Angeles and other coast points for reit and recuperation. - The Mexicans must have had a time of it last night for they were around till after sun up serenading. Closing out an overstock of st and wire nails and Corrugated Roof ing, No.8d 10J.20J, 40J and 601 steel and wire nails, per keg, $4.25; No. 27 Corrugated roofing, painted, 7 and 8 feet lengths, I3.C5 per square. The above prices are delivered at Fairbank A. T. rBEE. Terms cash. Ad.trens Geo. B. Mar.b, Ncgalcs, A. T. j27r ' H. T. Fither and Ben Bartlett left this morning with a good camping outfit for two or three week's trip ia Sonora. a m m 1st Oldest names. People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with trancient action ; but now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently overcome habitual conatipation, well informed people will not buy othr lax atives, .which act for a time, but finally jure the system. J Awarded Highest Honors World Fair, DR CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADi ft pue CnpeCrera of Tartar Powder. Fre test Ammonia, AJu-n or any other aduKcrast -J.1 YEAIS THE STAHOAXD. for ovi:u FIITI- VCABb, An old, well-tried remedy. Mr Winslow'. Soothing r?rup has ben used for over fifty years by millious of mothers lor their children while teeth ing, with perfect auccest. It soothes the child, softens the gum, allajs all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to tho taste. Sold by druggist in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. Be sure and ik for Mr. Win slo a-'s Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Mrs. Doyle, wife of Chief Doyle is quite ill though nothing serious is anticipated, Dr. Gordon was called in today. Dr. Jameon, thEogliali leader in the late Transvaal war, was found guilty and sentenced to 15 month's impriionment. . The amount of poll tales reee:ved to dale and turned over to the treasurer is $1,580 this all went to the school fund with more to come. The Holbrook Argui has changed hands and will after this br run as a Democratic paper. Del Rosier and Bu.bage are the purchasers. Master Hosrcer Austin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fiank B. Auttin, formerly of Tombstoue, celebrated his ninth birthday last Wednesday at Tempe. p It is reported that ik;re will be a considerable falling off this year iu the assumed roll of Pima county rcr llmt of IS95, sad that the tax rate be increased. Reports from all direction are the rami aa to the abundance of rains and grass crop. Fat host and motton will be plentiful in a very short time, and of course our butchers will have the best that can be had. Constable Data Graham brought over from Biabee yesterday, a Mex ican who is cbarg'd with argrava'ed assault with a deadly weapon. He lodged his priaooer in tha c -utty j ail to await the action cf the grand j try. Chae. Bttlolti and family returnr-d yesterday from their summer ontiug in the Weitlluachuca. Mr. Bttlotti aays the country wbere thsy weru looks lovely and bespaks a proper onr year for the ranchers ia that ' c tlcn. m a Profetror Dtvl id the -xiriiiietit station at Tucson has been to the 8lt river valley on another trip of in fxction of the hog di?ea which has been so fatal doring the past six months. The Profeseor says the disease is fast disappearing. The Qitarantinu has been raised in diseased districts, and already seteial carloads bare Wen ahipped oot and more will For tome time put ft portion of our community have bren grsatly exer cised because of .some midnight prowlej'a atUiapta tofurce aueu trance into houses, where ii was known tba men folks were a I' sen;. The last effort of the miscreant was the alt rnpt made a night or two since to'e'nlef the house of District Attorney Swain, but the fallow was misinformed as to the absent one, George was at home and his wife waa away; and for this lack of tnloiuiatiou he came very nearly be ing rap.ued. Ihe Chief of Police ears he knotrs the par'y aud expects to Wad liiafhlfin a few days, or uights as tha cae may be. Tha residentaof tliu J-h waid think they are onto the gentleman, too, and ray it is oe less a personage I ban K?v. Down's pet deer, who is well acquainted all over town an J thinks he has tha right to go aud Come at leteure, and as the days are watm hn prefera to make bis vieits at nighl, these rails are of the friendliest nature imaginable, but Ihey scare the iurnalee. "We had an epidemic of dysentery in this vicinity last summer," says Samuel S. Pollock, of Briceland, Cal. -I was taken with it and suffered severely until some one called my attention to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, 1 procured a bottle and felt better after the firt dose. Before one half of the bottle had been used 1 was well. I recommended it to my triends and their experience wjs the same. We alt unite in saying the best." or sale by Druggists. BOGUS CHKIST Leaves Illinois and Moves the Shrine to California. In thess perilous daya of religious up-heavals asd political discord, It is well to not lose sight of the anti-Christ s who are legion. From a Press dis patch which is given below, wa lsarn of the niOTOtnents of one, Schweinfurth who has for a number of yeais been located a: Rockfcrd, 111. The 4iplch is from Chicago and reads as follows: It is r I ttrd by eevtral r.f those who have rtceaiiy desertsd tha so-called "Htavt.i."at Rockford, that George Jaiob Schweinfurth has left Mount Zion for good and all, with the inten tion of settling ou property in Cali fornia, lie left the settlement a suonth ago and it was said be would return shortly, but not only has ha net come back, but several of the favorites among his followers have joined him, inclu ling Mrs. A. L. Tut tie and ber two celebrated children, claimed to be born of the holy ghost; Miss Schweinfurth, said to be the sis ter of the "Le ider of the Church Tri umchaat'and alUrtTetTi the general factotum, valet and private watchman of the bogus Christ. b'adie Freeman, one of tbe angels," haspurchascd a location twenty-five miles south o! Los Angeles, which it is raid will be the seal of the colony. PYTHIAIHOME. , Arkansas Kauhta Work for Hot Springs. As a mster of importance to our fraterual readers, we publish the fol lowing press dispatch regarding the action of ICnigbts of Pythias of Arkan sa iu Imthtrauce oi tbe proportion to build a home tor taembers ol the order who are deserving and in need el aid: An important meetingof the Knights of Pythias waa held to Litlht Rock last night. Those present constituted the commute appointed by the Grand Lodge o! Arkansas to further the na tional sanitarium project. They were: Charlea F. Fowler and J. T. King, Little Rock; A. S. Silhen and J. M. Anderson, Hot Springs; M.J. Mann ing, Clarsndon, R. W. Nichols, of Helena. "It is. proposed to establish the Pyth ian Home in Arkansas at Hot Springs. The grand lodgeof Arkansashas already voted an appropriation of 5000 aa a nucleus for a fund whsreby the home may be established. Additions to this amount will come from the Grand Lodges of other States, to the end that a telal tund of several hundred thout a id dollars may be raited. The pro- jeot is in splendid shape now, and its consummation is regarded aa a trtainty. At last night's meeting it was re solved to present for tbe approbation of the Supreme Grand Loge a 1 re position to purchase the Park Hotel at Hot Spring, and convert it into a na tional home for numbers of tha order. Tbe hotel referred to is a fire-proot structure, with a capacity of accom modating (CO people easily. It is bulli on a beautiful site, and is surrounded by spacious giounli. The Supreme Lodge will meet in Cleveland, U , Augu-i 24." THE NEW HOOK SPOON FREE. I read in the Christian Standard that Miss A. M. Fri't Station A, St Louis, Mo , would give an elegnnt plated hook spoon to anyooe rending her 10 2-cent stamps I cent for one and found it so useful that I showed it to my friends and made Y& in two hours taking orders. Tbe hook spoon is a household necessity. It cannot slip into the dish or cooking vessel, lelng held in place by a hook on the back Anyone can get a sample spoon by sending ten 2-cent stamps to Mica Fritz. This is as plendid way to make money around home. Very truly, J27-13I JeannetteS. lOSDt. coi'-ratr beco: lXATtOaf. Brick Pomeroy aod West Si J ; Hua cbura Mountains, Pe'eraou.Coinpi: and Uulotli. The laiacwrea-y Mavod his I .lie. . "M"r. UVCaillouette. Druggist, Beaver ville, I1L, says: "To Dr. King's New Discover) I owe my life, Was taken with Lft Grippe and tried all the phy sicians, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. KingV New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle land began its use and from the first dose began to get bet ter, and after using three bottle was up and about again. It is worth Itr weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." Gel a free t tall t the Tombstone Drug Store. a m m It is reported that a conductor on the) Sonora road a few days ago at tempted to favor a merchant friend of liis by bringing 10 pounds of placer gold across the linn. He tied the sack containing the precious metal in an obscure place on his engine hoping to at oid rii coery. Hi "cache" was found by tho authorities and'the entire amount conficattd. Carson Ritter, well known in Tomb stone is in Tucson from Shulli, Ari aona and report to the Ci izen that tbe Mohank mill has shutdown tem porarily on account of the breaking of the rutin shaft of the rock crusher. Another has been ordered and as soon as it arrives will be put ia place and work will proceed as vigorously a before. The camp at Shultz is proi perous and everybody is in good pints over its promidug future. THE CA1X. "To the citizens of Tombstone You are hereby notified that a meet ing will be held at the Court House toaight. (Saturday) evening at 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of forming an organization to be known as the Tombstone Bimetallic League. Let us all turn cut and give our hearty tupport to tbe cause so dear to the hearts of the people. M. D. Scb.ib.nkk," A. L. Osotv, A. Wextwoktm, M. CotTEIXO, A. IL Em as i' el, H. S. Gcbocn, J. B. Muno, S. M. Bacitow. Conitrittre. Hotel Ramona, Lot Angeles, COc up.' The Worlds Fair Testa showed no baking powder so pare or so great la lesy , tnlag power na the Royal John KeUo and James Elkins ex pect to leave Monday morning for Sonora, wbere they go to wyrk en mining property owned by Tombstoue parties. They will be gone for three or four months. About three months a(,o a placer etaim near San Antonio, Sonora, the Citizen say, a nugget uf gold was picxed up the weight of which was 60 ounces. A piece of the nugget weigh ing six ounces was sjlil here, tbe re maining 5i ounces were sold in Ssacrtat $S7 per oinc Maxiean money. From tba Tucson Citizen we learn that petitions are being circulated for the commutation of the seatsace of Oicar Rogers, oonvicted of traia rob bery at Maricopa, and sentenced to be hung 'on September ll. At Globe and Florehca the petition is being numerously signed. A man by the name of Josa Soto was arreted in Ber son recently for altera, j. lin to pais counterfeit money. He lift i in hi possession quits) a sum of the p'lrioua coia, and claimed to have re ceived it in change at Wilieox but could not tell who he got it-frem. He Was taken t Tucson and afur hear iu was had be waa held to await tbe ac'.iou of the federal grand jury. Dou't forget the ftseetiug called for 70 tonight to organize a Bimetallic Leau . Be sure aad see that your name is on tha roll. The member ship fee will be very light and every body who will can jiin. The money thus received will be ued in the best possible way to farther the cento of silver. Tbe plana of the committee will be made knows tonight su tbe meeting. 50 cents for fifty, cents worth of tea, and your money back if you want it is n't that fair? Do you sell potatoes, and cattle, and beet-sugar, and grain, on as fair a basis as that?" It isn't fr.if ; it is foolish unless what we sell for fifty cents is so good that you want more tea rather than your money. Your grocer has the tea Schillings Best and the money. SanFrandsco A Schilling & Company BLACKWLXLS I WANT D NO OTHER. SEE? Al bTKriFfLSUUiliUM ran"' 1 M&xrrL aa War. la ' ""7 Sarr iilU.Ta wek JsW iftFlWl ill I ak- r'Adkm-lWWm I mi 1 fTi ssT .hS PsxmR9iS iaat . wfcitfti 'CiaMSaaEWAlatjaakwr.- .dHBaTsTaasrisiVr ?tWh - - sj-i lUiBi i nWTfi ip "i Tw will Sliad B 1 la Iwai aua.1 Iwa etapaai liaaStU Stoar aaaaa kas ! wall1 turlaan. Bay 1 t UOa calcbrmtaA mm rn4 tba fllvaa av llat of vaJvaMa , m 1 ! P. B. WARNEKRQS, CLOSING His Mammoth Stock Cf Hats Liquors Wagons Buggies Clothing Groceries Hammers Underwear Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Mining & Farm ing Implements ALL (TILL EE SOLD AT CLEARANCE - SALE, GOODS ALL FRESH AND NEW ?, -u. -X We Ilespectfulbj Solicit The Trade of All Residents O Cochise Coittdy. No Trouble to Show Goods. Cmli and Convince Yourselj of The t,. We Mean Business. And "eTill SeU AX A SACRIFICE. GIVE US A CALL irw -v fellow abarlly.